1996-05-10 Work Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 25 WORK SESSION WITH AIRPORT AUTHORITY, MAY 10, 1996PAGE 369 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a joint Work Session with the New Hanover County Airport Authority on Friday, May 10, 1996, at 7:30 A.M. in the New Hanover International Airport Conference Room, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Members present from the Airport Authority were: Chairman William Schwartz; Parks L. Griffin; Shirley T. McQueen; Irvin A. Roseman; and Airport Director, Robert J. Kemp. Chairman Greer called the Work Session to order and announced the purpose of the meeting was to hear a status report on Airport activities. Chairman Schwartz called the Airport Authority to order and reported Vice-Chairman Paul Gregory was not present because of gall stone surgery. STATUS REPORT ON AIRPORT ACTIVITIES Chairman Schwartz expressed appreciation to the Board of County Commissioners for the support and assistance given to the Airport Authority since its creation in 1989. He commented on the excellent quality of persons appointed by the Commissioners to serve on the Airport Authority and stated with these members and the leadership provided by the Airport Director, Bob Kemp, New Hanover International Airport had been able to become self- supporting for the last two years with no funding subsidy required from New Hanover County. He advised that the Airport Authority began with a $100,000 loan from the County and currently has a balance of $2,000,000 in the bank. Chairman Schwartz introduced and complimented each member of Staff, particularly Mrs. Janie James, the Administrative Assistant, who performs an outstanding job in the daily operation of the office. The following activity reports were presented: U. S. Customs - 1995-96: The number of aircraft cleared and persons cleared has increased by 14.7%. Total Passengers Handled: Enplanements and deplanements decreased 1.4% for the first three months of this year; however, this trend has reversed and it appears the number of total passengers handled will increase over 1994 and 1995. There is concern about the number of persons driving to Myrtle Beach or Raleigh for departing flights because of lower rates. The Airport Authority is in the process of trying to resolve this problem and will increase its advertising to better inform people about the rates and flights that are available from Wilmington. Also, the Authority continuously works with the various airlines to book more direct flights from Wilmington. New Hanover County International Airport Revenue: A statement was presented reflecting revenue generated from Fiscal Years 1990-1997. A Cash Flow Analysis and Account Balances were presented with emphasis being placed on the fact that New Hanover International Airport does not need to be subsidized by the County. Through the years, Staff has performed an excellent job in obtaining FAA and NCDOT grants; however, due to reorganization of the FAA with proposed federal cutbacks and the possibility of airports not being able to assess a Passenger Facility Charge after NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 25 WORK SESSION WITH AIRPORT AUTHORITY, MAY 10, 1996PAGE 370 December 31, 1996, funding could decrease. Both of these situations will be closely monitored by the Authority. In summary, the Airport's financial condition is healthy and the Authority feels the Airport will continue to grow. Personnel: An Organizational Chart was presented reflecting the relationship between the Airport Authority, the Airport Director, Administrative Assistant, Deputy Airport Director, Public Safety Chief, Public Safety Department, Business Manager/Personnel Director, Administrative Staff, Maintenance Foremen and Maintenance Department. There are currently 34 full-time positions with very few turnovers. Discussion was held on the low rate of turnover in positions at the Airport. Mrs. Shirley McQueen, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, advised that a majority of turnovers occur in the Public Safety Department and with temporary positions. Vice-Chairman Mathews inquired as to the number of employees in the Public Safety Department and asked if this was the largest department? Mrs. McQueen responded the largest department was Maintenance with sixteen employees followed by the Public Safety Department with twelve Public Safety Officers. Commissioner Caster inquired as to whether the restaurant, lounge, and newsstand were contracted out, and if so for how many years? Airport Director Kemp responded that one contractor had leased all three spaces for a term of ten years. Discussion was held on the parking expansion and off-site parking. Commissioner Sisson inquired as to whether the problem with Air Park, Inc. had been resolved? Airport Director Kemp responded that the problem had been resolved and advised that Air Park, Inc. was reporting regularly and accurately with an average of twenty to thirty cars per day. Commissioner Sisson requested the Airport Director and Airport Authority to keep the Commissioners informed about any problems that may arise, such as the Air Park, Inc. issue, so the Board can factually respond to questions received from the public. Chairman Schwartz agreed and stated having the County Attorney to serve as legal counsel to the Airport Authority was truly an asset and an excellent way to keep the Board of County Commissioners informed on all current issues. Capital Improvements: A report was presented on the following Capital Improvements: Taxiway B Extension and Widening - Completed Taxiway Lights and Lighting Systems - Being completed Old Airport Tower Demolition - 1996 Project Installation of Security Fencing - Mid-late 1996 Project Phase I of Airfield Drainage System - Currently underway Repairs to Airport Canopy and Tile Floor - Will begin shortly Construction of T-Hangars - Evaluating Site and Test Results Airport Master Plan Update - July 1996 Parking Lot Expansion - Mid-1996 Project Public Affairs: The Airport Authority is emphasizing the importance of being more user friendly. Advertisements are being used to promote the Airport as well as implementation of a new program to allow people registered at the Airport during the NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 25 WORK SESSION WITH AIRPORT AUTHORITY, MAY 10, 1996PAGE 371 preceding month to become eligible to win a pair of air tickets donated by participating airlines. Drawings will be held at each monthly meeting of the Airport Authority. The international activity at the Airport has increased 5.5% and continues to grow. The Airport is trying to serve the community and obtain a flight to the northeast. Airports across the country are very concerned about renewal of the Passenger Facility Charge, which could reduce the revenue received by airports. Another issue that could impact the Airport is construction of a 11,500 foot runway by the Global Transpark, which will attract the larger jet airlines. The Authority will continue to monitor these issues and work with the FAA and the NCDOT in obtaining grant awards to provide the best facility possible to the community and region. Land Acquisition: A map was presented showing the areas that should be acquired for future use by the Airport, and the two parcels owned by New Hanover County. Negotiations are currently occurring with several property owners, and the Commissioners were requested to include the two parcels owned by the County in the lease with the Airport. If the land acquisition program is successful, the total cost for purchasing the necessary parcels is estimated at $20,000,000. Airport Master Plan Update (1995-2015): The following facility requirements were presented and discussed to satisfy the short and long-term needs: 1.Runways Runway 17/35 - Relocate glideslope, displace threshold 900 feet to the north and construct a 900 foot extension to the north. Overlay Runway 17/35 during Phase III (years 2005- 2015). Runway 6/24 - Install precision approach to Runway 6 and construct phased-in 2,000 foot extension to the east. Overlay Runway 6/24 during Phase 1 (years 1995-2000). Reserve land for the construction of a 7,000 foot parallel runway to Runway 17/35. 2.Taxiways Construct partial parallel taxiway on the west side of Runway 35 from Taxiway E to the intersection of Taxiways B and C. All new taxiway construction should be 75 feet in width. Construct an additional exit taxiway between threshold of Runway 6 and Taxiway A. Construct larger fillets of all taxiway/taxiway and runway/taxiway intersections. Discussion was held on including the County owned property in the lease with the Airport. Chairman Greer stated he had no problem with the County owned land being included in the lease. After discussion, it was generally agreed to include the County parcels in the lease. Airport Chairman Schwartz asked if a site had been selected for construction of the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant? County Manager O'Neal reported other sites were being considered in lieu of the Airport property; however, no final decision had been reached. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 25 WORK SESSION WITH AIRPORT AUTHORITY, MAY 10, 1996PAGE 372 Discussion was held on the importance of people using the Airport and the need to provide more direct flights to the northeast. Airport Chairman Schwartz advised that a possibility did exist for the provision of service from Wilmington to New York by Delta Airlines. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the Airport Authority for the informative status report and the excellent leadership being provided by the Authority. He advised that when companies select an area for relocation, the quality of the local airport, schools, and hospitals are major factors in making a final decision. He stated he was proud of New Hanover International Airport and the fact that this facility does not depend on the taxpayers for funding. Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 8:40 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board