06/04/1980 / The New Hanover COW1ty Board of Health met on Wednesday, June 4, 1980 at the New Hanover COW1ty Health Department. 00822 Members Present: Murray K. Seidel, M.D., Chainnan Deather Melvin, Vice Chairman J. William Eakins, M.D. Larry Neal, D.D.S. RaIla Lee Hall Hobart Whaley William Grathwol Claud O'Shields Absent: Richard Reeder others Present: James M. Brown, Secretary to the Board James C. Fox, Connty Attorney Mabel B. Price, Recording Secretary Dr. Murray Seidel called the meeting to order at 8: 05 A.M. and called for mrrections to the May 7, 1980 minutes. There being none, Mrs. Hall m:wed the minutes be approved. Mr. Whaley seconded the motion and it unanimously carried. Dr. Eakins reported that his Crntnittee would once IIDre meet with the On Site Crntnittee and Planning Department staff before the proposed amendment to the Septic Tank Regulations is brought to the Board of Health. Mr. Brown reported that although he had received many calls questioning the proposed schedule and Irethod for skin testing teachers, the scheduled dates of June 13, 16, and 18, 1980 v.ould ranain in effect. He also indicated that Dr. Bellamy supports this schedule. An evaluation of the Irethods and schedule will be made to indicate what needs to be done next year. Mr. Brown reported meeting with the County Manager and County Finance Officer on April 28 to discuss the proposed FY 1980-81 Budget approval by the Board of Health on April 16, 1980. Although Mr. Cooper did not approve all itE!11S requested in Capital Outlay, Mr. Brown stated that he agreed with Mr. Cooper except for one iten - the Word Processing Systen. Mr. Cooper gave Mr. Brown his permission and blessing to present the Word Processing Systen to the Crntnissioners during the Budget Hearing with then. Mr. Brown requested the Board of Health's approval to request the Word Processing Systen at the Crntnissioner' s Budget Hearing. The Board asked Mr. BrCMn to prepare a report listing clerical bottlenecks and specific tasks that muld be done on the word processing machines, and the resultant savings. The Board requested mpies of the report done by IBM and the letter stating that the Word Processing SystEm mulct be inter- faced with the County's canputer. Members of the Board will express their opinion after reviewing this information. Dr. Seidel requested that Mr. Reeder, Budget Crntnittee Chairman attend the June 10, 1980 budget meeting with the Crntnissioners and make the appropriate and necessary presentation. 00824 _..... Dr. Eakins told the Board he too been approached by manbers of the Carolina Beach Camumity about Tatoo Parlors in that area. He stated that there are no state laws that govern operation of Tatoo Parlors but the Health Board could enact a local Ordinance to cover the health and sanitation of such establishments. Dr. Eakins will review several ordinances, Ireet with Mr. Brown and Mr. Fox and report reccmnendations to the Board of Health. Mr. Melvin, having been asked by manbers of the cammnity what the Health Department is doing relative to Sickle Cell Screening in New Hanover Connty, requested that information from Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown indicated Mr. Fred M:::Rea, a private citizen with Heritage House, is working very hard to crordinate information and services provided by the Human Service Agencies in New Hanover Connty into a logical guide that could be followed to secure cClllprehensive sickle cell screening and follCM up services. Mr. Melvin was appointed to Chair a sickle cell ccmnittee for the Board of Health, and IIDnitor activities to provide oanprehensive sickle cell services. Dr. Seidel called attention to a study done by Cape Fear Council of Goverrunent on Solid Waste Management. He felt it v.ould be worthwhile for the members of the Board to read roncerning future disposal methods for solid waste in New Hanover Connty. Mr. Brown reported that Annie Lou Davis, Director of Nursing is retiring. Her last working day was May 14, 1980, and she will be on vacation until July 15, 1980, her effective date of retirenent. He also reported that a tanporary organizational structure has been initiated and that the Personal Health Division should rw1 snoothly until a new director of ~. - nurses is appointed. Mr. Brown reported that he is working with the local AHEC to provide programs for in-service training for Health Department Staff to cut down on out of town travel for this fUrpose. There being no further business, RaIla Lee Hall m:wed that the meeting be adjourned. Bill Grathwol seconded the notion and it unanimously carried and the Ireeting was adjourned at 9:32 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Z~ ~~~~ ^""""'''', ~ 1- . (1'i'iJ C/ /