1999-10-04 RM Exhibits '~. '. STATE OF NORTH. CAROLINA AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER Mona Black, being duly sworn"deposes and says: , . " 1. I disability, herein. am over the age of 18, I am suffering from no and I have personal knowledge of the matters set forth :2'. I am unable to attend the New Hanover County Commissioners meeting on October 4, 1999 because my husband, Dr Paul Black, age 93, is scheduled to have oral surgery the morning of October 4, and it is essential that I stay home to care for him. 3. This statement is offered pursuant to Rule 804 of the North Carolina Rules of Evidence on the basis that I am unavailable to be present or testify at the hearing because of the existing physical' infirmi.ty of my husband and my obligation to care for him during this infirmity. 4. My husband and I own approximately 43 acres of undeveloped land on the north side of Park Avenue in New Hanover County, west of the property which is the subject of this rezoning request. Our property is designated as Tract 5 on the attached plat. 5. Even though our property is currently zoned R-15, we do not believe residential development is the highest and best use because the property directly across the street (south of Park Avenue) is zoned B-2. As a result, we have no plans for residential development of our property. 6. My husband and I are familiar with the request of Jeff Smerko to rezone Tracts 1, 2, 3, 7 and 12 as shown on the attached plat from R-15 to O&I Conditional Use District, and for a special use permit to develop this property into a professional office center. I have personally examined Mr. Smerko's application and site plan and architectural renderings and have discussed same with my husband, and we fully support this request. We believe Mr. Smerko's request is in perfect accord with New Hanover County's Land Use Plan, which states that Office & Institutional zoning is an appropriate transition district between residential and intensive commercial uses. 7. A man-made ditch runs northwest from Hinton Avenue across the property sought to be rezoned, through the northeast portion of our property, crosses an existing culvert at Wrightsville Avenue, and eventually meanders back to the northeast to reach the discharge point of Bradley Creek. 8. The portion of the ditch which crosses our property needs to be redug and maintained in order to improve drainage in the surrounding areas. 9 If Mr. Smerko's application is granted, my husband and I agree to grant to New Hanover County, or its assigns, and Mr Smerko, or his assigns, a permanent construction easement to maintain the portion of the ditch which crosses our property Further, this affiant sayeth not. This the -:snJ day of October, 1999. ~t5Y"\o. Mona Black ~Qc1- Sworn to and subscribe~ before me, this the ~ day of Octo r, 1999. [NOTARY SEALl 7r Commission Expires: d~/4- .2002 sm0200nili.aff ", \\~lIl1l'n:t:r~ \\\' l' ,'0": lJ.tt.. .~'f.. ~\..,..:,.c; t/l1c'/;...., ~_!jt".. .....~"'.. 0.. .... .:! ~ ..":":,'l~' ..... ';i'.o~ ~'." .. ~~~' ::... .'HO"'A '. ~ -~.'" . I~ . - =: '". .. .,1,' ,'j I' I( Y ~'..A.-c, ~ e.: ~'-',':~ ~ "U'i = ctt:"~';I0Zl0 : :: ;:~~ "t.,1....., :.~ ~ - . "'-1.1,'" C t<. ~ ~.".J,,~,ol\ ,.,,~~.. f 'of 'Wi.._ .oiI- , ... ~ * ..~ .vs!J;ft}..........:.~..\'\ ...~ .... ~j'~ e~~ ,,, 7J}i] ~11 "\\~\'\ . '!fNllnna\\\ 2 ,. 'v : ~ DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S AGENT " RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY Board of County Commissioners (Governing Body) OF New Hanover c'ollnry (Public Entity) THAT Allen O'Neal (Name of Incumbent) County Manager (Official Position) OR , Governor's Authorized Representative, is heteby authorized to execute for and in behalf of New Hanover County , a public entity established under the laws of the State of North Carolina , this application and to file it in the appropriate State office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 288, 93rd Congress) or otherwise available from the President's Disaster Relief Fund, THAT New Hanover County , a public entity established under the laws of the State of North Carolina . hereby authorizes its agent to provide to the State and to the Federal Emergency NIanagemenr Agency (FEMA) for all matters pertaining to such Federal disaster assistance the assurances and agreements printed on the reverse side hereof. tI~~ -f..a day of ,19 99 Passed and approved this William A. Caster, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners (Name and Title) (Name and Title) 1.,J ,:pk~ C\ ~ 1'<~=ffl CERTIFICATION I, Lucie F. Harrell , duly appointed and Clerk to the Borad (Title) of New Hanover County , do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a on the ft;llv //)/S/;f , { County Commissioners (Governing Body) ~ of New Hanover County (Public Entity) resolution passed and approved by the day of ,19 if 9 Date: Clerk to the Rn~rd (Official Position) +/,<('~L( ./ * Name of incumbent need not be provided in those cases where the governing body of the public entity desires to authorize any incumbent of the designated official position to represent it. Rev. [JRJ<)y 11 The Applicant shall begin and complete all items of work within the time limits established by the Governor's Authorized Representative. [2 The Applicant shall comply \,,;th all Federal and State statutes and regulations relating to non- di~mination. 13 The Applicant shall comply \\ith provisions of the Hatch Act limiting the political activities of public employees. 14 The Applicant shall comply, as applicable, \\ith provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act relating to labor standards. 15 The Applicant shall comply \\ith the flood insurance purchase requirements of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, which may require purchase of flood insurance for some costs over S 1 0,000 16. The Applicant shall not enter into cost-plus-percentage-of-costs contracts for completion of disaster restoration or repair work. 17. The Applicant shall not enter into contracts for which payment is contingent upon receipt of State or Federal funds. 18 The Applicant shall not enter into any contract \'.;th any party that is debarred or suspended from participating in Federal Assistance. 19 The Applicant shall comply with all uniform administrative requirements which are set forth in the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended, and as implemen~?d by 44 CFR Part 206. Signed by Applicant: Allen O'Neal Typed Name 56-6000324 Applicant's Federal Tax Identification Number (Required) County Manager Title Signature Date Signedfor State. Typed Name Title Signature Date .. REV. Q6J99 i: ,. ~(O'S\J"""'n....l\C"'. :"CJort.(:U1I:l'1~.I.:"'1 I :sUI....OOO..:::lloQ<"l\d....",_ Jao>-U~ I ,.....,4~.(...l~ I 0 c.:....~~ 0 ~\I""<'~ <t.. e.....n .1.:..r.'ftJ If' I :1...... J.CL-..ct l fr:l....' '-:"'lnn... I Cil ~.rrv::l<7"' 0 ~f'T"I".,<:'>O<"\ C ........lc..uot 1...C.....lo:"lC... I u-,..,l ,.....,....-...: I C~I.....n(..,.....I..',..c: I New Hanover County Ne'..... .Hnnilver .r......llntv ~u ,,,....... "fy, ~f'(. '''''1-: ~ lJ:J 0:..>.:,: 1-4...............-..:z.~ f'oJ"C-O al tr-4 ~ 1~ t>4 e::"U<...I.-d CI'l m-Iol\"1 ~~.~:~p1,oye~ ;C,oun ty D"'r' 'C~1.>Oo"'l (';""'.............. eO>j'1 ~--.; r Bruce T. Shell, Finance .D~rectot: .32.0 Che>;t!')ut 51;. Wllmi(\gt;.on, NC 28401 (910) 341-7188 . L 11.l.........-...,.",....-eI....,nc.J,1"'~/'f...l.:I.oI.t'l.I[;l'ol'C , t""r"JI C' JJ~C,.J..I'(1": IJ"tIII-o' ...:~.(r. HI:.>;' ~, lBJ I I l~~ 6-1 o 10 I I I W .. :t.,It. k. ~...-.( So...-'Cld Ci..r1.. .. 5 6 0 3 2 e. ~ L ~~~......."O(l,otlO"lcH~_u......____ L TlI"1 eJ )J.........:.l..:-...:.. c. ~ ..!.P.........I.~ . C. T ----'" "- ~T~ . ttJ "- O.C..:.'IOo-v.1:x>"l tJ ~ E. r.l....,-ul. L ~ .. .' F lo-'I~~~ U. P-r-:t\l c.-;&."ll.a00r'\ - .. IJ R....-ro'\ _... '::CIo<'7",."'..Il. l.o""'11I r.. bodrw: 0 0 Go So-;:u.l ~v'a k. ec-- {S=-::l~ J,~.........--:: 8..c..:..~DoIJ...~ C. ~u.. CVlOOr1 C. O-.:::MLW c......,1.<l<1 Orr- f~ly;: J.. ~IC"c:cv.:..)...:lL-..cr: . '. 't., CJ,~J.l..OC c' 1t:uc"e.cul.t7"...: :LU.I I 1 It.. c~r7'f"'(,.,uC";J,,"-~~.Nc..:.L.-:"': ~:~"'I.l""~ T':7'....E:. ". J.A~ .......,.:-:-0 It '1':"""-';_. (C><I1. C,.:)l.It'lI"'1. J~."l.. .-:..:- Ne..... Hanover County , .- ,. '.C--=:.1~ --ca... IIJ. c::.HC."t::::~t1..u. C'l:7'll~ c~ ~UJ'1 c...t.1 \ E.~C4U1 \L~ i..- \ Seventh Seventh I:" t....-n1olJ.':""t.:) 'V~:.....:.; lLtS iLn"'_~X'M StJLJc=rr.::l.Mrwr1n...nD..LO.~~'="'1 ,~ L F..,..., I' -"" L ~ T1-d ~~.-c.'{.'.I.P9\X'..1i"'CHWA.3LJ...A..:::e AV~T'Ol'"H1: :;7.1.7"l o::s::;..r.7ri oc..:.6\ l2Jn P"FCCE::::S ~ ~ Oft e. ~~l \' "'" CJo."i'Ci c.~'-- I' -"" b Kl 0 ~c...-oTCJ";"Erl.6J8i'!.o.tz=n ~ '-=" I' "'" 0 0:\ ~ j-U..3 NCJT e...ESH sa...s--;-w 8i' .:-; A "i'Ci fC~ ~ Leo- I' .o:l I. PT1;;r;r,......,~ \' -"" II. tSn<<~rCr..1J"oC\.'L"'fTC-"1.I.XY'Cc-....u.t0-:-7 \' 0 T.. It-r~..o.c'''I''''~ 0 ,.., ~ T:)';'J.;.. -"" ! \~:=....t Itl~ c,........ l..~.(:'~l ~::I.I'''':U J..l.1.. c,...,J. Vo tlo'J JJr".JCJ..x......."'UJr"...;..::,..1.i"'lCJ'1.....( T'lt'.Jt "-^.:l c::,..A.Jl(=--:'. T'M1 oo:::.,."loIv..r I'U..S ItOo4 ~"\.~ ......~.;:t,..:->ot ::;-.t....-..: -"':~C' t><1 ..,~__~:......:: rw1..'_...~f"f7__1..=......_y~nof "'r.,,--,~ ~J..........-..co ~l1-t"t~~~~.......::r: -- f Lo..o.N; 1.J....n(J 10-4-99 OMI.lQ(I'O..lIMo..OJ11<:""O'l APPLICATION FOR ,. FcDEiiAL ASSISTANCE I.CO'~"IIoO_I"- l "T~ C("\1rntv M;:ln;:i~pr \c..T~~ (910) 341-7LB~- \LO::~ . ---I ,:)u.....-:..'O ror""' :".l~'. :..,-:;. -' '_I F :. JO"f''O--".......- '\ , I ! I, ';',.-,.-:'---oJ.......~R~II_ Allen O'Neal . :.:..:...............Il-......<.~~...._ ..--, ~'__I ~l u......."'... . h. '"ori.::ed 'tor Lo~1 Reproductlon RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY SUPPORT OF CENSUS 2000 " WHEREAS, questionnaires for the U.S. Census 2000 will be delivered to residents of north Carolina in March of 2000, and WHEREAS, many residents may not know that individual Census responses are private and cannot be shared outside the Census Bureau, just as they may not know about the important relationship between their return of census questionnaires and key services in their communities, as well as the funding to support these services; and, WHEREAS, millions of dollars in federal and state funds are allocated across North Carolina based on Census results, including funds for education and school facilities, community development, health care services, aging programs and job training; and, . WHEREAS, accurate Census data helps counties, other local governments and community organizations more adequately develop short-term and long-range action plans, siting of facilities and service priorities to meet local needs; and, WHEREAS, many counties have populations of residents that are particularly hard to reach, such as transient or seasonal workers, illiterate residents, non-English speaking communities, the homeless and residential students; and, WHEREAS, counties have been invited to work closely with U.S. Census officials in planning for and implementing Census 2000 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED thatthe New Hanover County Board of Commissioners urges the residents of New Hanover County to participate in and support Census 2000 Adopted this the 4th day of October, 1999 1:J~ Q ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Attest: ST ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF Regulated Cable Service provided by Time Warner Cable to New Hanover County residents, NC-0140 ) ) ) ) ) ) Accounting andTolling Order for Time Warner Cable's FCC-1240, 1205, 1235 Rate Filings, Extending the Review Period Deadline to January 31,2000. WHEREAS, on October 4, 1999, Time Warner Cable submitted an FCC-1240 Updating Maximum Permitted Rates filing, FCC-l20S Determining Regulated Equipment and Installation costs, and FCC-123 S cost of Service Filing for Cable Network Upgrades for Regulated Cable Service with the Town, Time Warner Cable's filing includes actual and estimated costs it may incur during the period of January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000, along with previous costs from the "true up" period ofJanuary 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999; WHEREAS, the Federal Communications Commission has promulgated rate filing procedures that allow cable operators to estimate future external costs, and costs associated with system upgrades, and recover those projected costs utilizing the FCC-1240 filing process, performed annually; WHEREAS, Time Warner Cable's FCC-1240 rate filing has been modified by the cable operator to incorporate financial consideratiOns negotiated by Time Warner Cable and the FCC in the Time Warner Social Contract; WHEREAS, the Town is certIfied with the FCC to regulate basic cable service rates and services within Town; and the FCC has assigned the Town with the responsibility of verifYing that all elements of the SOCIal Contract are fulfilled by the cable operator as they pertain to the Town, and, WHEREAS, the FCC allows cable franchise authorities the ability to toll the time in which to review rate filings submitted by cable operators, extending the period of review from the initial 30 days, to an additional 90 days (120 days total) past the original date of receipt by the franchise authority IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: THA T, the time period in which the County has to review Time Warner Cable's FCC- 1240 rate filing is tolled 90 days past the original 30 days (120 days total) allowed by the FCC, extending the total revIew period deadline; and, THAT, Time Warner Cable is directed to maintain a complete and accurate accounting of all costs and revenues associated with the aforementIoned FCC-1240 filing. THA T, should Time Warner Cable implement its desired rate adjustment prior to the expiration of the County's 120-day review period, or prior to a finding of fact by the County in this matter, Time Warner Cable will bear all responsibility for any over collection of revenues from subscribers brought about through the implementation of a BasIc Service Tier rate not approved by the County ISSUED BY ORDER OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER This the 1'4 day of $~ , 1999 ATTEST BY ~.'1(7 ~ C erk to the Board t)Jlvc.--- Q O~~ Chairman '---.. Deliver via Certified U.S Mail to With a file copy to Time Warner Cable Robert F Sepe, Action Audits Resolution INTRODUCED BY Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager DATE. October 4,1999 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR A GRANT THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES FOR THE NEW HANOVER COMMISSION FOR WOMEN OF UP TO $7,500.00 LEGISLATIVE PURPOSEIINTENT The County of New Hanover is eligible to apply for a grant award to the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources for projects having cultural, historical or artistic significance. The New Hanover Commission for Women requested New Hanover County make application to the North Carolina Cultural Resource Department for a grant of up to $7,500.00 on behalf of the Commission for their women's history storyboard project entitled Women's Work: a Century's Worth, 1900- 2000. BE IT RESOLVED' That New Hanover County is hereby authorized to file a pre-application and application for a grant of up to $7,500.00 to the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, such funds to be used by the New Hanover Commission for Women for the women's history storyboard project entitled Women's Work: a Century's Worth, 1900-2000. That the County Manager is hereby authorized do all things necessary to carry out this Resolution and the requirements of the grant, including execution of any contractual agreements with third parties. 1-.)~c. ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Adopted at a f1.. ..L"75~ meeting on &..rf-~ '-I- ,1999 " I:/":,. ,'\ ~ ":"~'/" '~. .... " .11I....... ~~ .}'~..'~.... ~~~... <<t7!1;u.' '-~~~~.~ County Clerk ' I AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPYTED OCTOBER 18, 1965 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969 and October 18, 1965 and October 18, 1965 respectively, as arnendedbe and the same is hereby further amended as follows. Zoning Ordinance Revise Section 51.5-2 Performance Residential by adding subsection 14 to read. The approximate delmeation of Corps of Engineers Section 404 and Section 10 Wetlands. 2. Revise 69.2 Site plan by adding subsection 25 to read. The approximate delineation of Corps of Engineers Section 404 and Section 10 Wetlands. 3 Revise 69 4 High Density by adding subsection 14 to read. The approximate delineation of Corps of Engineers Section 404 and Section 10 Wetlands. Subdivision Regulation 1 Revise Section 32-2, Contents ofthe Preliminary Plan, by adding subsection 21 to read: The approximate delineation of Corps of Engineers Section 404 and Section 10 Wetlands. 2. Revise Section 33-1, contents of the Final Plate, by adding subsection (14) to read. Surveyed delineation of Corps of Engineers Federally regulated Wetlands. Section 2 Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent qf such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full foree and effeet from and after its adoption. I Adopted this 4th day of October 1999 /D~~e~~ Q.G,,--~ William A. Castcr, Chairman Attest: c AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section I That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Revised Table of Permitted Uses: 0&1 Indoor/Outdoor S Recreational Establishment Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3 This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 4th day of October, 1999 I 1J ,JQ t ~ . () rt::d:i-.. William A. Caster, Chairman Attest: J~P~/-:O~ Clerk to the Board