1997-03-24 RM Exhibits NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION Honoring the Town of Kure Beach, North Carolina WHEREAS, the Town ofKure Beach, North Carolina, was incorporated in ]947, and WHEREAS, the Town of Kure Beach, North Carolina has been an integra] part of the social and economic fabric of New Hanover County- and WHEREAS, the citizens and town government of Kure Beach, North Carolina have worked to create a pleasant and favorable environment in which to raise a familv work, and promote tourism, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, to designate Apri] 1997, as a time to honor Kure Beach, North Carolina during its Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration and to urge all of the citizens of New Hanover County to support and participate in this celebration. This the 24th day of March, ]997 '74J/6 ~~ Robert G Greer, Chairman AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain and approve that the New Hanover County Board of Fire Commissioner Bylaws be amended as follows: Delete Subsection 2.4 Except as above amended, the Board of Fire Commissioner Bvlaws shall remain in full force and effect. This thec;:!-fCA.- day of ~ 1997 NEW HANOVER COUNTY A TrEST 1?Jj~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners ~kt;~~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 02/28/97 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1996 ----------------------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS EMS COLLECTIONS AD VALOREM $ 51 ,98B, 753097 2,531,106009 79,287059- --------------- $ 54,440,572047 000 1.9,201024 $ 54,489,773071 53,124,783080- --------------- $ 1,364,989091 97049%* $ 2,431,423013 29 852088 137:534011- --------------- $ 2,323,741090 683,563089- --------------- $ 1,640,178001 29042% FE8 1997 -------------- 72,200075 416025 000 CONSENT AGENDA DATE _________ ITEM NOo______ MOTOR VEHICLE $ 3,559,497040 41,260088 41,822036- --------------- $ 3,558,935092 000 000 $ 3,558,935092 3,004,210065- --------------- $ 554,125027 84041%* FISCAL YTD 1,509,389070 16,257038 000 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON! WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA 8EACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $7v,644,4050040 THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 19960 ~ECTFULLY SUBM1TIED, -\-{rnll:~ ~. ~t4i"'('.",. PATRICIA Jo R NOR ~O COLLECTOR OF EVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96069% CONSENT AGENDA DATE ITEM NO.______ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 02/28/97 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1996 ----------------------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING 8ALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES ---------- REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR 8EGINNING JULY 19 1996. ~ CTFULLY SUBMITTED9 l.- 1\ {).. -:" ..,,,a'v ~\ r~L.,~ ~ I \::u PATRICIA J. RA OR COLLECTOR OF R VENUE $ 191439852.52 589135.02 239992.12- --------------- $ 19177,995.42 997.26 849707.14 19034.58 19101.60- --------------- $ B49640.12 $ .00 $ 191789992.68 191529497.62- $ 849640.12 739655.85- $ 269495.06 97.75%* $ 1099B4.27 87.02%* 459708.15 885.42 39709.41- --------------- $ 429884016 1299020B4- --------------- $ 299981032 30009% * COM8INED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 97.03% L . INTRODUCED BY Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE. March 24, 1997 RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFER TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 606 NORTH 8TH STREET LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE. This resolution relates to the proposed sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number 048-13-019-007 000 Address 606 North 8th Street Amount of Offer $750 00 Tax Value $885 00 Market Value $750.00 Offerer Rugina D Devane 309 South 16th Street Prooerty Dimensions 20' x 100' (approx.) This property is too small to be used by the Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. or Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity The offerer(s) has agreed to pay the amount(s) indicated above for the parcel(s) identified. The parcel(s) has been declared surplus by the County Commissioners and not needed for public purposes. RESOLVED. I That pursuant to N C.G.S 160A 269 the County Commissioners does hereby propose to accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein from the offerer(s) as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3 That New Hanover County \\ill retain any deposit posted by the offerer(s) when: a. The offer is \\ithdra\\TI after posting the deposit. b The offerer(s) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4 The offerer(s) shall deposit the sum of 5% of the total offer immediately following adoption of this resolution. 5 That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a notice of the offer(s) as required by N c.G.S. 160A-269 Commissioners Chairman . . '" t: 141 ~ 41.~ '".) \12 I ....) 41.) , 37 ,. 0 36 u . = ~35 . - ..:6'5 0' 34 u ~6 .to. , . ____ __..J> 33 .......... .- " ,,' ~o .- ~. ". trI ~~-~ ~=~--~ \:":0 /25q] 1'<f/ ~! -~ ----t'Q , J ., \(~'&6 . --;._--~--- , (I, , . /' 32~ .. ,,0 ----------- "liTI Bog ---2-------- l.,:~ '" -"" ------ 4 ,'0 ,. 7'" 15 '" 1617 fe: . !.33' 2,lJI .. STREET to' u ::. ," ------ ------ iii ... )( ... :so . o ,_ .' ~ ,I'" ..or -'- U,g'7'\6 0-- . ...,.:-,\ ...:..:: 1~/~1\-4 \ ~1 ~ :( CI........ 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" > MAP :;OEX v . ::: ., 14 4lB v " 4 ...'>4 .t . 5 " H'l' (JJ ;;1" .5,.",;;1" la, 6/23;] '" "':), t:::.IC).:j " 3'" "'10 '- : l1.7,~1"':'~0("'~ 20,,,, i2~~ : 3~I;o"'iHI'1 .!/:,I ~: 19 ~ ....9....; ~ IV ~ 16 ...., ".f" ....3 ~,. 7~J: 1",; 16."1 ..0, ,,~ "".e '" RANKIN . . 2rs~ ;:: 19.t1' ~ J IN :;: :;: ~ 4 18 " :;!:J::~ "Z :;: " 5 17 U '65 ~, '" 16 ;::.: ;; z " S,;t.T '" ; OJ t: I" cq~~~,"-I';'l'-'l ....\"., ~\~~j:~4\:;,t~ f.:-''2 :~;]._n '--1,>" ......~-'~.{,\ ,~'i~~~J ... ':I -12 \' .-"'\ ;:.7 . :;"] ... ~- "' ~ ""','?~,~~'- ... _'..~ ... -J,~.-:-.~\-:;.9.:: \ ;.r;a'~ . ..l-7'-"-'-~ - ..118 "': ~\-"l.\o:.o:.~~\\':'~'~l 0.719;\ 5 1 ~ ~ ':'~:0.2II~:9J~ , ... ... oI:z.-:..-:~..\ I;;: C;\.'tS ~ '" 6 I.o.Z .......,~,~;\':"15\ lur r. 2:'3 71~~~~ IT~-: ' 'n ~o .,:. ~s'r'\'-\14 ("I 9 ' I!~ --I"~ ",e ,0 E'~) ..! 1 ~o "'... ~ ~"S 1.... ~:l,~ to ... :;:l '" '" ... STR~ET :-:. to ... '" '" '" ... . " . r r;; . 6 . . " 7 " Si"R~'Ei " . ~ 1.lZ ...\~~ \ ~\ I II -l~~;; 9 __-~--_... ".l !:,I- .... ,,,Z -.II.. "" 165 I I .,. 3 \C,~ . D TO AOJ,~\'11INtl :[C':'10"'S II ... '" '" ll: ... ., '" 6 ,,. 7::8 ~ '" 3'J ',,~: FAN.':ING ~ ~ :: . . . " . . I '0 E2 ~ 19 . 62,,"" :: ". 18 ", " 3 . 10 f7J 4 25] S ~! " ~ " . a ~ : ~ I TITL(~ RL\L PROPERT') . ADVERTISEMENT FOR UPSET BIDS SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF WILMINGTON AND/OR NEW HANOVER COUNTY By resolutions duly adopted by the City Council and the Board of Commissioners, the City and/or County proposes to sell the real property identified as follows: TAX PARCEL NO' R0048-13-019-007.000 DEED BOOK. 1387 DEED PAGE. 0384 DESCRIPTION Vacant parcel 20' x 100' (approx.) ADDRESS. 606 North 8th Street OFFERER. Rugina D Devane AMOUNT OF OFFER. $750 00 All offers are subject to the following terms and conditions: (I) That the offers are unconditional and may not be revoked. (2) That the City and/or County shall retain any deposit posted if any offerer fails to pay the balance due in cash and secure the deed within 10 days of notice. The proposed sale of this property is subject to upset bid. Any person may raise the bid by not less than 10% of the first $1,000 and 5% of the remainder within 10 days of the below date. Upset bids may be in writing and must be delivered to the City Clerk, accompanied by a deposit of 5% of the total increased bid. The City Council and/or the Board of Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all offers at any time. This the 10th day of April, 1997 A. PENELOPE SPICER-SID BURY CITY CLERK LUCIE HARRELL, COUNTY CLERK Published: April 10, 1997 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 12:00 p.m., on the 21st day of February, 1997 at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina., and the following bids were received for provision of transportation services for New Hanover County s Coordinated Transportation System, RFP # 97-0265 Price Without $40,000 Grant Price With $40,000 Grant I Bidder I 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1998-99 Progressive Transportation Services, Inc. $1.25 $125 $1 IS $1 IS per mile per mile per mile per mile Coastal Yellow Cab, Inc. d/b/a $1249 $1249 $1 IS $1 IS Professional Transportation Services per mile per mile per mile per mile Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. $1.53 $1.54 $143 $145 per mile per mile per mile per mile AND WHEREAS, after thorough evaluation the Transportation Committee has determined the proposal from Progressive Transportation Services, Inc. to be the most responsive of the three proposals received and recommends the Board of County Commissioners award contract to Progressive Transportation Services, Inc. AND WHEREAS, the Transportation Committee, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to of Progressive Transportation Services, Inc, the most responsive bidder. AND WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners after reviewing the information have determined that it would be in the best interest of the County to award the bid to Coastal Yellow Cab, Inc. d/b/a Professional Transportation Services; AND WHEREAS, the Assistant to the County Manager will to work with the proposed Coastal Yellow Cab, Inc. d/b/a Professional Transportation Services to finalize contract; any modifications or reductions in price will be listed in the final contract as Exhibit C AND WHEREAS, all charges are paid by each agency utilizing the services and therefore the County will only pay for actual services utilized by participating County departments those various departments will have money appropriate in next year's budget to cover their expenses; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for provision of transportation services for New Hanover County s Coordinated Transportation System, RFP # 97-0265 be awarded to Coastal Yellow Cab, Inc. d/b/a Professional Transportation Services, any negotiated changes in price or service to be listed as Exhibit C in the contract; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 24th day of March, 1997 ~~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~n~//~ . C erk to the Board