1984-07-16 Water & Sewer 45 ~I MINU'I'E-S OF SPECIAL ttffiETING .~UNE--r8, r98-4 rCON'l'INUBD-) ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to adjourn the meeting Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Chairman O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 10 24 o'clock A M ~C:f/~ed' Lucie F Smith Clerk I MINUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT SPECIAL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1984 ASSEMBLY A Special Meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District was held on Monday, July 16, 1984, at 10 35 o'clock A M in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina Members present were Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr; Donald P Blake; Nolan O'Neal; Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr ; County Manager G Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W Pope; and Clerk to the District, Lucie F Smith Vice-Chairman Karen E Gottovi was absent due to attending the Democratic Convention in San Francisco Chairman O'Shields called the meeting to order stating the Special Meeting had been called to consider a request by the Town of Carolina Beach for a loan in the amount of $285,000 to build a Pumping Station South of the Carolina Beach and Wilmington Beach area as part of the 201 Facilities Plan. I APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JUNE 4, 1984, AND SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 18, 1984 Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to approve the minutes of the meetings of June 4, 1984, and June 18, 1984, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS 46 ~ = = MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 16, 1984 (CONTINUED) Voting Aye Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Neal Chairman O'Shields Absent Vice-Chairman Gottovi DISCUSSION OF REQUEST BY TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH FOR LOAN TO BUILD A PUMPING STATION County Manager Cooper gave background information on the request stating that the use of County Revenue Sharing funds and the county-wide 1/2 cents sales tax was being channeled into a County Sewer System without giving any of the benefits of these funds to the various municipalities who also have a certain right to share in the funds County Manager Cooper recommended the Water and Sewer District loan the Town of Carolina Beach an interest free loan in the amount of $285,000 stating interest on a 5-year basis at 8% would increase the value of the loan by approximately $71,899 He suggested as the interest accrues to allocate to both beaches the same amount of money as the value of this interest over the 5-year period; thereby, giving an equitable portion of the County's Revenue Sharing funds and 1/2 cent sales tax to these municipalities Commissioner O'Shields commented on the possibility of future requests from other municipalities stating he would prefer inter local agreements between the County and municipalities receiving these funds explaining the reason for a loan with no interest in order to prevent any misunderstanding in the future. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Water and Sewer District to authorize the County Manager to proceed to draw up an interlocal agreement with the Town of Carolina Beach for an interest free loan in the amount of $285,000 for construction of a Pumping Station with a complete explanation of the funding This agreement is to be presented to the District for final approval at another meeting ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barfield MOVED, O'Neal to adjourn the meeting CARRIED AS FOLLOWS ~ SECONDED by Commissioner Upon vote, the MOTION 47 ~I NUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 16, 1984 (CONTINUED) Voting Aye Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Neal Chairman O'Shields Absent Vice-Chairman Gottovi Chairman O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 11 00 o'clock A M qLc/~ed' Lucie F Smith Clerk I MINUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT SPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 6, 1984 ASSEMBLY A Special Meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District was held on Monday, August 6, 1984, at 7 56 o'clock P M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina Members present were Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr Donald P Blake; Nolan O'Neal Vice- Chairman, Karen E. Gottovi, Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr; County Manager, G Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W Pope; and Clerk to the District, Lucie F Smith. I Chairman O'Shields called the meeting to order stating the Special Meeting had been called for approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the Town of Carolina Beach for a loan in the amount of $285,000 to build a Pumping Station south of the Carolina Beach and Wilmington Beach area as part of the 201 Facilities Plan.