1999-07-12 RM Exhibits :.~- '. " I~. . ; . If FINAL ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has determined that it may sponsor a beach erosion construct such project it cost thereof upon the real be in the best interest of the County to control project and that in order to would be necessary to assess all of the property benefitted thereby; WHEREAS, a public hearing on all matters covered Resolution was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 12th day of July, Courtroom 317, New Hanover County Judicial Building, 316 Street, Wilmington, NC by this 1999 at Princess NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, that 1. It is intended that a beach erosion control project be constructed by relocation of Mason Inlet to a point approximately 3,000 feet north of its present location The sand excavated from the newly dredged channel will be used to close the existing inlet and to provide beach nourishment to the beaches of Figure Eight Island. A more detailed project description is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. 2 One hundred percent of the net cost of the project shall be assessed against the benefitted properties. 3. The basis for the assessment against the benefitted properties on Figure Eight Island and the benefitted properties on Wrightsville Beach differ due to the differing nature of the benefits of the project on each side of Mason Inlet. The total cost allocated to the benefitted properties north of the inlet will be $5.50 per net cubic yard of sand placed on the Figure Eight Island ocean beach. The balance of the project cost will be allocated to benefitted properties lying south of Mason Inlet. 4 It is the each lot conferred intention of the Board of Cqmmissioners to assess or parcel of land according to the benefit upon it by the project Wriqhtsville Beach assessment basis The benefitted properties on Wrightsville Beach are those properties on the tax assessment roll attached hereto as Exhibit "B" The basis for the assessment will be the value of the land without improvements as shown on the tax records of the County Benefit zones are established in accordance with G S. 153A-1B6 (c) based on the distance of the benefitted land from Mason Inlet and other relevant factors Each , . " f '. ATTEST: condominium as a whole and each remaining individual parcel will be a separate benefit zone The benefit zones and the rate of assessment for each zone are set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference Each condominium unit will be assessed separately based on the unit owners share of land value as shown on the tax records of the County. Current values are shown on attachments to Exhibit "B" Fiqure Eiqht Island assessment basis All of the residential lots on Figure Eight Island are considered benefitted properties. The lots will be assessed on a combination of two bases The ocean front lots from Lot 182 Beach Road South through 4 Inlet Hook (198 lots) will be assessed based on the frontage abutting the shoreline at an equal rate per foot of frontage as shown on the recorded subdivision maps or the recorded deeds if no recorded map exists The ocean front lots will be assessed 52,04% of the total Figure Eight allocation The remaining 365 lots on Figure Eight Island will be assessed on the basis of the value of the land without improvements as shown on the County tax records at an equal rate per dollar of valuation. The 365 lots will be assessed 47 96% of the total Figure Eight allocation 5 , The assessments herein provided for shall be payable in cash, or if any property owner shall so elect, he shall have the option of paying the assessment in three equal annual installments, said installments to bear interest at the rate of 7% per annum ~4 d.y of ~O ' "" NEW HANOVER COUNTY This (SEAL) William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners ttJ;Jt~ Q ~ By: ~" if d~ CI rk to the Board 2 ~'r - .j. .t EXHIBIT "A" TO PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION Mason's Inlet Relocation A project will be initiated to relocate the inlet approximately 3,000 feet north of its present location To accomplish this, a new channel would be excavated, extending the Mason Creek alignment straight across the sand spit peninsula that has extended southward from the southern end of Figure Eight Island This new channel would be dimensioned to insure equal or greater hydraulic capacity than the existing inlet cross.section in its present location to the south, To be functional and effective, when the "new" inlet is opened, the existing inlet area would be choked off or "plugged" to direct all tidal flows through the newly created inlet. Mason Creek (which is shoaled and essentially closed) will be dredged in order to enhance the hydraulic flow characteristics throughout the ICCWW.Middle Sound estuarine area. It should be noted here that within the past few years, not only Mason Creek but almost all of the connecting tidal creeks in the estuary have experienced significant shoaling, adversely affecting overall water circulation, covering wetland habitat and living biological resources, interfering with navigation and recreational use of the estuary Shoaled areas behind the proposed new inlet channel will be dredged periodically, and function as a sediment or sand trap to prevent/minimize the future siltation of Mason Creek. As material is excavated from locations described above, portions of it will be temporarily stockpiled at the south end of the sand spit, and on high ground near the north end of the Shell Island Resort properties and North Lumina Avenue. If additional storage area is required, additional sand will be stored on a portion of the wide natural beach in front of the resort property When the above described work is completed and overall weather conditions are considered to be optimum, the temporary stockpiled sand materials will be pushed into the existing (old) inlet during low tide conditions to stop all flows through the inlet so that all tidal functioning will be forced through the new inlet. When normal closure of the inlet has been accomplished, the fill section will be further built up and widened. Closure will be accomplished by utilizing a rapid mechanical sand moving effort. Sufficient equipment will be employed to bridge the inlet span in as little time as possible. Therefore, every effort will be made to close the inlet quickly At the same time that the "closure" operations begin, the ocean end plug of the new inlet channel across the sand spit will be excavated and tidal flows will be initiated through this new channel. This old inlet "plug" will be constructed to be substantial enough to withstand tidal flows (until they are redirected) and/or normal sea wave actions that might reach the seaward toe of the fill during the closure operation. This old inlet sand barrier will extend entirely across the old inlet area from its southernmost end (Shell Island bluff area) northward to a point to intersect the Figure 8 Island dune features. It is expected that this newly dredged channel will quickly adjust and "shallow-up" through natural processes until it reaches an equilibrium state approximating the dimension of the old inlet. The existing ebb tide delta at the seaward end of the present inlet will slowly be forced southward by natural littoral drift forces until it "welds. to the existing Shell Island beach area. 99154aMIRelocOS1899 "'i .' , Jf' .. All channel and shoal excavation proposed in the project will be accomplished by hydraulic pipeline dredge It is anticipated that all work on high ground will be accomplished by bulldozers and/or front end bucket loaders The new inlet position will be located within a 1,000' wide easement through land. which is above mean high water This easement across the spit on the southern end of the Figure Eight Island will be an area designated for inlet relocation and inlet maintenance to preserve the hydraulic flows and depth desired for coastal marsh flushing and recreational navigation Materials removed from the inlet and sediment basin during maintenance will be utilized for future beach renourishment as required by either Figure Eight Island or Wrightsville Beach, During inlet maintenance. materials will be dredged from a cross section approximating the initial channel cut in a position within the easement opposite the direction of inlet migration No filling or structures are proposed along either side of the relocated inlet 99164aMIReloc051899 _> ~ - i1 '"' _...." .~{ , ," PROJECT ORDINANCE MASON INLET CAPITAL PROJECT BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: 1 New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the relocation of Mason Inlet 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in a proj ect ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13 2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT' I This proj ect ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13 2 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Relocation of Mason Inlet Capital Project, which project is herewith authorized 3 The revenue that will finance said project is. Transfer from ROTS Fund S605,000 Total $605.000 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense $605,000 Total $605,000 " ...~ j"'..- " '" " 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Adopted this M~ day of ti~ 1999. ~,\/~ Clerk to the Board PL);L~Q.~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners NEW HA1'lOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Resolution Honoring Outstanding Contributions to Cape Fear Community College WHEREAS, Barbara Schwartz served as a trustee of Cape Fear Community College from 1977 until 1995 and from 1997 to the present, at which tIme she served as Chairman of the Board from 1984 until 1987, and WHEREAS, Barbara Schwartz served as the College's "Legislative Liaison" for the North Carolina Association of Community College Trustees for several years; and WHEREAS, Barbara Schwartz's generosity has resulted in the formation of an endowed scholarship given in memory of her husband, Joe Schwartz, for future generations of students; and WHEREAS, Barbara Schwartz's dedication to the education of students has continued in significant contributions of financial resources, time, and unending energy; and WHEREAS, Barbara Schwartz's leadership and dedication to the community for more than two decades have been invaluable to the success and progress -of Cape Fear Community College; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners extends its grateful appreciation and hereby recognizes Barbara Schwartz for her outstanding contributions to the community and to Cape F ear Community College. This the 12th day ofJuly, 1999 i)~ a. c1.k William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST . . / ~ \~ 21(~ --' CI k to the Board _.~ _ ~__,~__.'"'"- ...__ _...T...-: v___.___,..-..: .r...___1'____..I,.............. RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, transportation issues of crowded streets and unsafe conditions rank among the top concerns of County residents; WHEREAS, the County's rapid population growth and the increasing draw of our community as a regional service and trade center will exacerbate these issues; and WHEREAS, the Wilmington Urban Area Transportation Plan has been reviewed by the Community Growth Planning Core Team and discussed at two public forums throughout the County and one public forum in Brunswick County; NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board ofConunissioners approves the Wilmington Urban Area Transportation Plan, dated June 4, 1999, and recommends that the Transportation Advisory Committee adopt it for eventual submittal to the State. Adopted this the l2lh day of July, 1999 1.,),J;t;. ,(]. C-.k. William A. Caster, Chamnan Board of Conunissioners New Hanover County ATTEST: L cie Harrell, Clerk to the Board AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that New Hanover County Code Chapter 6 7, Emerqencv Services. Proclamations. and Restrictions be amended by the addition of a new article. to be designated Article V, Hazardous Materials Reportinq Fee: Article V, Hazardous Materials Reportinq Fee Section 6.7-41 Fee. Any person or entity required by law to annually submit Tier II inventory of hazardous materials shall pay to New Hanover County the fees set forth in a schedule approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Section 6.7-42 Fee Schedule Review. The Director of Emergency Management shall review the fee schedule every two (2) years and make recommendations to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners as to any suggested alterations. Section 6.7-43 Fee Application. Any fees collected pursuant to this Article shall be applied to support staffing, operations, equipment supplies, and programming efforts of the Director of Emergency Management resulting from and associated with New Hanover County hazardous materials reporting administration. Section 6.7-44 Enforcement. Failure to pay the fees required by this Article shall be enforceable by one or more of the following procedures: 1 Violations of this article may be punished as provided in G.S. 14-4, and each day's continuing violation is a separate and distinct offense. 2. This division may be enforced by anyone (1) or more of the remedies authorized by G.S 153A-123. 3. For any violation hereof, the Director of Emergency Management may issue a civil citation which subjects the offender to a civil penalty of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars to be recovered by the County in a civil action in the nature of a debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within twenty (20) days after being cited for the violation. Except as expressly amended above, Chapter 6.7 shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. This the 12th day of July, 1999 ATTEST ~ qf<,v ~ lerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY t)~ CrY Cl.L William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners RESOLUTION NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, there is a need to improve the appearance of our roadsides by removing litter, collapsing or unsafe structures and other debris that create eyesores and harm the environment; and WHEREAS, a clean environment impacts economic development, travel and tourism and the quality of life, and WHEREAS, in an effort to get North Carolinians to renew their sense of pride and recommit to keeping our state clean the Governor has announced the Clean NC 2000 initiative; and WHEREAS, the Clean NC 2000 initiative aims to improve the appearance of North Carolina by removing litter and other debris from our roadsides, rivers, lakes and streams; and WHEREAS, Clean NC 2000 aims to educate all citizens about the harmful effects oflitter; and WHEREAS, there should be a partnership between the state and counties to clean up the state; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that it endorses and supports the Clean NC 2000 imitative FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that New Hanover County will assist in identifying a county- wide organization to identify the needs specific to this county FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the county organization will consist of a local coordinator that will work with the statewide coordinator. This the 12th day ofJuly, 1999 9j.J~ C C~ William A. Caster, Chairman ~\/ /I~ Lu F Harrell, Clerk to the Board