HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/11/1962
July ll, 1962
Present: Mr. James M. Hall, Jr., Chairman, Dr. James H. Smith, Dr. R. Bryant
Hare, Jr., and Dr. J. C. Knox.
On motion by Dr. J. C. Knox, seconded by Dr. James H. Smith, the minutes of the
last meeting were approved without reading; copies having been sent to the Board
members. Carried.
Dr. 'Ihomas C. Needham, Consultant Veterinarian, to the Health Department was present
to request that effective July 1, 1962, he would no longer be a part time paid Health
Department Staff member. He explained that the State Agriculture Department had
taken over meat inspection in all abattoirs in North Carolina not under federal in-
spection. Since funds from this would no longer be forthcoming and since this would
mean abolition of the major part of his duties, he suggested that his duties be
After considerable discussion, it was agreed by common consent that Dr. Needham con-
tinue on a non salaried basis as a standby Veterinarian Consultant to the Health
Department, the details of which were to be arranged between Dr. C. B. Davis, Health
Director, and Dr. Needham. This will involve changes in procedure of handling animal
bites, with owners of dogs being required to have them examined by their private
Veterinarian at their own expense. However, it was suggested that it may be necessary
to add $350.00 to the Contingent Fund in the Health Department Budget to handle the
Veterinarians services.
Chairman Hall read a letter which Dr. Davis had received from the School of Public
Health requesting that Foreign Students be allowed to visit this Health Department
for a few days during their Orientation Program in September. Dr. Knox made a motion
that this Health Department sponsor these Foreign Students in September. Dr. Hare
seconded this motion and it was carried.
Mr. Cranford rtlported on the Sanitation Dtlpartment and on drainage work. Dr. Hsre
made a motion that the expense of $50.00 incurred recovering the bogged down dragline
be paid. Dr. Smith seconded this motion and it was carried. It was also suggested
that Dr. Davis write a letter of appreciation to the Marine Corp. for assisting in
the recovery of the dragline.
Chairman Hall invited Dr. Spielberger to attend the Mental Health portion of the meet-
ing. Since this was going to be a lengthly meeting, Dr. Smith 5uggesteqthat in the
event that it is to be a lengthly meeting in the future, to notify Mrs. Josephine B.
Liles, Secretary, so that she could notify board meIJlbers in advance, so they may make
arrangements accordingly.
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There was a general discussion on the progress of the Mental Health program. B.Y
common consent it was suggested that the Mental Health Steering Committee should con-
tinue to aid in the advisory capacity to the Mental Health Center with regard to the
Mental Health Program.
Dr. Allen stated that all funds for the Mental Health Program handled thru the Health
Department had been turned over to the Mental Health Center. He also gave a report
on his trip to Pisgah, N. C., to the Mental Health Workshop. He stated that it was
a very stimulating experience at which time he was in contact with many Mental Health
consultants in Community Mental Health.
Dr. Spielberger discussed problems of getting out of the clinic into the
cormnunity. He also stated that he would continue his services until the posi-
tion for a Psychiatrist 111 has been filled.
It was recommended that Dr. Allen contact Dr. McMillen and discuss with him our
situation without a Psychiatrist lll, and in case of an emergency, or if he is
needed in this capacity Dr. McMillan could make arrangements to assist in this
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