1996-05-03 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 3, 1996PAGE 343 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and Wilmington City Council met in a joint session on Friday, May 3, 1996, at 7:30 A.M. in Room B of the Coast Line Convention Center, 501 Nutt Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews. Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Members present from the Wilmington City Council were: Mayor Don Betz; Mayor Pro-Tem Katherine B. Moore; Councilmembers Frank S. Conlon; Hamilton E. Hicks, Jr.; Harper Peterson; Charlie Rivenbark, Laura Padgett; City Manager, Mary Gornto; City Attorney, Thomas C. Pollard; and City Clerk, Penelope Spicer-Sidbury. Mayor Betz called the Wilmington City Council to order and announced the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee on Urban Growth and other related issues. Chairman Greer called the Board of County Commissioners to order. ESTABLISHMENT OF A JOINT CITY/COUNTY AD HOC COMMITTEE ON URBAN GROWTH Discussion was held on how to create and appoint members to serve on a joint City/County Ad Hoc Committee. Mayor Betz opened the floor to receive comments from the elected officials. Councilmember Conlon advised that growth in the unincorporated County had greatly affected what was occurring within the City, and he stressed the importance of the City and County working together to correlate a plan for better control and management of future growth. He commented on the differences that occurred between the City and County governing bodies during the 1995 Consolidation Study and suggested using the services of the Cape Fear Council of Governments for the provision of an objective facilitator. Mayor Betz stated there is a gap in the overall blue print of what New Hanover County has in place for future growth. He advised that New Hanover County was very proactive when rapid growth began to occur by providing water and sewer utilities in the unincorporated County; however, as this growth has continued, the infrastructure had to be funded with revenue generated from the sales tax, which could have been used for the construction of new schools. In order to control and better manage future growth, the Ad Hoc Committee should develop a blue print that will provide one unit for the provision of water and sewer, a joint drainage plan, and a review of transportation issues that can be presented to the N. C. Board of Transportation as a City/County unit on September 5- 6, 1996. Also, the schools must be included in the blue print. Once the plan is produced, copies should be placed in the Library, and a video should be prepared to air on Channel 8 so the public will be informed about the joint City and County plan for future growth in the County. Chairman Greer reported the City and County have worked together in joint projects such as the Land Use Plan Update and the Unified Development Ordinance which is currently being developed by the City and County planning staffs. He advised that in the past a number of plans have been prepared which now lie on a shelf because the two governing bodies could not agree on various issues. Emphasis was placed on the importance of both governing bodies developing an acceptable plan to all elected officials so the plan will be a guideline for the future. Chairman Greer stated that he felt combining the water and sewer services under one unit would be NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 3, 1996PAGE 344 more cost-effective and provide a better quality of utility services to the customers. Commissioner Sisson requested the plan to include addressing the following items: (1)A complete review of transportation needs for future growth into the unincorporated county with a focus on better coordinating the City and County efforts. During this review, traffic choke points should be studied as well as other traffic generators, such as the State Ports Authority. (2)Other than the Unified Development Ordinance, the plan should identify areas where joint planning ordinances can be developed, such as a Tree Ordinance. Councilmember Peterson stressed the importance of the plan being specific about the amount of growth, the location of growth, the type of growth, and transportation access. He stated, in his opinion, the City and County should work together on the 17th Street Extension as well as the provision of many services that could be provided more cost effectively under one unit. Also, both governing bodies must be aware of future trends and development in surrounding counties because this growth will greatly impact New Hanover County. Mayor Pro-Tem Moore recommended focusing on traffic and the movement of traffic in the City and County. She advised that in the past twenty-four months, New Hanover County had received more State funding for roads than in the past; therefore, the City and County must work toward a coordinated Transportation/Traffic Plan as well as the Land Use Plan in order to know the location of roads and purchase rights-of-way properties. A lengthy discussion was held on the composition of the Ad Hoc Committee. Councilmember Conlon stressed the importance of involving persons from the community on the committee to allow the public to participate. Commissioner Caster agreed and recommended appointment of representatives from the beach communities to serve on the subcommittees. Councilmember Hicks commented on the resolution adopted by the Wilmington City Council reflecting the composition of the Board and asked if each member of the governing bodies really wanted to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee, which in his opinion, would create an unwieldy number of members. He advised that a large committee could create difficulty in rendering decisions, and he recommended leaning toward a more representative Ad Hoc Committee with the use of subcommittees. Councilmember Padgett commented on the consolidation process and she cautioned appointing too many members to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee. She recommended making a list of major items that need to be addressed, such as transportation, mass transit, water and sewer with subcommittees formed to address the key issues. Councilmember Peterson advised that the strategy should be to select two to four major issues to be specifically addressed by the Ad Hoc Committee in lieu of trying to address too many topics. He also questioned if a procedure could be developed to require the next seated boards to adopt and maintain the plan once it is approved. Commissioner Sisson reported the only way to assure that future boards will adhere to the plan is through codification of the plan. Chairman Greer cautioned trying to address too many issues at one time. He recommended more involvement by both governing bodies through scheduling joint Work Sessions during the preparation NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 3, 1996PAGE 345 process of the Land Use Plan Update, the Unified Development Ordinance, and the plan that will be presented by the Ad Hoc Committee. He noted that more involvement would allow the governing bodies to resolve conflict areas before the plans are presented to the public and approved by the governing bodies. Councilmember Padgett commented on the increase in funding from the State for road projects in New Hanover County and reported the City and County must be prepared for the impact of development on new roads when opened to traffic. For example, when I-40 was opened, the County was not ready for the rapid development that occurred in that area. Presently, both governing bodies are aware that Independence Boulevard and Smith Creek Parkway will become a reality; therefore, should the City and County be sure the infrastructure is available to encourage development on these roads when opened, or should mass transit play a role in this issue. She stressed the importance of developing a plan that will allow the City and County to better manage growth in future areas of rapid development. Mayor Pro-Tem Moore reported she felt a consensus had been made by both governing bodies to form the Ad Hoc Committee. She recommended moving forward with deciding on the composition of the committee to prepare a master plan to be completed within a certain time frame. Chairman Greer recommended allowing the City and County Staffs to perform the work with involvement of both governing bodies during the process. Commissioner Sisson requested the members of Staff to provide a list of items to be addressed by the Ad Hoc Committee. Motion: Mayor Pro-Tem Moore MOVED, SECONDED by Councilmember Conlon to establish a nine (9) member Ad Hoc Committee. Mayor Betz asked if any member of the City Council would like to volunteer to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee? Councilmember Padgett and Councilmember Peterson volunteered to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee. Consensus: It was the consensus of the City Council to appoint Councilmember Padgett and Councilmember Peterson to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee. Chairman Greer asked if any member from the Board of County Commissioners would like to volunteer to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee? Vice-Chairman Mathews and Commissioner Sisson volunteered to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board of County Commissioners to appoint Vice-Chairman Mathews and Commissioner Sisson to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee. Vice-Chairman Mathews commented on the offer by the Cape Fear Council of Governments and he recommended using these services whenever possible. Mayor Betz explained that the resolution adopted by the City Council has addressed this issue as well as involving services from other municipalities, counties and State agencies. A lengthy discussion was held on appointing members from the private sector. Councilmember Conlon recommended appointing members from professional groups, such as representatives from the Committee of 100 and the Chamber of Commerce. Chairman Greer agreed and recommended appointment of representatives from local NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 3, 1996PAGE 346 architectural firms, the Home Builders Association, the Homeowners Association, and the Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors. Councilmember Padgett reported the plan should be limited to New Hanover County with the capability of expanding the plan to include other counties in the future. She suggested considering the offer by the Cape Fear Council of Governments for the provision of a facilitator to assist the Committee in reaching a consensus on major issues of concern. Councilmember Peterson suggested establishing the following subcommittees: (1) City/County Land Use Subcommittee; (2) City/County Transportation Subcommittee; (3) City/County Utilities Subcommittee; (4) School Subcommittee; and (5) a Regional Planning Subcommittee. Discussion was held on the purpose of establishing a School Subcommittee since the school system is under the leadership of elected officials that serve on the Board of Education. Councilmember Peterson reported a School Subcommittee could address education and recreational/athletic facilities as well as the coordination of where schools will be located and the road systems to access these schools. Mayor Betz asked if the Council was ready to vote on the MOTION on the floor to establish a nine member Ad Hoc Committee. Councilmember Rivenbark inquired as to how the Ad Hoc Committee would be broken down? He advised that all persons in all areas of the County would be affected by the Ad Hoc Committee; therefore, large subcommittees should be established to involve citizens from every part of the county. Councilmember Padgett reported if a third party is facilitating the process, the members of the subcommittees could be enlarged. County Manager O'Neal reported on the numerous documents that are already available, such as the City's Master and Neighborhood Plan, the County's Strategic Plan, a joint City/County CAMA Land Use Plan and development of a joint Unified Development Ordinance. He advised that the governing bodies may wish to schedule a Work Session to hear a presentation on the existing plans before deciding on the issues to be addressed in the development of a plan for future growth. Mayor Betz agreed with County Manager O'Neal and reported this would be an excellent starting point. Councilmember Hicks reported he would prefer a copy of the written documents in lieu of scheduling a three to four hour Work Session. Councilmember Conlon reported while serving as a member of the Strategic Planning Committee for New Hanover County the presentations by the Planning Staff and the County Manager were very beneficial throughout the entire process. Councilmember Rivenbark reported he felt the County Manager was saying that many of the issues discussed at this meeting have already been addressed in written documents; therefore, it would be redundant to identify areas before reviewing the plans. Mayor Betz reported the Ad Hoc Committee should be responsible for gathering the existing plans as resource materials. This would move the committee away from the bureaucracy of the City and County governments. Councilmember Padgett suggested that the primary goal of the first Ad Hoc Committee meeting should be to hear a report from the NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 3, 1996PAGE 347 City and County Planning Staffs on existing plans with the committee preparing a list of issues to be addressed. This list will be presented to the two governing bodies at which time subcommittees could be appointed. Mayor Betz reported a MOTION WAS ON THE FLOOR. Councilmember Padgett requested identification of the nine members to be appointed on the Ad Hoc Committee. Commissioner Sisson recommended removing the two staff members from the Ad Hoc Committee making them adjunct members with the addition of two more members from the private sector. Amended Motion: Mayor Pro-Tem Moore AMENDED THE MOTION, seconded by Councilmember Conlon to appoint a nine member Ad Hoc Committee composed of two City Council Members, two County Commissioners, one representative from the Board of Education, and four members from the private sector with the staff members of the City and County serving as adjunct members. The first meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee will be to hear a presentation on existing City and County plans from Staff members of the City and County governments with a report prepared on the items that need to be addressed by the Ad Hoc Committee. This report will be presented to the two governing bodies for consideration and approval at a later date. Councilmember Rivenbark inquired as to how people in the other incorporated areas of the County will be included in the process. Mayor Betz responded these areas should be included in the subcommittee appointments. Councilmember Rivenbark requested that the motion be read. Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell read the motion. Mayor Betz called for a vote on the motion. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Greer called for a motion from the Board of County Commissioners. Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to duplicate the motion by Mayor Pro-Tem Moore as read by the Clerk to the Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Vice-Chairman Mathews inquired as to whether the issues will be prioritized by the Ad Hoc Committee? Councilmember Padgett advised there may be areas that have already been addressed with other areas not addressed, or areas where the City is going in one direction and the County in another with the need to correlate these efforts. The Ad Hoc Committee will determine these needs after hearing the presentations on current plans. Mayor Betz advised that both governing bodies had adopted the preparation of a joint Unified Development Ordinance and reported he had urged the members of Staff to prepare the first draft of the ordinance before the present members of the Board of County Commissioners leave office in December. Discussion was held on how the four members from the private sector would be appointed and the amount of time that would be involved with advertising the vacancies. Mayor Betz recommended authorizing the Board of County Commissioners and City Council to appoint two members each from the private sector. County Manager O'Neal suggested deciding on the four groups to be represented and then allowing these groups to provide one NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 3, 1996PAGE 348 representative each to serve on the committee as members from the private sector. Mayor Betz responded this was an excellent idea. Chairman Greer recommended allowing the two City Councilmembers and two County Commissioners to decide on the representative groups. After discussion of trying to move forward as quickly as possible, it was the consensus of both governing bodies to authorize the two City Councilmembers and two County Commissioners serving on the Ad Hoc Committee to appoint the four representative groups from the private sector with those associations appointing one member each to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee. The Ad Hoc Committee will establish the date for its first meeting and the date when the information will be presented to both governing bodies. Status Report on Legion Stadium Councilmember Peterson reported the Study Committee established to review the operation of Legion Stadium had made progress and was very close to reaching an agreement. He requested the City Manager and County Manager to schedule another meeting within the next week so a final agreement could be presented to both governing bodies. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Greer adjourned the Special Session at 9:05 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board