1996-09-16 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 603 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, September 16, 1996, at 9:00 A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster, William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E.L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Deputy County Manager, Andrew J. Atkinson, gave the invocation. Chairman Greer led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Greer announced that time was reserved to allow anyone from the public to introduce an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or comment on an item listed on the Consent Agenda. He requested all persons speaking to limit their remarks to three minutes. The following items were presented: Update on Hurricane Fran Director of Environmental Management, Dan Summers, advised that the Emergency Operations Center was operational from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. and would remain open for the next week. There has been a huge number of processed resource needs, and FEMA has received 27,000 telephone applications for disaster assistance with over $2 million already disbursed for disaster relief. The State Emergency Operations Center remains operational, and the National Guard Engineering Battalions have been released to assist Topsail Beach and other areas that were flooded by Hurricane Fran. The beaches should be opened by Wednesday. Debris removal bids issued by the Corps of Engineers should be received and opened today. Hopefully, trucks will be operating tomorrow assisting the beach communities with removal of demolition debris. The Salvation Army, Red Cross, and Baptist Men have served 560,000 meals during the recovery effort. The cooperative effort of the community has been excellent, and overall the recovery is going well. Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Director Summers for the report and excellent way in which the recovery effort has been handled. CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Greer requested removal of Consent Agenda Item #4 for further discussion. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to approve the Consent Agenda with removal of Item #4 as requested by the Chairman. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval for Expansion of the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee The Commissioners approved one additional at-large position for the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee in an effort to gain minority representation. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 604 Release of 1996 Listing Penalty for Charles H. Hicks and Lynne Hicks Due to verifying the direction of the taxpayer to correct his mailing address and his good record from prior years, the Commissioners approved the release of the 1996 listing penalty as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Adoption of a Resolution Opposing Construction of the Virginia Beach-Lake Gaston Pipeline The Commissioners adopted a resolution opposing construction of the proposed Virginia Beach/Lake Gaston pipeline because the water withdrawal would greatly reduce the flow and capacity of the Roanoke River. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIII, Page 26. Release of Value - New Hanover County Tax Department The Commissioners granted Senior Citizen/Disability exclusion to the following taxpayers. Applications and letters explaining the late filings are available in the Tax Office upon request. Guthrie, Ann Elizabeth$15,000 Houser, Josephine Gilmore$15,000 Simmons, Margaret Nixon$11,000 The Commissioners approved a delinquent application to exempt the YMCA of Wilmington from the property tax as listed below: YMCA of WilmingtonRO2619-008-057-000 The Commissioners released late-listing penalties for the following taxpayers as they were sick or there was a death in their family during the listing period; or they certified that they mailed their listing on time: Beal, Michael Carlyle Etux. $1.88 Blanken, Arthur J. & Mary J. $1.05 Ellis, Lloyd Woodrow, Etux. $1.92 Ezzell Trucking Inc. $27.60 Fine, Betty & Robert E. $3.11 Harker, Donald Ray $5.93 Hasty, Frederick G. $4.04 Stevens, Kelly Helen $2.76 Acceptance of Tax Collection Reports Through August 31, 1996 The Commissioners accepted the following Tax Collection Reports through August 31, 1996, as submitted by the Collector of Revenue: New Hanover County Tax Collections New Hanover County Fire District Tax Collections Copies of the Tax Collection Reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXIII, Page 26. Approval of Budget Amendment #97-37 The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: #97-37DebitCredit Museum Grassroots Science Grant $34,485 Salaries$ 9,287 FICA 710 Contract Services 2,200 Printing 3,010 Supplies 14,016 Travel 1,262 Capital Outlay 4,000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 605 Museum Historical Organization Grant $ 8,787 Salaries$ 8,163 FICA 624 Cooperative Extension COOP/Block Grant $24,592 Salaries$16,724 FICA 1,325 Medical Insurance 530 Supplies 2,988 Travel 2,742 Printing 83 Telephone 200 Health-Project Assist Project Assist Grant $ 4,974 Debit Credit Advertising$ 360 Contract Services 250 Printing 2,000 Supplies 1,100 Travel 1,324 Health-WIC WIC Grant$12,372 Capital Outlay$12,372 Planning CAMA Grant$20,625 Commissioners Appropriated Fund Balance$20,625 Purpose: To rollover unexpended grant funds from FY 1995-96 to FY 1996-97. Approval of Budget Amendment #97-0039 The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: #97-0039DebitCredit Health/Project Assist Project Assist$2,000 Departmental Supplies$2,000 Purpose: To budget additional State grant funds received for Project Assist. Approval of Budget Amendment #97-0040 The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: #97-0040DebitCredit New Hanover County Schools Appropriated Fund Balance$20,000 Ogden Sewer$20,000 Purpose: To budget additional funds for the Ogden School sewer hook-up. The additional cost was increased because of required change orders. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 606 Waiver of Tipping Fees For Trash Collected in Big Sweep '96 The Commissioners approved a waiver of tipping fee for "Big Sweep 1996" scheduled on September 21, 1996, to clean up litter on the beaches and waterway. Approval of Personnel Policy Revisions as Listed Under Consent Agenda Item #4 Chairman Greer asked if the members of the Board understood the document presented on the revisions to the Personnel Policy, and he requested clarification from Staff. Human Resources Director, Andre' Mallette, reported the revisions were required to comply with State and Federal regulations, including the final federal Family Medical Leave Act. Outdated sections were deleted and wording was changed in other sections to clarify complicated portions of the Personnel Policy. Motion: Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to approve the revisions to the Personnel Policy affecting Article I, Organization of Personnel System; Article II, Classification Plan; Article III, The Pay Plan; Article IV, Recruitment and Employment; Article V, Separation and Reinstatement, Interim Suspension, Disciplinary Actions; Article VI, Conditions for Employment; Article VII, Leave of Absence; Article VIII Grievance Procedure; Article IX, Employee Benefits; Article X, Personnel Records and Reports. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the revisions to the Personnel Policy are on file in the Human Resources Department. PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY SERVICE AWARDS County Manager O'Neal requested the following persons to step forward to receive Service Awards: NAMENUMBER OF YEARS Steven M. Cavanaugh, Tax Department 5 Libby S. Sellers, Inspections Department 10 Ann S. Hines, Inspections Department 15 Sandra S. Hughes, N.C. Cooperative Extension 20 Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, presented service awards and congratulated each employee for their years of dedicated service to New Hanover County. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AWARDING BID #97-0119 TO SUTPHEN CORPORATION (CONTRACT #97-0119) FOR AN AERIAL FIRE APPARATUS Commissioner Sisson advised that a consultant was hired to review the need for this type of fire apparatus, and he reported the contract had been approved by the New Hanover County Board of Fire Commissioners. Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to adopt a resolution awarding the bid to Sutphen Corporation, the only responsible bidder, in the amount of $448,526 and authorize the Chairman to execute the necessary contract documents. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIII, Page 26. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AWARDING BID #97-0002 (CONTRACT #97-0002) TO THE DETROIT STOKER COMPANY TO PURCHASE GRATE PARTS FOR THE WASTEC FACILITY County Manager O'Neal reported one bid was received in response to a formal bid for the purchase of grate parts for the NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 607 WASTEC Facility. After a review of the bid, Staff recommends award of the bid to the Detroit Stoker Company. Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to adopt a resolution awarding the bid to the Detroit Stoker Company, the only responsible bidder, in the amount of $103,155.20 to purchase grate parts for the WASTEC Facility, and authorize the Chairman to execute the necessary contract documents. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIII, Page 26. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AWARDING BID #97-0001 (CONTRACT #97-0001) TO KOCH SULFUR PRODUCTS COMPANY TO PURCHASE SULFURIC ACID FOR THE WASTEC FACILITY County Manager O'Neal reported two bids were received in response to a formal bid for the purchase of sulfuric acid for the WASTEC Facility. After a review of the two bids, Staff recommends award of the bid to the lowest bidder, Koch Sulfur Products Company, a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the State of Kansas with a local plant in Wilmington. The unit price is $.89 per gallon for the first year and $.94 per gallon for the second year. The estimated usage for two years will cost $21,960. Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to adopt a resolution awarding the sulfuric acid bid to Koch Sulfur Products Company at a unit price of $.89 for the first year and $.94 for the second year. The Chairman was authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIII, Page 26. REORGANIZATION OF WASTEC AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT STAFF Director of Environmental Management, Ray Church, reported for the past eight months a staffing reorganization had occurred at the WASTEC Facility, primarily on the operations side. If the reorganization is approved, seven temporary maintenance positions will be eliminated and two new permanent maintenance positions will be needed as follows: (1) an Instrument Electrician; and (2) one Mechanic. In Administration, the Maintenance Supervisor position would be reclassified to an Instrument Electrician with no change in salary. The pay grade of the Operations Manager/Plant Engineer would increase from Grade 126 to 207 to acknowledge additional responsibilities as a Plant Engineer in addition to Operations Manager. The proposed change will provide WASTEC and the Environmental Management Administration the necessary personnel to continue improving plant operations. Approximately $85,000 will be saved annually because of the reduction in temporary personnel. Commissioner Caster expressed concern for hiring temporary persons and then filling the positions with two permanent positions. In his opinion, the temporary persons should be hired for completing a specific job with eliminating those persons when the job is completed. Director Church commented on the backlog of paper work when temporary help was hired and reported the job had been completed and the temporary personnel were no longer needed; however, the changes in the other permanent positions were needed to improve the operation of the plant. Commissioner Caster expressed concern for the reorganization not being presented to the WASTEC Commission. Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to approve the reorganization of the WASTEC Facility as presented by the Environmental Management Staff. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 608 Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Sisson Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer Voting Nay: Commissioner Caster APPOINTMENT OF THREE MEMBERS TO SERVE ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS FOUNDATION County Manager O'Neal reported the Parks Foundation was created by the Board of County Commissioners on September 3, 1996. According to the By-Laws, the Commissioners must appoint three members to serve on the Board of Directors of the Parks Foundation. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to appoint Robert G. Greer, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners; Jack Bragg, Chairman of the New Hanover County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and Camellia M. Herlevich to serve on the New Hanover County Parks Foundation. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ESTABLISHMENT OF A PERSONAL WATERCRAFT REGULATION TASK FORCE Commissioner Caster recommended establishment of the following categories for appointment of eleven persons to serve on the Personal Watercraft Regulation Task Force: Figure Eight Island Board and Safety Committee (1) Society for Masonboro Island (1) National Audubon Society (1) UNC-W Marine Resources (1) U. S. Coast Guard (1) Wildlife Resource Commission (1) Personal Watercraft Industry Representative(s) (2) Concerned Citizens (3) Staff: Representatives from the Legal Department, Sheriff's Department, Emergency Management Department, and Parks Department. Discussion was held on the definition of personal watercraft. County Attorney Copley advised that personal watercraft would be defined as jet skis and wave runners. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to appoint eleven members to serve in the categories as recommended by Commissioner Caster and direct the Clerk to the Board to advertise the positions with appointments made at the Regular Meeting to be held on October 21, 1996. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Reappointment of Sandra A. Morris, Donna P. Williams, Steve Woodard, and Sherri Yelton to Serve on the Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board Chairman Greer advised there were four vacancies on the Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board and reported that eight applications had been received with four of the applicants eligible for reappointment. Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to reappoint Sandra A. Morris, Donna P. Williams, Steve Woodard, and Sherri Yelton to serve three-year terms on the Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board with the terms to expire September 30, 1999. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Reappointment of Charles M. Colemen, Henry M. von Oesen, and Corneille Sineath to serve on the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Commissioner Sisson reported due to the hurricane, he had not had time to review the applications received for appointments to NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 609 the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees. He requested postponing the appointments until October 7, 1996. Motion: After discussion of the persons eligible for reappointment, Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to reappoint Charles M. Coleman, Henry M. von Oesen, and Corneille Sineath to serve three-year terms on the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees with the terms to expire September 30, 1999. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Further discussion was held on postponing the remaining appointment. Commissioner Caster recommended filling the vacancy because the Trustees would take office at the first meeting in October and training sessions would begin. Chairman Greer commented on the proposed reorganization of the hospital and asked if the Board wanted to proceed with appointing another person who may not have a position if the hospital is converted to a non-profit corporation. Commissioner Barone recommended filling the remaining vacancy so a full Board of Trustees would be in office until a decision was rendered by the Board of County Commissioners regarding the non- profit status. Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to delay the appointment until October 7, 1996. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Sisson Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer Voting Nay: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Appointment of John M. Horton to Serve on the Nursing Home Advisory Committee Chairman Greer advised there was one vacancy on the Nursing Home Advisory Committee and reported three applications had been received. Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations. Commissioner Barone nominated John M. Horton. Commissioner Caster seconded the nomination. There being no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed. Vote: Upon vote, the Board voted UNANIMOUSLY to appoint John M. Horton to serve an initial term of one year with the term to expire on September 30, 1997. CONSIDERATION OF FALCON CABLE RATE INCREASE County Attorney Copley reported Falcon Cable Media had submitted the FCC-1240 filing with the County in June 1996, seeking a basic cable rate increase of $2.12 from $24.07 to $26.19 to become effective October 1, 1996, through September 30, 1997. Action Audits Company, the County's consultant, recommends that Falcon be allowed to increase its rates by only $1.63 from $24.07 to $25.70. In order to deny Falcon Cable's rate request, the Board should approve the order denying the rate and approve a rate of $25.70. The public must be given an opportunity to offer comments on the rate increase. A formal public hearing is not required. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to approve the Order denying the fee and approving the rate of $25.70 as recommended by the County Attorney. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 610 A copy of the Order is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIII, Page 26. CONSIDERATION OF PAVING GORDON ACRES DRIVE Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, reported that residents on Gordon Acres Drive had requested the County to bring the road up to acceptable NCDOT standards. The total cost would be approximately $89,000 or approximately $17.12 per frontage foot for each property owner. State legislation gives the County authority to assess all property owners for the cost, provided that 75% of the owners agreed to participate. He requested the Board to seriously address the following issues: (1)Does the County want to become involved in the road business and incur additional requests from other communities that will place a demand on the General Fund and County Staff? (2)What percentage (75% minimum) of property owners should be required to participate in the paving project? (3)What term should be established for repayment of the project to the County? Vice-Chairman Mathews expressed concern for the County becoming involved in the road business and questioned whether this action should be taken? Commissioner Sisson advised due to the number of paved miles in New Hanover County many citizens, such as residents living on Gordon Acres Drive, will not receive paved roads for years. In this neighborhood, residents are having difficulty going to and from their homes because of the potholes and poor condition of the road. In his opinion, this is a service that the citizens deserve to receive whether provided by the County or State. County Manager O'Neal commented on the number of private roads throughout New Hanover County and expressed concern for setting a precedent that could become a financial drain on the County. A lengthy discussion was held on the cost to each family. Assistant County Manager Weaver reported a lot 100 feet wide would cost in excess of $1,700. Ms. Lynn Rabon, a resident of Gordon Acres Drive, advised the residents were aware of the cost and felt comfortable with the projected figure. A lengthy discussion was held on knowing the exact cost of the road project to each property owner. Chairman Greer recommended approaching the paving project under the following guidelines: (1) establish a term, such as three years for repayment to the County by the property owners; (2) establish an interest rate for the repayment; (3) determine the administrative cost to the Tax Office; and (4) require at least 75% of the owners to participate in the paving project; Discussion was held on establishing an interest rate. County Manager O'Neal advised the administrative cost would be comprised of the engineering services that would have to be provided by the County and the cost to the Tax Department. Chairman Greer recommended establishing an administrative cost for the project to cover the repayment in lieu of establishing an interest rate. Tax Administrator, Roland Register, reported the County could collect the payments through numerous methods. In this case, with the small number of residents, it would not be advantageous to set up a special tax file. He advised that if the Board decides to NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 611 assess the property, the Tax Department could determine how to collect the money. Chairman Greer recommended adding an administrative cost and establishing a term of three years. County Attorney Copley reported the North Carolina General Statutes do not allow counties to charge an interest rate in excess of 8%, or a repayment term of more than 10 years. County Manager O'Neal recommended allowing Staff to prepare a recommendation based upon the comments received, and discuss this matter as an agenda item at a future meeting. Vice-Chairman Mathews, again, questioned whether the County should become involved in the road business. He stated he understood the concerns of the residents, but he felt the Board should be cautious about setting a precedent that will allow the County to become involved in costly road projects. Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED for New Hanover County not to become involved with the Gordon Road Acres road paving project. The MOTION FAILED DUE TO NOT RECEIVING A SECOND. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to direct Staff to prepare a recommendation determining the cost of the paving project based upon an interest rate of 8%, a 5-year term, and inclusion of a reasonable administrative and engineering cost. Commissioner Barone requested Commissioner Caster to change the 8% interest to a flat 10% administrative fee. Chairman Greer recommended eliminating an interest rate and charging a flat 15% administrative fee of the total paving project over a period of four years. Staff would determine the exact cost per lot with 75% of the property owners being required to participate in the road paving project. Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, advised that the General Statutes require the property owners to petition the County. A linear foot cost could be determined with each property owner filling out a petition. County Attorney Copley suggested that all petitions be filed through the Legal Department to ensure that all residents are properly informed about the specific conditions of repayment. After a lengthy discussion on determining the exact figures and the need for a recommendation to be presented before action is taken, both MOTIONS WERE WITHDRAWN. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request Staff to prepare a recommendation based upon the comments received with the term to be four instead of five years. The recommendation is to be presented as an agenda item at a future meeting. CONSIDERATION OF FUNDING FOR THE 1997 NORTH CAROLINA AZALEA FESTIVAL 50TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR AND APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #97-0041 County Manager O'Neal requested the Board to consider making a $5,000 contribution for the 50th Anniversary of the North Carolina Azalea Festival. The Azalea Festival generates more than $3,000,000 in economic activity during the Festival weekend, and New Hanover County has not funded the Festival since 1992. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to approve a funding appropriation of $5,000 from the contingency for the 50th Anniversary of the North Carolina Azalea NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 612 Festival and approve the associated Budget Amendment as listed below. Commissioner Sisson expressed concern for this request not coming through the normal budget process. Commissioner Barone agreed and requested Staff to inform the Azalea Festival Committee that future funding requests should be handled during the budget process. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Budget Amendment - Non-Departmental/Outside Agencies/Cultural and Recreational Debit Credit Non-Departmental Contingencies $5,000 Outside Agencies/Cultural & Recreational Azalea Festival $5,000 Purpose: To budget a $5,000 contribution to the Azalea Festival from contingencies. BREAK Chairman Greer called a break from 10:28 A.M. until 10:45 A.M. DISCUSSION OF DAMAGES ON FIGURE 8 ISLAND Inspections Director, Jay Graham, reported on the considerable amount of damage that had occurred on Figure 8 Island due to Hurricane Fran. Oceanfront homes experienced erosion of the sand dunes, and water washes to the edge of these homes during high tide. A total of 13 homes sustained more than 50% damage, and the current CAMA regulations may prohibit the rebuilding of these structures. Approximately 150 homes have damaged or destroyed septic systems with no means of sanitary sewage disposal. These structures cannot be occupied until the septic systems are repaired or relocated. In order to determine if a new septic system or a repair to an existing system can be permitted, the following information will be required: -Establishment of ground surface elevation -Identification and staking of property lines -Number of bedrooms in the residence -Mean High-Water elevations -Building Location -Request for a repair or replacement permit by the property owner or agent All repairs or replacements must be located 10 feet inside property lines, outside the CAMA setback, 5 feet from building foundations and not under driveways or parking areas. Other homes on Figure 8 Island must have their septic systems evaluated by the Health Department prior to reoccupation. Director Graham advised that the Inspections Department would work closely with the Health Department in assisting residents with relocating or repairing existing septic systems on Figure 8 Island. Chairman Greer inquired as to whether CAMA regulations had changed during the past 20 years? Health Director, Robert S. Parker, reported CAMA regulations had changed. In many instances, there is very little property available for movement of septic tanks. Each lot will have to be evaluated to determine if a septic tank can be relocated on the property. Also, there are many underground pump systems that will no longer be operable. Chairman Greer inquired as to whether it would be advisable to encourage the residents on Figure 8 Island to construct a package NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 613 treatment plant to assist with resolving this issue. County Manager Blanchard responded it would be difficult to obtain a discharge permit from the State because of the poor soils on Figure 8 Island. In closing, Director Graham reported the Inspections Department had resumed its normal operations. Levels of priority have been developed with repairs from Hurricane Fran being the first level and other permits being considered on various levels. The major difficulty will be with bank financing because of no definite time frame for the receipt of permits. The contractors have been contacted and understand the priority needs, and the Inspections Department will work diligently to process the permits as quickly as possible. 1997 PROPERTY REVALUATION RESCINDED UNTIL EIGHT-YEAR CYCLE Tax Administrator, Roland Register, reported based on the extensive damage that has occurred the Board of County Commissioners must determine if the County should move forward with the 1997 revaluation. Timing is critical, and the market has been very much affected by Hurricane Fran. Not only were waterfront properties damaged, but there is a considerable amount of concealed damage in numerous homes from windblown rain into vents, water seeping down into walls, and other unseen damages. The 1997 revaluation had been moving as planned and scheduled; however, since Hurricane Fran the market in many areas of the County has been greatly affected. More time is needed to determine what the actual market values will be for new appraisals to become effective January 1, 1997. The Board may wish to consider damages at January 1, 1997 based upon the 1991 standards, which will be more easily accepted by the property owners because the reduction would be from a previous value that had been accepted by the Board. Motion: After further discussion, Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to rescind the 1997 revaluation until the required eight-year cycle because of Hurricane Fran and use the standards adopted for 1991 for consideration of damage at January 1, 1997. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DEBRIS REMOVAL Commissioner Sisson commented on the placement of debris beyond the right-of-way which has become a problem for school buses. Many people living in one subdivision will carry debris to another subdivision increasing the amount of debris in the streets. He asked if some type of citation could be issued to property owners who violate the right-of-way area? County Attorney Copley advised that the Board could include a $50 citation in the State of Emergency Proclamation. Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to amend the State of Emergency Proclamation to include a statement that prohibits debris from being placed in streets or beyond the right-of-way. Violation of this action will result in a $50 citation. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Director Church advised the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers would be opening bids for collection of construction and demolition debris. The Landfill has been closed to collect these materials, but a site has been located at Carolina Beach and Waste Management has been requested to re-open its transfer station, which will provide an additional 35 acres for receipt of these materials. The construction and demolition removal process should begin within the next day. Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to Director Church for efficiently handling the debris removal process. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 614 MEETING RECESSED FROM REGULAR SESSION FOR A REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Greer convened from Regular Session to hold a Regular Meeting of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District from 11:28 A.M. until 11:46 A.M. ADDITIONAL ITEMS Approval of Additional Funding for the Cape Fear River Corridor Study Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported the Cape Fear River Corridor Oversight Committee was in the process of negotiating a final fee for the consulting team to perform the River Corridor Study. He advised the consultant has presented an original fee of $135,000. The Oversight Committee has requested each jurisdiction to contribute an additional $15,000. The City of Wilmington and Brunswick County have committed to providing additional funding. Commissioner Barone requested deferring action on this item since she was not able to attend the last meeting. Planning Director Hayes responded that deferring action on the funding request could create a problem in finalizing the contract with the consultant; however, he feels the $135,000 fee is high. Commissioner Caster requested an explanation of the components of the study. Planning Director Hayes reported the study would involve the impacts of development along the Cape Fear River from its mouth to the intersection at the Brunswick/New Hanover County line. The study will consider recreational uses along the river and the impact of these uses on the shipping industry located along the river. Assistant County Manager Weaver stated he felt the cost of the study was high since only land uses were being considered and not water quality. Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to increase the total commitment up to $15,000 for the Cape Fear River Corridor Study and direct the Oversight Committee to continue to negotiate a lower price for the study. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of Appointment of Representative to Serve on the New Hanover County Community Action, Inc. Board of Directors Chairman Greer advised that Mr. Johnny McCoy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of New Hanover County Community Action, Inc. had requested that each County Commissioner or a designee serve on the Community Action, Inc. Board of Directors. He advised that Commissioner Sisson had appointed him as his designee. Chairman Greer requested direction from the Board. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board for each County Commissioner to appoint a designee, if so desired, and submit a name to the Clerk. Discussion of Legislative Goals for the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners Chairman Greer reported that legislative goals for the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners were due September 3, 1996. He requested the Board to review the bills that had been submitted by the County Attorney. Consensus: After a lengthy discussion of the bills presented, it was the consensus of the Board to request the County Attorney to forward the following bills to Mr. Jim Blackburn, General Counsel for the N. C. Association of County Commissioners: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 615 (1)Request State-wide legislation that would allow one committee member for every fifty (50) nursing home residents. (2)Request enabling legislation to authorize creation of a New Hanover County Ombudsman. (3)Submit a local bill to allow New Hanover County the right to buy and finance land and buildings for the Community College. (4)Amend G.S. 159-40(a) to require audits for non-profit corporations that receive $2,000 or more annually, and amend G.S. 159-40(d) to delete Volunteer Fire Departments and Rescue Squads from the audit exemption. Work Session Scheduled for October 2, 1996, to Discuss the Request from the Hospital Board of Trustees to Convert the Public Hospital to a Non-Profit Corporation Operating as a Community General Hospital. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board to schedule a Work Session on Wednesday, October 2, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building to discuss the proposal presented by the Hospital Board of Trustees. Status Report on the Purchase of School Property Located Off Of Carolina Beach Road Finance Director, Bruce Shell, reported all studies including the wetlands study and soil tests had been performed on the property located off of Carolina Beach Road with satisfactory results. The land will cost approximately $3.3 million for the purchase of 126 acres with infrastructure costs estimated at $2.5 million. It appears the State and a developer on the River Road side of the complex may share in the construction cost of the access road which will save money for the County. A meeting will be held with the County Engineer and consultant to discuss water and sewer as well as review the actual site plans. Discussion has been held with financial institutions about borrowing the money and the most economic method of financing will be selected. LUNCH Chairman Greer recessed the meeting from 12:01 P.M. until 12:30 P.M. for lunch. CLOSED SESSION TO EVALUATE THE COUNTY MANAGER, COUNTY ATTORNEY, AND CLERK TO THE BOARD Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to convene from Regular Session to Closed Session in accordance with G.S. 143-318.11(6) to evaluate the County Manager, County Attorney, and Clerk to the Board. Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to reconvene to Regular Session. Chairman Greer reconvened the Board to Regular Session at 2:10 P.M. He reported the County Manager, County Attorney, and Clerk to the Board, had received excellent evaluations. Appreciation was expressed to each employee for outstanding job performances. Chairman Greer announced that in Closed Session the Board voted unanimously to remove the County Attorney and Clerk to the Board from the Pay Plan so these positions would fall under the same classification as the County Manager. He reported the Board voted unanimously to grant the following salary increases retroactive to July 1, 1996: County Manager, Allen O'Neal - 8% Clerk to the Board, Lucie Harrell - 8% County Attorney, Wanda Copley - 10% NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 25 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996PAGE 616 After discussion of salaries for the Board of County Commissioners, the Board voted unanimously to increase the annual salary for County Commissioners by 3% retroactive to July 1, 1996. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 2:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board