03/27/1980 The New Hanover County Board of Health met on Thursday, March 27, 1980 at the New Hanover County Health Department. 00BC6 Members Present: - Murray Seidel, M. D., Chairman Deother Melvin, Vice Chairman J. William Eakins, M. D. Larry Neal, D. D. S. Roma Lee Hall Hobart Whaley William Grathwol Richard Reeder Claud O'Shields, Jr. Absent: None Others Present: James M. Brown, Secretary to the Board Mabel Price, Recording Secretary Dr. Murray Seidel called the meeting to order at 7:35 P. M. and requested that the Board dispense with all business except the proposed budget for 1980-8l. Mr. Reeder moved that the Board dispense with all business except the proposed FY 1980-81 budget. Mrs. Hall seconded the motion and it unani- mously carried. Mr. Reeder told the Board that the budget committee had met on Monday night, March 24, 1980, separated the budget into three sections: personal services, operating expenses and capital outlay and reviewed each section in detail. ~. - Mr. Reeder presented the attached Board of Health Position Statement for the proposed FY 1980-81 Health Department Budget for consideration by the Board. Mr. Melvin moved that the Position Statement be accepted by the Board of Health. Dr. Eakins seconded the motion. Dr. Seidel asked for any discussion. Mr. O'Shields asked how many new positions we had requested. Mr. Brown reported twelve and that the County Manager advised him that he was considering two of those positions. Mr. O'Shields asked the percent of increase in budget requested. Mr. Reeder stated it was 18.76% over 1979-80 budget. Mr. O'Shields discussed the amount of State funding supporting local health services and the fact that State increases in those support funds did not in- crease enough each year to support inflationary or growth increases. Consequently the County is called upon to fund the inflationary or growth cost. Mr. O'Shields moved to amend Mr. Melvin's motion to accept the Position Statement to include Mr. Brown and Mr. Cooper meeting and figuring out what percentage of the inflation- ary or growth increase should be attributed to the State appropriated budgets and subtracted from the revenue requested from the County. Mr. Reeder seconded the motion and it unanimously carried with Mr. O'Shields abstaining from voting. Dr. Seidel called for the question to approve the original motion to accept the Position Statement as 'amended by Mr. O'Shields above motion. The motion unanimously carried with Mr. O'Shields abstaining from voting. Mrs. Hall moved that the amended Position Statement be forwarded to the Board of Commissioners with a recommendation 008C8 .... ... that the Health Department be funded according to the amended position paper. Hobart Whaley seconded the motion and it unanimously carried with Mr. O'Shields abstaining from voting. Mr. O'Shields stated that he supports the Board of Health and the Director in their budget preparation and financial management and the questions he raised about the State's funding for inflation or growth reflects his strong feelings about the way the State's indifference or unwill- ingness to continue necessary program funding without expecting the County to pick up more and more of that funding. - The Board unanimously decided to hold its next meeting on April 16, 1980 at 8:00 A. M. There being no further business, Bill Grathwol moved the meeting be adjourned. Deother Melvin seconded the motion and it unanimously carried and the meeting was adjourned at 9:37 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Date Approved: April 16, 1980 ~((: Chairman, Board 0 ealth /\ (~#/0 }/l1. / ..J>ecre tary to the Board L,--- / New Hanover County Health Department Board of Health Position Statement FY - 1980-81 Budget ~. ~ I. Personnel Services: The Board of Health, through its Health Director, shall provide incentives to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of services, review productivity and administer salaries, benefits and merit increases relative to the productivity of the employees. Recognizing the Board of Commissioner's responsibility for establish- ing a local pay plan that complies with the mandated State Personnel System and is consistent with the local area's salary and wage standards, the Board of Health, as its only means of controlling salary expenditures, recommends that the Board of Commissioners maintain/hold the total salary expenditures, increase the productivity and services offered and maintain the salary range and benefits in line with other area personnel providing health care services. II. Operating Expenses: The Board of Health has carefully reviewed the detailed operating expendi- ture request for FY 1980-81. The Board feels the request is accurate and ~. consistent with the data base developed to formulate the budget and accura- tely represents the necessary operating expenditures, including inflationary costs, needed for FY 1980-81. It should be noted that two line items re- present approximately 45% of the total requested operating increase; '15- Maintenance and Repairs to Buildings and Grounds - 15%, to complete necessary repairs to the Animal Shelter and #54- Insurance - 30%, for increased in- surance rates. Since this operating expenditure request represents a maintenance of effort and considers inflationary costs, the Board of Health recommends and respect- fully requests that the Board of Commissioners fund operating expenditures as requested. The Board of Health will instruct the Health Director to take all necessary steps to provide all cost containment measures for operating expenses. The Board of Health will also review operating expenditures after six months of operation to determine the cost effectiveness of expenditures, the accuracy of the data base used to prepare the budget and make any approp- riate fiscal adjustments. / Ill. Capital Expenditures' .... ,;... The Board of Health has carefully reviewed the request for Capital Expenditures, recognizes the need for each of the items requested, and recommends that the Board of Commissioners purchase all capital items as requested. If funding for all requested capital items cannot be allocated, to avoid inflationary costs, the Board of Health requests: 1. that not less than one-half of the funds required to purchase all capital items be allocated, 2. that the Board of Health be permitted to establish the priority of capital items to be purchased, 3. that a capital expenditure plan for future acquisition of the balance of items not purchased be established, 4. be applied