2004-12-20 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 205 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, December 20, 2004, at 9:00 a.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC. Members present were: Chairman Robert G. Greer; Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner William A. Kopp, Jr.; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Sheila L. Schult. County Manager Allen O’Neal arrived at 10:50 a.m. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Carl Byrd, Sr., Director of Human Relations, gave the invocation. Commissioner Pritchett led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Greer asked if any member of the Board would like to discuss or remove an item from the Consent Agenda. Hearing none, Chairman Greer asked for direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Pritchett to approve the items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved the minutes of the following meetings as presented by the Clerk to the Board: Regular Meeting - November 22, 2004 Regular Meeting - December 6, 2004 Acceptance of State Homeland Security Grant Program Citizen Corps Grant and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment#05-0010 – Emergency Management The Commissioners accepted a State Homeland Security Grant Program Citizens Corps Grant Award in the amount of $9,500, approved the associated budget amendment #05-0110, and authorized the County Manager to sign the grant documents. Funds in the amount of $1,500 are to be used to further develop the County's Citizen Corps Council; the remaining funds in the amount of $8,000 are to be used to support the Community Emergency Response Team program. There is no required local match. Budget Amendment # 05-0110 – Emergency Management AdjustmentDebitCredit Emergency Management: DHS Citizen Corps Grant$9,500 Contracted Services$2,160 Printing Charges$3,600 Departmental Supplies$3,538 Training and Travel$ 202 Explanation: Request to establish budget for Department of Homeland Security Citizen Corps Grant Award in the amount of $9,500 that was received from the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management and the North Carolina Citizen Corps, Office of the Governor. The funds will be used to sustain the New Hanover County Citizen Corps Council and the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. Approval of Annual Renewal of Year Three Engineering Services Contract # 02-0379 to Gahagan and Bryant Associates The Commissioners approved the annual renewal of year three engineering services contract #02-0379 to Gahagan and Bryant Associates in the amount of $87,210. Pursuant to the Permit Conditions of the Mason Inlet Relocation Project issued by the Army Corps of Engineers, New Hanover County is required to provide monitoring and reporting data to the Federal and State regulatory agencies. On July 10, 2002, New Hanover County executed a contact with a local engineering firm to provide engineering services associated with the Mason Inlet Project. As required by contract, New Hanover County must renew the contract annually. The original proposal provided by the engineer, which was made part of the contract, defines the budget for year three services at $87,210. Acceptance of Tax Collection Reports Through November 30, 2004 – Tax Department The Commissioners accepted the following Tax Collection Reports through November 30, 2004, as submitted NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 206 by the Collector of Revenue, Patricia J. Raynor: New Hanover County Fire District New Hanover County Copies of the Tax Collection Reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXIX, Page 12.1. Release of Tax Value The Commissioners granted Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusions to the following taxpayers. Bottorf, Sara P. Etal.$20,000 Brown, Patricia A. 33,080 Cowles, Jane P. 80,668 Glass, Jennelle 20,000 Hearn, Charles Nelson Life Estate 36,761 Kesler, Alice F. 70,328 Knight, Carolyn Holt 54,172 Langley, Hilda Myers 20,000 Phelps, Kay Peterson 34,082 The Commissioners granted a correction as presented at the November 22, 2004, meeting to Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion but had the incorrect amount of $54,245 as the exclusion. The amount of exclusion reflected below is the correct total amount that will be excluded from the taxpayer's assessed value: Klinger, Kenneth R.$66,245 Approval of Budget Amendment #05-0101 – Health Department The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: Budget Amendment #05-0101 – Health Department AdjustmentDebitCredit Public Health Bio-terrorism: State Grant$79,353 Salaries and Wages$10,000 Contracted Services$ 4,000 Radios$ 1,000 M&R – Auto and Trucks$ 2,000 Printing Charges$ 4,800 Departmental Supplies$ 9,000 Safety Equipment$ 9,000 Dues and Subscriptions$ 500 Employee Reimbursements$ 2,000 Training and Travel$37,053 Explanation: State grant funding was reduced. The Budget amendment is to reduce adopted FY 04-05 expenditures to reflect funding authorization received from State. Additional Information: Adopted budget for FY 04-05 is $441,730, state funding authorization received in the amount of $362,377 (difference of $79,353). Approval of Budget Amendment #05-0102 – Governing Body/Health Department The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: Budget Amendment #05-0102 – Governing Body/Health Department AdjustmentDebitCredit Governing Body: County Commissioners: Appropriated Fund Balance$13,123 Health: Care Coordination: State Grant$21,123 Contracted Services$ 5,000 Employee Reimbursements$ 3,000 Explanation: To budget additional funds received from a State grant to support Child Service Coordination Program. The amount of $13,123 of funds will be applied toward previously budgeted line items while $8,000 will be used to cover the cost of non-budget expenditures. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 207 Additional Information: The additional funds will be used for the Child Service Coordination Program to cover the cost of providing interpreting services, as well as to offset the increase in mileage reimbursement. Approval of Budget Amendment #05-0103 – Governing Body/Emergency Management The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: Budget Amendment #05-0103 – Governing Body/Emergency Management AdjustmentDebitCredit Governing Body: County Commissioners: Appropriated Fund Balance$160,000 Emergency Management: Hurricane Charley: Overtime Pay$123,000 Contracted Services$ 37,000 Explanation: To appropriate additional funds for expenses related to Hurricane Charley clean up. Approval of Budget Amendment #05-0104 – Fire Services The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: Budget Amendment #05-0104 – Fire Services AdjustmentDebitCredit Fire Departments: Other$2,919 Fire Services Administration: Departmental Supplies$2,919 Explanation: To budget “Get Alarmed” grant from the North Carolina Office of State Fire Marshall. Additional Information: Funds will provide fire safety education and supplies to New Hanover County citizens. Approval of Budget Amendment #05-0106 – Sheriff The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: Budget Amendment #05-0106 – Sheriff AdjustmentDebitCredit Federal Forfeited Property: Capital Project Expense$4,115 Transfer to Other Funds$4,115 General Fund Sheriff-Administration: Transfer in from FFP$4,115 Sheriff/Patrol: Salaries and Wages$3,492 Social Security Taxes$ 267 Retirement-Local Government Employee$ 171 Retirement – 401K$ 175 LT Disability Insurance$ 10 Explanation: Transfer in from Federal Forfeited Property Funds to General Fund/Sheriff’s Office for remaining FY 04-05 cost of two position reclassifications. Approval of Budget Amendment #05-0108 – Social Services The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: Budget Amendment #05-0108 – Social Services AdjustmentDebitCredit Child Day Care: Office Day Care Services$21,894 Day Care Services$21,894 Explanation: Received additional day care allocation to allow continuation of service to current day care recipients for the remainder of the fiscal year and to serve a portion of the waiting list. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 208 Additional Information: No additional County dollars are required. Approval of Budget Amendment #2005-26 – Sheriff The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: Budget Amendment #2005-26 - Sheriff AdjustmentDebitCredit Controlled Substance Tax: Controlled Substance Tax$8,583 Capital Project Expense$8,583 Explanation: To increase budget for additional revenue received on November 30, 2004. Additional Information: Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement, as the Sheriff deems necessary. Approval of Budget Amendment #2005-27 – Sheriff The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: Budget Amendment #2005-27 - Sheriff AdjustmentDebitCredit Federal Forfeited Property: Federally Forfeited Property$25,900 Capital Project Expense$25,900 Explanation: To increase budget for additional revenue received on November 10 and December 8, 2004. Additional Information: Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement, as the Sheriff deems necessary. REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY SERVICE AWARDS Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver requested the following employees to step forward to receive service awards: Five-Year: Peggy J. Rhodes - Tax Department Brian C. Bellamy - Sheriff's Office Charlotte J. Norris - Health Department Ten-Year: Robert C. Glasgow - Tax Department David R. Swan - Sheriff's Office Fifteen-Year:William D. Shiver - Tax Department On behalf of the Board, Chairman Greer presented a service award to each employee, expressed appreciation and thanked them for their dedicated years of service. RECOGNITION OF NEW EMPLOYEES Assistant County Manager Waver requested the following new employees to stand and be introduced: Jill Morris – Health Department Christy Sutton – Health Department Sylvia Quinn – Juvenile Center Carrie Menke-Ball – Juvenile Center Angela Blake – Tax Department Bernice Sanders – Water & Sewer, Engineering On behalf of the Board, Chairman Greer welcomed the new employees to County Government and wished them success with their new positions. REQUEST FOR CONSIDERATION FOR SECOND TIER CONTRACT PAYMENT Chairman Greer reported that Harry Dorsey, President of Carolina Communications, has submitted a request for payment in the amount of $96,000 he claims is owed by McGregor Communications, a sub-contractor on the Jail Project. Mr. Dorsey stated that he presented this same request to the Board at their October 2003 meeting. He reported that since that time he has received a complaint from one of two suppliers wanting payment for supplies used on the jail project, and as of this date the supplier has not been paid. He also reported he has attended bankruptcy hearings for NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 209 McGregor Communications. He requested the Board of County Commissioners to pay the back money that should have been paid pursuant to the General Statutes and requested the County to pay him the $96,000. Chairman Greer responded that J.M. Thompson contracted with McGregor Communications. McGregor Communications subcontracted with Mr. Dorsey as a second tier subcontractor. McGregor Communications has filed bankruptcy and has not concurred with release of funds to Carolina Communications. J. M. Thompson has placed on deposit with Wachovia Bank an amount sufficient to pay the claim, should the Bankruptcy Court direct such payment. Deputy County Attorney Kemp Burpeau stated that the funds for payment to Mr. Dorsey are available should the bankruptcy court so order the payment. REVIEW OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2004 As part of the completion of the annual audit, Finance Director Bruce Shell presented a brief presentation and reported that the data presented in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004 was accurate and fairly reflects the results of operations and the Countys strong financial position. He advised that the = audit was conduced by McGladrey and Pullen, LLP to ensure compliance with federal and state standards. He introduced Mr. Sam Rose and Mr. Chris Bunch of McGladrey and Pullen, LLP. Mr. Rose presented the auditor's perspective to the Board of County Commissioners and reported that all Basic Financial Statements were performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. He informed the Board that New Hanover County was in a sound financial position and stated that all indications point to continued growth in the future. After hearing no comments from the Board, Chairman Greer complimented the Finance Director and Staff for excellent management of the Countys finances during the past year. = PRESENTATION BY COAST LINE CONVENTION MANAGEMENT, INC. Mr. Chad Hessenflow, President of the Coast Line Convention Management, Inc., reported that the current lease agreement between Charles Carver (Big Dawg, LLC), owner of the Coast Line Convention Center, and the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, expires April 30, 2005. Coast Line Convention Center is requesting an extension of the current lease through April 30, 2007, subject to the construction schedule of the new convention center. An amount of $42,870 is being requested from the County for FY 05-06 and FY 06-07. Ms. Judith Grizell, CEO of the Tourism Development Authority, requested that the Board consider the request as an investment in the future meetings and convention center. The support is needed to maintain contact and momentum in the marketplace during the interim phase prior to completion of the new convention center. Commissioner Pritchett requested information on the past year’s activity at the Coast Line Convention Center. Ms. Jerry Gilson, Director of the Coast Line Convention Management, Inc. stated that she would be happy to provide the Board with the information on the past year’s activity. Commissioner Pritchett stated that she would recommend tabling the request by the Coast Line Convention Management, Inc. until the Commissioners have the opportunity to review that information. Commissioner Davis stated that he would agree with tabling the request until the Wilmington City Council takes action at their January meeting and after the Board’s budget retreat/work session. Motion: Commissioner Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to table the request from the Coast Line Convention Management, Inc. for the extension of the current lease through April 30, 2007 in the amount of $42,870 for FY 05-06 and FY 06-07. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSIDERATION OF DATES FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION AND APPROVAL OF FY 05-06 BUDGET CALENDAR Chairman Greer reported that Staff requests the County Commissioners establish a date for a planning session for strategic review of County programs and issues, with a goal of establishing priorities for FY 05-06 and beyond. The session should be one full day, to possibly one and a half days in length to provide staff and commissioners adequate time to discuss the many issues facing the County. Possible dates are Jan 21 and 22, or January 28 and 29th. The following FY 2005-2006 Budget Calendar has been established for the Board of County Commissioners' review and approval: January 2005 County Manager Meeting with Department Heads on FY 05-06 Budget Planning Session with Board of County Commissioners on FY 05-06 BUDGET January 11Budget Process Training Session for Interested Departments January 18Temporary Salary and Overtime/On-Call Salary Requests to BUDGET February 15Departmental Line Item Expenditure Requests to BUDGET - except for schools Departmental Revenue Projections to BUDGET NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 210 February 28Fee Charts with Adjustments and/or Enhancements to BUDGET April 15FY 05-06 Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures Due to Budget April 28Budget to Board of County Commissioners (informally) May 2Recommended Budget Information to Departments and Non-County Agencies County Manager Presents Recommended Budget at County Commissioners Meeting Commissioners Establish Budget Work Sessions May 16Public Hearing on Budget at County Commissioners evening meeting June 6Adopt FY 05-06 Budget Chairman Greer asked the members of the Board if the date of January 28 and 29, 2005, would be a convenient time to schedule the first Budget Work Session. After discussion, the Board agreed to schedule the first Budget Work Session on Friday, January 28, 2005, at 2:00 p.m. in the conference room at Wilmington International Airport, Wilmington, North Carolina. Chairman Greer asked for a motion to approve the FY 2005-2006 Budget Calendar as presented. Motion: Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Kopp to approve the FY 2005-2006 Budget Calendar as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT WITH FIGURE EIGHT BEACH HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION FOR MAINTENANCE OF MASON INLET PROJECT Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver reported that implementation of the first maintenance project for Mason Inlet is necessary in order to stabilize the Inlet as relocated several years ago. The maintenance project will consist of two components: land-based dredging and hydraulic dredging. The land-based dredging, which needs to be done this winter will involve using an excavator at the southern tip of Figure Eight Island to remove accreted sand and consequently pull the channel back to the north. The hydraulic dredging will stabilize the channel in the Inlet and Mason Creek and will likely be done next winter. The sand from both projects will be placed on Figure Eight Island. Staff is seeking approval of one of the two following administrative options to accomplish the maintenance project: The County can contract with the Figure Eight Island Homeowners Association for the performance of all the work, except the permitting and engineering to-date, at Figure Eight's cost. Figure Eight may be able to accomplish the Maintenance Project at a lower cost than the County can because Figure Eight can be more flexible in negotiating with the contractor and can combine the Inlet maintenance hydraulic dredging with its own maintenance-dredging project in Banks Channel behind the Island. The Board of the Figure Eight Island Homeowners Association has tentatively approved this agreement. The County can complete the project and assess the costs to the Figure Eight Island Homeowners Association and the property owners on the north end of Shell Island, in the same way that the County performed the original Relocation Project. In order to meet advertising and bidding requirements, the County must advertise the project before the end of 2004. Staff recommends that the Commissioners approve option one as the preferred option. The Figure Eight Island HOA Board has tentatively approved this option but the individual homeowners must also vote to approve it. Due to time constraints, the Figure 8 homeowners vote cannot be completed until after this meeting. Therefore, staff also recommends that the County Commissioners direct staff to proceed with the County's bidding process in case the homeowners do not ultimately approve the agreement. This is necessary in order for the project to be complete before April 1, which is the end of the dredging season. The Mason Inlet Preservation Group, which consists of all property owners assessed for the Project and is led by Frank Pinkston, has endorsed this approach. Commissioner Davis clarified with Assistant County Manager Weaver that if the Figure 8 Island HOA Board does not agree with option one that the sand will be put on Figure 8 Island and the fees would be assessed to the homeowners. Mason Inlet Preservation Group, led by Frank Pinkston, reported that the consensus of the Mason Inlet Preservation Group is that this is the best approach to implement at this time. Commissioner Davis clarified with Assistant County Manager Weaver that the Banks Channel project and this project are separate projects. Motion: Commissioner Kopp MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Caster to approve the contract with the Figure Eight Beach Homeowners’ Association for the performance of all the maintenance work at Mason Inlet, except the permitting and engineering to date, at the expense of the Figure Eight Beach Homeowners Association and to direct Staff to proceed with the County's bidding process in case the homeowners do not approve the agreement. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 211 BREAK: Chairman Greer called for a break at 10:05 a.m. CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION BY CAPE MEDICAL TRANSPORT, INC. FOR A NON- EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE FRANCHISE Mr. Stephen Culbreth, Counsel representing Cape Medical Transport, Inc., stated that on behalf of his client he is requesting a franchise to provide non-emergency medical transportation services in New Hanover County. He stated that Cape Medical Transport, Inc. has not operated since September 2004. The requested financial statements have been submitted to the County. The ambulances are due for inspection but they need to be in the County system to be inspected. Cape Medical Transport is requesting the opportunity to serve the population of New Hanover County and to provide competition in this area. Cape Medical Transport, Inc. would be willing to accept a convalescent franchise in lieu of a non-emergency medical transportation franchise. Mr. John Coble, Counsel representing the New Hanover Regional Medical Center, stated that Cape Medical Transport, Inc. should not be given a franchise exceeding what was granted to Coastline Care. It has not been found that a need exists for a second franchise and granting one would have a negative effect on the current franchisee resulting in less funding between the two. Cape Medical Transport continued to operate illegally in New Hanover County after the Board denied their April 2004 request for franchise until September 2004. It appears that they stopped operating in September 2004 because the ambulances had to be inspected for insurance coverage to be issued and they could not be inspected because they were not in the County system. He urged the Board to deny the request for the franchise. Edward Woodard, EMS Director for New Hanover Regional Medical Center stated that the difference between convalescent care transportation and non-emergency care transportation is that convalescent care transportation is a scheduled transportation and non-emergency care transportation is not scheduled but is not considered an emergency and does not use lights or sirens. Thomas Hunter, President of Coastline Care, Inc. and Ryan West, a supervisor with Coastline Care, Inc. reported that they are in compliance with all franchise and County ordinances. Mr. West referenced patient surveys documenting that their customer service ratings are good. Coastline Care does not turn down calls for service appointments. He explained that a division of NHRMC, Patient Care Transport Service, also serves as non-emergency back up transportation. Commissioner Kopp stated that he does not feel that the petitioner has proven that there is a need for an additional franchise. Chief Woodard reported that a non-compliant ambulance transport service can negatively impact the high rating that NHRMC currently receives. He stated that the objection to granting a franchise to Cape Medical is their history of non-compliance. Assistant County Attorney Holt Moore reported that two readings are required in order to grant the franchise. Cape Medical Transport, Inc. has supplied Staff with the requested items. Chairman Greer requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Caster to deny the request by Cape Medical Transport, Inc. for a franchise to provide non-emergency medical transportation services in New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION FOR EXPANSION OF THE TIDAL CREEKS WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD Vice-Chairman Caster reported that the Tidal Creeks Watershed Management Advisory Board was formed in 1999 to implement the Clean Water Management Trust fund grant which was used to purchase Airlie Gardens, four other riparian properties, and developed numerous initiatives to improve water quality in five of the County's Tidal Creeks. The initial grant period has ended but the Advisory Board recognizes the need for continued emphasis on water quality not only in the Tidal Creeks but also in all the surface water bodies in New Hanover County. The Board is being requested to adopt the resolution authorizing the Advisory Board to be reconstituted as the Watershed Management Advisory Board so that it may expand its water quality enhancement programs to all the waters of New Hanover County and budget $5,000 each year for the Advisory board to use for administrative purposes. The City Council approved the request at their Tuesday meeting. After brief discussion it was the consensus of the Board to remove the wording “each year” from the resolution. Chairman Greer read the corrected resolution into the record Motion: Commissioner Kopp MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Caster, to adopt the resolution authorizing the Advisory Board to be reconstituted as the Watershed Management Advisory Board so that it may expand its water quality enhancement programs to all the waters of New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIX, Page 12.2. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 212 CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A STEWARDSHIP DEVELOPMENT AWARD PROGRAM Senior Planner Chris O’Keefe reported that the New Hanover County Tidal Creeks Watershed Management Advisory Board has initiated a program together with the Cape Fear Homebuilders Association, Soil and Water Conservation District, City of Wilmington, Pender and Brunswick Counties and others to recognize exemplary conservation efforts in land development. The program will rely on County planning staff to help implement the program. The Stewardship Development Advisory Committee (SDAC) will consist of one person from each of the recognizing bodies and will appoint a five to seven member Judging Panel. Involvement from at least one person from each agency will be strongly promoted, but each of the eleven recognizing bodies will only have one voting member. Award recipients will be determined based on whether they have met pre-established criteria determined by the Judging Panel. Chairman Greer clarified that the judging panel will bring recommendations to the committee and the respective counties will pay their share of the staff and administrative costs. Commissioner Pritchett requested that the Keep American Beautiful of New Hanover County be issued an invitation to participate in the Lower Cape Fear Stewardship Development Awards Program. Motion: Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Pritchett to adopt the resolution endorsing New Hanover County’s participation in the Lower Cape Fear Stewardship Development Awards Program. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIX, Page 12.3. BREAK: Chairman Greer called for a break at 10:30 a.m. APPOINTMENT OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO SERVE ON VARIOUS BOARDS AND COMMITTEES FOR 2005 After discussion among the members of the Board, it was the consensus of the Board to appoint the following Commissioners to serve on the various boards and committees. Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of Directors, Commissioner Davis CAMA Land Use Plan Advisory Panel, Vice-Chairman Caster Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees, Commissioner Davis Cape Fear Community College Long-Range Planning Committee, Commissioner Davis Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board, Commissioner Pritchett Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority/WAVE, Commissioner Pritchett Cape Fear Resource Conservation & Development, Commissioner Kopp Chamber of Commerce Board, Chairman Greer Chamber’s Community Growth Planning Core Team, Chairman Greer Convention Center Task Force, Vice-Chairman Caster Council of Governments Executive Committee, Commissioner Pritchett New Hanover County Department of Social Services Board, Vice-Chairman Caster New Hanover County Board of Fire Commissioners, Commissioner Pritchett New Hanover County Board of Health, Commissioner Pritchett Human Relations Commission, Commissioner Kopp Juvenile Crime Prevention/Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board, Commissioner Kopp Legion Stadium Committee, Vice-Chairman Caster and Commissioner Kopp Local Emergency Planning Committee, Commissioner Pritchett Lower Cape Fear River Program Advisory Board, Commissioner Pritchett Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority, Vice-Chairman Caster New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees, Chairman Greer Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, Chairman Greer Partnership for Children Board, Commissioner Pritchett Port, Waterway & Beach Commission, Vice-Chairman Caster Southeast Center Board of Directors, Commissioner Pritchett , Tourism Development AuthorityVice-Chairman Caster , Water Development Task ForceVice-Chairman Caster , Watershed Management Advisory BoardVice-Chairman Caster Wilmington Downtown, Inc., Commissioner Kopp Wilmington Industrial Commission, Chairman Greer Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Chairman Greer Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, Commissioner Kopp COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointments to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Chairman Greer announced that seven vacancies exist on the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee. He reported that two applications were received. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 213 Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations to fill the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee. Vice-Chairman Caster nominated Ginger Hill Page and Robert R. Richard. Commissioner Pritchett seconded the nomination. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to appoint Ginger Hill Page and Robert R. Richardson to serve 1-year initial terms on the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee with the terms to expire on December 31, 2005. Appointments to the Board of Health Chairman Greer announced that four vacancies exist on the Board of Health, one each in the categories of General Public, Optometrist, Physician and Veterinarian. He reported that three applications were received in the General Public category, one in the Optometrist category, two in the Physician category and one in the Veterinarian category. He reported that one in the General Public category, Marvin Freeman and one in the Optometrist category, Edward Weaver, Jr., desire reappointment. Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations. Commissioner Pritchett nominated Edward Weaver, Jr., as the Optometrist representative and G. Robert Weedon as the Veterinarian representative. Vice-Chairman Caster seconded the nomination. Chairman Greer called for a vote on the nominations of Edward Weaver, Jr. and G. Robert Weedon. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Edward Weaver, Jr., as an Optometrist representative and appoint G. Robert Weedon as a Veterinarian representative to serve 3-year terms on the Board of Health with the terms to expire December 31, 2007. Chairman Greer nominated Marvin Freeman to fill the vacancy in the General Public category. Vice-Chairman Caster seconded the nomination. Commissioner Pritchett nominated Virginia Adams, PhD. No second to the nomination was received. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed. Chairman Greer called for a vote on the nomination of Marvin Freeman. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to appoint Marvin Freeman to serve a 3-year term on the Board of Health as a General Public representative with the term to expire December 31, 2007. Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations for the Physician representative on the Board of Health. Commissioner Kopp nominated Robert M. Shakar, Jr. Commissioner Pritchett seconded the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed. Chairman Greer called for a vote on the nomination of Robert M. Shakar, Jr. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to appoint Robert M. Shakar, Jr. to serve a 3-year term on the Board of Health as a Physician representative with the term to expire December 31, 2007. Appointments to the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority/WAVE Transit Authority Chairman Greer announced that one vacancy exists on the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority/WAVE Transit Authority. He reported that two applications were received with one of the applicants, Robert Ronne, desiring reappointment. Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations. Commissioner Pritchett nominated Robert Ronne. Commissioner Kopp seconded the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed and called for a vote on the reappointment of Robert Ronne. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Robert Ronne to serve on the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority/WAVE Transit Authority with the term to expire December 31, 2007. Appointments to the Commission for Women Chairman Greer announced that two vacancies exist on the Commissioner for Women to fill unexpired terms. He reported that four applications were received. Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 214 Vice-Chairman Caster nominated Tammy Boseman to fill the unexpired term to expire May 31, 2007. Commissioner Kopp seconded the nomination. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to appoint Tammy Boseman to serve on the Commission for Women with the term to expire May 31, 2007. Vice-Chairman Caster nominated Shannon E. Blankenbeckler to fill the unexpired term to expire May 31, 2005. Commissioner Kopp seconded the nomination. Commissioner Pritchett nominated Karen V. Chappel to fill the unexpired term to expire May 31, 2005. Commissioner Davis seconded the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed and called for a vote on the appointment of Shannon E. Blankenbeckler. Vote: The Board voted two to three to appoint Shannon E. Blankenbeckler to fill the unexpired term to expire May 31, 2005. Chairman Greer and Vice-Chairman Caster voted in favor. Chairman Greer called for a vote on the appointment of Karen V. Chappel. Vote: The Board voted three to two to appoint Karen V. Chappel to fill the unexpired term to expire May 31, 2005. Commissioner Davis, Commissioner Kopp, and Commissioner Pritchett voted in favor. Appointments to the Human Relations Commission Chairman Greer announced that two vacancies exist on the Human Relations Commission. He reported that six applications were received with two of the applicants, Anthony Gentile and Pastor James Utley, desiring reappointment. Commissioner Pritchett nominated Pastor James Utley. Vice-Chairman Caster seconded the nomination. Vice-Chairman Caster nominated Anthony Gentile. Commissioner Kopp seconded the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed and called for a vote on the reappointment of Pastor James Utley. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Pastor James Utley to serve on the Human Relations Commission with the term to expire December 31, 2007. Chairman Greer called for a vote on the reappointment of Anthony Gentile. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Anthony Gentile to serve on the Human Relations Commission with the term to expire December 31, 2007. Appointments to the Plumbing Board of Examiners Chairman Greer announced that one vacancy exists on the Plumbing Board of Examiners and reported that two applications have been received. Commissioner Kopp nominated Ernest Cleveland Skipper. Vice-Chairman Caster seconded the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed and called for a vote on the appointment of Ernest Cleveland Skipper. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to appoint Ernest Cleveland Skipper to serve on the Plumbing Board of Examiners with the term to expire December 31, 2007. Appointments to the Tourism Development Authority Chairman Greer announced that four vacancies exist on the Tourism Development Authority in the categories of Chamber of Commerce Representative, Hotel Owner/Manager of 150 rooms or more in Wrightsville Beach, Hotel Owner/Manager in Kure Beach and Tourist Attraction. He reported that Mary Baggett Martin in the Hotel Owner/Manager of 150 rooms or more in Wrightsville Beach category, Ronnie W. Pernell in the Hotel Owner/Manager in Kure Beach category, and Carl Marshburn in the Tourist Attraction category are eligible for reappointment and desire to be reappointed. Commissioner Kopp nominated to reappoint Mary Baggett Martin as the Hotel Owner/Manager of 150 rooms or more in Wrightsville Beach category, Ronnie W. Pernell as the Hotel Owner/Manager in Kure Beach category, and Carl Marshburn in the Tourist Attraction category. Commissioner Pritchett seconded the nomination. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Mary Baggett Martin as the Hotel Owner/Manager of 150 rooms or more in Wrightsville Beach category, Ronnie W. Pernell as the Hotel Owner/Manager in Kure Beach category, and Carl Marshburn in the Tourist Attraction category to serve on the Tourism Development Authority with the terms to expire to December 31, 2007. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 215 Commissioner Pritchett nominated A. Scott Cromartie as the Chamber of Commerce Representative. Vice- Chairman Caster seconded the nomination. Chairman Greer called for a vote on A. Scott Cromartie as the Chamber of Commerce Representative. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to appoint A. Scott Cromartie as the Chamber of Commerce Representative category to serve on the Tourism Development Authority with the term to expire December 31, 2007. BREAK: Chairman Greer called for a lunch break at 12:15 p.m. until 1:05 p.m. MEETING RECESSED TO HOLD A REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Greer convened from Regular Session at 1:05 p.m. to hold a meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Chairman Greer reconvened to Regular Session at 1:10 p.m. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Greer announced that time had been reserved to allow the public to present an item that was not listed on the regular agenda. He requested all persons speaking to limit their remarks to three minutes. No items were presented. ADDITIONAL ITEMS Approval of Airlie Gardens List of Events and Benefits for Sponsors Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver reported that the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of Directors approved the following list of events and benefits for sponsors, depending on the level of participation. Levels of participation are: Platinum $10,000, Gold $5,000, Silver $2,500, Bronze $1,000 and Patron $500. Event categories are: Concert Series, Airlie Arts Festival, Oyster Roast and the Holiday Light Show. The Airlie Gardens Foundation Board approved the list at their December 16, 2004 meeting, in preparation for the upcoming year. Motion: Commissioner Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Caster to approve the Airlie Gardens list of events and benefits for sponsors, depending on the level of participation. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Item Presented by Commissioner Kopp Commissioner Kopp stated that he enjoyed attending the Airlie Gardens Volunteer Reception and tour and emphasized that it is a public garden for the public to enjoy. Items Presented by Vice-Chairman Caster Commissioner Caster reported he attended the following events: The Leadership Convention Center meeting, Senior project judging at Laney High School; CAMA Land Use Plan meeting; Department of Social Services Staff meeting; Veterans Senior Soccer Tournament kick-off meeting; christening of the UNC-Seahawk vessel to be used for Coastal Research; the Ports Authority breakfast and tour; Corps of Engineers meeting concerning the NE Cape Fear River Project; and a Fire Services luncheon. Items Presented by Commissioner Pritchett Commissioner Pritchett congratulated County Manager O’Neal on the graduation of his son Michael from the College of Charleston. Commissioner Pritchett announced that her son, John, has been awarded his Master’s Degree in Math Education from Campbell University. Commissioner Pritchett reported on the following items: She ushered at the graduation for University of North Carolina – Wilmington. She has requested the Regional Planning for Traffic give consideration to road widening with the increase of traffic in and out of the Port with the additional freight lines being added. Commissioner Pritchett received a phone call from a citizen concerned that a developer was destroying historic mounds at Carolina Beach. After investigating the issue she found out that the mounds had been fully documented and according to current ordinances there was no way to demand their preservation. She requested that the Board consider rewriting the ordinances to include the preservation of history other than homes and buildings. Item Presented by Commissioner Davis Commissioner Davis thanked Commissioner Kopp for his comments concerning Airlie Gardens and to all the NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 2004 PAGE 216 Commissioners for attending the Airlie Gardens Volunteer Reception and for their continued interest in the success of Airlie Gardens. CLOSED SESSION Chairman Greer announced a Closed Session as authorized by N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3) was needed to discuss with the County Attorney whether to appeal the recent decision by the local superior court which overturned the Board’s decision to deny the request by Inland Harbour Properties for a special use permit in the Middle Sound area. He stated that it was his understanding that one or more Commissioners may feel they should be recused from the deliberation, and opened the floor for any Commissioner to bring forth any such concerns. Commissioner Pritchett requested the Board recuse her from the deliberations on this case stating that she been recused from the initial special use permit request due to an error in responding to correspondence from affected property owners. Given that decision, she requested that she be allowed to recuse herself from this matter. Motion: Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Greer to recuse Commissioner Pritchett from voting on the decision whether to appeal the recent decision by the local superior court which overturned the Board’s decision to deny the request by Inland Harbour Properties for a special use permit in the Middle Sound area. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. Chairman Greer requested a motion for the remaining members of the Board to go into closed session to discuss this matter with counsel. Motion: Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Kopp, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3), to convene to Closed Session to consult with the County Attorney regarding potential litigation. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 to 0. Chairman Greer convened to Closed Session at 1:20 p.m. CONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION Chairman Greer reconvened to the Regular Session at 1:50 p.m. Chairman Greer reported that after being in closed session the Board came to consensus to take a vote in Regular Session not to appeal the recent decision by the local superior court, which overturned the Board’s decision to deny the request by Inland Harbour Properties for a special use permit in the Middle Sound area. Chairman Greer asked for direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Greer not to appeal the recent decision by the local superior court, which overturned the Board’s decision to deny the request by Inland Harbour Properties for a special use permit in the Middle Sound area. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 3 TO 1. Commissioner Davis voted in opposition. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Greer asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion: Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Kopp to adjourn the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 1:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board