1993-06-07 Regular Meeting e e e " MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 513 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, June 7, 1993, at 6 30 P M in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third street, Wilmington, North Carolina Members present were Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A Caster; William E sisson, Jr ; Vice-Chairman E L Mathews, Jr ; Chairman Robert G Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F Harrell Chairman Greer welcomed all persons present and called the meeting to order INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Reverend Larry Meyer, Pastor of the Lutheran Church of Reconciliation, gave the invocation Vice-Chairman Mathews led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Vice-Chairman Mathews called attention to the new County flag and expressed appreciation to staff for design of the flag, which is the first flag in the history of New Hanover County NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Greer inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to present an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or comment on an item listed on the Consent Agenda No items or comments were received APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion Sisson MOTION Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, to approve the Consent Agenda as CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY SECONDED presented by commissioner Upon vote, the CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved the minutes of the Budget Work Sessions held on April 29, 1993, May 11, 1993, and May 24, 1993, as presented by the Clerk to the Board Approval of Budget Amendment #93-051 and Budget Amendment #93-052 - New Hanover County Jail - Sheriff's Department The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendments 93-051 Jail Expansion Debit Credit Jail Expansion Fund Sales Tax Refund $16,135 Jail Expansion Fund Contracted Services Maintenance & Repair Other Improvements Administration Electrical Capital Outlay Contingencies $ 31 $13,855 $17,325 $ 77 $ 150 $ 158 $ 2,319 Transfer out to close fund $50,050 Purpose For accounting purposes only - to close fund ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 514 93-052 county commissioners/property Management Debit credit County commissioners Transfer in (from Fund 365 Jail Expansion) $11,210 Property Manaqement Capital Outlay $11,210 /, Purpose A purchase order for a generator was set up in the Jail Expansion Fund for $11,210 This fund is not closed and the purchase order was liquidated Excess money in the Jail Fund was transferred into the General Fund This is to budget the money in Property Management's budget so the purchase order can be re- established Approval of Budget Amendment #93-050 - Water & Sewer Engineering The Commissioners approyed the following Budget Amendment 93-050 Water & Sewer Engineering Debit credit Water & Sewer Enqineerinq Appropriated Fund Balance $10,350 Water & Sewer Enqineerinq Transfer to Capital Project (Fund 860) $10,350 Purpose For accounting purposes only--to close Fund 860 (Wrightsboro Rehabilitation Project) Approval of Budget Amendment #93-0226 Garage The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment 93-0226 - Garage - Vehicle Management /, Debit Credit vehicle Manaqement Garage Charges $40,000 Purchases for Inventory $40,000 Purpose To budget $40,000 in additional revenue/garage charges to offset the greater than anticipated repairs required on County vehicles this fiscal year Authorization for the New Hanover county Airport Authority to Release certain overflight Easements Requested by Property Owners The Commissioners authorized the New Hanover County Airport Authority to release overflight easements on properties in the vicinities of the Airport as requested by the property owners, Henry J Feenstra and wife, Audrey Feenstra; 0 B Battle; and Stephen K Croom The county Manager was authorized to execute the release documents A copy of the release is on file in the Legal Department Approval of Two New PUblic Health Nurse II positions in Home Health and Approval of Budget Amendment #93-0200 - Health Department The Commissioners approved two new Public Health Nurse II positions in Home Health to work on-call, weekend and holiday hours The following Budget Amendment was approved in the amount of $7,831 to increase salary and fringe benefits by $7,831 /, 93-0200 Health Department/Home Health Debit Credit Health Department/Home Health Home Health Fees - Medicare Salaries & wages FICA Retirement Medical Insurance $7,831 $6,420 $ 493 $ 318 $ 600 \ e e e ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 515 Purpose To budget increased Home Health revenues for the salaries and benefits of two additional nurses in Home Health to work the on-call, weekend, and holiday hours Adoption of Resolutions Requesting the Addition of Nettle Circle and Fern Court of Summerfield Subdivision and cliff Road to the State Highway system The Commissioners adopted resolutions requesting the additions of Nettle Circle and Fern Court of Summerfield Subdivision and Cliff Road to the State Highway System Copies of the resolutions are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXI, Page 6 Acceptance of 1993-94 Title III Grant and Funding Allocations for the Department of Aging The Commissioners accepted the 1993-94 Title III Grant in the amount of $240,379 and approved the following funding allocations for the Department of Aging Transportation Case Assisted Senior Center Home Delivered Meals Congregate Meals Total $ 35,212 31,702 24,185 61,518 87,762 $240,379 Approval of Budget Amendment #93-0230 - Inspections The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment 93-0230 Inspections Debit Credit Inspections Department Inspection Fees $11,300 Employee Reimbursement Postage Printing Departmental Supplies Capital outlay $6,000 $ 300 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 Purpose To budget greater than anticipated revenue for expenses related to the increased number of inspections and the purchase of a fax machine for the Inspections Department Approval Services The of Budget Amendment #93-0229 Department of Social commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment 93-0229 Social Services/Various Debit Credit DSS/Administration DSS Administrative Funds $ 31,800 DSS/Child Dav Care Day Care Service $ 76,574 DSS/Adult Day Care Day Care Services $ 3,200 DSS/Child Day Care Day Care Services $76,574 DSS/Child Support Services Contracted Services $ 5,000 DSS/Employment Proqrams (JOBS) Transportation $30,000 ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 516 Purpose To budget additional State/Federal funds for JOBS, Child Day Care Services, and Child Support Programs Adoption of Resolution Awarding Bid #93-0335 (Contract #93-0335) to Textilease corporation for the provision of Uniform Service The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding the bid for uniform service to the lowest responsible bidder, Textilease Corporation /~ A copy of the resolution reflecting the prices quoted is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit XXI, Page 6 Adoption of Resolution Rejecting Bid #93-0330 Received from southchem, Inc and Adoption of Resolution Awarding Bid #93-0352 to southchem, Inc for Caustic Soda Liquid - waste-to-Energy Facility - Environmental Management Department The Commissioners adopted a resolution rejecting Bid #93-0330 received from Southchem, Inc because the product did not meet specifications A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXI, Page 6 When this item was re-bid a second time (Bid #93-0330) two bids were received Prillaman could not be considered or accepted because a bid bond was not submitted with the proposal as required The bid from southchem, Inc was non-responsive in that the required project specifications and material safety data sheet were not submitted with the proposal By this time, the current contract had expired To save time, the item was re-bid as Bid #93-0352 with only one bid received from Southchem, Inc After review, staff recommends acceptance of this bid /, The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding the bid to Southchem, Inc for providing caustic soda liquid to the Waste-to- Energy Facility The Chairman was authorized to execute the contract documents A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXI, Page 6 A copy of the contract is on file in the Legal Department PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE TO KRIS SHEPARD FOR HIS HEROIC EFFORTS DURING A HOUSE FIRE IN GREENBRIAR SUBDIVISION Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, presented a plaque to Kris Shepard for his heroic efforts in awakening occupants living in a home in the Greenbriar Subdivision Due to these efforts, the lives of these occupants were saved Mr Wilbur Davis, Assistant Chief of the Department, expressed appreciation to Kris courageous and unselfish act of bravery Myrtle Grove Fire Shepard for his PRESENTATION OF AWARDS TO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS SERVICE DURING THE MARCH 13, 1993, STORM Commissioner William E Sisson, Jr, representative on the Board of Fire Commissioners, Lou Mattes and Mr Wilbur Davis to present awards to Volunteer Fire Departments for their outstanding support during the March 13, 1993 storm FOR EXEMPLARY the Board's requested Mr the following response and /, Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department Federal Point Volunteer Fire Department Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department Ogden Volunteer Fire Department Seagate Volunteer Fire Department winter Park Volunteer Fire Department Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department \ e e e "'l MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 517 commissioner sisson reported most of us do not think of the Volunteer Fire Departments unless we have to call 911 for fire related services; however, during the storm of March 13, 1993, over 3,000 calls for emergency assistance were received by the 911 Center and many of these calls were referred to the Volunteer Fire Departments who responded quickly and efficiently They were instrumental in establishing an initial referral network to provide safety for downed power lines, keep the roads free of debris; performance of search and rescue missions; and visits to elderly persons on life support systems For the record, these Volunteer Fire Departments are to be commended for this outstanding contribution to the safety and welfare of the community Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the Volunteer Fire Departments for the outstanding service they performed during the storm and for the services they provide 365 days a year PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman Greer announced that Public Notice had been given that Public Hearings would be held on Monday, June 7, 1993, at 6 30 P M in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse Persons wishing to comment were requested to limit their remarks to three minutes and to select a spokesperson if a large group is present PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE PROPOSED NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY FOR FY 1993-94 Chairman Greer welcomed Mr Odell Williamson, a member of the North Carolina Board of Transportation Mr Odell Williamson expressed appreciation for an opportunity to appear before the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners with the Secondary Road Construction Program, which has only 11 miles of unpaved roads New Hanover County will receive $89,000 for the proposed FY 1993-94 Program However, New Hanover County ranks high on the priority list of the Transportation Improvement Program, therefore, a considerable amount of funding should be received from the Highway Trust Fund Mr Jim Cook, District Engineer of the N C Department of Transportation, Division 3, District 3, reported by General Statute 136-44 5 the N C Department of Transportation is required before July 1 of each calendar year to perform a study of all state maintained unpaved roads in order to determine the unpaved mileage in each county and the total in the state These mileages are required to determine the secondary construction allocations to each of the counties The allocations for each county are determined by dividing the total number of miles in the state times the statewide allocation as approved by the N C Legislature Secondary road construction allocations are based upon the amount of revenue generated by the gasoline tax and the final total will not be known until June 30, 1993 Should there be a significant change in the allocation for New Hanover County, the County will be informed of any adjustments in the Secondary Road Construction Program for 1993-94 Based upon an unpaved mileage of approximately 11 miles in New Hanover County, compared to unpaved miles statewide, the secondary allocation is estimated at $89,648, which is expected to be approved at the July meeting of the N C Board of Transportation The North Carolina Board of Transportation has approved a paving priority rating system having two paving priorities in each county, one for rural roads and one for residential/subdivision roads ....J MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 518 The following Secondary Road Construction proposals for New Hanover County were presented Estimated July 1, 1993, Secondary Construction Allocation for New Hanover County $89,648 Carryover from past fiscal year Total Allocation 8.000 $97.648 ~~ Funds to be Expended for the following projects spot Stabilization, Paved Road Improvements, Safety Improve- ments and Bridge Replacements $16,772 State Road 1334, Sondey Road Right-of-Way not available Priority 1S State Road 2002, Woodhaven Drive - Grade, Drain, Base, Surface, and Erosion Control From State Road 2181 to State Road 2181 priority 2S Total Cost for Priorities 1S and 2S $35,000 State Road 1478B, Charter Drive Grade, Drain, Base, Surface, and Erosion Control From end of Pavement to US 74 Priority 3S $38,000 Volunteer Fire Departments, Rescue Squads, Road Additions, and Contingencies $ 7,876 ~-" Total Expenditures $97.648 Total Mileage 1 17 Mr Cook requested approval of the proposed program Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing and inquired as to whether anyone present would like to comment No remarks were received Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to the local representatives of the N C Department of Transportation for their work and effort given to the Secondary Road Program Motion Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to approve the proposed Secondary Road Construction Program as submitted and presented by the N C Department of Transportation Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY A copy of the proposal is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXI, Page 7 ~, APPROVAL OF FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 BUDGET ORDINANCES FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND THE SPECIAL FIRE DISTRICT Commissioner Barone requested the Board to consider adopting the County Manager's recommended FY 1993-94 Budget with an across the board decrease of 2% in all county budgets with the exception of the Board of Education, non-county agencies, or the Fire District This 2% reduction would provide additional revenue in the amount of $1,738,030, which will cover the approximate $1 8 million shortfall for FY 1993-94 and avoid raising the property \ , e e e "ll MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 519 tax As indicated in previous Budget Work Sessions, she is opposed to raising the property tax and feels this proposal would allow the County to operate at its present level of service and avoid raising the property tax for the upcoming budget year She apologized for not presenting this proposal earlier but stated until she received some final figures she was not able to work out a formula Motion commissioner Barone MOVED to adopt the County Manager's final recommended FY 1993-94 Budget with an across the board decrease of 2% in all County budgets with the exception of the Board of Education, non-county agencies, or the Fire District The floor was opened for discussion Discussion was held on the late hour at which this proposal was presented Chairman Greer reported the Board and Administrative Staff began the budget process in early January and have met numerous times to agree on a budget that will allow the County to operate at its present level of service The process began with a proposed tax increase of 5 cents and has been reduced to a proposed tax increase of 2 5 cents Concern was expressed for feeling the Board had reached a consensus and, at this time, a new proposal is being presented commissioner Barone explained the proposal is not a new budget It is acceptance of the County Manager's budget with a painless 2% decrease in departmental budgets The department heads will be allowed to cut their budgets as so desired This adjustment will allow the property tax to remain at its present rate Chairman Greer, again, expressed concern for not receiving the proposal earlier and reported, it appeared that Commissioner Barone had been in agreement with each step of the budgetary process; therefore, he is surprised commissioner Barone, again, reiterated the fact that she has been against a tax increase from the beginning of the budgetary process, as indicated in the newspaper Chairman Greer inquired as to why she voted for increases during the various Work Sessions if she felt the budget should be reduced by 2%? commissioner Barone reported when voting on increases in the proposed budget there were additional revenues to fund those increases without raising the property tax The purpose of the proposal is to avoid increasing the property tax rate in a painless manner It is imperative for the County to hold the line on taxes when no one knows what is going to happen on the state and federal level In her opinion, this proposal will provide an excellent alternative to avoid raising the property tax rate Vice-Chairman Mathews strongly opposed adopting a proposal without time to discuss the entire recommendation with staff and stated he cannot support this action County Manager O'Neal reported if the Department of Social Services budget is reduced in expenditures, the revenues will be reduced Debt service and mandated programs must be paid; therefore, a 2% reduction cannot apply to these items Large payments are not scheduled on a monthly basis with accrual of these payments at the end of the fiscal year Also, as to the figures presented in the proposal, a 2% reduction in the Governing Body Office is $6,000 not $600; and a 2% reduction in the school budget is $400,000 instead of $41,310 ...cl MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 520 commissioner sisson strongly objected to not being contacted about this proposal and stated a recommendation being presented at this late hour is not acceptable It was his opinion that an agreement had been reached by the Board at the last Budget Work Session to accept the County Manager's recommended budget, which includes changes desired by the Board Also, the Board agreed to begin Budget Work sessions in late August and September to establish priorities and provide direction to the county Manager for preparation of the FY 1994-95 Budget As for the proposal on /~ the floor, it can only be considered as a grandstand tactic The Commissioners should act as a group, not individuals who operate individually and float political balloons He will not consider voting on a proposal without having an opportunity to review the entire impact of this recommendation on County departments commissioner Caster reported no one is excited about increasing taxes; however, he cannot support a budget proposal without hearing recommendations from staff Also, the proposed tax increase will allow the County to operate at its present level of service and begin to meet the needs for the next fiscal year commissioner Barone explained she did not intend to place any Commissioner in an awkward position with submission of the budget proposal but felt this recommendation should be considered Call for Vote presented by THEREFORE, THE Chairman Greer called Commissioner Barone MOTION FAILED for a SECOND ON THE MOTION NO SECOND WAS RECEIVED; Chairman Greer called for a motion to adopt the Fiscal Year 1993-94 Budget Ordinance for New Hanover County Motion Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to adopt the 1993-94 Budget Ordinance for New Hanover ---- ~ County as presented by the County Manager, which will increase the property tax by 2 5 cents per $100 upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS Voting Aye commissioner Caster commissioner Sisson Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer voting Nay commissioner Barone Motion vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to adopt the 1993-94 Budget Ordinance for the New Hanover County Fire District as presented by the County Manager Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY copies of the Budget Ordinances are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXI, Page 8 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 OUTSIDE AGENCY FUNDING Motion Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to adopt the resolution for outside agency funding for FY 1993-94 and authorize the county Manager to enter into appropriate contracts with the agencies listed in the resolution upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY /~ A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXI, Page 8 CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION TO CONVEY COUNTY INTEREST IN BULLTAIL PROPERTY TO THE CAROLINA EMERGENCY TRAINING ACADEMY, INC (CONTINUED FROM MAY 17, 1993) county Manager O'Neal reported after discussion with Sheriff \ " ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 521 McQueen, the Sheriff has no problem with New Hanover County conveying the federally forfeited property located in BUlltail, North Carolina, to Carolina Emergency Training Academy, Inc if the following restrictions are imposed e 1) New Hanover County will not be held liable for any acts, omissions, or other tortious events that have occurred or may occur on this property 2) The New Hanover County Sheriff's Department will be granted access to the property for training purposes without incurring financial indebtedness 3) In the event the property is not converted to a training facility, it will be returned to its joint owner status, with New Hanover County being entitled to equitable remuneration if the property is sold Vice-Chairman Mathews requested information on the functions of Carolina Emergency Training Academy, Inc ? Emergency Management Director, Dan Summers, reported this organization is an outgrowth from the Pender County Firemen's Association and the New Hanover County Firemen's Association The organization is a group of local training leaders who have formed the academy to provide training by local instructors Chairman Greer reported, for the record, he is opposed to giving away County owned property; therefore, he cannot support this request e Commissioner Sisson reported the Pender County Board Commissioners has already approved conveying their portion of property to Carolina Emergency Training Academy, Inc and, in opinion, this is a worthwhile donation for the training volunteer firemen for both counties of the his of County Attorney Copley recommended incorporating the regulations presented by the Sheriff in the deed of conveyance in order for the property to be returned to New Hanover if the property is not being used for training purposes Motion Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to convey the Bulltail property to Carolina Emergency Training Academy, Inc with the restrictions as requested by Sheriff Joe McQueen incorporated into the deed Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS Voting Aye commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Commissioner Sisson Vice-Chairman Mathews Voting Nay Chairman Greer e APPROVAL FOR RENAMING OF THE WASTE-TO-ENERGY FACILITY TO "WASTEC" County Manager O'Neal reported the Waste-to-Energy Facility Commission voted to rename the Waste-to-Energy Facility to "WASTEC" in an effort to provide a name that will be more recognizable and yet reflect a high tech process involved with the operation of the plant Emphasis was placed on the need to better educate the public on the County's solid waste management efforts and the need to have a name that will be recognized Motion Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to approve renaming the Waste-to-Energy Facility to "WASTEC" as recommended by the WTE Facility commission Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ...,j MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 522 BREAK Chairman Greer called for a break from 7 25 P M until 7 45 P M and recommended, in the future, that persons desiring to appear for a Public Hearing should be informed that the time listed on each agenda item is estimated This process should prepare interested persons to come ahead of schedule and avoid delays in the public hearing portion of the meeting PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING 49 OF AN ACRE ON THE WEST SIDE ~~ OF GREENVILLE AVENUE, NORTH OF OLEANDER DRIVE, FROM R-15 RESIDENTIAL TO 0-1 OFFICE AND INSTITUTION (Z-476, 5/93) Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the rezoning since Policies for Growth and Development encourage office and similar uses, as well as commercial uses, to locate in areas which already contain public services and transportation In this instance, adequate services are readily available to serve this property This rezoning offers a better transition from non-residential to residential uses with existing landscape and buffer requirements that should preserve the integrity of nearby residential uses on Greenville Avenue Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing and inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to comment No remarks were received Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing Motion Caster Board Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner to approve the 0-1 rezoning as recommended by the Planning Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO 6 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, ADOPTED AUGUST 18, 1971," is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Zoning Book II, Section 6, Page 52 ~- PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING 4 40 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4915 CAROLINA BEACH ROAD FROM R-15 RESIDENTIAL TO B-2 BUSINESS Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported members of the Planning Board discussed various zoning options for the site and were opposed to splitting the property The majority of Planning Board members felt that not rezoning the property would be inconsistent with surrounding zoning and nearby non-residential land uses After discussion, the Planning Board recommended rezoning the entire site, with the understanding that northward expansion of the B-2 District will not exceed beyond the northern property line of the Miller tracts labeled A and B on the site location map Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing and inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to comment The following remarks were received Mr Bill Saffo, representing the petitioner, reported the proposed rezoning would allow for the highest and best use of the property with nearby non-residential uses The Commissioners were requested to approve the proposed B-2 rezoning ~~ Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing Motion Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to approve rezoning the entire site to B-2 with the understanding that northward expansion of the B-2 District would stop at the north side of the Miller property labeled A and B on the site location map The floor was opened for discussion commissioner Sisson inquired as to the activities on Parcel D? ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 523 Planning Director Hayes reported at the present time there is no activity on this propertYi however, in the past there has been discussion of high density residential use This is a large tract of land with access on Carolina Beach Road as well as College Road and with the County extension of sewer service in this area, the land has potential for high density residential development e commissioner sisson commented on adequate buffering to protect residential neighborhoods due to the proposed rezoning for the entire tract which extends the depth of the B-2 zoning, and asked if additional buffering is required? Planning Director Hayes reported staff was concerned about the depth of the proposed rezoning If the property is developed commercially, there will be no buffering requirements because the property is vacanti however, if the property is not developed until after adjoining residential property is developed or subdivided, the Zoning Ordinance does require additional buffering and setback requirements Chairman Greer called for a vote on the MOTION to approve the B-2 Zoning on the Carolina Beach Road north of Silver Lake Road Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO 4 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, ADOPTED APRIL 7, 1971," is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Zoning Book I, section 4, Page 36 e PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER MODIFICATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT GRANTED TO THE BRIDGE TENDER RESTAURANT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 130 FEET OF FLOATING DOCKS TO SERVE TRANSIENT BOATERS Chairman Greer reported an expansion of the Special Use Permit is required for construction of 130 feet of floating docksi therefore, this process will require a quasi-judicial hearing Any persons wishing to comment were requested to step forward to be sworn in by the Clerk to Board The following person was sworn in Attorney Joe Taylor Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported the Planning Board's discussion focused on water depths and how boats would enter and exit the facility One member felt that expansion of the marina would only add to the heavy boat congestion characteristic of the waterway, which could increase threats to boater safety The petitioner informed the Planning Board that no boating accidents have occurred connected to the existing marina operation The Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the modification to the Special Use Permit The following findings were presented e General Requirement #1 The proposed use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plans submitted based upon the following findings Commercial marinas are permitted by Special Use Permit conferment in the B-1 Business District The property is zoned B-1 Business General Requirement #2 The proposed use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance based upon the following findings It is difficult to determine the impact the additional slips will have on water quality Given the intensity of water- ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 524 oriented development in the vicinity the impact appears to be nominal There are shellfish beds in the area but are closed due to the existing marinas The water is classified SB and is not designated as a primary nursery area General Requirement #3 The proposed use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity based upon the following findings The applicant already has 34 boat slips in place ~--- General Requirement #4 The location and character of the proposed use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County based upon the following findings According to County Inspections, the applicant provides 173 land-based off-street parking spaces A total of 159 parking spaces are required This includes the 16 spaces granted to the applicant for a non-residential off-street parking lot (Special Use Permit) in September 1990 and revised December 1992 These spaces are intermingled, serving the Bridge Tender Restaurant, Hanover Fishing center, which includes a charter service, a grill and a gift shop, and the Bridge Tender Marina A minimum of one off-street parking space per boat slip is required, except that the new slips may be designated as water-oriented parking provided they do not account for more than 10% of the required parking for the designated uses The parking needs of the new slips can be absorbed by excess land-based parking spaces No buffer is required ~, Night lighting is not shown, but is required A CAMA permit has been issued for the necessary construction Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing and inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to comment The following remarks were received Attorney Joe Taylor, representing the petitioners, Mr and Mrs Johnnie C Baker, presented a sketch of the proj ect and commented on the need for additional docks to serve transient boaters The sole purpose for the expansion is to accommodate customers who wish to dine by boat; therefore, traffic will not increase on Airlie Road The use is appropriate for the surrounding area and the CAMA permit has been issued commissioner Barone inquired as to whether night lighting will be provided? Mr Taylor responded that night lighting will be installed according to the Zoning Code Enforcement Officer commissioner Sisson commented on direct lighting into the site and asked if this lighting will be included? ~, Planning Director Hayes stated lighting is required along the pier line Chairman Greer asked if the petitioner concurred with the staff findings as presented Attorney Taylor responded that the petitioner agrees with the findings as presented Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing \ , e e e " MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 525 Motion Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to approve the modification to the Special Use Permit for authorization to construct 130 feet of floating docks at the Bridge Tender Restaurant Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY A copy incorporated II, Page 5 of the modified Special Use Permit is hereby as a part of the minutes and is contained in SUP Book PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A TEXT AMENDMENT TO MODIFY THE REQUIREMENTS REGULATING THE TENURE OF CERTAIN TEMPORARY USES (A- 250, 5/93) Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported the petitioner submitted an application to modify the requirements regulating the tenure of certain temporary uses; to allow produce sales on properties even though the produce is grown elsewhere; and to permit the use of portable toilets for temporary uses with duration periods less than six months The Planning Board agreed with a majority of amendments proposed but felt they should not be considered until after the applicant has met with the Board of Health and the Health Department concerning the classification of the petitioner'S operations as a place of business This classification means that the use must connect to an approved sewer system, not a portable toilet as desired by the petitioner The Planning Board informed the petitioner that only the Board of Health could regulate portable toilet usage and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance would not provide the relief sought The Planning Board decided that increasing the duration of pumpkin sales lots to 45 days from 30 days would not have an appreciable impact on the public health, safety, and welfare and recommended approval Chairman Greer reported the Board of Health will be required to review the portable toilet usage and the Commissioners are being requested to increase the duration of pumpkin sales from 30 to 45 days Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing and inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to comment No remarks were received Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing Motion Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to approve a Text Amendment to increase the duration of pumpkin sales lots from 30 to 45 days as recommended by the Planning Board Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969," is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXI, Page 9 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER RENAMING NORWOOD DRIVE TO BELLWOOD FARM ROAD AND AUTHORIZATION TO ASSIGN HOUSE NUMBERS Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported Norwood Drive is a street name duplication; therefore, this road needs to be renamed The road is located approximately 1,300 feet north of the Chair Road/Castle Hayne intersection on the east side of Castle Hayne Road Seven homes with rural route and box numbers exist along the road and after performing a survey, the adjoining property owners selected Bellwood Farm Road as the new name The Commissioners were requested to approve the name change and assignment of house numbers as presented The County will provide a new road sign Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing and inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to comment The following remarks were received ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 526 Mr Andrew Watkins, a property requested changing the name of the road of Bellwood Farm Road owner on Norwood Drive, to Bellwood Avenue instead commissioner Barone agreed with the proposal and emphasized the importance of naming roads one name in order to assist with emergency responses Vice-Chairman Mathews inquired as to whether Mr watkins was ~, involved with the survey for the road renaming process? Mr Watkins reported he was involved, but after reviewing names, such as Hoot and Holler, he feels Bellwood Avenue would be more suitable Planning Director Hayes explained the proposed modification to Bellwood Avenue could be approved since only three responses were received from the survey which were as follows (1) Memory Lane; (2) Bellwood Farm Road; and (3) Hoot and Holler Road Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing Motion Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to rename Norwood Drive to Bellwood Avenue and assign new house numbers as recommended by the Planning Department The floor was opened for discussion Chairman Greer hesitated to rename the road without notifying the other property owners Mr respond however, Avenue Paul Grossnickle, a property owner, reported he did to the survey for naming the road to Bellwood Farm Road; he has no objection to renaming the road to Bellwood ~, Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY A copy of the order is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXI, Page 9 CONSIDERATION OF LEGISLATIVE ISSUES Report on Adoption of Water Craft Bill County Manager O'Neal reported Senator Codington notified the County that the water craft bill introduced by Representative Gottovi has been approved This legislation will enable New Hanover County to regulate water craft if they so desire Discussion was held on the impact of this bill upon the municipalities commissioner Sisson reported the bill was introduced to preserve waters adjacent to Masonboro Island and will not impact on municipalities Wrightsville Beach now regulates jet skis adjacent to Wrightsville Beach County Manager O'Neal reported once a copy of the bill is received, this item will be placed on the agenda for discussion and consideration Opposition to the Proposed Federal Energy Tax on Local Governments County Manager O'Neal reported on the proposed energy tax that does not provide an exemption for local governments The tax will cost New Hanover County approximately $50,000 per year in e1ectrici ty and petroleum fuels alone The Commissioners were presented a draft letter and requested to authorize the Chairman to execute and forward the letter to the local Congressional Delegation ~, Motion commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to authorize the Chairman to execute the letter as proposed \ '- ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 527 e and forward to the local Congressional Delegation opened for discussion Chairman Greer recommended informing the Delegation that the proposed energy tax will be everyone, not just local and state governments County Manager O'Neal agreed with the negative impact on all persons, but recommended focusing on the tax exemption for counties, cities, and states The floor was Congressional a burden to Vice-Chairman Mathews agreed and recommended expressing opposition to the tax on cities and counties commissioner Barone suggested writing two separate letters Call for Vote After further discussion, Chairman Greer called for a vote on the MOTION by Commissioner Barone which is to authorize the Chairman to execute the letter as proposed and forward to the local Congressional Delegation Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Status of Annexation Bill Commissioner Sisson inquired as to the status of the Annexation Bill? County Attorney Copley reported the bill did not meet the crossover deadline and was not considered e Opposition to Legislation Pertinent to Increasing the State Aid to the Public Libraries Fund Deputy County Manager, Mary Gornto, reported on a bill to increase the State Aid to Public Libraries Fund at the funding level appropriated in 1990 The bill has two components (1) the annual aid to public libraries; and (2) funding for library construction projects The County does not have any library projects at the present time; however, there is a request from the Library Board to support the proposed bill Approval of this increase will assist the Library in purchasing books, which was $20,000 less than spent in 1992 commissioner Barone reported on the need for additional funding to libraries, but expressed concern for requesting the State to stop mandating programs and then asking the State to return to its 1990 level of funding Commissioner Sisson reported as a parent of two children who use the Public Library, it is a problem to find research books when only one or two copies are available Additional funds are needed to purchase books in New Hanover County and the persons that will be hurt by not supporting the bill are our children He recommended support of the proposed legislation e Vice-Chairman Mathews reported on $50,000 of State funds received for construction of the Myrtle Grove Library and the fact that the proposed bill will increase the funding to $100,000 The Military Cut-Off branch library site or renovations at the Main Public Library would be eligible for a grant if the Commissioners decide to move ahead with these items Chairman Greer reminded Vice-Chairman Mathews of the incident with the official from the State Library System and the manner in which New Hanover County was treated when being the only County to apply for a grant a few years ago Consensus After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board, other than Commissioner Sisson, to oppose the proposed bill MEETING RECESSED TO HOLD A REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER ...J MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 528 COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Motion Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to convene from Regular Session to hold a regular meeting of the Water & Sewer District Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Chairman Greer convened from Regular Session at 8 30 P M Motion Commissioner Barone MOVED, to reconvene to Regular Session UNANIMOUSLY SECONDED by Commissioner Caster Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED /",- Chairman Greer reconvened to Regular Session at 8 46 P M APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER BARONE AND COMMISSIONER CASTER TO SERVE ON THE DSS STUDY COMMITTEE Chairman Greer reported a committee is being formed to study overcrowding of the Department of Social Services Building and to prepare alternatives to resolving this matter commissioner Barone and Commissioner Caster have both expressed a desire to serve on this committee Consensus It was the consensus of the Board to Commissioner Barone and Commissioner Caster to serve on Study Committee appoint the DSS APPOINTMENT OF VOTING DELEGATE TO THE ANNUAL NACo CONFERENCE Chairman Greer announced a voting Delegate and Alternate Delegate must be appointed for the NACo 58th Annual Conference to be held July 16-20, 1993, in Cook County, Chicago Illinois Motion Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to appoint Chairman Greer to serve as the voting Delegate for the NACo 58th Annual Conference and Vice-Chairman Mathews to serve as ~, the Alternate Delegate Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION OF DRAFT CONTRACT FOR THE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS Commissioner Sisson reported a draft contract has been prepared for the Volunteer Fire Departments and requested Emergency Management Director, Dan Summers, to comment on the proposed contract A copy of the contract will be forwarded to each County Commissioner for discussion of this item at a later date Emergency Management Director, Dan Summers, reported the performance requirements of the contract remain the same; however, the County should continue to improve the cooperation between the County and Volunteer Fire Department in the following areas 1) Implementation of a financial accounting software program that will allow the county to receive finance reports from the Volunteer Fire Departments within 45 days after receipt of the county's quarterly check The Finance Department will work with Emergency Management and the Volunteer Fire Departments to provide timely financial reporting, which in the past has been many months behind This reporting will be a useful tool in preparing budgets and will greatly improve the manner in which financial records are maintained The Volunteer Fire Departments appear to be eager to become involved in this program 2) What happens with County funds that are invested in fire equipment? The Board of Fire commissioners internally addressed and took action with the North Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department The following language has been recommended for incorporation into the contract /",- \ "\ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 529 e If the Volunteer equipment comes redeployment 3) Developing a Plan for Bulk Purchasing Money can be saved with bulk purchasing The Emergency Management Department and Finance Department will lend assistance in capital equipment purchases through the bidding process Fire Department ceases to exist, back to the Fire District the for In summary, the Emergency Management Department will continue to proceed with the transitional period, which is to bring everyone up to the learning curve and develop rapport with the men and women of the fire service The Commissioners were requested to review the draft contract and implement the new contract effective July 1, 1993 This contract will address financial accountability, purchasing, and redeployment of equipment commissioner Caster inquired as to why the contract does not read that current assets will not revert to the County if a Volunteer Fire Department ceases to exist? Director Summers reported on the liability that could be incurred by the County with the purchase and transfer of fire equipment; therefore, it would be in the best interest of the County for redeployment of equipment to another agency under the contractual relationship commissioner Sisson reported during the North Wilmington incident, the equipment did not meet State standards; therefore, if the equipment had been returned to the County, it would have cost more to bring the equipment up to State standards than the actual value of the equipment e commissioner Barone inquired as to whether the Management Department has adequate staff to assist purchasing? Emergency with bulk Director Summers responded that Emergency Management staff will be able to accommodate this need and possibly an equipment committee will be appointed to assist with bulk purchasing Commissioner Barone commented on receiving a letter from Mike Rhodes, Chief of the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department, who has requested time to review the new contract and inquired as to whether the July 1 deadline can be met? County Attorney Copley reported some arrangement, such as a partial funding agreement, can be worked out in order to provide the Attorney representing Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department to review the new contract There should be no problem in meeting the July 1 deadline Discussion was held on the co-mingling of funds Commissioner Caster inquired as to whether this item is covered in the contract? e commissioner draft contract; Commissioners may County funds Sisson reported this item is not however, J..n reviewing the wish to require a full accounting covered in contract of private the the and Director Summers commented on the complexity of co-mingling funds and recommended focusing attention on the services being received for the amount of funds paid by the County After calculating manpower hours, if the County had to budget for the provision of fire service, the cost would be approximately $3 5 million annually in manhours Also, fire fighting is risky and the liabilities incurred are very expensive The Volunteer Fire Departments have provided an outstanding fire service and with a new contract, requiring financial reporting standards, and other methods of improvement, these fire services will continue to ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 530 improve The County receives a tremendous service for the amount of funds expended Vice-Chairman Mathews inquired as to whether discussion has been held on the appointment process? commissioner sisson reported no discussion has been held with the Board of Fire Commissioners This issue will impact the By- laws, not the contract Possibly, the Commissioners should hold a ~~ Work session to resolve the appointment issue Consensus County Manager O'Neal recommended placing the contract and appointment items on the agenda for June 21, 1993 DISCUSSION OF REAPPOINTMENT PROCEDURES FOR HOSPITAL BOARD OF 'rRUSTEES Commissioner Caster reported on the action taken by the Board of County Commissioners on May 3, 1993, which was to appoint a Hospital Trustee to serve a three-year term to be followed by reappointment to a second three-year term unless the County Commissioners voted unanimously not to reappoint a Trustee to serve the second term On June 1, 1993, this item was discussed again, and amended to read that a Hospital Trustee is appointed for a three-year term and "may" be reappointed to serve a second three- year term as is the standard procedure for all county appointed boards commissioner Caster expressed concern for the proposed change and recommended allowing reappointment of a Trustee to a second three-year term unless the County Commissioners vote unanimously not to reappoint a Trustee Chairman Greer recommended allowing the term to remain for five years in lieu of reappointment to a second term ~~ A lengthy discussion was held on the appointment procedure County Attorney Copley explained the term of service will not impact the revenue bond issue Commissioner Caster inquired as to why this issue was brought to the attention of the Commissioners when Board action was taken on May 3 and this item is not related to the revenue bond issue? County Attorney copley reported Vice-Chairman Mathews requested changing the Hospital Trustee appointment procedure to comply with appointment procedures used for all other County appointed boards Other boards have three-year terms and are not automatically appointed to serve a second three-year term When the lease had to be reviewed for issuance of the hospital revenue bonds, Vice-Chairman Mathews requested that the length of terms and reappointment process also be reviewed When receiving the document from the Hospital Attorney, it appeared the language recommended was not the intent of the Board; therefore, this item was placed on the agenda at the special Meeting of June 1, 1993, for clarification of the appointment process Motion After a lengthy discussion, commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner sisson to accept the original recommendation from the Hospital Attorney to read as follows ~"" Upon completion of the initial three-year term, a Trustee shall be reappointed to serve a second, consecutive three-year term, unless there is a unanimous vote by the Board of County commissioners not to reappoint the Trustee Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DISCUSSION OF YARD WASTE ORDINANCE Chairman Greer presented background information on the Yard Waste Ordinance adopted at the Regular Meeting of January 19, 1993, \ , "l MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 531 e which states that loads of unseparated municipal solid waste exceeding 15% yard waste by volume shall not be disposed of at either the County Landfill or WASTEC This ordinance was enacted because of a state mandate in the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act of 1989, which prohibited yard waste from landfill disposal beginning January 1, 1993 Although the State mandate does not specifically prevent the County from burning yard waste in the incinerator, the difficulty arises when the County is forced to by-pass co-mingled municipal solid waste/yard waste from the incinerator to the Landfill when the incinerator is down for maintenance and repairs At that time, the County would be in violation of the State mandate As a result of this action on June 1, 1993, some haulers have refused to pick up yard waste which has created a problem for County residents Direction was requested from the Board as to how to resolve this problem commissioner Sisson reported Waste Management is the hauler who has refused to pick up yard waste This hauler contends that he was told by the Department of Environmental Management not to pick up yard waste after June 1, 1993 After discussion with Ray Church, the Director of Environmental Management, he was extremely upset about this action by Waste Management since discussion was held with the haulers about the provisions of the ordinance after its adoption and, also, after the March 13 storm with a complete understanding of the regulations governing disposal of yard waste Director Church strongly objected to this hauler informing customers that New Hanover County would not accept yard waste at the incinerator when 15% of a co-mingled load is accepted at the incinerator e Chairman Greer expressed concern for County residents not having an option but to pay extra dollars for disposal of yard waste He reported this was of concern to him at the time the ordinance was adopted County Manager O'Neal recommended allowing the free enterprise system to work and allow the ordinance to remain as adopted commissioner Sisson inquired as to why the County cannot provide a yard waste service like the City of Wilmington? County Manager 0' Neal reported if the County moves to a licensing or franchise situation, the following conditions could be applied (1) a provision for yard waste pick-up; and (2) trash must be disposed of at the places indicated in order to keep the tip fee in New Hanover County Also, in order to proceed with a licensing or franchising system, the County must comply to State regulations; therefore, the Yard Waste Ordinance as adopted does comply to State law Chairman Greer inquired as to whether a decision has been rendered on providing New Hanover County an exemption since a considerable amount of funds has been invested in the incineration of trash? e Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, reported the State has informed the County if an administrative exemption is issued, this will require legislative action The State Legislation very clearly states that no yard waste will be permitted in lined landfills after January 1, 1993 Vice-Chairman Mathews inquired as to whether received from the State with reference to an granted to New Hanover County due to funds incinerator? a letter has been exemption being invested in the County Manager O'Neal reported staff will be glad to check into this matter and prepare a report on the exemption process ...il MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 532 which is being investigated by the N C Association of county Commissioners commissioner Barone expressed concern for penalizing the public for only one or two months of the year Consensus After a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for the Chairman to write a letter to the haulers, attaching a copy of the Yard Waste Ordinance, and very clearly explaining the ~~ provisions of the ordinance which states that co-mingled loads containing up to 15% volume of yard waste will be accepted at the incinerator REPORT ON LETTER RECEIVED FROM MOORE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairman Greer reported on receiving a copy of a letter that was forwarded by the Moore County Board of commissioners to the President of the united states pertaining to mandated programs and the need to provide funding for these programs It was generally agreed that many counties are expressing their concern for mandates RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO FRIENDS OF TOBACCO Chairman Greer reported on a letter received from the Friends of Tobacco with a request to adopt a resolution in opposition to the $2 00 per pack proposed tax on cigarettes Governor Hunt has forwarded a letter to the President requesting that this tax not be imposed due to the devastating impact on the economy of North Carolina This group has inquired as to whether New Hanover County would like to adopt a similar resolution Direction was requested from the Board commissioner sisson reported on the need for North Carolina to diversify its economy and expressed opposition to adoption of a resolution that encourages people to smoke when a large percentage ~~ of health care problems are created by the use of tobacco He announced he would agree to adopt the proposed resolution if a provision was incorporated to abolish the federal agricultural tobacco subsidy Consensus After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board not to adopt the proposed resolution BREAK Chairman Greer called for a break from 9 59 P M until 10 10 P M EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to convene from Regular Session to Executive Session to discuss property acquisition Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Chairman Greer convened to Executive Session at 10 11 P M Motion commissioner Barone MOVED, ~o reconvene to Regular Session UNANIMOUSLY SECONDED by Commissioner Caster Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED Chairman Greer convened to Regular Session at 10 45 P M ~~ Chairman Greer announced the Board decided to purchase property in Executive Session and requested a motion Motion Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to authorize staff to proceed with the purchase of a piece of property located on Front Street for use by Cape Fear Community College in the amount of $440,000 (County funding of $365,000; cape Fear Community College funding of $75,000) contingent upon performance and acceptance of all environmental studies Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY \ e e e -; MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1993 PAGE 533 Announcement of Hurricane Workshop on June 15, 1993 County Manager O'Neal announced a Hurricane Workshop is scheduled for department heads and various organizations on June 15, 1993, at the Ft Fisher Training Room from 9 00 A M until 2 00 P M ADJOURNMENT Motion Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to adjourn Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 10 47 P M Respectfully submitted, ~d~ Lucie F Harrell Clerk to the Board ~