02/06/1980 The New Hanover County Board of Health met on Wednesday, February 6, 1980 at the New Hanover County Health Department. 00802 ,........ Members Present: - Murray Seidel, M. D., Chairman Deother Melvin, Vice Chairman J. William Eakins, M. D. Larry Neal, D. D. S. Roma Lee Hall Hobart Whaley Members Absent: William Grathwol Richard Reeder Claud O'Shields, Jr. Others Present: James M. Brown, Secretary to the Board James C. Fox, County Attorney Mabel Price, Recording Secretary Dr. Murray Seidel called the meeting to order at 8:00 A. M. and called for corrections to the January 6, 1980 minutes. Dr. Eakins moved the minutes be approved. Mrs. Hall seconded the motion and it unanimously carried. ~.~ Dr. Seidel reported on the plans for the Solid Waste Seminar. The Seminar will be held either the last week of March or 1st week in April. It was suggested that plans be made well in advance for advertisements in the paper and other media to insure adequate notification of the public about the seminar. --- Dr. Neal reported that the Board's Animal Control Committee had met and recommends Mrs. Nora Davis, Manager of Taylor Homes as the second member at large for the Animal Control Advisory Committee. Dr. Seidel moved that Mrs. Davis be accepted. Mr. Melvin seconded the motion and it unanimously carried. The Board's Animal Control Committee recommended Dr. Tom Needham as the Con- sulting Veterinarian for the Health Department. Mr. Melvin moved that Dr. Needham be appointed. Mrs. Hall seconded the motion and it unanimously carried. Mr. Brown rePorted that Mr. Fox, the County Attorney, made no major changes in the Contract for the Consulting Veterinarian presented to the Board in January. Dr. Eakins reported that the Committee on Residential On Site Waste Disposal have had several meetings but are not yet ready to bring final recommendations to the Board. Mr. Brown reported that the Home Economist is presently working on the survey questionnaire and the list of those to receive it. ....... Dr. Eakins and Dr. Seidel reported that they had met with the Heart Association's Committee working on the Stroke Program Survey for Eastern North Carolina. It was reported that New Hanover Memorial Hospital Staff felt there was not enough time at present to become involved in this program. As previously stated, unless the physicians and hospitals become involved, the Health Department will have no role in the study. ~ ... -.... A letter of appreciation was presented to Dr. Eakins expressing apprecia- tion for his services during the past year. Dr. Eakins served the Board as Acting Health Director during the illness of Dr. James Finger, as well as Chairman of the Board. 008C4 --...... Mr. Brown presented a schedule for Budget Review for the Budget Committee and the full Board. Dr. Seidel asked that Mr. Reeder chair and convene the Budget Committee and present the COmmittee's recommendations to the full Board. Mr. Brown reported that the Staff is working on plans for a Board Orientation to take place the end of April. The Orientation will include a brief visit by the Board to each of the divisions in the Department and to the Insect and Rodent Office and the Animal Control Center. A short presentation of the division will be given with charts, graphs and statistics. In response to a memo from the Institute of Government and in order that we comply with State Law, a written Oath of Office was prepared and it was adminis- tered to the members of the Board by Mrs. Price. These signed oaths are on file at the New Hanover County Health Department. Dr. Seidel questioned the economic means test to determine who can be seen at the FNP Clinics at Martin Luther King Center and Rankin Terrace. Mr. Brown assured the Board that he is working to make sure that only those persons eligible, according to the established economic means test, are served at the FNP Clinics. He also reported that we are no longer serving people from other counties unless the County has a contract with us for a particular service. ......-... In response to several comments heard by Board Members, Mr. Brown reported that he is working to reduce bureaucratic red tape, unnecessary paper work, and some unnecessary field work in Environmental Health. However, the reduction of unnecessary work and review is being done WITHOUT relaxing the department's standards, rules, regulations or requirements. A Septic Tank Pamphlet has been sent by Mr. Robert Williams, New Hanover County Engineer to Dr. Seidel with a suggestion that a similar brochure be printed for septic tanks in New Hanover County. The Board asked Mr. Brown to include in his goals and objectives for the Environmental Health division such a pamphlet and present it to the Board for review. Mr. Brown reported that he had been approached by Mr. Robert C. Baxendell about a Drainage Ditch in North Hills that needs cleaning. Mr. Baxendell has tenta- tively asked to appear before the Board in regard to this. There being no further business, Deother Melvin moved the meeting be adjourned. Hobart Whaley seconded the motion and it unanimously carried and the meeting was adjourned at 9:27 A. M. Respectfully submitted, Date Approved: April 16, 1980 ~~ Cr: Chairman, Board of' ealth ( / ~a{/JA{'c;, IVl ,~ Secretary to the Board r'