1996-05-20 Work Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 WORK SESSION, MAY 20, 1996PAGE 405 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session on Monday, May 20, 1996, at 2:15 P.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the Work Session to order and stated the purpose of the meeting was to hear a presentation on Internet from the Director of MIS, Bill Clontz. County Manager O'Neal reported the MIS Department has prepared the framework for allowing New Hanover County to join the Internet System. He expressed appreciation to MIS Director Clontz and his Staff for an excellent job in preparing this information, and he requested the Board to decide if the County should move forward with going on-line. PRESENTATION ON INTERNET SYSTEM MIS Director Clontz reported there are several types of activities that can be performed on the Internet such as browsing or surfing on the Worldwide Webb to navigate around a webb of computers that circle around the world. This presentation will concentrate mainly on browsing and how information can be accessed. The information highway is a framework of six to eight extremely fast telephone systems throughout the State of North Carolina. When New Hanover County goes on line, this will mean that the County has a termination point. The County is one of three counties that has access to this line that is owned by the State of North Carolina. Through negotiations with the State, New Hanover County has received on-line service free, which normally would cost $3,000 per month. Equipment has been installed to provide the County with security from outside sources; however, internally, the problem of being sure employees do not spend too much time browsing the Internet will have to be controlled by each individual department head. County Manager O'Neal asked if a mechanism would be in place to detect if a particular employee or department head had been spending too many hours on the Internet? MIS Director Clontz responded that history files can be maintained; however, the County would not be storing history in a central file. The Internet System will provide an individual system that will reflect a history of what an individual has used, and this information can be retrieved by going into the file. The following information was presented on the home page number for New Hanover County: (1)Front Page for New Hanover County: A picture of the New Hanover County Courthouse and its logo. (2)News Section: Current news events listed under local, state, and national news around the world through linking to the information already on line. (3)Search System: This system can search for information worldwide with knowledge of one or two words, such as waste- to-energy, and receive volumes of information on this topic. (4)County Home Page: Each department on Internet will have a home page defining the responsibilities and activities of the NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 WORK SESSION, MAY 20, 1996PAGE 406 department. The home page was presented for the Governing Body Office with profiles for each County Commissioner providing a brief biographical summary, years of service on the Board, committees on which they serve as the County's representative, and a list of memberships to other organizations. Pages were presented showing the schedule of regular meetings, current and past agendas, an action agenda for the last meeting, committees appointed by the Board, vacancies on those committees, and the latest advertisement placed in the newspaper for recruitment of applicants to fill the vacancies. Information was presented on the general topics of other County Departments with an alphabetical listing of the departments. Under Human Resources, information is available on regulations governing sick leave, personal leave, leave of absence, and benefits, which will save numerous telephone calls and a tremendous amount of staff time for the Human Resources Department. Information was presented on the Library, the only department that is currently on the Internet System. This system has been of tremendous benefit to the library users throughout the County in referencing materials. (5)GIS Information: A map was presented showing the major road systems in the subdivisions throughout New Hanover County. Orthophotos were presented of the County when developing the data base for the GIS System. The dimensions of the orthophotos are extremely accurate and have proven to be very beneficial to many departments, particularly the Tax Department in determining actual boundary lines for land parcels. After further presentations on the various components of the County Departments, discussion was held on whether the County should use the Internet System. Chairman Greer spoke in favor of New Hanover County going on- line and suggested the provision of a lap top computer for each County Commissioner. After discussion of the ability to quickly access information, such as the latest legislative bills and other pertinent information as well as the ability to use E-Mail, it was the general consensus of the Board to authorize Staff to proceed with the County joining the Internet System. Chairman Greer and Commissioner Caster Excused from the Work Session Chairman Greer and Commissioner Caster left the meeting at 2:45 P.M. due to prior commitments. A demonstration was presented on reviewing bills introduced in the N. C. House and N. C. Senate. A list was shown on all bills introduced and the daily activities of the General Assembly as well as how the bill can be printed. ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to MIS Director Clontz and Jon de Faut for an excellent presentation and adjourned the meeting at 4:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board