07/02/1958 249 RlWULAR MONTHLY MEETING BOARD OF HEALTH HELD IN OF'FICE OF BOARD JULY 2, 1958 '. Present: Dr. James M. Hall, Jr. Chairman; Mayor James E. L. Wade, Dr. J. C. Knox, Dr. J. C. Wessell, Dr. James H. Smith and Mr. J. C. Wessell, Jr., Attorney. On motion by Dr. Knox, seconded by Dr. Wessell, the minutes of the last meeting were approved without being read. Carried. Mayor Wade made a motion, seconded by Dr. Smith, that Miss Barbara Williford be employed as a replacement for Mrs. Earleene R. Bass, Typist-Clerk, who had resigned her position with the health department. Carried. Miss Watling, Nurse Supervisor, called to the Board's attention the fact that Mrs. Elizabeth R. Bailey, a nurse paid by the State Board of Health for a chronic disease program, was having to be dropped from this department due to. the fact that the State funds were exhausted and no funds from the local budget were available to continue this position. , A delegation from Harbor Island composed of Mr. Allen Cobb, Mr. \'iarren J. Holland, Mr. Oliver Madd=, Mr. John Schiller and Mr. George McWhite appeared before the Board regarding the sanitary conditions existing on Harbor Island. Mr. Holland, spokesman for the group, asked the Board for advice on how to solve their problem created by poor drainage, heavy population, small lots and the lack of the ability of the soil to handle the effluent from the septic tanks which was creating a nuisance and a public health danger. The Health Director then referred to minutes of tre Board of Health showing that a meeting was held at Harbor Island to which had been invited the residents of Harbor Island. Present at this meeting were members of the local health department and representatives from the Sanitary and Engineering Section of the State Board of Health. A cost survey of Harbor Island's problem was made by the Institute of Goverhment in March 1957. Mr. Lassiter, Engineer with the local health department, explained to the delegation that in the opinion of health officials three methods of solving this problem existed: First: which would probably be the most economical, would be to incorporate with Wrightsville Beach and utilize the existing sewage disposal plant of this municipality. Second: to incorporate separately from Wrightsville Beach and build their own sewage disposal system and disposal plant. The Institute of Government's report indicated that this would require in excess of $200,000.00. Third: establish a sanitary district providing a method of collecting taxes with which to build and operate a sewer system and disposal plant. The delegation asked what could be supplied by the County to help Harbor Island with their problem. Chairman Hall stated that the County could supply some labor to improve the surface drainage of the island. Mayor Wade expressed the opinion that the Engineer for the City of Wilmington would be glad to advise with the property owners of Harbor Island in trying to work out a solution to their problem. .. For more detailed information as to cost and the legal details concerning this matter, Mayor Wade made a motion that a corrmittee be set up to make a study of this problem and report back at the next meeting of the Board of Health. Motion was seconded by Dr. Knox and carried. Chairman Hall appointed the following men to serve on this committee: Mr. Allen Cobb, 250 Mr. Warren Holland, Mr. E. A. Palmgren, Mr. J. C. Wessell, Jr., and Mr. L. I. Lassiter. Dr. Wessell made a motion,. seconded by Dr. Smith, that due to the serious-. ness of this sanitary situation and its potential epidemic hazard a trans- cript of the minutes of this meeting be. sent to the State Board of Health. Motion carried. Mayor Wade called to the attention of. the Board a condition existing at Burnt Mill Creek; bad odors caused by. seepage of raw sewage. He suggested that it be investigated and if the City is responsible advise them so they can have it corrected. Dr. Smith made a motion that it be investigated and corrected by the responsible parties. Motion seconded by Dr. Wessell and carried. On motion by Dr. Wessell, the meeting adjourned. Approved &1' J ~~r 1958 ..... - .... - ., I ......