1998-04-20 RM Exhibits RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County has possession of a number of items of personal property which are surplus to its needs and desires to dispose of same; and WHEREAS, the items to be disposed are listed and submitted as an attachment to this resolution; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Finance Director's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A-270, is hereby authorized to dispose of all of the personal property as listed for cash or check at an auction, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title, add items to or delete items from the auction list, and perform all necessary functions associated with this auction, to be held Saturday, May 2, 1998 at 9'00 a.m. at the Property Management Maintenance Facility, Division Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. 1Jd,e~ Q~ Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~y/~ Cl rk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 05/02/98 TAG I FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION SERIAL MODEL # 1 # # # 11 013000 Sharp FO-3350 Fax Machine 571147X or 55107782 FO-3350 I-~j Desk and Arm Attachment I I 3 Ijunderwood Manual Typewriter ~ I ,__l 1 1 4: Data Binder Hanger I I 5, I ~ta Binder Hanger I 61 Portable Data Hanger I 71 Data Binder Hanger ~I Data Binder Hanger IBM 2381~001 Printer 11 15249 2381~1 10 Secretary Chair 11 Secretary Chair -I I I .L~____ :Secretary Chair -, ~--- 12' _J~_ ! l__ ~~~_--~ _._~ -_._-----~ - - -- I File Cabinet ~_ ._--~ .____ ____I 1--___ 1'!._ IIFile Cabinet 15 J Rolling File Cabinet 16 00000000002209 -ISide Chair 17 File Cabinet 18 File Cabinet 19 File Cabinet 20 ~ File Cabinet __~_ L 211 lFile Cabinet ___ I 22, _JFileCabinet - ---~- --I 231 ~I File Cabinet 1 I 24 1 Large Table I I 25: iSmall Table 260000000000001 07 ~] Desk '1 127r=-- _____~IBM_4202-001 Proprinte~, '-==_ ~_____1108082 I~I __ 01..2847, LF'r.ir:nera Pr~ C9i?rJ::rinter ,40340577 I 31 ' I Cabinet w/ Sliding Doors \---::-1" -- I 32 L__ __ ~redenza__ _ t-=~I}:m n_ ut~reta~~h.?lr____ i ;~l= 401 L~ ~ I 42, 00688 ,JlBM Computer Model 25 -!88-G1463 ' L43i~_ __ JJ!BM_ 8.?,g-002..-C;9i?~_Monltor- -~ -- -- L1446061/0~~~~6.n~ !~512:001 ,I' : 44 ' I ~~okcase I---:ii-=-~ -~-~= i-~~i~-~=------ ---=-=--i-~-- ~=:-==9 481 I Monitor I I I 49, Prin~rCart I - 50F ~ ~- ClothWallHanging -~---- ----~ -=:~3_ ---=----=-~!~ NEC Cellular.~agPhone-~ 012202~~B.?-=-----=:~__==---=i 54 I 'NEC Cellular Bag Phone 101220016B6 __ I I 55 i~NEC cellular Biig-Phone~ 010-554i3B6 1=--= 56, _ _~ _ _ _UNEC CellularBag-P-honfi-=_ __u '0'1'22531"666 I 57 I NEC Cellular Bag Phone 01220059B6 58 NEC Cellular Bag Phone 0122002086 I I~_:J I I 1 l 14202-001 : 1 -" - -~-I_~ I Book Shelf on Wheels - -- - --I IChair -- : - -- - --[I Conference Table I , Adult Scales 00687 IIBM Computer Model 25 88-G1353 1 L:\BEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 1 04/07/98 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 05/02/98 (TAG!-FJXEI5 ASSE'f::J . # I # ' L 59 ,--- ~--tiNEC Cellular Bag Pharie- I 8i I ~; , 69' K' 70, 71 7f q3 74 75' r--L- L_7~1 I 78' .__ __h__ 79 DESCRIPTioN - ------- --SE-RiAC -- --l-MODEL' - ---- -li--- --~ ii-no! -- ----[01220203B6 - -'---'-- ' --- .-- NEC Cellular Bag Phone -=-_ ___-=-____101220015B6 ~---_.-._- - - 60 1 - -61" u -- NEC Cellular Bag Phone 01220036B6 I - ---621 - NEC Cellular Bag Phone 101220486B6 I 63: NECCellular Bag Phone 01220487B6 1 641 ! NEC Cellular Bag Phone 01220254B6 651 NEC Cellular Bag Phone 01055422B6 I 661 NEC Cellular Bag Phone 01220069B6 I - 67' NEC Cellular Bag Phone 0155980B6 r- L [INEC Cellular Bag Phone I INEC Cellular Bag Phone -+'NEC Cellular Bag Phone File Cabinet ! I File Cabinet t File Cabinet File Cabinet File Cabinet - ---- -- _n -IFlle Cabinet ----------- ---- - -- ----- -:-1 File Cabinet ---r'IFile Cabinet 101220187B6 [01220077B6 101055"''' ~=i---- I I I ~ ____=i=~~__:. ~_J _ __________, ' _ ___ _J 1 -..j _.80~-- ----- ----- -- Microfiche Reader 4301391 I I 81 Microfiche Reader 15314013 ~ 82 NEC Cellular Bag Phone 01055993B6 83 File Cabinet 841 Computer Monitor J23A3693 8513 I , 85 L__ 03774 Computer Harddrive _________~81190~ ____;.8560 ---- 1_ 86. __UComputer Keyboard ____ I ~ 87 ~ 010481 'Computer Printer'------!1102104522 - A268-002--j :--~~=-=-=_~~_=--~_Ig~::~ - ------ =~=- =-~=- ---i- ---~J 1_ ~lgooooilo00005947 I [Swintec 1146CM Typewriter 38315246 I ---I , 92 : [Newcomb EDT 12P Record Player 851215 I ; = 93;=-_=~--::::=-=i]lSeystone 8MM Projedor-~-=---=-- __1~3188Q 1- __~ 94; Uf!lair -- -1-- =_5l~t::_-- --=-~lI16mm FiI'l1 Pr~~Ctor _ _, ~~' I 16mm Film Projector f----~2 i '1116mm ~~'l1"pr()jector ___98 _ I~mm FII!!!,?.rojector u_ I 99 ! 1 Reels for Projector I ------'. - -100. ,-- Reels for Projector 101 i IJire Safety Kit 1 1021 I Beverage Containers I 1031. =f'JBeverage Containers ____ ______1 I ~'!L______ l:resSingJr~ _ ____ ___1_____= --__=; -.-2Q~L_____ _~~~~ng Ir~______ _ _ I n_ _...l96.I___ _ _L Pre~~ing_lron_____ __ ".:. __ _..---l __=-------- 107' .1 Ironing Board --108; -- - - 'IroningBOard --- ---- -f09 L ---- --ICard Table - -- -- 1101 I Bulletin Board __ _ __J 1111 I Projection Screen ' , ~. _ __~ _______.1 ~ , 'I I I ----' i ----~ -~~ 1--------=-=-1 LlBEVERL YIAUCTWKS WK4 2 04/07/98 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 05/02/98 I TAG' FIXED Ass-ETLI DESCRIPTION~- - ~- I # # II l__11~, _ _ __01954=PanasonicCopierFP-2625 ,113 011819, IBM 2391 Printer l- ~ - _0 - - ----. :__!..l~_____ 0118~UI~M 2391 Printer . 115 . Desk i--~J.6 ~___ ---:-=UDisplayBoar<!____ , 118 I Bottles I -~------ 119 I !Chair ~~Q: __ ---=-~-[-Isecretary Chair , 121 ~lsecretary Chair SERIAL - i MODEL I ~ I # # IDGB8506130 [Fp 2625 ~ : 11-B0793 '2391 ~ 111-B0908 _12391_----1 I I 1 I -I~-------,~--~ I I --,-~---- ----- -- ----! ______l.~~_____~~~_.~ -----1 I - I I : 122 - Table i 1 I 123:-- I Chair 124! Chair 125: Chair 126: Chair 1271 I Chair 1 , 128 Flchair I ! 129'----- - Trash Can I I 130 =LITyping Table :-=--- =1 -- ~---- I l 131 I IChair : --+~~~--~ ----llg~::~ ! ----- i I ! ~ I ' --1-- -- ~ -- __!____ __ n___'_ ___---J 134 ! IChair I 135 _[-[Chair ---- __n__ I 136 I IScales I~~~ -- --=--j~g~::r=~---=-- -=--=---~- L 1~~,- --~ ---I-ChaTr---- ----- [j!i'-::~:J~~~~~:~-"''"" _n n.. 1~i5ii45 ~4,!; ___ U[IBM Keyboard __ __ ___..I 1_ 145,,__ ______1_ File Cabinet _ _ __ _ L____ L_]~~X~______ ~ -H~b~b~~~~t- -- ----==.-J---- _..l.~8__ .__ _!_iMicroD_~ign Micofiche F3.e~er __ _ _, I_..J'!~, ____LFile Cabinet~_____~_____1 _150 __Q195~LJIBM Quietwriter Printer _____ __._14036560 1__..l51 ____ -'JIBMComp~__________237108255 ,8530 I ~;;I- 0755~:~~ ~~y~~~rd---- -- __i23AF~39 _____ulQ,513 ~;f--=~ == --- - H1~~ ;~~t~-~~~~~- -1~t~i}~1 - L 155 _ _Llj~~~8~_:5-:Z-~o~e~ ____~~-219~5. 1__l5.~, 00J.z25_L!~M 586~:iModem __ ______153-74876 1_ .J.ti! __06386 L IBM 5865-2 Modem .24260 I 158 _ ! Bulletin Board I tj59 i Rolling File Cabinet 160 Bookcase . 161 L_ _I Microfiche Machine __~ __, _ I 163 lOOOOOOOOOO~ Standard 2-Way Radio __ _J22V250323 _ _ __.I = =J 1 1-~ I __I ----_:_- -- ! I I _J I I I 5865-2 5865-2 5865-2 ---'5865-1 ---1 15865-2 I I__~ ----- ! __ C866-,=--.J 1 j i L:\BEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 3 04/07/98 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 05/02/98 TAG I FIXED ASSET i DESCRIPTION j SERIAL I MODEL # I # i # I # 1641000000000002448 Standard 2-Way Radio 122V250330 [C866L 165 - 07463, Uniden 2-Way Radio 73001684 _IFMH350D 166'~ 01322j SimplexTimeRecorder IX81406AH _,1101 ' 1671000000000002206 WAcroprint Time Recorder 181082LL, P150NR5 168 01321, ISimplex Time Recorder ~'X81402AH 11101 1691 01374111BM 3270 Personal Computer I 170. : IBM Monitor _ I 171 :__ LI~yboard I I 172 __ i ~yboard . i 173, ____ IJKeyboard _ I I ~' 174. I IPrinter I, _J~L=~__ _ 09228i.llBM 5853 Mode.'!'_ m___ _ __ _ ..~ ____ ....:_____ _-158~ _17~___ _ __._ _ _! ,Tape Backup-Archi~~Yf' ~.?OE n_~7644~~.. _----'--- 177!.. _ _ ~~Q.I' IIBM 4869 5 1/4 Floppy Di.S~ Dnve _]86-0174916 ____14869 __ 178' 09459, IIBM 8530 Computer -----.J23-1414725 8530 .. 179'------ 010668 IIBM 8555 Computer ---- - 123-GAMLP 18555 180 07923 IBM 3270 Computer 0104353 15271 181 IBM 5272 Monitor 23-51370 15272 182 09343 IBM 3192 Terminal 13192 183 001779 IBM 3179 Terminal AY483 13179 -- 184 000000000000771 IIBM 3179 Terminal _ 193649 3179 l 185 JKeyboard _ -~ I 1 ~ 186; IJKeYboard _.. _ _I 187[ I Keyboard ,., I =j8S,0000,OOOOOO"545UIBM Q""""" PO"" - _ _ 1 Moo5541 I"" - -- . --.J.8_91_..___ L!IBM 8503 Monitor 11007685 118503 I 190' 08979' IIBM ProprinterXL 24 110093342 XL-24 ~ ~~II -- -_-=n-==-~ILj~~~~~utch-:- _-_~~-.J ~-----I 1_ _J..9~ IIMonitor _& K.E'yb~<lrd_ -iT~~ .I-~ =-l L-~~~ -- QQ118~~_I~~~t~~n~ai~~:S:board -1351)(08816 -~-~ =::,'=- -- I 1_1.fl~ _ 001"~n HjBM Te'2:l1inal & Keyb~<lr~ _1~~1X58286: ~'-~-- 0017811 ,IBM Terminal & Keyboard ____u 351XD8852 n -1-- -- II _198,_.___~ 001780 IIBM Terminai & Keyboard ..1351XD8848 199. '[IIBM Terminal & Keyboard l351X84281 200 '1000000000000764 IIBM Terminal & Keyboard 1351X84208 1 201 09457 IXerox 1038 Copierw/ Collator & Cabinet 26E 258818 11038 202 ::::= ~-= Ealc()mp ~lec:trostati~f'Jotter_:-:-_- := __ _ ___19226225002 I 203. IJFile~!net_ _ ______ __ !___J 20~,____ IIDesk - J " 205; IIFilecabinet __ --=-=__ ----:- 207 c________JSegetaryChair _____ _I 2081 __ Ilse_cretaryCh~_ ______ I _ 20!J.1 _ __._iSecretary Chair __, [-m 1---- --H~;:!lf:b~~~ir -~-= l_.!_1f - .. - = ; I AnswerTrig Machl~ -.. -- j _2J.."-[--___I_IAn'?wering Machine .115. _ --- ___1_ Answ~in~ Machine - 216L..._ ___JAnswering Ma..c:~ine _ _ [~- I ' - -,- - ------[ - I i__ _ _ _I ___!_ I L:\BEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 4 04/07/98 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 05/02/98 I TAG : FIXED ASSET LI DESCRTPfiO~N__~ # # I' " I L- ?~I _n ___I J[\~~wenng M'!.chine i 218 . IAnswering Machine f=-21~ -- ~_~ --lAng-wering M~~hine. ~. ~ _ __ . L_~1., __ ___. ___ _I Hard Disk Drive , I 224 --i- File Cabinet i 225 1000000000002488' Joint Planer . I 226 Blue Panel ~ 227 Texas Instrument TI-5130 Calculator .16521 .-?_28 r- 03841 Kenmore Microwave _ i 229 I Projector Screen I 230 :------ I Projector Screen '---1 231: I Projector Screen I_I 232 T Projector Screen ____ I ~ 233: 09750 I Micros Cash Register I _I 234, 0100911 Cash Register I 235. 01 009~[ Cash Register . 1 ----Z36 011738'1' GBC Shredder 11300148 13090-XCC 237 :000000000000767T IBM Monitor-=-_ I' 238_ 01866[: Keyboard n_ _____ _____i__ 1 __ 2~~, - ___ _ __ ___ !Wood Shelvir1.9LJnlt _ __ __ __ 240 _ _. ____ _1]yvoodSheIVinJl.lJnit , _ __.~ ~}}I ~_ ____ I~~~~ ~~::~:~~ ~~:: ------ _=-__ _ j=-=~=- ~.. --~ _ - -.1~_ 243: ----- Detocto Height & Weight Scale I 1_ ----Z44 ; Metal Printer Stand 1____ 2451 Rolling Cart I 1 -.1.46,__ File Cabinet ___ __ -----_J __ _ ---- 1 247._ ____.I Metal Desk -- - -- J_~_ ---- __' J L ~:~-- --- ---H~i~~~ ProJedor--- _.1-_ --- -!--~-.:. :. ~--, H5Q--6900000QQcl~1_1projectorscreen --~=__~ ____=--=_1 ---- ~ . )-.- __~ ' 251.__ . Microfiche Viewer/Printer _ _____1_____ ___ __--, _ ---1 ~~;} __ _ -=- =.tI~~~~lfS~~~kcas~~_-~ -= .! __~~ ---=l 1_ ~;~ ~ --- -= j. _I~h~~~ypewnter -- _~_ -=r ----::l f-..256 ,1E3M T~pewrite~ ---'I ~ 2!>7 _ ,_i()ictaeh.o~__ ~ 258 r :pic~~J~h~~.El.._ - -- ~ . i SERIAL I MODEL' ---[-~----i-~--I I - I --J -: _,"._ __L____ - - I ---I -- ----- j I I i 1'1'1-5130 259 _ _ _~.1 Dictaphq~ - I ~260 - -- - - -- -In --- J Dictaphone 1 I "- - 2611 Dictaphone i -.1.62 .. Dictaphone - 1 263:- Dictaphone ----, 264' -:~ -1---- ------ --- ----- Dictaphone ~ -- ------ - 265 Dictaphone _~66 - - --- - :"oJctaphone__ _ -- -- - ~ - -- --~ --.:.--___L_ -----=-..:~-- , -- -_._---.- --. --- , - - -- 267. Dictaphone ..:=-- --=---1 I I --- 268 -Dictaphone --~---- ----~ ----j--- - 2691.._ Dictaphone -- - 1 ------.- -- -----I ~ 270 ~ [Oictaphone -_.- j -- L:\BEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 5 04/07/98 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 05/02/98 1 TAG I FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION- -~ I # # f-----. -- Adler Calculator I 271 272 - ----. Adler Calculator I ,- - -_.- __I_ I 273 I Adler Calculator I ;-- 274 ,-- I Adler Calculator r 275L I Sears Typewriter - 276 I Unity COntroller -- - --- 277 Table ..- SERIAL - MOO~ j , I # # '79-211 79-211 110265 10265 - -- 10156 10156 I I 103503451 : 03503451 eJIt__ 278 'Paper Cutter I~r~~ - -- -- ~-;]~~~~ns~~~a~~~i~r-~~mp~~::-------- ~ 281 n__-j Whirlpool 10,000 BTU Air Conditioner I 282, I MISC Parts from Vehicle Management 2831 MISC Parts from Vehicle Management 2841 MISC Parts from Vehicle Management 285 MISC Parts from Vehicle Management 286 i MISC Parts from Vehicle Management --;. -:-_-1 f-.~.il7 __ _ _ MISC Parts from Vehicle Management__l I 288 ~ i [MISC Parts from Vehicle Management I l_~g,,_ LlMISC Parts from Vehicle Management : L_ ~Q..____ I flSS:: Parts from Vehlcle~a.'1.age.!l1e~t_ -- ~ 1_ 291 I _ ,_ MISC Parts from Vehicle Management -----1 ~~l _____--..J ,MISC Parts from Vehicle Manag~ment _ I I_~~I_______ __ --l MISC Parts from Vehicle M_anagement __ I [~~~:___ _____ File Cabinet ___ __ __ __ _____ _ '-__ L_2fj5 _ ____:...!'!1ail Ca~net ' l--.?J~_I ____ __L!Des~__ .. i 297 I ,c:;~lcula~or 298 I !File Cabinet 299 .. ISmith Co'ro-ria Typewriter , 300 , iSmlth Corona Typewriter- i- 301- 302A-B:- 303' I 304~ I 305 , Desk 1 3-06 ---- ____I IBM Termln-al-- - - 7,Y4696 - C' 307.l0000.960-00QQ5~.2.~:.-i~M seieclricTy-pewnter _~_ ___ _ _ 'j;638145 _d' _ _ ,_-=__ =-_ ~309~~~+00000000000024~,-!~a~ut~~~~~~:-!t",I~-- --- -- - ---- -t-1231~676 --- --\--- -- --318;-=-=_-.. _-=-- _ =_~arp Compet Electronic Calculator_ __= -_ --==-==-- 319-3~1 _..910476 _IIBM Computer/Monitor/Keyboard _ _ _ _72:804700.!. ___)8570/8512 I~-~~t=~_ -_un; I~B~;1f!~~[~~i~W:~nter :266424753 - - --;-- ~24::32E 010~94' :IBM Computer/Monitor/Keyboard ;23-1327036 11155578512 - , 327 IIBM QUletwriter Printer '13410g00147123 i 328 .' _j!~M Come.uter _Monitor 72-0963781 '" ~'M ""ope 00"'''' , -, " I , ---!----; I I .J___ ...:-~;DGB8506136-- ---iFP 262:5 __ -- ---- " 1 I -- -L--- I --I I -====r-=-~~I 1- -3 =-j I. _ ---- --- IDesk - - -- -- Simmon/Omega Photography Enlarger 30" Kitchen Range Hood-White -- Desk ~-_._- --- - --- - - -- ! __~___ _____ _-L______.J 15PCG111485~ ____I.~D800 J 1469778 ! B22 i___ 1903001 i f--- --3301 .- - 331 332 333 0122011 IBM 3270 PC Processor ---- - ~- -~--, 't=--- IBM Keyboard IBM Keyboard 1 3M Microfiche Reader/Printer 1312382 I I - l_ _______-{ I L:\BEVERL YIAUCTWKS WK4 6 04/07/98 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 05/02/98 1_ TAG ;-'-YIXE-P3SSET_[;--DESCRIPtToN : # # I I_ f 334' - -. -- 088~[1BM Terminal ---;--- - SERIAL----'MOi5ELJ I # L~# IBV130 3178 I 1870021581 [225C :- - 335 --. 1- Remington Adding Machine l-336iocioooo-000000668 Silver-Reed 225C Typewriter 0I7J 4 Drawer File Cabinet I 338 i 4 Drawer File Cabinet 339 I Desk ~ ~_ Executive Chair 1---341 Typewriter '--342- --- Typewriter '--343'-- --------- TypewriterTable [ -;~ i -- - IR~~~den Coffee Table 346 : Connecting Seats ~' r Connecting Seats f---J-~~-:--------I- Black & Decker Sawzall i ~:~, --~_=~_= _ [- ~~~~~i;~r ---- ----~---- 351, Papercutter 352T Papercutter ~531 Sharp Calculator 3541 Sharp Calculator 355 Standard Register 1900 356: 001637!- Vision Tester I ~:c.L --1jDesk l358: ___ ,J Desk ~~,_______j_IDesk ~ __ 360 __~LCh.air___ _ _ I 361 , ' Chair ~ ;~~ C-=~~-. ------I-I=eD=-~I~i~::~:r E 364 '__ __ _=~ -.:[jTohnoeere Flair Mower 365 i i King Disc Harrow I~f~} ---=__-~_LI~~~~:~e~~:~eM:~wer I _ ,________ __ _ 368 Boat Ln___' + _ 1_ ;~~ -- n ----!- ~~:: -3~----610370 1972 Massey Ferguson 30 Tractor 3721--- 07254 1986 Ford Truck 373 ; 000000~00000227 1983 Oldsmobile Delta 88 374 001676 1983 Ford Truck ~s._ __~0225 j~977 Internationa~ Truck_-=- j 376, __ __ __ 0110911 J 1992Chevrolet Capric!O._ 377r 011500, 1978 Jeep CJ-7 t--3I.~: -=Q~;371 r~ ~979 GMC Truck ,]Z~, 0..1!~46: _ 1990 Eagle Premier 380: . 0767611988 Oldsmobile Delta 88 3~1006000000009603_ 1984 Ford Van _ _ 382 L _n_ __Q!!285i_..199Q.c:;~evro~t Blaz~__ _~~I__ _010868, 1~_985 [)~dg_e. Caravan '---- 38~ ;000000000009218 11985 Fo.rd 2ruck , I I ; - ~--=ig ---I - ... ~~3 1 , I I 120008 I ! j !4784 I i512086F IP00025A630881 I L67520 -- -~ 2636 -~-------g I , --- -..- i ---, -[- -----1 -, DTl31- l 'B~-4 .:-~ __1 -~----1 '__uj ---j T35928 -I 1 FTCF15Y2GNA29156 __ 1G3AY69Y8DM9271!.!.[ 11 FTBR10CODUA77710, - - ~_____ J D0522GCA2334{=i=-- !1G1BL5371NR142147 I -IJ8F93EH05739g---i jT16DA9V603986 _ 2E3CB56U8LH703757 11 G3HN54C1 JW352668 1 FDJS34L6EHC029951 - _1~NCT18Z.?1L9.122285g _12EliF-'~?.1G8FR326555 ,_ '1 FTBR 1 OCXFUC42729 - --- --- L:\BEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 7 04/07/98 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 05/02/98 I TAG_! FIXED ASSET ~~~ DESCRIPTION ~ # # , i~ ~ 385~Oo6boobooo67648' 1985 'GMC Van L_____ _______~_________~__ ___ I :3.86. u__ - .910632 ~88 D<l..dge (~arav~n. .- 387 010909 ! 1991 Dodge Monaco . 388'---010927~~~1992ForaVan--~--- ~-_.- - b101b8-~FordVari---'-'- ~ .- - 03956'-1 1987 Oldsmobile Cutlass------ - --.J SERIAL I MODEL I 1## --11 GOFG35L9F751_1617I. .2B4FK4130JR597501 . !2B3.c:B66U7MH800043 --I 1FpKE3Q..M_4N_H!I.:J.1.~~n I 1FDKE30M4LHA60086 ' 11G3GR11Y5HP303745i I 391 --_.- () 1 0295 ,1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass 12G3AJ51W7K2310830 i - 392 . - 011109 11990 Pontiac Firebird 1 G2FS23E7LL205376 '393 011065 t,1990 Ford Thunderbird 1FAPP64ROLH159988 -- I ._ 394, 011093 11992 Chevrolet Caprice 1G1BL5373NR141730' 395' 010323, 11989 Oldsmobile Cutlass 1 G3AJ51 W2KG324532 , 396 010204: 11990 Chevrolet Caprice 11G1 BL5470LA137029 397 07673. 11988 Oldsmobile Delta 88 11 G3HN54C3JW353093i 398 07674, 11988 Oldsmobile Delta 88 11 G3HN54C6JW352892! L:\BEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 8 04/07/98 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVING AMENDMENT TO BYLAWS OF THE NEW HANOVER COMMISSION FOR WOMEN WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the New Hanover Commission for Women on February 18, 1998, a majority of the members voted to amend the Commission's Bylaws to add to Article IV Section 3 the following language. 'To be able to vote on the slate of officers, a newly appointed member must have been appointed prior to May of the election year" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that Article IV Section 3 of the Bylaws of the New Hanover Commission for Women be amended as noted above. This the cfo~ day of ~./ , 1998 NEW HANOVER COUNTY 4vJ~{J. ~ William A. Caster Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, New Hanover County contains approximately thirty-five miles of the Cape Fear River within its boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Cape Fear River is an important part of the economic and ecological systems of New Hanover County and Southeastern North Carolina, and WHEREAS, there is being considered a plan that would remove the present lock and dam system from the Cape Fear River; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does believe that removal of the lock and dam system could have consequences on present and future economic development; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does believe that the removal of the lock and dam system could have consequences on the ecology; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover Board of Commissioners does request that all parties involved in the possible removal of the lock and dam system from the Cape Fear River, consider and thoroughly study the possible consequences; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the New Hanover Board of Commissioners does request that all affected counties, municipalities, businesses, industries, and private citizens take necessary action to support this resolution. Adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. Attest: 1Jdtu___a~ William A. Caster, Chairman ~" ,-7 ~ C rk to the Board RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3'00 p.m. on the 17th day of February, 1998, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for an upgrade to the Social Services Department computer system, Bid #98-0261 Eastern Technology Associates, Inc. $90,950.00 AND WHEREAS, the Social Services Director, the M.I.S. director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C., of Wilmington, North Carolina, the only responsible bidder, in the amount of Ninety Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars ($90,950.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in account Number 110-530-5310-2000-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for the upgrade for the Social Services Department computer system, Bid #98-0261 be awarded to Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C., in the amount of Ninety Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars ($90,950.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This the 20th day of April, 1998 IJdLa ~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~.. X7 ~ CI k to the Board - NEW HANOVER COUNTY TA~ COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 03/31/98 CURRENT TA~ YEAR - 1997 ----------------------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVV PER SCROLL DISCOVERKES ADOED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LiSTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTiONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TA~ES ---------- REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL T A~ES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE liCENSE COLLECTIONS EMS COLLECTIONS AD VALOREM $ 5697379366065 296779958039 1569473071- --------------- $ 59925B9851033 79218025 469926036 --------------- $ 5993139055094 5892439595076- --------------- $ 190699460018 98020%* $ 294699667019 929189083 2239711069- --------------- $ 293389145033 6859815026- --------------- $ 196529330007 29033% MAR 1998 849575049 898050 000 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR CITV OF WILMINGTON2 WRKGHTSVIlLE BEACH9 CAROLINA BEACH TO DATE - $Bti9555v2940230 THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL VEAR BEGINNING JULY Iv ~PECTFULLY SUBMITTED9 dh'1 (,Iv $\. ~ ~..,OV" PATRICIA Jo~Y~OR\: COLLECTOR OF REVENUE COI\SENT AGENDA DATE:_________ nEM NOo______ MOTOR VEHICLE $ 598849322034 359135032 799t34052- --------------- $ 59839v823014 000 000 $ 598399823014 496729745031- --------------- ~ 19167v0770B3 80002t* fISCAL YTD 195869374099 159828013 000 NEW HANOVER COUNTYv BEACH AND KURE 19970 * COMBII\ED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96057% CONSENT AGENDA DATE:________ ITEM NOo______ ~E~ HANOVER COU~TY fIRE DISTRICT TA~ COLLECTICNS COLLECTIONS THRU 03/31/98 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1997 ----------------------- ORIGINAL TA~ LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TA~ES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TA~ES ---------- REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ CHARGES ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TUES DUE COLLECTIONS fO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING ~CTfULLY SUBMITTEDp A \-v'l " /Iv 9\. ~ ~ ",C)V'" PATRICIA Jo ~N~R \: COLLECTOR OF REVENUE AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE $ 192:399942047 609844079 24938109B- --------------- $ 192769405028 990010 ------oQ-------- $ 19277p39503B 192569312065- --------------- $ 219082073 98035%* $ 1369504048 1901404:3 29071096- --------------- $ 1359446095 000 $ 1359446095 1119865070- ------------....-- $ 23p581025 B2059%* 469805092 59075017 99091000- --------------- $ 429790009 139234020- --------.-.----- $ 299555089 30093% JULY 19 19970 * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENiAGE - NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description Inlet Acre. s Drive WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 20th day of April. 1998 ~NESS my hand and official seal this the , 1998 o?t? ...lL day of Lucie F Harrell, Clerk New nover County Board of commissioners Form SR-2 Please Note resolute wp Forward direct to the District Engineer, Division of Highways NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description OGDEN PARK DRIVE WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roadrs), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the raad(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 20th day of April. 1998 t;::-~NESS my hand and official seal this the , 1998 c?o,7,6 day of ~~d~ Luc e Harrell, Clerk New nover County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Please Note resolute wp Forward direct to the District Engineer, Division of Highways RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 2nd day of April, 1998, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for used vehicles for the Sheriffs Department, Bid # 98-0303 Bob King Pontiac GMC, Inc. Seven (7) 1997 Full Size Four-Door Vehicles Used $105,000.00 One (I) 1997 Four Wheel Drive King Cab Pickup Truck $24,538.00 TOTAL $129,538.00 AND WHEREAS, the Sheriff, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Bob King Pontiac GMC, Inc. of Wilmington, North Carolina, the only responsible bidder, in the amount of One Hundred Twenty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-Eight Dollars ($129,538.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 348-431-8000-7300-6000-Job # FFPSH050 to cover this contract; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that Contract # 98-0303 for used vehicles for the Sheriffs Department, Bid # 98-0303 be awarded to Bob King Pontiac GMC, Inc. in the amount of One Hundred Twenty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-Eight Dollars ($129,538.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 20th day of April, 1998. 1J~Q ~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~ ~., ~/ CI k to the Board RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 4:00 p.m., on the 2nd day of April, 1998, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for grate parts for the W ASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 98-0298. Detroit Stoker Co. Grate Parts $91,518.59 AND WHEREAS, the proposal received exceeded the amount anticipated for the purchase and staff negotiated with the vendor to reduce the price to Eighty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred Seventy- Seven Dollars and Fifty-Nine Cents ($89,577.59); AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Detroit Stoker Company, a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, the only responsible bidder, in a negotiated amount of Eighty-nine Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-seven Dollars and Fifty-nine Cents ($89,577.59); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-485-4195-3920-24 to cover this contract; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that Contract # 98-0298 for grate parts for the W ASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 98-0298 be awarded to Detroit Stoker Company in a negotiated amount of Eighty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-Seven Dollars and Fifty-Nine Cents ($89,577.59); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 20th day of April, 1998. /tJ 0... C~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~ ~<.V~ CI rk to the Board A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion bYCO~~ ~~.-J seconded by Commissioner ., , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Myrtle Grove Fire Insurance District. as assigned to the Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department. in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Myrtle Grove Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. ~ }J.,f~ Q ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST C!J' t/~~ C rk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certifY that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. ~~/ ~~,.-b'L- Cle to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - MYRTLE GROVE FIRE INSURANCE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 Beginning at the intersection of Highway 132 (South College Road) 500 feet south of 17th Street Extension at the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington point (1); thence following the corporate city limits of Wilmington approximately 29,000 feet (5.5 miles) to its intersection the Cape Fear River point (2); thence south southeast along the west bank of the Cape Fear River 5 4 miles to Lords Creek point (3); thence easterly along the south branch of Lords Creek 8630 feet to the western termination of McQuillan Drive point (4); thence south 2500 feet to the western termination of Inlet Acres Drive point (5); thence east 4500 feet along and 200 feet south ofInlet Acres Drive to the intersection of US Highway 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and Radnor Road point (6); thence east 7200 feet and 200 feet north of Radnor Road to the center of Carolina Beach Inlet and the Intracoastai Waterway point (7); thence northeast along the shoreline of the Intracoastal Waterway 5 19 miles to the point at which Whiskey Creek intersects the Intracoastal Waterway point (9); thence northwest along the center of Whiskey Creek 8400 feet crossing Masonboro Loop Road to the intersection of the north fork Whiskey Creek and Navaho Trail point (10); thence north 550 feet to Commons Way and 300 feet east of the intersection of Chowning Place and Commons Way point (11); thence west northwest along Commons Way 1500 feet to the intersection of Commons Way and Colony Circle North point (12); thence north along Colony Circle North 200 feet to the intersection of Colony circle North and Nottingham Road point (13); thence north 1000 feet to the intersection ofWaltrnore Road and Greenwich Lane point (14); thence west and 100 feet south of Waltmore Road 2400 feet to the intersection of Waltrnore Road and Shamrock Road point (15); thence southwest 1000 feet to point (I), the point of beginning. The above described district excludes those properties located on Lure Lane north of a point (16), located 1200 feet north of the intersection with Fontana Road; the above described district excludes those properties located on Fontana Road north of a point (17), located 200 feet north of the intersection with Champlain Drive; the above described district excludes those properties located on Ontario Road southeast of a point (18), located 800 feet east of the intersection with St. Clair Drive; the above described district excludes those properties located on Clark Hill Road south of a point (19), located 800 feet south of the intersection of Okeechobee Road; the above described district excludes those properties located on Champlain Drive south of a point (20), located 500 feet south of the intersection with Okeechobee Road. The above described district excludes any and all properties located within the recorded corporate boundaries of the City of Wilmington. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by COr;(!j~ner~~VYIAD.J. A ) seconded by Commissioner ..,. , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Ogden Fire Insurance District. as assigned to the Ogden Volunteer Fire Department, in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes ofthe meeting. Said Ogden Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. iJ.Jt~ a ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~uif//~ C rk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certifY that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. Cl:.\/ ~ Cl rk to the-Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - OGDEN FIRE INSURANCE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 Beginning at the over pass at Highway 17 (Market Street) and 1-40 (North College Road) point (1); thence north along 1-40 11,000 feet to the intersection ofI-40 and Smith Creek 800 feet south of the intersection ofI-40 and Gordon Road point (2); thence northeasterly along Smith Creek 2 miles to the intersection of the headwaters of Smith Creek and Brittany Road point (3); thence north 800 feet to the intersection ofMurrayville Road and Brittany Drive point (4); thence northeast 3600 feet to the intersection of Retriever Drive and Covey Lane point (5); thence east 2200 feet to Crooked Pine Road 1800 feet south of the intersection with Plantation Road point (6); thence easterly 8800 feet to the northern termination of Lily Pond Lane point (7); thence northeast 1800 feet to the termination of Plantation Road point (8); thence north 2.75 miles to Sidbury Road 2000 feet northwest of its intersection with the New Hanover County line point (9); thence northeast 150 feet to the New Hanover County line point (10); thence southeast along said county line to its intersection with the Atlantic Ocean coastline and then southwest along said coast line to the southernmost tip of Figure Eight Island a distance of 10.5 miles point (11); thence westerly 9000 feet to a point on the northwest bank of the Intracoastal Waterway 1300 feet southeast of the intersection of Harborway Drive and Tumberry Lane point (12); thence northwesterly 3000 feet tracking south of Tumberry Lane and Shelter Cove Place to the intersection of South Moorings Drive and Arboretum Drive point (13); thence west southwest 100 feet south and parallel to South Moorings Drive 6500 feet to the intersection of South Moorings Drive and Old McCumber Station Road point (14); thence west 1800 feet to Military Cutoff Road 1000 feet south of the intersection with Cayman Court point (15); thence west 3000 feet to the intersection of Wells Road and Tanbridge Road point (16); thence northwest along Wells Road 500 feet to the intersection of Wind em ere Road and Wells Road point (17); thence northwest 650 feet to the intersection of T oulon Drive and Long Leaf Acres Drive point (18); thence northwesterly along Long Leaf Acres Drive 200 feet to the intersection of Long Leaf Drive and Sabra Drive point (19); thence southwesterly 100 feet north of and parallel to Sabra Drive and Ginger Road point (20); thence 3000 feet to the intersection of Ginger Road and Dallas Drive point (21); thence northwest 400 feet to a point (22); thence west 350 feet to point (23); thence southwesterly 500 feet to point (24); thence westerly 800 feet to the intersection of Cardinal Drive and George Trask Drive point (25); thence westerly to the intersection of Smith Creek parkway 800 feet south of its intersection with Market Street point (26); thence northwest to the intersection of Highway 17 (Market Street) and Eastwood Road point (27); thence along Market Street 1200 feet to the intersection of Market Street and 1-40 point (1), the point of beginning. The above described district excludes any and all properties located within the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by com~~,~'ii?~3 ~ seconded by Commissioner , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Castle Havne Fire Insurance District. as assigned to the Castle Havne Volunteer Fire Department. in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Castle Havne Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. 1t)~ a ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ct_v~ Cl rk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. ~/~ Cl to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - CASTLE HAYNE FIRE INSURANCE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 Beginning at point (1) where Highway 117 crosses the Northeast Cape Fear River, thence westerly along the south and east bank of the river for 13.3 miles to where the county line leaves the river in a west, southwest direction point (2); thence southeasterly 2.3 miles along the east bank of the river to the intersection of the Northeast Cape Fear River and lackey's Creek point (3); thence easterly 6000 feet to the intersection of Centennial Drive 1000 feet south of its intersection with Thomas Edison Street point (4); thence east 1800 feet to its intersection with Fuel Bundle Way 900 feet from its intersection with Thomas Edison Street point (5); thence east 500 feet to its intersection with Decade Way 300 feet from its intersection with Thomas Edison Street point (6); thence east to its intersection with Thomas Edison Street and Castle Hayne Road point (7); thence south along Castle Hayne Road from the intersection of Thomas Edison Street and Castle Hayne Road for 400 feet to point (8); thence east 4200 feet to the intersection of Crowatan Road 400 feet south of its intersection with David Court point (9); thence 500 feet east to the intersection of Chesterfield Road 2000 feet south of its intersection with Hermitage Road point (10); thence east 4100 feet to the intersection of luvenile Center Road and Blue Clay Road point (11); thence south 8207 feet to the termination of Edward Hyde Place point (12); thence northeasterly 1800 feet to the intersection of North chase Parkway North and New Village Way point (13); thence northwesterly 1300 feet to the intersection of North chase Parkway West and North College Road point (14); thence southeasterly 928 feet along North College Road to point (15); thence northeast 2.84 miles to Sidbury Road 3600 feet west of the intersection with Island Creek Road point (16); thence north to Farrier Road 2300 feet east of the intersection with Power Line Road point (17); thence north to Power Line Road 2300 feet east of the intersection with Farrier Road point (18); thence northeast to Hawkeye Road 100 feet west of the intersection with Ideal Road point (19); thence northeast to Ideal Road 2000 feet north of the intersection with Power Line Road point (20); thence northeast to Blue Road 1200 feet east of the intersection with Ideal Road point (21); thence northeast to Holly Shelter Road 2200 west of the intersection of the New Hanover County line point (22); thence northwest to the Northeast Cape Fear River 300 feet north of the termination ofIdeal Cement Road point (23) thence westerly along the south bank of the river 2.65 miles to point (1), the point of beginning. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by Co~ ~~'.A .0./ seconded by Commissioner &<. . , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Wrightsboro Fire Insurance District. as assigned to the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department. in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Wrightsboro Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. Iz,J~<.A-- 0- ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~hV~ Cl to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. ~\/YI~ Cl to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - WRIGHTSBORO FIRE INSURANCE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 Beginning at the intersection of Smith Creek and the Northeast Cape Fear River point (I); thence northerly along the east bank of the river S II miles to the intersection of the Northeast Cape Fear River and Jackey's Creek point (2); thence easterly 6000 feet to the intersection of Centennial Drive 1000 feet south of its intersection with Thomas Edison Street point (3); thence east to the intersection with Fuel Bundle Way 900 feet from its intersection with Thomas Edison Street point (4); thence east SOO feet to the intersection with Decade Way 300 feet south from its intersection with Thomas Edison Street point (S);thence east to the intersection with Thomas Edison Street and Castle Hayne Road point (6); thence south along Castle Hayne Road from the intersection of Thomas Edison Street and Castle Hayne Road for 400 feet to point (7); thence east 4200 feet to the intersection of Crowatan Road 400 feet south of its intersection with David Court point (8); thence SOO feet east to the intersection of Chesterfield Road 2000 feet south of its intersection with Hermitage Road point (9); thence east southeast 4100 feet to the intersection of Juvenile Center Road and Blue Clay Road point (10); thence south 8207 feet to the termination of Edward Hyde Place point (II); thence northeasterly 1800 feet to the intersection of North chase Parkway North and New Village Way point (12); thence northwesterly 1300 feet to the intersection of North chase Parkway West and North College Road point (13); thence southeasterly 928 feet along North College Road to point (14); thence east for a distance of3200 feet to 1-40 9100 feet south of the intersection of Sidbury Road and 1-40 point (IS); thence southeast 2S00 feet to the intersection of West Bay Road and Caney Branch Road point (16); thence southeast 4200 feet to the intersection of Murrayville Road and Brittany Road point (17); thence south 800 feet to the intersection of Brittany Road and the headwater of Smith Creek point (18); thence southwesterly along Smith Creek as it meanders 7.36 miles to point (I) the point of beginning. The above described district excludes any and all properties located within the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by com~,..I A.J seconded by Commissioner . . , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Winter Park Fire Insurance District. as assigned to the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department. in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Winter Park Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. ItJdtvvy"ll ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST %~;/ytd{ CI k to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certifY that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. ~,\/~ Cl rk to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - WINTER PARK FIRE INSURANCE DISTRICT The district boundaries shall be as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Whiskey Creek and the Intracoastal Waterway point (I); thence northwest along the center of Whiskey Creek 8400 feet crossing Masonboro Loop Road to the intersection of Whiskey Creek and Navaho Trail point (2); thence north 550 feet to Commons Way and 300 feet east of the intersection of Chowning Place and Commons Way point (3); thence west northwest along Commons Way 1500 feet to the intersection of Commons Way and Colony Circle North point (4); thence north along Colony Circle North 200 feet to the intersection of Colony Circle North and Nottingham Road point (5); thence north 1000 feet to the intersection ofWaltmore Road and Greenwich Lane point (6); thence west and 100 feet south ofWaltmore Road 2550 feet to the intersection of Walt more Road and South College Road point (7); thence north along College Road to the intersection of College Road and South Kerr Avenue point (8); thence north along South Kerr Avenue to the intersection of North Kerr Avenue and a branch of Smith Creek point (9); thence westerly along the branch of Smith Creek 400 feet to the intersection with Smith Creek point (10); thence northeasterly along the south and east bank of Smith Creek to the intersection of Smith Creek and 1-40 located 700 feet south of Gordon Road point (II); thence south along North College Road approximately 11,700 feet to the intersection of Market Street and South College Road point (12); thence southerly following the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington to the north fork of Hewletts Creek and Greenville Loop Road point (13); thence south 3400 feet along the creek to a fork in Hewletts Creek point (14); thence southeasterly along the north bank of Hewletts Creek 9500 feet to the intersection of Hewletts Creek and the northwest bank of the Intracoastal Waterway point (15); thence south along the west bank of the Intracoastal Waterway 10,000 feet to point (I) the point of beginning excluding all properties located within the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ - Upon motion by Co . ioner ~'Q" A) seconded by Commissionernu.w.k~~L,./ . #~ , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Seagate Fire Insurance District as assigned to the Seagate Volunteer Fire Department. in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Seagate Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. 1J~ a~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~-I/~ Cl k to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. Sf:U\/~ Cle to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - SEAGATE FIRE INSURANCE DISTIRCT MARCH 1998 Beginning at point (1) the intersection of Hewletts Creek and the northwest bank of the Intracoastal Waterway; thence northwesterly along the north bank of Hewletts Creek 9500 feet to a fork in Hewletts Creek point (2); thence north on the right fork 3500 feet to the intersection of Greenville Loop Road and Clearbrook Drive point (3); thence in a northerly direction following the corporate limits of the City of Wilmington to the intersection Market Street and Eastwood Road point (4) excluding all properties within the limits of the City of Wilmington, thence easterly 1400 feet to the intersection of Smith Creek Parkway 800 feet south of its intersection with Market Street point (5); thence in an easterly direction 2600 feet to the intersection of Cardinal Drive and George Trask Drive point (6); thence easterly 800 feet to point (7); thence northeasterly 500 feet to point (8); thence east 350 feet to point (9); thence southeast 400 feet to the intersection of Ginger Road and Sabra Drive point (10); thence 3300 feet to the intersection of Long Leaf Acres Drive and Sabra Drive following the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington to point (II); thence southeasterly along Long Leaf ( Acres Drive 200 feet to the intersection of Long Leaf Acres Drive and Toulon Drive point (12); thence east southeast 650 feet to the intersection of Wind em ere Road and Wells Road point (13); thence southeast 500 feet along Wells Road to the intersection of Tanbridge and Wells Road point (14); thence east 3000 feet to Military Cutoff Road 1600 feet south of the intersection with Cayman Court point (15); thence east 1800 feet to the intersection of Old McCumber Station Road and South Moorings Drive point (16); thence northeasterly and east 100 feet south and parallel to South Moorings Drive 500 feet to the intersection of South Moorings Drive and Arboretum Drive point (17); thence southeasterly 3000 feet tracking south of Tumberry Lane and Shelter Cove Place to the northwest bank of the Intracoastal Waterway point (18); thence southwest along the northwest bank of the Intracoastal Waterway 23,000 feet intersecting with Hewletts Creek point (I), the point of beginning. The above described area excludes any and all properties located within the recorded corporate boundaries of the City of Wilmington or the City of Wrightsville Beach. The above said properties exclude all areas with the city limits of Wilmington. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by Co~ner ~:J'~ A.) seconded by Commissioner ""'-'. , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Federal Point Fire Insurance District. as assigned to the Federal Point Volunteer Fire Department. in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Federal Point Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. /)J~ t1 ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~u\/~~ CI to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. ~N\~Y/~ CI k to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - FEDERAL POINT FIRE INSURANCE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 Beginning at the intersection of Highway 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and Radnor Road point (I); thence westerly 4500 feet and 200 feet south of Inlet Acres Drive to the western termination of Inlet Acres Drive point (2); thence northerly 2500 feet to the western termination of McQuillan Drive point (3); thence westerly 4600 feet along the south branch of Lords Creek to the intersection with the east bank of the Cape Fear River point (4); thence south along the east bank of the Cape Fear River approximately 8.9 miles to a point 1000 feet west of the termination of Surf Rider Circle, point (5); thence southeast 3100 feet to a point on South Fort Fisher Boulevard 1500 feet south of its intersection of Surf Rider Court point (6); thence northeasterly along the eastern shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean 8.6 miles to the south side of Carolina Beach Inlet point (7); thence 6400 feet west and 200 feet north of Radnor Road to its intersection with Highway 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and Radnor Road point (I), the point of beginning. The above said boundaries exclude all properties in the towns of Carolina Beach and Kure Beach. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF FIRE RESPONSE BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by Co~er ~U1~d~/NI".ItA.J seconded by Commissioner '.A/ , L VE that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Wrightsboro Fire Response District. as assigned to the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department. in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Wrightsboio Fire Response District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. 11}~{l ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~~1~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. ~..d ~. CI rk to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - WRIGHTSBORO FIRE RESPONSE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 Beginning at the intersection of Smith Creek and the Northeast Cape Fear River point (I); thence northerly along the east bank of the river 5 II miles to the intersection of the Northeast Cape Fear River and Jackey's Creek point (2); thence easterly 6000 feet to the intersection of Centennial Drive 1000 feet south of its intersection withThomas Edison Street point (3); thence east to the intersection with Fuel Bundle Way 900 feet from its intersection with Thomas Edison Street point (4); thence east 500 feet to the intersection with Decade Way 300 feet south from its intersection with Thomas Edison Street point (5);thence east to the intersection with Thomas Edison Street and Castle Hayne Road point (6); thence south along Castle Hayne Road from the intersection of Thomas Edison Street and Castle Hayne Road for 400 feet to point (7); thence east 4200 feet to the intersection of Crowatan Road 400 feet south of its intersection with David Court point (8); thence 500 feet east to the intersection of Chesterfield Road 2000 feet south of its intersection with Hermitage Road point (9); thence east southeast 4100 feet to the intersection of Juvenile Center Road and Blue Clay Road point (10); thence south 8207 feet to the termination of Edward Hyde Place point (II); thence northeasterly 1800 feet to the intersection of Northchase Parkway North and New Village Way point (12); thence northwesterly 1300 feet to the intersection of North chase Parkway West and North College Road point (13); thence southeasterly 928 feet along North College Road to point (14); thence east for a distance of3200 feet to 1-40 9100 feet south of the intersection of Sidbury Road and 1-40 point (IS); thence northeast 7000 feet and 1600 feet north of the termination of Plantation Road on an unnamed logging trail point (16); thence south 6200 feet to the intersection of Murrayville Road and Brittany Road point (17); thence south 800 feet to the intersection of Brittany Road and the headwater of Smith Creek point (18); thence southwesterly along Smith Creek as it meanders 7.36 miles to point (I) the point of beginning. The above described district excludes any and all properties located within the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF FIRE RESPONSE BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by co~oner~JnA -4.J seconded by Commissioner ).~ , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Castle Havne Fire Response District, as assigned to the Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department, in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Castle Hayne Fire Response District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. 1J,J,~ a ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~_\/#~ Cl rk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. ~,,\/~ Cle to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - CASTLE HAYNE FIRE RESPONSE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 Beginning at point (I) where Highway 117 crosses the Northeast Cape Fear River, thence westerly along the south and east bank of the river for 13.3 miles to where the county line leaves the river in a west, southwest direction point (2); thence southeasterly 2.3 miles along the east bank of the river to the intersection of the Northeast Cape Fear River and Jackey's Creek point (3); thence easterly 6000 feet to the intersection of Centennial Drive 1000 feet south of its intersection with Thomas Edison Street point (4); thence east 1800 feet to its intersection with Fuel Bundle Way 900 feet from its intersection with Thomas Edison Street point (5); thence east 500 feet to its intersection with Decade Way 300 feet from its intersection with Thomas Edison Street point (6); thence east to its intersection with Thomas Edison Street and Castle Hayne Road point (7); thence south along Castle Hayne Road from the intersection of Thomas Edison Street and Castle Hayne Road for 400 feet to point (8); thence east 4200 feet to the intersection of Crowatan Road 400 feet south of its intersection with David Court point (9); thence 500 feet east to the intersection of Chesterfield Road 2000 feet south of its intersection with Hermitage Road point (10); thence east 4100 feet to the intersection of Juvenile Center Road and Blue Clay Road point (II); thence south 8207 feet to the termination of Edward Hyde Place point (12); thence northeasterly 1800 feet to the intersection of North chase Parkway North and New Village Way point (13); thence northwesterly 1300 feet to the intersection of North chase Parkway West and North College Road point (14); thence southeasterly 928 feet along North College Road to point (15); thence east for a distance of3200 feet to 1-40 9100 feet south of the intersection of Sid bury Road and 1-40 point (16); thence northeast 7000 feet and 1600 feet north of the termination of Plantation Road on an unnamed logging trail point (17); thence south 6200 feet to the intersection of Murrayville Road and Brittany Road point (18); thence due north 4000 feet to point (19); thence west on Sidbury Road 300 feet to Island Creek Road, point (20); thence northerly along Island Creek Road 2700 feet to a curve left point (21); thence easterly 800 feet to Island Creek point (22); thence north and east along Island Creek 4600 feet to where Island Creek intersects the New HanoverlPender County line 3300 feet northwest of the intersection of Sidbury Road and said county line point (23); thence northerly along said county line and Island Creek 3.86 miles crossing Holly Shelter Road to the intersection of Island Creek and the Northeast Cape Fear River point (24); thence westerly along the south bank of the river 473 miles to point (I), the point of beginning. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF FIRE RESPONSE BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by co~e~A7AA..A A~ seconded by Commissioner , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Winter Park Fire Response District. as assigned to the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department. in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Winter Park Fire Response District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. 1J~ Q (J~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~h \~YjLA- CI rk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. ~/~d/ Cle to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - WINTER PARK FIRE RESPONSE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 The southern portion of district boundaries shall be as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Whiskey Creek and the Intracoastal Waterway point (I); thence northwest along the center of Whiskey Creek 8400 feet crossing Masonboro Loop Road to the intersection of Whiskey Creek and Navaho Trail point (2); thence north 550 feet to Commons Way and 300 feet east of the intersection of Chowning Place and Commons Way point (3); thence west northwest along Commons Way 1500 feet to the intersection ofConunons Way and Colony Circle North point (4); thence north along Colony Circle North 200 feet to the intersection of Colony Circle North and Nottingham Road point (5); thence north 1000 feet to the intersection ofWaltrnore Road and Greenwich Lane point (6); thence west and 100 feet south ofWaltrnore Road 2400 feet to the intersection of Waltmore Road and Shamrock Drive point (7); thence southwest 200 feet and 100 feet south of Walt more Road point (8); thence north and 300 feet east of Kirby Smith Drive following the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington to the north fork of Hewletts Creek and Greenville Loop Road point (9); thence south 3400 feet along the creek to a fork in Hewletts Creek point (10); thence southeasterly along the north bank of Hewletts Creek 9500 feet to the intersection of Hewletts Creek and the northwest bank of the Intracoastal Waterway point (II); thence east south 10,900 feet to the intersection of the Intracoastal Waterway and Whiskey Creek point (I), the point of beginning. The northern portion of district boundaries shall be as follows: Beginning at South College Road 500 feet south of the intersection with Highway 17 (Market Street) point (I); thence westerly following the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington approximately 2400 feet to the intersection of Sigman Road and New Centre Drive point (2); thence northwesterly following the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington to point (3) located 500 feet due east of the intersection of Fairlawn Drive and North Kerr Avenue; thence northerly following the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington to point (4), located 4700 feet north of point (3) at the intersection of North Kerr Avenue and a branch of Smith Creek excluding all areas located within the corporate limits of the City of Wilmington; thence westerly along the branch of Smith Creek 400 feet to the intersection with Smith Creek point (5); thence northeasterly along the south and east bank of Smith Creek to the intersection of Smith Creek and 1-40 located 700 feet south of Gordon Road point (6); thence south along North College Road approximately II 700 feet to point (I), the point of beginning excluding all properties located within the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF FIRE RESPONSE BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by corrrr.ti~'~_"""U'AJ seconded by Commissioner , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Myrtle Grove Fire Response District, as assigned to the Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department, in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Myrtle Grove Fire Response District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. 1J .;J1,~ 0. ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~v/l~ CI to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. ~"y/~ - Cle to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - MYRTLE GROVE FIRE RESPONSE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 Beginning at the intersection of Highway 132 (South College Road) 500 feet south of 17tl1 Street Extension at the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington point (I); thence following the corporate city limits of Wilmington approximately 29,000 feet (5.5 miles) to its intersection within the New Hanover County line and the Cape Fear River point (2); thence south southeast along the Cape Fear River 5 4 miles to Lords Creek point (3); thence easterly along the south branch of Lords Creek 8630 feet to the western termination of McQuillan Drive point (4); thence south 2500 feet to the western termination ofInlet Acres Drive point (5); thence east 4500 feet along and 200 feet south of Inlet Acres Drive to the intersection of US Highway 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and Radnor Road point (6); thence east 7200 feet and 200 feet north of Radnor Road to the center of Carolina Beach Inlet and the New Hanover County line point (7); thence northeast along the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean 5 19 miles directly east of the center of the line of Whiskey Creek point (8); thence west northwest 6200 feet to the point at which Whiskey Creek intersects the Intracoastal Waterway point (9); thence northwest along the center of Whiskey Creek 8400 feet crossing Masonboro Loop Road to the intersection of the north fork Whiskey Creek and Navaho Trail point (10); thence north 550 feet to Commons Way and 300 feet east of the intersection of Chowning Place and Commons Way point (II); thence west northwest along Commons Way 1500 feet to the intersection of Commons Way and Colony Circle North point (12); thence north along Colony Circle North 200 feet to the intersection of Colony circle North and Nottingham Road point (13); thence north 1000 feet to the intersection ofWaltmore Road and Greenwich Lane point (14); thence west and 100 feet south ofWaltmore Road 2400 feet to the intersection of Walt more Road and Shamrock Road point (IS); thence southwest 1000 feet to point (I), the point of beginning. The above described area excludes any and all properties located within the recorded corporate boundaries of the City of Wilmington. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF FIRE RESPONSE BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by COi'..1sioner ~ seconded by Commissioner 'AdJ , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Seagate Fire Response District. as assigned to the Seagate Volunteer Fire Department, in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Seagate Fire Response District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. 'hX~CL ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST @:; V xI~ CI to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certifY that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. ~,,<;i ~ Cle to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - SEAGATE FIRE RESPONSE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 Beginning at point (1) the intersection of Hewletts Creek and the northwest bank of the Intracoastal Waterway; thence northwesterly along the north bank of Hewletts Creek 9500 feet to a fork in Hewletts Creek point (2); thence north on the right fork 3500 feet to the intersection of Greenville Loop Road and Clearbrook Drive point (3); thence in a northerly direction following the corporate limits of the City of Wilmington to the intersection Market Street and Eastwood Road point (4) excluding all properties within the limits of the City of Wilmington; thence easterly 1400 feet to the intersection of Smith Creek Parkway 800 feet south of its intersection with Market Street point (5); thence in an easterly direction 2600 feet to the intersection of Cardinal Drive and George Trask Drive point (6); thence easterly 800 feet to point (7); thence northeasterly 500 feet to point (8); thence east 350 feet to point (9); thence southeast 400 feet to the intersection of Ginger Road and Sabra Drive point (10); thence 3300 feet to the intersection of Long Leaf Acres Drive and Sabra Drive following the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington to point (11); thence southeasterly along Long Leaf Acres Drive 200 feet to the intersection of Long Leaf Acres Drive and Toulon Drive point (12); thence east southeast 650 feet to the intersection of Wind em ere Road and Wells Road point (13); thence southeast 500 feet along Wells Road to the intersection of Tanbridge and Wells Road point (14); thence east 3000 feet to Military Cutoff Road 1600 feet south of the intersection with Cayman Court point (15); thence east 1800 feet to the intersection of Old McCumber Station Road and South Moorings Drive point (16); thence northeasterly and east 100 feet south and parallel to South Moorings Drive 500 feet to the intersection of South Moorings Drive and Arboretum Drive point (17); thence southeasterly 3000 feet tracking south of Turnberry Lane and Shelter Cove Place to the northwest bank of the Intracoastal Waterway point (18); thence southwest along the northwest bank of the Intracoastal Waterway 23,000 feet intersecting with Hewletts Creek point (1), the point of beginning. The above described area excludes any and all properties located within the recorded corporate boundaries of the City of Wilmington or the City of Wrightsville Beach. The above said properties exclude all areas with the city limits of Wilmington. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF FIRE RESPONSE BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by COllJPAisSiqner~ seconded by Commissioner ~ . , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Federal Point Fire Response District, as assigned to the Federal Point Volunteer Fire Department, in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Federal Point Fire Response District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. /tJ~a ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~\/>I~ CI rk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certifY that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. ~~/~ Cle to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - FEDERAL POINT FIRE RESPONSE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 Beginning at the intersection of Highway 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and Radnor Road point (1); thence westerly 4500 feet and 200 feet south ofInlet Acres Drive to the western termination ofInlet Acres Drive point (2); thence northerly 2500 feet to the western termination of McQuillan Drive point (3); thence westerly along the south branch of Lords Creek to the intersection with the east bank of the Cape Fear River and the New Hanover County line 8630 feet point (4); thence south along the Cape Fear River and following said county line approximately 8.9 miles to the southern end of New Hanover County where the county line turns northeastward point (5); thence northeasterly along the eastern shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean 8.6 miles to the center of Carolina Beach lnlet and the county line point (6); thence 7200 feet west and 200 feet north of Radnor Road. to its intersection with Highway 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and Radnor Road point (I), the point of beginning. The above said boundaries exclude all properties in the towns of Carolina Beach and Kure Beach. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF FIRE RESPONSE BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY UPonmotionbYCO~~~ seconded by Commissioner . , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Ogden Fire Response District. as assigned to the Ogden Volunteer Fire Department. in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Ogden Fire Response District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This 20th day of April, 1998. {J.d~Q (!~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~-~;(y/~ C k to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this 20th day of April, 1998. S!-'/v~x:{~ Cler to the Board LEGAL DESCRIPTION - OGDEN FIRE RESPONSE DISTRICT MARCH 1998 Beginning at the over pass at Highway 17 (Market Street) and 1-40 (North College Road) point (1); thence north along 1-40 11,000 feet to the intersection ofI-40 and Smith Creek 800 feet south of the intersection ofI-40 and Gordon Road point (2); thence northeasterly along Smith Creek 2 miles to the intersection of the headwaters of Smith Creek and Brittany Road point (3); thence north 800 feet to the intersection of Murrayville Road and Brittany Drive point (4); thence due north 6200 feet and 1600 feet north of the termination of Plantation Road point (5); thence northeast 6700 feet to Crooked Pine Road 6000 feet north of the intersection of Crooked Pine and Plantation Road point (6); thence northerly along Crooked Pine Road 6400 feet to the intersection of Crooked Pine Road and Sidbury Road point (7); thence west on Sidbury Road 300 feet to Island Creek Road point (8); thence northerly along Island Creek Road 2700 feet and a curve left point (9); thence easterly 800 feet to Island Creek point (10); thence north and east along Island Creek 4600 feet to point (11) where Island Creek intersects the New Hanover/Pender County line 3300 feet northwest of Sid bury Road and said county line; thence southeast along said county line to its intersection with the Atlantic Ocean coastline and then southwest along said county line to the southernmost tip of Figure Eight Island a distance of 11.5 miles point (12); thence westerly 9000 feet to a point on the northwest bank of the Intracoastal Waterway 1300 feet southeast of the intersection of Harborway Drive and Tumberry Lane point (13); thence northwesterly 3000 feet tracking south of Tumberry Lane and Shelter Cove Place to the intersection of South Moorings Drive and Arboretum Drive point (14); thence west southwest 100 feet south and parallel to South Moorings Drive 6500 feet to the intersection of South Moorings Drive and Old McCumber Station Road point (15); thence west 1800 feet to Military Cutoff Road 1000 feet south of the intersection with Cayman Court point (16); thence west 3000 feet to the intersection of Wells Road and Tanbridge Road point (17); thence northwest along Wells Road 500 feet to the intersection of Wind em ere Road and Wells Road point (18); thence northwest 650 feet to the intersection of Toulon Drive and Long Leaf Acres Drive point (19); thence northwesterly along Long Leaf Acres Drive 200 feet to the intersection of Long Leaf Drive and Sabra Drive point (20); thence southwesterly 100 feet north of and parallel to Sabra Drive and Ginger Road point (21); thence 3000 feet to the intersection of Ginger Road and Dallas Drive point (22); thence northwest 400 feet to a point (23); thence west 350 feet to point (24); thence southwesterly 500 feet to point (25); thence westerly 800 feet to the intersection of Cardinal Drive and George Trask Drive point (26); thence westerly to the intersection of Smith Creek parkway 800 feet south of its intersection with Market Street point (27); thence northwest to the intersection of Highway 17 (Market Street) and Eastwood Road point (28); thence along Market Street 1200 feet to the intersection of Market Street and 1-40 point (1), the point of beginning. ' The above described district excludes any and all properties located within the recorded corporate limits of the City of Wilmington. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Cape Fear River Basin is the largest in the State, containing 18% of the land and 30% of the population, and WHEREAS, the Cape Fear River Basin faces a number of significant environmental and water resource issues, including heavy concentrations of non-point discharge and animal farms, inter-basin transfers of water and very little additional assimilative capacity for waste discharge; and WHEREAS, the strategically located signs by NCDOT throughout the Neuse River Basin have had excellent results for public awareness. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that this signage program be expanded to the Cape Fear River Basin. This 20 day of April, ] 998. ( /jJ~ (] ~ Chairman, Board of Commissioners New Hanover County ATTEST Cf:~' v/ ~ lerk to the Board PROCLAMATION NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK APRIL 19-25 1998 WHEREAS, Governor James B. Hunt, Jr has declared 1998 as the Year of the Volunteer throughout North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the key goals of this celebration are to' 1 Recognize the value and importance of connecting communities through volunteerism and community service; 2. Increase volunteer involvement and diversity as a solution to community problems; 3. Create and demonstrate the effectiveness of communities that partner with government and work cooperatively to solve the societal problems in communities throughout the United States; 4 Celebrate the success and impact of volunteer involvement in improving the quality of life in North Carolina, 5 Link North Carolina with the Points of Light Foundation s Connect America, the goals of the President's Summit for America's Future and the Governor's Summit. WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes the value of volunteers who assist in providing county government services and related programs, resulting in savings to our taxpayers and unique opportunities to involve citizens in vital community programs; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County also recognizes the crucial role of volunteers in non- county organizations within our communities for they help make a difference in people s lives through their work; and WHEREAS, the week of April 19-25, 1998 is National County Government Week, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that New Hanover County proclaims 1998 to be the Year of the Volunteer and recognizes April as North Carolina Volunteer Month; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that New Hanover County commits to further supporting and enhancing the networks and partnerships related to volunteer programs throughout our county especially those programs targeting children and youth at risk. Adopted this the 20th day of April, 1998 1J.1/lu.-.-.. Q ~ William A. Caster Chairman