2005-05-18 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JOINT MEETING WITH THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY, MAY 18,2005 BOOK 30 PAGE 328 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a joint meeting with the New Hanover County Airport Authority on Wednesday, May 18,2005, at 7:45 a.m. in the Conference Room ofthe Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Robert G. Greer; Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Commissioner William A. Kopp; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Manager Allen 0 'Neal, County Attorney Wanda Copley and Clerk to the Board, Sheila 1. Schult. Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. was absent. Authority Members present were: Chairman Carter Lambeth; Vice-Chairman E. 1. Mathews, Jr.; Paul G. Burton; Robert S. Rippy; Harry W. Stovall, III; and Airport Director, Jon Rosborough. Chairman Greer and Chairman Lambeth called their respective boards to order. Director Rosborough began the presentation by introducing the following members of the Staff who assist him in the daily operation of the Airport: Deputy Director Julie A. Wilsey; Finance Director James Morton; Operations Director Gary Broughton; Facilities Manager Whitney Prease and Executive Assistant Janie James. He requested Facilities Manager Broughton to begin the presentation, "What A Difference a Year Makes!" Operations Report Facilities Manager Broughton reported that 2004 was a record year with: . 142,000 More customers . 574,625 Total passengers . A 32.8% increase over 2003 . $70,588,690 total Airline revenue . All jet service with forty-four total daily flights . More top destinations served . 484 additional seats added . New non-stop service to Cincinnati and Philadelphia . Third non-stop flight to LaGuardia added . Weekend service to DCA added . Competitive airfares . Business travel has increased to 73 % of total travel . Hospitality service at your car, baggage assistance, handicap assistance and flight information . Safety and Security Initiatives: o Cutting edge technology - new Access Control system to include biometrics o Checked baggage screening improved with additional Electronic Trace Detection equipment o Relocated Electronic Trace Detection process to reduce lobby congestion Facilities Report Deputy Director Wilsey reported that the following capital projects are underway: . Extensive landscaping of grounds . Phase I - Perimeter Road . The storm water dry pond . General Aviation ramp rehabilitation . North Carolina Museum of Aviation . Runway 6-24 with ILS . Pavement rehabilitation Runway 6-24 Finance Report Director of Finance Morton reported that the Airport remains in sound financial condition: . Cash on hand has increased from $3,760,500 in 2004 to $4,742,300 in 2005 . Grant funds have increased from $15,249,294 in years 1983-1997 to $32,198,392 in years 1998-2005 . Over 22% of the COPS Bonds have been repaid . Future financial initiatives include: o Land acquisition for future rental car service center site o Increase ILM Business Park for economic impact by attracting new businesses and jobs Report on Future Initiatives Airport Director Rosborough reported that the Airport's future goals include: Air Service . Increased service to current top destinations . Attract new air carriers NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JOINT MEETING WITH THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY, MAY 18,2005 BOOK 30 PAGE 329 . Increase non-stop flights to top ten destinations . Scheduled international air service . 133% increase in total passengers served within three years General Aviation Development . Twenty- Year Master Plan o Construct fifteen hangers o Accommodate 145 aircraft o Approximate aircraft value- $500,000,000 o Approximate annual tax revenue - $3,400,000 Maintenance Hangar Development . Economic impact o $26,000,000 airline investment o Approximately 358 employees Needs/Issues . Water issues and need for additional flow . Land acquisition for future growth . Runway extension . Continued ILM/NHC funding partnership for future international concourse, land acquisition and transportation Community Service Initiatives and Involvement . Administrative staff active in civic clubs, community agencies, boards, and Chamber of Commerce . Recipients of the United Way Achievement Award . School tour program . Azalea Festival participation . Host of Circus and Fair . Host of Coastal Carolina Air Show . RSVP program at Information Desk In closing, Director Rosborough thanked his Staff and the Airport Authority members for their hard work and support. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to the Airport Authority and Administrative Stafffor the informative presentation. He complimented the members of the Authority and Administrative Staffforthe excellent manner in which the Airport is being managed and operated. After hearing no further comments, Chairman Greer and Chairman Lambeth adj ourned the meeting at 9: 10 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila 1. Schult Clerk to the Board