08/04/1976 MINUTES OF BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING - August 4, 1976 00665 Present: Dr. James TidIer, Chairman, Dr. Frank Reynolds, Mr. Bruce Freeman, Dr. James Furr, Mr. George Chadwick, Mr. J. R. Reaves, Mrs. Vivian Wright, Mrs. Roma Lee Hall, Mr. R. E. Carter Absent: None Minutes of the July meeting were approved as presented. Swimming Pool Ordinance: Copies of the proposed Swimming Pool Ordinance had been mailed to representative groups of Architects, Engineers, Builders, Pool Operators, etc. for study with a request for comments. Only one reply was received and it was very favorable. The question came up as to whether or not pools already in operation would come under this ordinance. Mr. Chadwick made the motion that Mr. James Fox, County Attorney, be requested to prepare an addendum to ordinance stating that all new construction, and future modifications of existing pools are to be covered by this ordinance and that with this the standards be adopted as written. Motion was seconded and carried. Lead Study Report - by Betty West: A CDC team from Atlanta had spent a week in Wilmington examining children 1n an area of town where high lead levels had been found through the EPSDT program. Mrs. West reported that 240 children, 14% of eligible by residence and age, were screened. Thirty percent of these were positive. Eleven children were found to have a severe problem and already seven have been hospitalized. The team from CDC suggested that our County apply for a grant to obtain some of the equipment needed to do a more extensive study in our county and extra personnel for one year to do the study. Mr. Carter made a motion seconded by Dr. Reynolds that we apply for a grant and that the details be left up to the Health Department Staff. Motion carried. -- Large X-Ray's for Industry Screening: Dr. Finger brought to the attention of the Board that Kaiser Industries requests that we do 14" x 17" film on their employees who are required to have annual examinations. By mutual consent the board agreed that only 70mm film should be done for this type of examination. Dr. Finger will contact Kaiser Industry personnel director and advise him of this decision. Swine Flu Immunization Program: Dr. Finger asked the board to think about whether or not we should have a box for donations at the immunization sites. Donations could be used as a contribution to some charity or as a fund for needy people found in our community by the nursing staff. This will be discussed at the September meeting. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. ---