1996-06-13 Budget Work Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 BUDGET WORK SESSION, JUNE 13, 1996PAGE 436 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Budget Work Session on Thursday, June 13, 1996, at 10:15 A.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr; Commissioner William A. Caster; and Commissioner William E. Sisson, Jr. Members absent were: Commissioner Sandra Barone and Chairman Robert G. Greer. Vice-Chairman Mathews called the meeting to order. DISCUSSION OF FY 1996-97 FUNDING FOR SCHOOLS AND OUTSIDE AGENCIES County Manager O'Neal reported Chairman Greer had requested the Board to consider the following items when discussing funding requests for the schools and outside agencies: (1)Increase the tax rate by an additional one-half or one cent to pay the school bond debt service with a majority of the proceeds being appropriated to the schools and other needs, such as the Environmental Health Program Specialist position at the Health Department. (2)Consider delaying the purchase of property for the Castle Hayne Library with use of the $300,000 in the Recommended Budget for schools or other needs. (3)Consider funding the Lower Cape Fear Hospice $10,000. Discussion of Funding for the Lower Cape Fear Hospice Budget Director Griffin reported in the original FY 1996-97 budget request, Hospice included an amount of $10,000 for its capital campaign. In late May, an additional funding request was received for $90,000. In the proposed budget presented by the County Manager, no funding was recommended. Consensus: After discussion of the services provided by Hospice to terminally ill patients and the agency's current construction project, it was the consensus of the Board Members present to approve funding in the amount of $10,000 to the Lower Cape Fear Hospice. Discussion of Funding for the Katie B. Hines Senior Center Discussion was held on the excellent financial condition of the Katie B. Hines Senior Center. Commissioner Sisson expressed concern for funding an outside agency that has such a healthy fund balance. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board Members present to recommend no funding for the Katie B. Hines Senior Center. Discussion of Funding for the Community Penalties Program Budget Director Griffin reported the Community Penalties Program was established to reduce prison overcrowding by providing sentencing Judges with alternatives to incarceration of eligible offenders. After a review of the budget request submitted in the amount of $13,500, the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee was concerned that only 28 cases had been accepted by the sentencing Judge with a staff of six full-time positions and one part-time position. The original projection was that 75 cases would be presented during the year. The Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee has expressed on-going concern about the low caseload and the dependence on New Hanover County to provide the local match. The Executive Director and Community Penalties Board of Directors have been notified about these concerns. Vice-Chairman Mathews commented on the importance of keeping NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 BUDGET WORK SESSION, JUNE 13, 1996PAGE 437 eligible offenders out of jail and stated he felt this agency did save a great deal of money for the County. He recommended approving funding in the amount of $13,500 for the program. Deputy County Manager, Andrew J. Atkinson, reported after working with the Criminal Justice Partnership Program, he was acutely aware of the need to provide alternatives to incarceration for eligible offenders. He reported if 28 offenders were kept out of jail last year, a great deal of money was saved by the County. Discussion was held on the low case load versus the number of full-time positions. Budget Director Griffin reported the number of cases has continued to drop, which was of concern when to the Committee when trying to equitably distribute funding to the outside agencies based on the services provided to the community for the dollars requested. Further discussion was held on why the Communities Penalties Program had not actively pursued other funding sources for the local match. Commissioner Sisson recommended requesting the Communities Penalties Staff to provide a written explanation as to why the agency has not pursued another funding source, other an New Hanover County, for the local match. He recommended approving the funding request for FY 1996-97 with Community Penalties being notified that the agency should actively pursue another funding source for the local match and that the services provided will be closely monitored during the next fiscal year to ensure that County dollars are being well spent for the services provided to the community. Budget Director Griffin responded that the agency had investigated other funding sources. Consensus: After discussion of the importance of providing alternatives to incarceration, it was the consensus of the Board Members present to approve a $13,500 funding request for the Community Penalties Program. Discussion of Funding Request for the Big Buddy Program Commissioner Sisson commented on the proven success of this program and recommended funding the $10,000 requested plus an additional $5,000. He stated the program was a volunteer organization of adults who give of their time to serve as mentors to boys and girls in need. He stressed the importance of funding an agency of this type, who does not have an opportunity to raise funds in lieu of funding agencies who are capable of raising funds from the private sector. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board Members present to approve a $15,000 funding request for the Big Buddy Program. Discussion of Funding Request for the New Hanover Commission for Women Discussion was held on past funding for this agency. Budget Director Griffin reported $1,000 was approved for the Commission of Women in the FY 1994-95 Budget with no funding approved in FY 1995- 96 Budget. A funding request has been submitted in the amount of $999 for FY 96-97 with no funding recommended in the proposed budget. Commissioner Sisson recommended funding $100 for postage and supplies with consideration of funding for specific projects when sponsored by the Commission for Women. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board Members present to approve a funding request in the amount of $100 to the Commission to Women to cover postage and supplies with consideration given during the fiscal year for funding of specific projects sponsored by the Commission when properly documented and presented to the Board. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 BUDGET WORK SESSION, JUNE 13, 1996PAGE 438 Discussion of Funding Request for Cure Aids of Wilmington Commissioner Sisson commented on the funding request presented at the June 3, 1996, Public Hearing and asked if a budget notification letter had been forwarded to this agency? Budget Director Griffin advised that a letter of notification was mailed to the agency with no response or budget request submitted by the stipulated deadline. She reported Cure Aids of Wilmington had reduced its total operating budget for FY 1996-97 from $50,000 to $36,000 and was requesting the County to fund $36,000. Consensus: After discussion of no response from the agency in a timely manner, it was the consensus of the Board Members present to accepted the County Manager's recommendation and provide no funding to this agency for FY 1996-97. Discussion of Funding Request for the Cape Fear River Program Commissioner Caster stated he thought this agency had received a $10,000 funding allocation last year. He reported the purpose of the program is to gather data that has not been provided by any other study to better understand the natural processes that affect the water quality in the Cape Fear River. The program's goal is to preserve and restore the water quality in the river while allowing continued utilization for recreation, commerce and economic development in the region. He recommended approving a funding request in the amount of $10,000. Budget Director Griffin advised that no funding was approved for the Cape Fear River Program in the FY 1995-96 Budget. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board Members present to approve a funding request in the amount of $10,000 for the Cape Fear River Program. Discussion of New Positions County Manager O'Neal reported the Health Department had requested two new positions, a Clerical Specialist I position for the Animal Control Division and an Environmental Health Program Specialist position for inspection of restaurants. Also, the Sheriff's Department has requested the following positions: Sheriff/911 - Clerical Assistant I Sheriff/Administration - One Deputy Sheriff (Desk Position) Sheriff/Patrol - One Sergeant and three Deputies for patrolling high crime areas Sheriff/Jail - Clerical Assistant from part-time to full-time position He reported the Deputy Sheriff desk position in the Sheriff's Department was badly needed and he recommended approval of this position. A lengthy discussion was held on the need for all of the positions requested. Emphasis was placed on the importance of patrolling high crime areas, particularly with continued growth in the County. Deliberation was held on using 911 Surcharge funds for eligible cost of operation and transferring these funds to assist with funding the positions in the Sheriff's Department. Commissioner Caster commented on the amount of funding in the budgets for the Health Department and Sheriff's Department asked why these positions could not be funded from the recommended budgets for FY 1996-97? Budget Director Griffin reported funds could be found in the budgets. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 BUDGET WORK SESSION, JUNE 13, 1996PAGE 439 Consensus: It was the consensus of the Members present to approve the two positions for the Health Department and the six and one- half positions for the Sheriff's Department with the cost of the positions being absorbed in the departments' FY 1996-97 Budgets. Discussion of Hiring a Public Information Officer Chairman O'Neal presented three options for hiring a Public Information Officer. Vice-Chairman Mathews commented on the importance of having a qualified person to answer calls and refer persons to the right offices. A lengthy discussion was held on the need to improve responses to inquires and better inform the citizenry about County activities. After a lengthy discussion on the need to identify exactly what type of position should be created and the need to install an information line, it was concluded that $35,000 should be placed in the budget with Staff developing a plan to have the position in place by January 1, 1997. Discussion of Housekeeper Positions County Manager O'Neal reported there are four temporary housekeeper positions that have been part-time positions for over a year, and he recommended reclassifying these positions to full- time positions effective July 1, 1996, in order to avoid losing these employees. He advised that $13,852 would cover the benefits for these positions and reported this cost would be absorbed in the Property Management FY 1996-97 Budget. Discussion was held on held on contracting out this service. County Manager O'Neal reported after reviewing the situation, it was found that in-house services were more cost effective because of the difficulty in obtaining bids for housekeeping services. He reported the City of Wilmington and Schools were in the process of discontinuing contracted services and providing this service in- house. After further discussion, there was no consensus. Discussion of Funding for Schools Commissioner Sisson stressed the importance of providing more funding for the Schools and stated he had no problem with raising taxes to cover the school bond debt because the voters supported the 1993 bond referendum to build and renovate schools. Commissioner Caster advised that he supported the Library but felt that the $300,000 budgeted for purchase of land in the Castle Hayne area for construction if a branch library should be appropriated to the schools. He suggested increasing the tax rate by one-half cent for a total increase of one and one-half cents for FY 1996-97 with the additional proceeds being allocated to the schools. Commissioner Sisson recommended increasing the tax rate by an additional two cents to support increasing the local teachers' supplements, repair leaking roofs, and other maintenance projects as well as develop a plan to have school buildings environmentally tested to be sure the buildings are not creating health problems for the children. A lengthy discussion was held on transferring the general fund dollars not required to fund the 911 Center to the schools. After further discussion, it was generally agreed to consider increasing the funding appropriation for the schools by increasing the tax rate by an additional one-half cent with the proceeds going to the schools; transfer the $300,000 budgeted to the Library for land acquisition in the Castle Hayne area to the schools; and transfer funds replaced by budgeting the 911-Surcharge to the NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 BUDGET WORK SESSION, JUNE 13, 1996PAGE 440 schools. In summary, the following funding recommendations will be presented to the Board on June 17, 1996: Outside Agencies: Recommended Funding Lower Cape Fear Hospice $10,000 Katie B. Hines -0- Community Penalties Program $13,500 Big Buddy Program (add'l funding over budget request) $ 5,000 Commission for Women $ 100 Cure Aids of Wilmington $ -0- Bellamy Mansion $ 5,000 Cape Fear River Program $ 10,000 Total Additional Funding 43,600 Less $1,290 to Public Radio 1,290 Total $ 42,310 Discussion was held new positions requested with the following recommendations: (1)Approve the Environmental Health Program Specialist position and Clerical Specialist I position with funds being absorbed from the recommended FY 1996-97. (2)Approve the positions requested by the Sheriff with funding from the recommended FY 1996-97 Budget. (3)Public Information Officer: Budget $35,000 for six months and authorize Staff to develop an outline for a Public Information Officer and Information Line by January 1, 1997. (4)Schools: No definite consensus was reached; however, the County Manager will prepare options to reflect not increasing the tax but using the 911 Surcharge and $300,000 budgeted for the Castle Hayne Branch Library or increasing the tax rate by one-half cent or one cent. These options will be presented on June 17, 1996. ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to the Budget Director and Staff for an excellent job in preparing the FY 1996-97 Budget. He adjourned the Work Session at 12:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board