HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/02/1979
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Present: Dr. ~1. hillial" i'akilJ.t;;, 't-'J.ll!I.......rl, 1.'1'. ; UIT:.1.Y ~,eidelf Dr. Larry Neal,
~;r. r.o E. ~a.r:o;;r. f-ir. ! iclidrd ;'E-cder, !':rs. Vivian Wright, Mrs. Eoma
Lee Hall, j':r. J. f. h.dves alld :OUllty r.iallager Dall Eller and County
At torney ,Tames Fox
Absent: r.:r. Deother Mel vin
Minutes of the April meeting were approved as presented.
Animal Control Director: Dr. Eakins introduced Mr. Charles Newkirk to the
Board. Mr. Newkirk has been employed as Director of the Animal Control Program
for the County. The Health Department has been asked by the Commissioners to
run this program beginning July I, 1979.
Executive Session: Motion was made by Dr. Seidel, seconded and carried, that the
Board go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Mr. Eller, County
Manager, was asked to stay for the session. After the Executive Session, Dr.
Eakins made the motion that because of medical reasons, as of June I, Dr. Finger's
work week be changed to thirty hours per week until the Board hires a new Health
Director. Also, until June I, Dr. Eakins will act as Deputy Health Director.
Motion was seconded and carried. A committee was appointed to research to see if
we need a physician director or an administrative director or both for the Health
Home Health Program: This presentation was deferred until the June meeting due
to lack of time.
Civil Defense: Dr. Eakins had received copies of several Manuals from Civil
Defense and after reviewing them told the Board that the Health Department is not
directly involved in case of Nuclear Accidents. General Electric, Carolina Power
and Light and New Hanover Memorial Hospital are the responsible parties.
Symposium on On Site Water Supply and Sewage Disposal in N. H. County: Dr. Eakins
reported that a preliminary program has been set up for the symposium. He appointed
Mr. J. R. Reaves and Mr. Richard Reeder to serve with him on a committee to set up
the symposium. Dr. Eakins will serve as Chairman of the committee.
Grievance Policy: Notice had been received that the step of appeal to the Secre-
tary of the Department of Human Resources given in policy adopted by this board
on December 14, 1977, is no longer available. Dr. Seidel made the motion that
this step be deleted from the Health Department's grievance pOlicy. Motion was
seconded and carried.
Family Planning Fee Schedule: A fee scale that will be put into effect on July 1,
1979 throughout the State for Family Planning Services had been mailed to the
Board Members for study. Dr. Seidel made the motion that the Board put into effect
after July 1, the North Carolina Statewide Family Planning sliding fee scale.
Motion was seconded and carried.
Animal Control Policy and Budget: As of July I, the Animal Control Program will
be under the direction of the Board of Health. Dr. Eakins appointed a standing
committee to review policy and budget of the Animal Control Program. The committee
is as follows. Dr. Larry Neal, Chairman, Mr. Deother ~elvin and Mr. R. E. Carter.
A model ordinance similar to the one used in Durham County was given to members
of the Board and copies of the County's present ordinance will be mailed to each
member for comparison. The committee will make recommendations to the Board con-
cerning the Animal Control Ordinances and policies. Mr. Reaves made the motion
that the committee review the budget, modify if necessary, and present to County
Manager. Due to lack of time the budget will not be brought back before the Board.
Motion was seconded and carried.
Primary Care: A copy of the Governor's Task Force on Primary Care had been sent
to each member of the Board. Dr. Eakins appointed the following four people to
forll a Task Force to study Primary Care needs in New Hanover County. Dr. Murrey
Seidel, Dr. James Finger, Mr. Bill Morrison and Dr. Frank Reynolds. This Task
Force 1,11 askl3d to study (1) Need in New Hanover County (2) Target (3) System. Dr.
Eakins made a motion that this Task Force be formed to look into Prillary Care
needs and to give a report to the Board, provided the State Med.1cal Society approves
the Governor's Task Forcs Report on May 3. Motion was seconded and carried.
Back Hoe: Mr. Frank Olive, Supervisor of Environmental Health, reported on bid
openings for a used back hoe. North Carolina Equipment Co.pany sublll1tted the
lowest bid, $50,000. Mr. Olive and Mr. Gilbert will look at the Dragline this
Miscellaneous I
Eakins for all
Mrs. Wright made a motion that the BOllX'd go o~ record. thanking Dr.
his work in Dr. Finger's absence. Motion was l!Ieoonded and carried
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Approved June 6, 1979
77L~ 7c3 tP~
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SPECIAL MEETING - BOARD OF HEALTH - May 29. 1979 - 5:30 P.M.
Present: Dr. J. William Eakins, Chairman, Dr. Murray Seidel, Dr. Larry
Neal, Mrs. Vivian Wright, Mrs. Roma Lee Hall, Mr. Deother Melvin,
Mr. Richard Reeder, Mr. J. R. Reaves, Mr. R. B. Carter and Attor-
ney Joe Taylor
Absent: None
Mrs. Wright aade a aotion that the Board go into executive session to dis-
cuss personnel aatters. Mr. Carter seconded the IIOtion. Motion carried
After the Bxecutive Session, Mr. Reaves aade a IIOtion that" In reference
to letter fro. Dr. Jaaes Pinger, dated May l4, 1979, the Board accept Dr.
Pinger's resignation as of August 1, 1979 and thank hi. fOr his dedicated
service to the depart_nt." Dr. Seidel seconded the aotien. Motion
carried unaniaously.
Mr. Reeder gave a report frea the Research Co-.dttee on Adainistration of
the Health Depart_nt. Report is as follows:
Physician Director vs. Adainistrative Director
Co-.dttee discussed and reviewed the following iteas:
Letter and info:mation on personnel procedures froa Mr. Ted Bowen,
Director of Bastern Personnel Office of the Departaent of ~
Resources of North Carolina.
Inf01'lllltion, job descriptions, and organizational structure of a
typical Health Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Review of alphabetical listing of Health DUeetors in all North
Carolina Counties or Districts.
Discussion with Mr. Ji. Midgett and Mrs. Mercedes B~in frea the
Eastern Regional Personnel Office about Public Health Physician
(Medical Director) IUld Local Health Adainbtrator ( NoftooMedical
The Co_ttee's observations and reco_ndations are based on infO:mation
reviewed fro. the Depart_nt of "'-n Resources, Eastern Re.i_l Persennel
Office, the New Hanover County Manager's Office, and other Health Depart-
_nts organizational structures.
1. 56 Counties or Health Districts in North Carolina have non-aedical
Adainistrative Directors. 21 Counties operate with Physician Direc-
2. The New Hanover County Health Oepartaent sh,uld have a local Health
Adainistrator. I
Page 2
Special Meeting - Board of Health - May 29, 1979 - 5:30 P.M.
3. The classification and responsiblities will be those of a Local
Health Administrator IV. The position and job descriptions need
to be established.
4. The criteria that qualifies such a position is the size of New
Hanover County's Health Depart.ent, the budget, the variety and
complexity of its programs, and uniqueness of these prograas.
Mr. Melvin made a motion that II the Board of Health accept this report."
Motion was seconded by Mr. Carter. Motion carried unani~usly.
Dr. Seidel made a motion that II because of the resignation of Dr. Pinger
and the Comaittee Report given by Mr. Reeder, that the New Hanover County
Board of Health declare its intent to hire a Local Health ~nistrator
to direct the Department of Health, and hire a Public Health Physician
to provide medical services within the Depart.ent of Health. Mr. Carter
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanillOusly.
Dr. Eakins appointed a committee to write a Job Description for the Local
Health Administrator and Public Health Physician and to start the process
of looking for these people. The comaittee is as follows: Mr. Reeder,
Chairman, Mrs. Hall, Dr. Seidel and Dr. Bakins.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully subaitted,
Approved June 6, 1979
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