07/07/1976 00661 MINUTES OF BOARD OF HEALTH - July 7, 1976 _ 4 Present: Dr. James Tidler, Chairman, Dr. Frank Reynolds, Dr. James Furr, Mr. Bruce Freeman, Mr. George Chadwick, Mr. J. R. Reaves, Mrs. Vivian Wright, Mrs. Roma Lee Hall, County Manager Dan Eller and County Attorney James Fox. Absent: Mr. R. E. Carter Minutes of the June meeting were approved as presented. Swimming Pool Ordinance: Copies of the Swimming Pool Ordinance Standards recommended by the Division of Health Services for adoption locally had been mailed to the members of the Board. No copies had been sent to local builders, engineers, etc. for input since copies were not available at this time from the State office. Mr. Reaves made a motion that the ordinance be tables until such time as copies could be made available for interested builders, engineers, pool operators, etc. to study the ordinance and make suggestions. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Wright. After discussion, Dr. Reynolds made a substitute motion that the recommended ordinance be adopted as presented. Dr. Furr seconded the motion. Mrs. Wright stated that she does not approve of passing ordinances without proper input from the public. It was suggested that Dr. Knox call Raleigh and ask why this is a recommended ordinance and not an ordinance adopted by the State for enforcement by us. The Chairman called for a vote on the substitute motion. Motion did not carry. -- The board then voted on the original motion. Motion carried. Guidelines for Service: Dr. Knox mentioned to the board that there was some discussion as to how to handle situations when individuals come into the department without an order from the doctor and asked for specific laboratory tests. It was the feeling of the board that unless there was a doctor to interpret the findings to the patient and treat when necessary that this should not be done. Also, unless a doctor orders a large x-ray or the patient is not known to have chest problems a 70 mm film should be made for screening purposes instead of a large x-ray. Sale of Dragline: Mr. Eller reported that the dragline had been sold to the original bidder for $15,700, and that bids have been let for the equipment needed by the Insect and Rodent Control Program. The board gave Dr. Knox a vote of thanks for his many years of faithful service to the department and to the community since this would be his last board meeting as Director. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Approved: August 4, 1976 ~~ ~.~~