1998-11-23 RM Exhibits RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the COlUlty has an opportlUlity to save money during the next five (5) years by downslZlng its mainframe computer to a smaller system that more evenly matches the COlUlty S current needs; AND WHEREAS, the total transactIon Involves utilizing an operational lease for the hardware, financing as an installment purchase the one time license fee and the extended maintenance coverage, and dispOSing of the existing eqUIpment through a private sale in the amolUlt of eIght hlUldred seventy-five ($875 00) dollars; AND WHEREAS, tlus transaction reqUIres formal bIds however, due to the fact that this is a sole source vendor award of lease agreement IS being made through the sole source proVIsion in General Statue 143-1 29(t); AND WHEREAS, as part of thIS approval the attached budget amendment IS submitted for accounting purposes to record receipt of funds for the transaction; AND WHEREAS, the I.T Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be approved; AND WHEREAS, flUlds have been previously appropriated and are now in AccolUlt No. 110-410-4132-1000-3700 to cover tlus lease agreement which is a supplement to contract # 93-0123 and upon approval of contract Budget Director will transfer a portion offlUlds available in IT Department budget to the installment payment account; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover COlUlty that the lease agreement which is a supplement to contract # 93 -0 123 for the downsiZing of the mainframe computer for the IT Department, be awarded to rBM Corporation based upon the sole source provision In General Statue 143-129(t); in the amolUlt of Three HlUldred Fifty-eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-eight Dollars ($358,978.00); and that the County Manager is hereby authonzed and directed to execute the contract and sign all related documents assocIated with this transaction, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney" and that the attached budget amendment IS approved; and that the Budget Director upon approval of this agreement IS authonzed to prepare a budget amendment transferring flUlds available in I. T Department budget to the Installment Purchase budget to cover the portion of the transactIon that is financed. This 23rd day of November, 1998 (SEAL) 1>>~ Q. ~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST .. / ~'(~M / CI k to the Board NEW HANOVER CCU~TY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 10/31/98 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1998 ~_~~_~~~____~__~_a~Q~_~ ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIFS ADCED lESS A8ATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGEO LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE ANC PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING aALA~CE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTION PRIVILEGE LICE~SE COLLECTIONS EMS COLLECTIONS AD VALOREM c:I &:Ic:I_C2-=-_."," Q lQ~:::"::O__ $ 60,356.678.07 2.506.699.97 104,570.63- c:a..._ClCllCllc:l_c:l........_CO_ $ 62,758,807.41 .00 75.561.81 ...oc:u::l............""_____... $ 62.834.369.22 10,184,062.71~ QOOOCl_Q_Q___","_O=O $ 52.650.306.51 16.21%* $ 2.800.390.39 15,855.60 15,062.82- aClCO......_a_o::>................... $ 2.ll01.183.l7 618,850.74- CllCOCO._"'C::OCO_CO...""'___ $ 2.182,332.43 22.09% OCT 1998 c:t_...__CO__QQ""Oc:lCO 203,756.93 861.00 .00 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTIO~ OFFICE FCR CITY OF ~IlMINGTONl WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH TO DATE - $1~,147.008.62. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR 8EGIN~ING JULY 1. ~ECTFULLY SUBMITTED. -YCLhl i.", ~ -r..:\ ~ '"lev PATRICIA J. NCR~J COLLECTOR OF EVENUE CONSENT AGENDA CA TE ITEM NO. MOTOR VEHICLE c:::ICI...a_.......ClClCI.............. $ 3,078.619.38 9.974.60 28.264.09- _"'''''.___C:S''''ClCII''''''''''''c:I $ 3,060.329.89 .00 .00 Cl___ClQ.,_.....__Q__ $ 3,060,329.89 2,113.936.27~ c::IClQ_OQ_____aa__ $ 946.393.62 69.08%* FISCAL YTO __...__CO_......QO.......... 14.504.13 .00 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, BEACH AND KURE 1998. * CO~8INED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 18.66% CONSENT AGENCA DATE ITEM NO.______ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE OISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTlONS THRU 10/31/98 CURRENT TAX YEAR ~ 1998 =~~~~_~~~_~~~_~_~~o~~_~ ORlGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERlES ADCED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTAi\;DING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES AD VALOREM QOClCOctCl","ClClQt:3QOOCOO_ $ 1.331.298.50 56,299.38 23,013.31- _.......ClCI..CI....c:u:lCOI...a... $ 1,310,524.51 1.115.22 ...QQClIClD..aQO'l:lc:>_..... $ 1,372.299.19 25 7 . 9 13 . 4 3- c:lI_o.._......c:r____a__ $ 1.114.386.36 18.79%* o:aC::O___Cl_QICII_ REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ CHARGES ACDEO LESS ABATH1ENTS 53.053.09 356.07 364.72- ""'....._ClClClQ___""'..._.... TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL ~ECTFULLY SU8MITTED. tln--t"", ~ ~""iSV PATRICIA J. R NOR. J COLLECTOR 0 EVENU $ 53,044.44 13 ,090 .60- __QWl__COC:OGClIOO.........."'" $ 39,953.84 24.68% JULY I, 1998. * COM8INED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 21,41% MOTOR VEHICLE _eoCl.......Oc::laClClc:JCI....""'.", $ 71,370.32 391.23 670.12- __aO...OCl___""'........_ $ 71,091.43 .00 ___...c:la_ctClCII_ClCI_'" $ 71.091.43 51,083.81- OI........_ClCICI...QCI....CI0.. $ 20,001.62 71.86%* A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County is the owner of a two acre tract situated on Eastwood Road more fully described in Deed Book 1502, Page 690 New Hanover County Registry having previously been acquired as a possible library site; and WHEREAS, Raiford G. Trask, Jr is the owner of those lands bounding the County tract on the east, north, and west property lines; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County and Raiford G. Trask, Jr are agreeable to an exhange of parcels of equal acreage on Eastwood Road; and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C.G.S S160A-271 in exchange for the referenced County tract, having 200 road frontage feet, the County shall receive a tract having 217.8 road frontage feet; and WHEREAS, the tract to be acquired by the County is of equal or greater value than the tract the County shall exchange, such that the County shall receive full and fair compensation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the property more fully described in Deed Book 1502, Page 690 New Hanover County Registry be exchanges for adjacent acreage comprising two acres and having a 217.8 road frontage on Eastwood Road without further consideration Thisthe ~/loL dayof ~ 1998 NEW HANOVER COUNTY 'lJ~Q ~ William A. Caster Chairman ~j~//~- CI rk to the Board AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 15, Water Supplv Svstem, Article I, In General, of the New Hanover County Code, is hereby amended as follows: Section 15-7(b) Water Service Connection fees (tap fees): (1) Whenever an applicant desires water service in a situation where there is not an existing tap, the following connection fees shall apply' Water Meter Size (Inches) Connection Fee 5/8" x 3/4" 1 11/2" 2" Larger $1,050.00 $1,250.00 $1,850.00 $2,250.00 Cost (2) When an applicant desires water service on a system with an existing tap not instalied by or otherwise paid for by the District, without a water meter the following fees shall apply' The cost of all meters, including installation, shall be based on County cost at time of application plus Twenty-Five ($25.00) Dollars. Except as expressly amended above, Chapter 15, Subsection (a) of Section 15-7 and Subsection 3,4 and 5 of Subsection (b), Water Service Connection Fees (Tap Fees). Development Fees and Deposits, of the New Hanover County Code shall remain unaltered, in fuli force and effect. This the~_ day Of~~ 1998. NEW HANOVER COUNTY tJ.J.L..- Q ~ William A. Caster Chairman Board of Commissioners ~x/ /Y~_ rk to the Board AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 15, Water Supplv Svstem, Article II, Wastewater Collection and Treatment, of the New Hanover County Code, is hereby amended as follows: 15-124 Specific Fees. (a) Sewer Service Connection Fees (Tap Fees): (1) Whenever the District constructs sewer collection lines into a new service area, all development is required to connect to the sewer within six (6) months of the initial availability of the sewer system. During said six (6) month period the tap fees shall be as follows: Residential and Non-Residential: Four inch (4") and six inch (6") taps shall be installed by the District based on tap cost for the designated area. Specific tap costs shall be established by the Commissioners using the District's contract price. Eight inch (8") and larger Installation cost shall be estimated by the District and paid at time of application. Taps for eight inch (8") and larger only include the actual connection to the collection system. (2) All development shall pay tap fees in accordance with the following rates, except development which complies with either paragraph (1) in this section or section 15-121 (a)(2): Residential and Non-Residential Fees: Four inch (4") Six inch (6") $1,800.00 $2,200.00 Eight inch (8") and larger' Installation costs shall be estimated by the District and paid at time of application. Taps for eight inch (8") and larger only include the actual connection to the collection system. Except as expressly amended above, Chapter 15, Subsection b, c, d, and e of Section 15-124 of the New Hanover County Code shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. ThisthedU~ daYOf~ 1998. [SEAL] NEW HANOVER COUNTY 'lJ~Q~ ATTEST ~h~::~-' William A. Caster Chairman Board of Commissioners