HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/09/1966
March 9. 1966
Present: Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Chairman, Dr. J. C. Knox, Dr. James Smith.
Dr. Wiili...m Wagoner. Dr. James Tidler and Attorney Bradford L.
Tillery. .
M:inutes of the January 12 meeting were approved by motion of Dr. Knox, seconded
by Dr. Smith.
Mobile Home Ordinance: It was reported that the Ordinance was being put into
effect. Owners are now in the process of registering their Mobile Homes.
Draaline: Delivery has not as yet been made on the Dragline, however the bucket
for it has arrived.
City Dump: It was brought to the attention of the Board that the City has started
burning again at the City Dump. Dr. Wagoner made a motion that we fo~ request
a strong letter from Mr. Marshall Staton at the state Board of Health requesting
that the city do something about the present dump. The motion was seconded and
carried unanimous~.
Mr. H. A. Marks Visit: Dr. Davis reported that Mr. Marks had approached him
concerning the possibility of the Health Department using part of the JWMH
Building. Dr. Davis also reported that in his opinion if the Health Department
is to be moved that it should be near the new hospital. Dr. Hooper explained
that it was the feeling of the present Board of CCIIIIlIlissioners that if there are
suitable County owned buildings that can be used by the Health and Welfare
Departments that no new bni1tlings would be built in the near future. Dr. Hooper
requested that we give the CCIIIIlIlissioners the area of the Health Department in
square feet in the near future. Dr. Wagoner offered the services of the sdents
in a drafting class at the High School to draw a scale model of our floor plan
for this purpose. The boys need projects like this and there will be no charge.
he reported.
Operation BreakthrOlU'd:1 Pro.iect: Dr. Knox and Dr. Wagoner eJqllained this project
to the Board of Health and eJqllained that the Health Department nurses have been
asked to help orient the school nurses and act as consultants to them.
Home Health Service Pilot Pro.iect: There was a general discussion of this project
and the use of LPN's by the Health Department and by the hospitals.
Desk & Chairs for Sanitation Office: Dr. Wagoner made the motion that we buy
five new desk and 5 new chairs for the Sanitation Office. $600.00 is to be taken
from the Contingent Fund to cover the cost of these. Dr. Knox seconded the motion.
motion carried unanimous~.
Measles Vaccine: Dr. Davis brought to the attention of the Board that the State
Board of Health will start furnishing us a certain amount of Measles Vaccine to
be used for children under school age. It was the general opinion of the Board
that we should participate in this program.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respect~ submitted.
Approved: April 13. 1966
77t~ ;0 ;:P~
March 21, 1966
Present: Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Chairman, Dr. J. C. Knox, Dr. Willi...m
Wagoner, Dr. James Tidler, Mayor O. O. Allsbrook and Attorney
Bradford L. Tillery.
A special meeting of the Consolidated Board of Health was held to consider
the suggested amendments that were outlined by the Plumbing Committee.
Dr. Wagoner moved that the amendments be adopted. Mayor Allsbrook seconded
the motion, amendments unanimous~ approved.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Respect~ submitted,
~ 76_jJ~
Approved: April 13. 1966
M:inutes to this meeting were taken by Mr. W. H. Cranford
Effective Date: llarch 1, 1966
lIOEI: ~~ F'-::1E PARr OT{r;I~JAI.Tr;I"
- ..-.'.---.-
1. Healt:il DirrL:l,Or shall meHn t1.13 legall,y designated h~(-,-lt.h authcrit;y- oi' the
Consolidated Beard of Heal+Jl, City. oJ:' \'Jil:ningt,on and New Hanov9!' Cou.nty,
North Carolina or his authorized representative,
2. Developer. Any person, firrh, trust, partnership, associatinn or corporation
engaged .in develc,plTlent or proposed c1Gvelo)JlTl€nt of a mobile home pari"
3. Nobile Home. Any portab18 strl'.cture mounted on "heels, or desj.gned for
mountiqg on wheels, int8~Ktc,:1 fl-.:r Qi:!G='ling plJrpOSE:.i, inclu(~.ing struct:J.ral
addi tions,
4. HobilG HOT:le Pari'. Any plot of pr'lund upon dl" ch two or more mobile homes J
r,cClJpi(]d fnr d1^Telling or sleepinr, purposee, rl.re loc':J.t.red, regardless of
whetner or not a ch,qrgo i2 r.:Qcie .fer s"Uch .!l.ceom:-n.odatir:ns.
5. }'iobile IIomR SP:J.cP. A y;lot of f:rcund 1d thin 3. mobile hOi':e pRrk designei for
Cl.CC01'1f:lOdntion of the mOt-,ile :18H...t:"
6. 1.lotil.G.wHome Park l--'lan. 4. plan 0flOHing all existir'~g conditions and t.i.1e pl'O-
~csed site development>.
'~DY river, !)ond, c~lr181, r02J~Vlu.Y, 1(;1.,-e8,
7. Nat1J.ral cr a.rtificial [.'2.rr1.2:r"..
embankment, fence, pedge, tree rO"H or similnT obst,ructicn }mich limits
access and/or visibility~
!3. Permittee. Any person t.o ""hCIil a lfSllGcial uc8permit" is iSS1J.od to maintain
or operate 8. mc~ile hOI,1~) ;;ark under the rrovi:--:ion of this cr<?"inan~e.
9. Srecial Use FerrGit. A perrott j.s~,ue(~ 1y tIle HC,'-1J-t11 Offir.er to a develc'~'2r
for construction E-nd operaticn of a l;-;,obile home [lark.
10. Structural Adc,iticns. Any roofed, cD-Donied, enclosed porcb :::.nd/or room or
structure "'Thich is used in coenpcticm Hith the mobile home. A concrete slab
porch, 1,dth no Ui:l.lls or roef, 3ha~_1 Dot be cons1riered 8. structural additi.on.
'PaO'e Tl\'O
'-, -
11. ri,Y';'lV") rr","'i -, ~r
.:::.=..: I... ..ro._...l..v_
Any portAble unoccuri..r;;d st,....'lr..i.,iJY'n ~i011..r'\.+.ec~ on l~lleels.7
designed and pr:i,r!.?r~~l:r intended for short~.term occupa,ncy fer d.welling
or other
or sleepinwpurposes, s1.lcl1. HO c anping, and not exceedint': t.l-Jent;.,r-nirie
(29) feet in length a':"hi eiEr: t (3) fRet in vidth.
It C'hall be ~u;lmrJ.fuJ. for any person to place or maint2.in any mobile home
for living or slee~)ing p'J.T'pOSt:lS on nny p:CE;l"1"~S8f ~rJi.tb:i.n NOF J-t.':"l.nover Cnunty, uj:~less
it he c'ontainp,d 1-J.l.thin a mol/LIe r,c:T:c pc.~d: cJ~-;ly penrd.tted ~,nd est.a'clished pursuant
to thp ?ruvisions of this ordina~ce )1"" unless s~lc.h rlpcenent anr' mc.i nt.enat~ce com-
plies 1{ith City and Count.y zon:LnE~ ordinances. The Qi;plicatinn shall be in Nriting,
signed by the applie:12t, and sll;:J.ll incJ.'lde the fcl1m.,'ing:
1. The name and Eclct:::'es,s ("Ij: tl~e ~p':.-l:Lc,:r:i.;
2. Thp. Incaticn Hud .leccription of the boundaries of the pr-operty;
.3.. A comp2.8tt~ "Hobile Home Park Pl-~,nll shOld.ng all exlstin[ cccl~::!:tions and
pro."posed 8i te devf~lcT-'111er.t i;LS req1d,rsd in thj.s ordinance ir.l~lu.Jing pre-
limin<-'ry plans of 2.11 buildirlp'.s, impro~vemRnts and facilities constructed
or to be coru-~t:1.:.ctod ",:itl1...:.D ~11-:e nobile h0me ,,~.rk;
L.. Any ntber in.foY'"':in~~iJn re("}lE~1~lecl by tile Eealtil Dlr.3ctcr t.o det~rmine the
proposed park' s c(l~.Tili3.~,ce vrit..h legal requirmnent.s, tb~ eff(H~t ;;rhich tee
proposed park nJay h.'1V8 on .its etrv:iri''tnment Rnd the CDlrj~:::ttibi~U."r>y of the
adj~cent area for p~rk develop~ont.
(rbbile Home Park PIa,)
The Nobile HOITiP ParK Plan shall ShOi~ nr pro1.x,se all requir€rr~ents list?d in
this section and in addition, UpOE ie,:m~Ylce of a Special Use Fern:it, all of said
requirements sh::lll be compl i.ed hri th before an occupancy pel'mi t is issued"
Page th~
R .~ " + '" 1'" Q )
..Lt.C luirr:(~_ .'....10 oJ i.,.;.VLO IlJ..P. E;JIi19 upace
Hell-defined Tilotile home spC\ces
shall be provided, co']sistinf or 0. mininrJ.r:1 of 3,000 SQuare feRt for
each space.
2. Yard Requi.rements. E9.ch spacA sh"ill be at lec:st thirty feet Hide and
clearly defined.. IThere shall Le at least a I)-foot side y.arrl clearance
between mobile Lomes induditlg mobile Lames parked end-to-end. No
mobile home s;,al1 be located. closer than twel1ty (20) feet to any build-
ing ,r.'.thin the pc.rk" Kit:Jin fifteen (15) feet of any exterior or
boundary line of the perk 1'1'([ nc; closer than ten (10) feet to the edge
of any interior drive. Ex.isting tlobilr.; llorr.e parks -whiel: -fJrovidc mo'~l.le
hOtl6 speers havinG ~. Hidth or Qre~ less than that herein c!8scribed, TIl2.Y
Gl';l'Jt.l !lUe. ~.; ::'r:- ~~....+~ 1,,-rith SI,.'1.[~'.1f3 of e:;:isting width and are;:, but in i.10
event shall any moLi.lo hOU8 space, existing on or before harcb 1, 19e...6-,
be less than t1';enty (20) feet i1"J..cte or have an area of le~~[; ttan 1,000
s(]uare feet.
3~ Drainag~. The pe.rJ.-:: Shllll be Inc,s.ted 0n a Hell-drained and properly
graded sitc~.. l'Jec8s"J3.:ty site rlr~cin.s.ge ilnprvvemer..ts as ;lpprov5d by ul1e
County shall be prQvided~
4 Interior Drives a.n.d l1al10,wvs.
o. "
1,11 mobile home spaces sLall 3.1 llt upon
an interiox" c.ri VB of no 1.::2::: trlQ.r tT,rent;,r (20) fRet in ,\T:idthJ l'ihich sflHl1
have ui10Dst-,""ilGted 2~ceS3 to ,1. Hlblic 8tr~et cr hirrhvm'7" in dCCOrC8.nee
with ordinances of the CO'c.lty. HalkHays reO lese; than t,.,o (2) feet wide
shall be provj_ded from 'lilnL.i.lc hnYilf: spnc8s r:c service lluildings. A1J,.
interior drives and wAll~I^TC:./s TrJi thin this ;-jark shall be stabilized and
treated vJith a. ::lust-prevcn-::'i VB materiul Rnd ,'3h~ll be qdp(Iuately ffie.:l,rJ-
tained by the O1mer.
5. Off-Drive Parking. Each mobile home space shall be provided w:tth at
least one off-drive parkiDg space located on or adjacent to the mcbile
home spac:e. In adlii tion, t,~l_e df-nT~J.oper shall pro-.:ride one (1) adclitj anal
off-drivB parking space for each ten (10) mobile home spacros in the park.
Off-drive parking spaces sh"lJ. not be considered a part of any mobile
home space VJhich meets only the mini.mum required lot area. No automobile
parking 1-1ill be al101-.red in otl,er than the snecUied parking areas.
f.. SpeciA.l Cor:r1:.i tionB ~l!C:_ ~c:fefc;lJa!'(L-:;.. In issui nt? any Special Use Permit,
the County Hedth f7<;I:!!;.n;i'XLi: may atto.ch special ccnditions 'jnd sdei;juards
to pr.::>tect both the occupants of the pnrk and the occt.pants of surround-
ing prope::.."ty incll.lding Buch matter-os as prot8ction ag:iinst noise, lights
and dust. ~;,.JLere required to ,S3ynre t1:v..'se cnds)l '>TallsJ plantinE-;sJ sur-
facing or other natural or artj.ficial mC2.ns for protectio:1 r.~ay be
required as a part of 811cb sDecial conilitions on which iSG1.:ancs of the
Special Use PerIllJ.t is b2.sed. F[lillJre to meet such conditions shall be
grounds fcr rGvoration of the Special Use Permit.
1. Nobile Homes Facilities. No mobile home shall be placed in said park
"hich does not contain a built-in bac.hroGTO ;/ith vater closet, lctvatory
and shower or tub 'Hhiei1 a}~e in v!orking conditio!:.. Travel traile~s not
meeting the above r'Jquirelr:ents shall be permj.tted for a period not to
exceed three mouths 1)rovided ade'1'late sanite.ry facilitieE are provided
in the trailer or in !l ~''')arate building {,hich meets the general
requirements oE this ordinance.
2. vlater, ISeverage and El.:-c~ric-itl:~ Each mnbilc home space shall be pr-o-
\Tided .>i th and each mobile Done cnnnected to tl1e sa0i tary se>leragG and
'L'later sU:lply sye.Lel:1S, as arpru-.:red 'by [:.be County H821t~1 Dir'el;t(;r. Each
Fage five
mobile home and travel trailer must be wired in accordance \;ith the
State and Local Electrical Cvdes and Ordinances and e.ny subsequent
amendments tLere to.
3. Lighting. All interior drives and c;alk'wajs within the park shall be
lighted at night Hit.h electric lamps of no less than 100 Hatts each,
spaced at intervals of no mor" than 100 feet; or equivalant lighting
as approved by the Electrical Ins~ector.
4. Refuse Co1l8ction r~;::i~~!:.ie~. On" garbaEe can ,lith tight-fitting cover
and a capacity of at l,,~st tWenty (20) gallons and no mere than forty
(40) en.llons shall be prov:i.dcd for each t,IO mobile home spaces. Garbage
c:ans shaJJ. be located no farther than 100 feet from any nobile home
space. ThG cans shall be kppt. in sar!itary condition at Hl1 tim8sc The
,Jark owner is re8ponsitle .Lor reJ~use collection.
s~ Service) J.I_d..rn~nistrative alJd Othe! Buildings.
a. 1,riithin a mobile hOi<1E=, park, one mobile hOI;P. rr:ay be used as an
adm:Lnistrati7G cffice.. Otl.1?~r 2dmi!1istrati ve and service buildings,
housing s.';l.l1itation and lal:tndr:-l" fA,c1.1ities, or auy other such
facilities shull be nf perm:loent structLJT8, complying \.-lith all
applicable ordinances and st::ltutes regai'rl.ing buildings, electrical
installations 2.nd ~)lurnbing and s::1l1itation systems.
b. Service bul1dings shall 08 Wjl1-light"ld at all tirCjes, and shall
be constructed of' s1:~eh moistllre-prGof F,at crial, inr.ludi.n~ painted
wood'lOrk, as shall permit repeA.ted cleaning and ,rashing, B.l"d 8111'.11
be maintained at a comfortable tel'lpcrature. The floors of service
buildings shall be or' \'m~er-imrervious material.
c. No building shall be locatE] cl,'sel' than t1;enty (ec:) feet from A.ny
mobile home.
- ,
All Gervice b"JildJ.ngs and t.i1e 2rounds of the pR.rk sh::lll be
F 2g9 siJ:
maintained in a clean, sightly "'~Gndition :.3.nd kept free from any
condit,ion tUb.t lull mennCG the beCllth r)f any occupe.!TG or the
public or consti tute ~. nulsrHjce.
5. Structural ;,ddi tions. 1ill structural 2,ldi tions to mobile D0mec, ot.her
than those 1fhich aI''' built i.nto the uroit and designed 'c,o fold out or
extend from :it, shall be erected only after ,q building perrr.lt shall
have been ottained, and such additions shall conform to the buiJ Mnf'
where applj.cable,
code of the Ce,unLy, (~it:' 0:0' To",n) or shRXl mect the standnrds of
spAcial regul.s.tioGs 9.cr,ptE':d l~rith resoect to Buell ''ldditicns. The
b'lilding permit 8h811 specify 1.f.,ether "uch structural addition mny
r8T!lnin f'crmaneot..ly, munt h? !"8r~ioved \..rhp,n the me,btle home is remcved,
0r must 1"8 r~~moved \^J"it.h:l.n 8 sf:'8cifj ('~,rl. J.clJgth of time :lit.er the mobile
of passage
home is ren(;ved.. Str"r~t1.lr,~l a.lterations existing at the time/of tbis
ordirJ8.nce sh.9.11 be reillrvcd vJithin thj.l'ty (30) days after the mobile
hcn:e i-rhich they ser,\re j E' fii0iTed !lnlE:s~, ],t.tached to another mobile home
O~ the SFtJ8 site w"ithin tJ a+ pe::ci0r~.
7. Fire Protection:
Every park S!1211 be equippGd a.t all times 1"Jith
fire-cytinguisld.ng erjuipYI~Cilt :_11 gOL,d (~r,nrlitiol~, of such size, tJrpe,
and number and so located \'Jit d.n the iJark R.S to satisfy aru1:i c~ble
reasonable regnlation;:~ of the r~ity Fire Depa:.."tment or 8ount.y l?ire
Narshnl. Hefuse burning mG.Y be perndttEJd in an 8.prroved incinerato!'
by obte.ining ~ J!Dul'!1ing Pe ro17d.-G , 11 from the Ctt;:r cr County Fir9 l'ofarst-:;:;.l.
8. Fuel Stor_age. Individual fuel containe:rs aud out.door fitoraGe f"'ci.J.ities
and connectIon" 3hall be insp8ctec La c.pprovcd by t.he Cit.y or County
Fi re ~lar8h a1.
i.;. Manage:nent.. In eriCh mcbjle hame ))~,..l~t, the pe-"'mit.tef: or duly authcri.zed
attendant or care taker sl1aJ 1 bt: 1.:1 C:.ir;"r~r.; at n1.1 times to keep th e
..... ."
l~~e ,~~!J
mobile home park, ite f~cilitjes ar.d equipmen'l. jn a cle:m, orderly,
safe, gnd sanitary condition.
SECTIOIJ v. riOBILE H0I1E SfC.,ES LOTS I~T CON<;"iJl'JCTIO~T lrVITH H(jInL~r,'~ }IOJ"'J I)'~JtK 0~ T."r:S.
The sale of mobile homes on the premises of 'lny perk slwll be allo,md only
where the following cor,ditions are met,
1. The mobHe hODe sales lot shall. be clearly c:efined and
se~J::lrated fT'IIYi! '[:,he T1ark arAG.. SePHr:lte entrances and exits
shall be maintained f0r both the mobile howe sales lot
and the mobile home pa.rk.
2. The mobile home s2~J_es lot shall lJe se~,arated from. the
park b::/ ar. adequate nature,l or artificial b~rrier. Sz-..<.d
barrier shall be Dlnntec:. ::Lnd 'maintained in such a m2.nncr
as to provide a park..likc sett.ing.
All existing mobile home p.;rks 2no :i ndi "<rid.u;d lliGl',j 18 homr.s in tJErvr rr~.nr;-J"er
County at the t~7ile of Ddcpti0ti of this (ll'din2.:lce are recr".ired to corrply 1-litb the
follm.nnf, regule.tiol1s:
1. All existinc- moi)ile i-:OE18 m,:rllGl'S :'"1 II I"::. ;"\8.rk O1-ffic:rs shall
wi"c,hin si~~ty (60) days of passage of thi8 ord:",udnce
register their nobile home p8.rk or illobilG home lrj.th
the County Health Di:rector. F,xis'~;_ing parks, which do
not meet the req'liroment.s cf t h.is ordiH.'lDCe, shall be
given six (6) months to bring thGir p2!'k into conformHy.
Thereaft$T, 3. mobtle bond~ b :...1:'1,: Dr mobile r).(Jme that does
not comply .'ith SectiCll IV of this Clrdinanco and which
is found to be n. non-confurrr,ing US0 \~cith reg:;.rrl to that
S€cti.'iD i"11u.St e[~5.S8 operntj.nr- "rithin six (0) T10nths alter official
notice Ins bfJen iss';eG. by t.ho Connt,1' He~lth D:;.rector, in this
regard reference is mc.,i8 to 3'Jction ITIll vJhich deals 1'Jit.~.1
Deviaticns froffi this Ordinance.
2. Any existing '~~.'l:ck: fer -Jlich ~'n Qnplication is not
made I,iithin s~.;{t.1 (6n) _G.;-fG !JFte:t the adoption of
this ordiil,':lnce "H"i.JJ. 1.lltl:?llicYLicc<.lJ.y bSCOi'18 n 000-
conforming UbC.
1. I-labile Hnmes usod. for t6lT(f")rary officos or other spccj,,2.1 uses
m3.Y be :-Jf~rr:litt.ej in l~c,"1ticr.ls ~~)Droved b? the C01lnty l-Ie2.1th Director for a
f.e:riod Hhich 811-'111 not exc86d si...'C (6) f'lCl:t112. A temporary location 1.Jenrit milst
be s9c1.:..red fron the Health Direct'Jr >"'riJr t.o locating any ii1dividual mobile hO!1"le
for tempor,qry use as sto,tec, e.bov:,.
All matters pCl'tainiug to e:-:.-i.:Jti.t'f:;; pF1rks [!,cd indi \ridu-11 mobile 1-.L0D;cS
':)resentlj~ Op81~ating or or:cnpie:i at i.-,he tir,lc of adoption cf tilis Orc.ind.:1Cc or any
slight deviati0:} from this Ordin3.nC8 -,,;rl1id! j,s in eeccrdanc8 lr:..th, or an 'Lnl-rl)V8-
ment on, th.') intent of this Ordinance she.ll be left Lo the discI'8jtiGn c'f tho
He~l th Director, nDLI when special ccnc.itions arise 1:,h6 Eealth Directnr, in :1i5
discreAtion, r,1ny T-laive anyone or more of' th8 requiremel't.c, of this Grdin2..ncA, bl~t
SE~h ;-Jaivcr shall not cOOStitllt0 a "Jro(;e(~cnt ~'or s':lbse1iuent cases.
Lny- pArSOt1 'I,.,ho shall "Tlol~tc 8ny prr ~~_sion of thi.~l Ordina!1c8 or any
proYlsion of any regulation adopt'3d 1:y 1.1',8 ConsolidHt.ed DO'3rd of Healt.h,
~..... City of '1ilmington [~l1d Ncvr }iP.t1-,yor r0))' ity .pl:r'::m:u.'t tf' A.llthnrit:r ~ra0ted by this
Urdinnnce, shall upon con\r1.ction be punished by a :fi:ne 0:[' not more than
~.-'.'::g5 nj ne
fifty dollars (~)u.OIj) or by imprisonment ior not mon t;-,;:n thircy (30) days, and
each day's frri1ure of cO!i;1J1 i.;"'~nCD 1ITit.h PDJ'. slwh p:rovision sLilll constitute a
. DGparate violation.
::;r;CTION X.
Should any section or provi.sior. of this Ordin~r,ce be decl~red invalid, such
decision shall not affe(:t the validity of the rcwaininlS portions of this Ordinance.
This Ordinan(:8 shall r('come effective from and after its pasAage as by
la~l provide.
Kffeetive Date: }'larch 1, 19th.