1997-03-10 RM Exhibits RESOLUTION OFTHE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3.00 p.m., on the 13th day of February 1997 at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for a lighting system for the two softballlbaseball fields at Ogden Park for Parks Department, Bid # 97-0289. Musco Lighting, Inc. $94,300 00 AND WHEREAS, the Parks Director the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Musco Lighting, Inc., the only bidder, in the amount of Ninety-four Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($94,300 00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No 315-612-8210-7300-6300-08 to cover this contract; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for a lighting system for the two softballlbaseball fields at Ogden Park for the Parks Department, Bid # 97-0289 be awarded to Musco Lighting, Inc. in the amount of Ninety-four Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($94,300 00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 10th day of March, 1997 1?~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ~v~ CI k to the Board RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3'00 p.m., on the 12th day of February, 1997 at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for a two reel type mowers for the Parks Department, Bid # 97-0261 Jacobsen Textron-Carolinas Smith Turf & Irrigation Co Revels Turf & Tractor Co. $29,800.00 $32,80000 $33,35000 AND WHEREAS, the Parks Director the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Jacobsen Textron-Carolinas of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of Twenty-nine Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($29 800 00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No 110-612-6120-5000-6400 to cover this contract; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for two reel type mowers for the Parks Department, Bid # 97-0261 be awarded to Jacobsen Textron-Carolinas in the amount of Twenty-nine Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($29,800 00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 10th day of March, 1997 1lJd~~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~X/ .Y/~ CI rk to the Board - RESOLUTION OFTHE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTV WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 2:30 p.m., on the 12th day of February, 1997 at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for a suburban for the Emergency Medical Services Department, Bid # 97-0288 Bob King Pontiac-GMC Minchew Motors, Inc. $31,52400 $34,500 00 AND WHEREAS, due to budgetary concerns, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that all bids received be rejected; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that all bids received for Bid # 97-0288 be rejected. This 10th day of March, 1997 /f2LJM- Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~/~/ 7/~ CI rk to the Board NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description BENJAMIN AVENUE IN DIXON ACRES SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of ~he County of New Hanover requesting that the above described raad(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the op~n~on that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described raad(s), and to take over the raad(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting 10TH day of MARCH , 1997 ,~~NEr~ my hand and official seal this the /~~ ~~ , 1997 Board of on the day of ~~v/~ Lu tie F Harrell, Clerk New'Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Please Note resolute wp Forward direct to the District Engineer, Division of Highways RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 11'00 a.m on the 14th day of Februarv 1997, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina., and the following bids were received for a quick response vehicle for the Fire Services Department, Bid # 97-0260' P L Custom Body and Equipment Co., Inc. $87,230.00 $100,634.00 $92,000.00 $101,984.00 $98,286.00 Slagle's Fire Equipment and Supply Co., Inc, - Alternate Bid Slagle's Fire Equipment and Supply Co" Inc. - Primary Bid FiJ-e Attacket', IIIC, - Bid olle Fire Attacker Inc. - Bid two AND WHEREAS, the alternate proposal from Slagle s Fire Equipment and Supply Co., IIIc. ($87,230.00) took full exception to the County s specifications and is therefore non-responsive; AND WHEREAS, the Fire Services Administrator the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Fire Attacker, Inc. of Petersburg, Michigan, the lowest responsive bidder in the amount of Ninety-two Thousand ($92,000.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 130-436-4370-3000-6450 to cover this contract; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for the quick response vehicle for the Fire Services Department, Bid # 97-0260 be awarded to Fire Attacker, Inc, in the amount of Ninety-two Thousand Dollars ($92,000,00); and that the County is hereby authori7.ed and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the bid deposits to the unsuccessful bidders. This 10th day of March, 1997 (SEAL) 1l~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~ ~\'/ ~ C er to the Board - RESOLUTION NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the laws governing annexation were developed in the 1950's; and WHEREAS, in the past the laws have served the citizens of North Carolina well. However North Carolina is a rapidly growing state and some North Carolina counties have over the years been required to provide many urban and municipal services; and WHEREAS, rapid development and changing citizen expectations have brought about a need to amend the annexation laws of the State of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has been studying proposed annexations in New Hanover County for several years; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners requests that the North Carolina General Assembly appoint a Committee to make a comprehensive, objective and diligent study of existing annexation statutes and recommend changes or amendments, as necessary, to reflect the current needs of the North Carolina citizens, and that a moratorium be placed on all annexation proceedings until a date deemed appropriate by the Committee, and, also, all changes or amendments apply to all pending annexation litigation. Adopted this the 10th day of March, 1997 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OFCOMMISSIONERS /f?li/J~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman RESOLUTION ENDORSING PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE NORTH CAROLINA AQUARIUM AT FORT FISHER WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners supports and encourages initiatives that contribute to the economy and quality of life in southeast North Carolina, and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher has worked to promote public awareness and appreciation for our aquatic resources; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher has provided opportunities for learning, a destination for tourists, and a space for discovery and educational recreation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County endorses the proposed expansion of the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher and urges our State legislative delegation and the North Carolina General Assembly to appropriate funding for construction of the proposed expansion, and further encourage the community to support the efforts of the North Carolina Aquarium Society in raising private funds for the expansion. Adopted this the 10 day of March, 1997 ATT N~.ro ofCommi"ioo,,, Robert G Greer, Chairman ~ B00K Pt\GE ~ <I/~ 2 1 6 " o ~ 7 9 '97 APR 16 Ar110 20 Resolution ofIntent i1ECORDED AND VERIFIED To ClosefReduce a Portion of Burke Avk!nue' S'JE OaTS l Villa View Subdivision REGISTER OF DEEDS NEW HM!OVER CO. tiC WHEREAS, a petition has been filed pursuant to N.C G S. 153-A-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to close/reduce a portion of the following described public road; 000020 Beginning at the northeastern corner of lot 7 Villa View Subdivision as recorded in Book 52, Page 563 of the New Hanover County Registry and is approximately 250 feet east of Dick A venue (currently known as Pavilion Place) running thence from the northeastern corner of lot 7 approximately 150 feet southwest to the northeastern corner of lot 34 r., thence from said point south 126 feet to the southeastern comer of lot 33 as shown on the Villa View plat, thence 50feet east to the southwestern comer of lot 39 thence 146.6feet north to the northwestern comer of lot 39 thence 150 feet northeast to the northwestern comer of lot 12 as shown on the Villa View plat, thence 50 feet northwest to the point of beginning NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board is considering closing! reducing a portion of Burke Avenue (10 feet on each side of the right-of-way line) to public use, and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the 17 day of April, 1997 at 9'00 a.m. in the General Assembly Room of the County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final determination as to whether the road shall be closed/reduced. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the 10th day of March, 1997 1lLJ/J~ Robert G Greer, Chairman Attest: v/~ RE11JflNm;!Q) 'jj'@ 50"'-'1"""" CD? 'I-.~ o Q" ? 1 6 'I ~ ... ". ^~' 'r-J.-\ut.\ ;- , I /0 Lj 8/0 /" /" -^ // ~;\ /' / ").. ,~. .) / "- ,,< / ""\ / >- , / / \ \, / " I I I "/ ,A / , ,,/q;. (,. "- XI:;)/ {T/' Q/-,.... 1', " , / / / / , / ) )""~'iJ~'''"... ,.",-S31i ,--;-.,( . ,jO/It"" f h,J1r";S"", ...:' f , ...t, ~'t.:- "",( ,/"ll{/i./,'ii" / ...,.,~j.~j , ) - " ',,- '-, " ""', " "'. /0/ f" '- ~.Y1~ ';""Z 'li,) ;..b-11f. -"1,s> " " -'- -'- " \ "\/ / / , -- -- --- ""',", -, -- , ? ,..''!?~ ........ '''to>, / ,,~'" , '-, < \ I / , '1/ ., " .,'1:-/ / r-"""~ i i. Iii ""'" -, -'- ',i /? ?-> , , '-.." .~.,~,~.~" ',- / ~~ " " '''', '.. , ~ <; c,":::' QO N. ,118 ~~ ,"" " 0 ~'i! , '! &SI I ~ . ., < "' " ;: ;z z UU- ::..-:: ~ ~ ?E:::::!=:J:J .0 ~ ~C33!~~ r... ..Q c: z~~~~~o: E Cl:'ELU~:::r.:~-;::::;-:> 0") ........, ~ =:JZ""=I->ooz __ ....,.... o~<(Vj~cr5:a:~ ~ .Eo... c::zaO::....J~UJwcc If) =oS;::J-'Ocn!-,<( ci..2i ~:;c5~~crQ:t:2 c.o U ~ Cl.zzLU~f/)z3 0: \,--__,__ I "C~ :ccct:t.uo2::2;$I-UJ f'\ Ct:I Q. ~6~o2=::::~::Z~ CI)'-' 0"'" 2:Z <(~o::J o:;{ . . ;:)COtnC3xI (;j <(CDociwu...dI: If " {~~~ ~(02?~ :J _'.:::.;3 ,.C:::1 t::::;/ ,.......> " ''I ''v''- """"', " > / .L. _....~-- ",~-~ v \~' ~\ ~ / ~,,( ~\ ~';}.\ " or'- ~\ r/~-" ",_.- -"'\ \~\ \ ' -, , =, o?J ", o \\ / or- I >W ..j , / '- ;. ! ! !J r-J /.... / ) ( OO----i ,i~ i> ! / , '\ , \ .......,~._..- '" " -, /, / / \/ co." !:;" ~ J! ct rii .sf " .~ '~'~ , "" " .,~ i ?)k- AN EMERGENCY PROCLAMA nON OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County suffered a "major disaster" September 5 and 6, 1996 when struck by Hurricane Fran; and WHEREAS, severe property damage has occurred within New Hanover County creating drainage obstructions on public and private property; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 6.7-23(c) of the New Hanover County Code, an emergency proclamation may be issued to maintain order and protect lives or property during the state of emergency' and WHEREAS, an emergency proclamation was issued September 30, 1996 by the Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners authorizing County officials, their agents, or assigns to enter onto private property within New Hanover County for the purpose of removing drainage obstructions; and WHEREAS, the present and ongoing peril due to dangerous conditions resulting from Hurricane Fran has not yet been abated. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS PROCLAIMED that the proclamation initially enacted September 30, 1996, is hereby extended until and through September 4, 1997 This the 10th day of March, 1997 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ;Jj1J~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~.~,\/ ~ C k to the Board !.!" ...... QOO FAGt: ? 1 7 u ~ ..... . I o 2 2 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLIN17 APR 30 Af'110 27 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER 11ECORDED AND VEl1lFIECBEFORE THE BOARD OF MAR ( '"UE OaTS COUNTY CO.iYIMISSIONERS REGISTER OF DeEDS NEW IIMiOVER CO tlC In the Matter of Closing A Portion of Central Avenue ORDER 000032 It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution ofIntent to close the southern portion of Central Avenue was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 3rd day of February, 1997, and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 10th day of March, 1997, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that the southern portion of Central Avenue in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, the legal description of said road being as follows: Beginning at the northeastern comer of lot 68, SummerHaven Subdivision as recorded in Map Book 2, page 122 of the New Hanover County Registry' running thence from said beginning point South 21 degrees, 24 minutes West 415 feet to the southeastern corner of lot 53 Summer Haven Subdivision as recorded in Map Book 2, page 122 of the New Hanover County Registry' thence South 53 degrees, East 34 8 feet, this line being the southern terminus of Central Avenue, thence North 21 degrees, 24 minutes East 416 feet to the southern right-of-way of Beech Street, thence North 53 degrees, West 34 8 feet to the point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. ted this the 10th day of March, 1997 fie. ~ 1JJM.- Robert G Greer Chairman A t,,~t;j ~y~~ CI . to the Board Note The above order and attached map supersede Book 2167, Page 479 due to an error in the orgina1 order r.;::T'J".I~ED TO 5 (2) '.....'\".oD Cc> ~e.v.."l > )" '/)--. / )-" / "" ~;\ / /' y,< " ,,"/ / " \ \ / / ... ; r / ""/A ./ "k I. .... j',> vQ v " f/" y/'" I'... ..J / / ... " " ' .'\ '... I'! ) .... YJ! / " II' ! /1>..< f! / \ \, "- , />'0-\: 'v' , V ^"~ ' >\<'\~ "" ~....._...._. I V /'" "" ..... ",;..-..../ \.,... ,..~!:--....( /' ~ 'd') ',..J..,/",.. i / ,00' j /i / .....M!~3....J /'-.......,, / ,,"""; " .p'~/ '" "r/ ,// j~, //, , ... I." Q 0.. """ ", -'-, """ " " " " ",; ~~' /"oi;" ",....,.,.,....." If"" " f f :~::::::::::::::::7~t.. - "" ~--"~ ~Y' , ~ " <:::.~ 0< N' ."8 ;..:r; .i!~ " < V>~ . ~ >....~~~lsi'..... j....,.,..1:J IJ:;-" / ...,...,.~'fyrjS / ',..,'..". , ~'" , / / , / I' ;., ....., / / , '. , /J.... / ,:-/~I ... /~, "", / / '",- 1/ ... " '" " / , / f //", " ' ", .,,:1';"" '-... ',i!)~', '0 , '<11/ "... '.... ;. ,< ( ..... " ' ", , , / """.."""".1 .....,. .............,..... [ Ii. I ~ .c "' co ::: z z ou.... ~ ~ Z-.1-l r ~ ;:;:;=<(i,jf-:J UJ 25~3:BCij ~ z:r:....,~a:-a: UJ:2;~t.':J::C:::~:::"""') :.:::-:o::-.1z;::::1- CI.lZ Qz-:o::U')...:c::g:a: t= g;~9~=:~~~ 0: ~o~Z3=gO:..J<( UJOClZ ...<(:2: ". ~Z~O~~~3:ffi tn:5tD>::::iO~I-CI) ~~36::i~6~CI) <i' .a::cnC):t:"J:V; couowu...<!i:i '" -" .0 r-.. .0 (j') 0} g - c: 0. ~ 'iii" (j') .2 C to U ~ 1'0:":::: (f)u ~ & a:<l: II , , ~ " J!'J':.~ , /^ / Zl?l\ Q 2 2 / J/ V J r- mmmmmi ) , I (-----. (00 '::> i> ! \, , " I I / / / / , I I I / I / /.. I . .,..,- I , / / /' / , , , , , '" ",..,,/"1 ,/" ;"" \ ......... . "..."oS> ",,- \ >~tlt ., // ',b. .... "i:il: \/ /...~"J.: : , / -,,:,<?9' / t / I / / V~' // ~ /" ' ) \~\ ~/"" ' .7 ' \P' ",,,/ " /<~\ ~'vA. \ ",..", -~. / '\ .. ,/' \"l;.,'" / 'v" \'7:, < ~\ , . \ \ \\ -'"' " , , \; ( /, / / , / , ""?'v'" , " \ -', / ,: " , , \ I .l_.._.-,,"""'/ '. '", " " ~ ! ";0:.",.. ."", " "',f /> "':Y':~:,,,,"'M_"_"'" ('" ! "",/""'\ ,/ ~. o -,'" ~'< if' I:? i} '" 2; , \ , '~ /",' "" ! "", j "'- :~ .'" i : ! ' , , , \/ "/ -'(.\' ... " .'{ ....~-.L.. ......-.-.-.1 , / "..::;: ;\~~! (/}.., "({~?:' / or- I >00 1'".....,' ;::.::';x' ;_.u., / ........,,1 ( ! /.., " ! I p., Il!,"! .--..J 0>- ~~~ U~(.~ <.Ei< ..._1::::('1 r". - ~1~-:- - C .. .::., ~.) ~" r!;..,-J j:':: ADVERTISEMENT FOR UPSET BIDS SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF WILMINGTON AND/OR NEW HANOVER COUNTY By resolutions duly adopted by the City Council and the Board of Commissioners, the City and/or County proposes to sell the real property identified as follows: TAX PARCEL NO. R0054-10-029-023.000 DEED BOOK. 1185 DEED PAGE. 1198 DESCRIPTION Vacant parcel 33 x 90' ADDRESS 1112 Dawson Street OFFERER. Lam Vinhnguyen AMOUNT OF OFFER. $2,008.00 All offcrs are subject to the following terms and conditions: ( I ) That the offers arc unconditional and may not be revoked. (2) That the City and/or County shall retain any deposit posted if any offercr fails to pay the balance due in cash and secure the dced within 10 days of notice. The proposed sale of this property is subject to upset bid. Anv person may raise the bid by not less than 10% of the first $1,000 and 5% of the remainder within 10 days of the below date. Upset bids may be in writing and must be delivered to the City Clerk, accompanied by a deposit of 'i% of the total increased bid. The City Council and/or the Board of Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all offers at any time. This the 19th day of March, 1997 A. PENELOPE SPICER SIDBURY CITY CLERK LUCIE HARRELL, COUNTY CLERK Published: March 19 1997 &J~(0rnD\0"L_ MAR I 7 1997 NEW HANOVER CO. BO. OF COMMISSIONERS STA TE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS In the Matter of Closing A Portion of Central Avenue ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution ofIntent to close the southern portion of Central Avenue was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 3rd day of February 1997' and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 10th day of March, 1997 at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that the southern portion of Central Avenue in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, the legal description of said road being as follows: Beginning at the northeastern comer of lot 68, SummerHaven Subdivision as recorded in Map Book 2, page 122 of the New Hanover County RegistrY' running thence from said beginning point South 21 degrees, 24 minutes West 415 feet to the southeastern comer of lot 53 Summer Haven Subdivision as recorded in Map Book 2, page 122 of the New Hanover County RegistrY' thence South 53 degrees, East 34.8 feet, this line being the southern terminus of Central Avenue, thence North 21 degrees, 24 minutes East 416feet to the southern right-of-way of Beech Street, thence North 53 degrees, West 34 8 feet to the point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County North Carolina. ted this the 10th day of March, 1997 He W~ Robert G. Greer Chairman I\. Sol \lry/k Cl rk to the Board