1996-05-20 RM Exhibits NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, various meritorious athletic, cultural and social, organizations and associations from time to time solicit funding from New Hanover County for travel engagements; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County can only encourage and acknowledge the very important contributions said groups provide both the County and wider community, but not make tax monies available to fund such travel. NOW, THEREFORE, BET IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners shall not make public monies available to fund travel activities of athletic, cultural and social, organizations and associations. This the 20th day of May, 1996 New Hanover County 1?~M- Robert G Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~/~ C erk to the Board RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the SherilTs Department has four (4) MPH K 55 radar units which are at least ten years old, of which one is inoperable and the remaining three need repair, and would like to declare as surplus these radar units as listed: One Radar Unit MPH K 55 Counter Box Serial # 17083 Antenna Serial # 1708 Two Tuning Forks Serial # 3365 and 2705 One Radar Unit MPH K 55 Counter Box Serial # 21845 Antenna Serial # 21725 Two Tuning Forks Serial # 63037 and 960078 One Radar Unit MPH K 55 Counter Box Serial # 21724 Antenna Serial # 21723 Two Tuning Forks Serial # 3362 and 3442 One Radar Unit MPH K 55 Counter Box Serial # 14185 Antenna Serial # 14186 Two Tuning Forks Serial # 2824 and 62810 AND WHEREAS, the SherilTs Department would like to dispose of the four (4) radar units pursuant to G.S. 160A-267 to West Chatham Warning Devices, of Savannah, Georgia in the amount of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700 (0) NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the sale of four (4) radar units to West Chatham Warning Devices, by the Finance Office pursuant to G.S. 160A-267 in the amount of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700 00) is approved. This 20th day of Mav 1996. ATTEST ~ ~\~ CI . -to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute Section 105-321(f) authorizes the Board of County Commissioners to direct its Tax Assessor and Tax Collector not to collect minimal taxes charged on the tax records and receipts; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost to the County of billing the taxpayer for amounts due on a tax receipt or tax notice exceeds one dollar per billing. NOW, THEREFORE, THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOL YES that the Tax Assessor and Tax Collector shall not bill or otherwise collect taxes from a taxpayer in the amount of one dollar or less. Said minimal taxes of one dollar or less shall not be a lien on such taxpayer's real property This the 20th day of May, 1996 New Hanover County 'iHML Robert G Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~~I,</duA rk to the Board ----- NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 04/30/96 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1995 ----------------------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES ---------- REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS EMS COLLECTIONS AD VALOREM $ 47.630.320015 2.333.678069 106.159064- --------------- $ 49.857.839020 13.345050 43.120074 --------------- $ 49.914.305044 49.135.326096- --------------- $ 778.978048 9B044%* $ 2.463.963085 89.187098 162.999092- --------------- $ 2.390.151091 703.440063- --------------- $ 1.686.711028 29043% APR 1996 103.496069 233075 000 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR CITY OF WILMINGTONj WRIGHTSVILLE BEACHp CAROLINA BEACH TO DATE - $7~.472.1050210 THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY I. ~SPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. ~ /0 '~I ~ 1.\ t~ngV PAtklc<Jf( Jo . tNOR - COLLECTOR 0 REVENUE v CONSENT AGENDA DATE:_________ ITEM NOo______ MOTOR VEHICLE $ 4.367p931077 36.904009 38.699083- --------------- $ 4.366.136003 000 000 $ 4.366.136003 3.509.226078- --------_._----- $ 856.909025 60037%* FISCAL VTD 1p586.260006 12.701063 000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY. BEACH AND KURE 19950 * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96099% CONSENT AGENDA DATE=_________ ITEM NOo______ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 04/30/96 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1995 ----------------------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES AOOEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGEO LISTING PENALTIES CHARGEO TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO OATE OUTSTANOING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES ---------- REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ CHARGES AOOED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 19 19950 ~SPECTFULLY SUBM~)?TED9 Y AtYl (.\ c.. 0, r. "'\l'-LI"'o-V PATRICIA JolRlAYNOR - V COLLECTOR OF REVENUE AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE --------------- $ 1059151024 19138096 993057- $ 190499185.10 519242011 249912035- --------------- $ 190819455052 19020071 ------_._------- $ 190829476023 190679654085- --------------- $ 149821038 98063%* $ 1059896063 000 1059896063 869614047- --------------- $ 199282016 81019%* $ 449813072 29981.84 692068- --------------- $ 479162088 149561024- --------------- $ 329581064 30092% * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 91013% STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA New Hallllover COUlllIty, NC-0140 BEFORE THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF Review of Basic Cable Service Rates FCC 1240 Updating Annual Maximum Permitted Rates filed by Time Warner Cable, Wilmington Division, for New Hanover County, NC-0140 ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER APPROVING FCC 1240 ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT TO BASIC SERVICE TIER RATE BV THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER: WHEREAS, on December 29,1995, Time Warner Cable, Wilmington Division, filed an FCC 1240 Updating Annual Maximum Permitted Rates form for Regulated Cable Services with New Hanover County, NC-0140 Time Warner's filing covers external costs, inflation, cable system upgrade costs, and franchise related costs for the True-up Period, July I, 1995 through December 31, 1995, and the Projected Period, January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1996 WHEREAS, Time Warner Cable is permitted, pursuant to the Social Contract, to estimate and recover anticipated inflation, external costs, and cable system upgrade costs for the period of January I 1996 through December 31, 1996, WHEREAS, on April 19, 1996 the County received a report indicating that Time Warner Cable's February 23 1996 basic service tier rate adjustment was in compliance with Federal Communications Commission methodologies and rules; WHEREAS, FCC rules grant local franchise authorities a 90-day review period, as measured from the date of receipt of said filing by the local franchise authority (LF A), with which to review the cable operator's FCC 1240 filing. If said 90-day review period expires, the County retains refund authority past the initial 90-day review period so long as all inquiries from the cable operator regarding said review are responded to in writing within 15 days of said inquiry. WHEREAS, Time Warner Cable's filing includes cost estimates for the calendar year of 1996, and said estimates may require adjustment in the cable operator's subsequent FCC 1240 filing for 1997, WHEREAS, New Hanover County has authority to regulate basic service tier rates assessed by Time Warner Cable, Wilmington Division, serving franchise NC-0140, New Hanover County; WHEREAS, a discrepancy exists between Time Warner Cable's May 1995 and February 1996 subscriber counts for the New Hanover County franchise area; WHEREAS, a discrepancy exists between the maximum permitted CPST rate calculated by County, and the maximum permitted CPST rate calculated by Time Warner Cable; WHEREAS, Time Warner Cable revised and resubmitted its May FCC 1210 and January 1240 filings (using revised inflation adjustment figures) with the County on February 23, 1996, pursuant to the County's finding in January 1996 that the operator incorporated the incorrect inflation adjustment in its May FCC 1210 and January 1240 filings; WHEREAS, the FCC ordered Time Warner Cable to issue refunds, and or bill credits to subscribers in four North Carolina communities, including those served in the New Hanover County franchise area, NC-O 140, pursuant to the Social Contract. IT IS A FINDING THAT Time Warner Cable has justified the adjustment of its basic service tier rate based on past and anticipated cost elements. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: THAT the maximum permitted basic service tier rate assessed New Hanover County subscribers by Time Warner Cable for the year of 1996 shall be $5.56, subject to subsequent findings by the County that may prove otherwise; TRA T the County retains its authority to issue refunds or rate roll backs after the initial 90-day review period with respect to the restructured rate set out in the 1240 filing. TRA T, Time Warner Cable provide a written explanation to the County within 30 days of receipt of this order, as to the discrepancy between the operator's May 1995 and February 1996, subscriber counts for the New Hanover County franchise, NC-0140; TRA T the County request from Time Warner Cable its plan, pursuant to Paragraph 42 of the Social Contract, to refund, or issue bill credits to subscribers in New Hanover County as listed in Appendix A of the Social Contract; and, THAT the County waive its liability pursuant to the Social Contract to reimburse Time Warner Cable for CPST franchise fee expenses based on CPST charges that are being refunded to subscribers. ISSUED BY ORDER OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER This the cfl4t; day of / 1996. ATTEST CHAIRMAN ?~ Deliver via Certified U.S Mail to Extra copy to. Time Warner Cable Action Audits County of New Hanover Customer Service Standards for Cable TelecommUnICatIOn ProvIders I Subscriber Privacy In accordance with Section 631 of the Federal Cable Act of 1984, the grantee shall abide by the provisions of the Act; and no less than annually, provide notice in the form of a separate written statement to customers stating the privacy provisions of the Act. 2. Employee Identification When calling in person on customers or other residents, all employees or authorized representatives of the grantee, including subcontractors, are required to display an employee identification card with their name, photograph and signature, and a telephone number that can be used for verification of the representative's capacity with the grantee. All vehicles, including subcontractors, shall display the name of the cable- telecommunication grantee and a local telephone number in easily distinguishable alpha numeric characters. The telephone number is to enable local residents to call and verify the validity of personnel, vehicles and other major equipment operated by or subcontracted to the grantee. 3 Office and Telephone Availability A. Knowledgeable, qualified grantee representatives shall be available to respond to customer telephone inquiries Monday through Friday during normal business hours. If community warrant, grantee shall staff customer service telephones during evenings and/or weekends. B Under normal operating conditions, telephone response time by a customer service representative, including wait time required to transfer the call, shall not exceed 30 seconds. This standard shall be met no less than ninety percent [90%] of the time, measured on an annual basis. C Under normal operating conditions, the customer shall receive a busy signal less than three percent of the total time the grantee's office is open for business. D Customer service center and bill payment locations shall be open for transactions Monday through Friday during normal business hours. If community needs warrant, grantee shall staff customer service telephones during evenings and/or weekends. I E. Each franchisee shall be responsible for adopting, publishing and implementing customer complaint resolution policies. Resultant procedures shall be designed to settle customer complaints in a timely and satisfactory manner The location and address of the grantee's business office shall be provided. F The grantee's customer service practices shall include acceptance of: a) repair requests by telephone twenty-four (24) hours each day seven (7) days each week; and, b) service and repair requests at the grantee's business office from 8.00 a.m. until 7.00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on Saturday 4 Installations, Outage and Service Calls Under normal operating conditions, each of the following standards shall be met no less than ninety-five [95%] of the time measured annually at the end ofa calendar year A. Standard installations shall be completed within seven business days following the placement of a customer's order "Standard" installation are defined as "those that are located up to 125 feet from the existing distribution system." [Section 76.309(c)(2)(i) or the FCC Commission's regulations) B The Grantor extends the installation range to 200 feet for schools and public facilities located within 200 feet from the grantee's existing distribution system. C. Excluding those situations beyond the control of the grantee, the grantee shall respond to service interruptions promptly No later than 24 hours after the interruption becomes known to the grantee. Grantee must initiate action to remedy service problems unrelated to an outage the next business day D The appointment window alternatives for installations, service calls, and other installation activities shall be ( a) morning, (b) afternoon, or (c) evening. If community needs warrant, the grantee shall schedule supplemental hours during which appointments can be scheduled. E. If, at any time an installer or technician is thirty (30) minutes or more behind schedule, the grantee shall endeavor to contact the customer If necessary the appointment shall be rescheduled at a time convenient to the customer F The grantee shall render efficient service, make repairs promptly interrupt service only for good cause for the shortest period possible. Insofar as possible, interruptions outside the period from midnight to 6 a.m., shall be preceded by notice to customers on a barker channel, a text or program promotion channel. G The grantee's customer service representatives, in lieu of answering devices, shall be available to receive customer calls twenty-four (24) hours per day and respond 2 to all customer requests until 10'00 p.m. weekdays. After 10'00 p.m., the grantee may dispatch service technicians after three (3) or more complaints have been filed by customers served by a common cable-telecommunication system. 5 Communication, Statements, Refunds, and Credits A. The grantee shall provide the following printed information at the time of installation and thereafter upon request by a customer seeking an explanation regarding: * * * * * * the range of products offered; bundled or packaged service options offered and the cost for each; installation cost schedules; the grantee's service policies and practices; the use of terminal equipment; and, the use of services and how to access them. B Statements [billing] statements shall be clear, concise and understandable. The itemized charges identified on the customer's statement and the total charge for service must include all fees and costs. The grantee shall print the Grantor's name, address and telephone number on each statement. C Refund checks shall be issued promptly following the return of leased terminal equipment. Refund checks shall be issued no later than the earlier of 45 days following the return ofleased equipment, or the end of the customer's next billing cycle. D The grantee shall provide written notification to its customers 30 days prior of any program service charge, program service alteration or channel line-up modification initiated by the grantee. E. Outage credit granted automatically to customers as follows: Should grantee fail to correct a service problem, other than a service interruption, within 24 hours after having been provided notice, grantee shall credit 1I30th of the monthly charge for the affected tier or premium service program to the customer for each 24 hour period, or fraction thereof, following the first 24 hour period during which the customer experiences reduced service. F Late fees shall not be assessed earlier than 30 days past the billing cycle due date. 3 6 Complaint - Appeals A. Upon notification by a customer of an unresolved complaint, the Grantor shall determine the facts of the complaint by obtaining information from the customer and the grantee; and shall act to resolve the complaint in a manner consistent with its regulatory and fiduciary authority B The customer may register a complaint with the Grantor regarding grantee's service, installation or terminal equipment lease rates. The Grantor may file a formal complaint with the Federal Communications Commission in the complainant's behalf in accordance with the Telecommunications Act of 1995 concerning an increase in rates for cable programming services after such increase becomes effective and if it receives subscriber complaints. [Section 301 CABLE ACT REFORM. (3) of the Telecommunications Act of 1995] ADOPTED THIS THE 20th DAY OF MAY 1996 ATTEST BY Qif-' 'if ~ (.I.E 1% erk 1?Jj~ Robert G. Greer Chairman , / & /96 4 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description MAYPOP COURT IN RIVER OAKS SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution commissioners of the County of 20TH day of MAY IAJ.fTTNESS my hand and official ~/ , 1996 a was duly adopted by the Board New Hanover at a meeting on the , 1996 of seal this the ~~ day of Lu ie F Harre 1, Clerk New an over County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Please Note Highways resolute wp Forward direct to the District Engineer, Division of NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description MAYPOP COURT IN RIVER OAKS SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution Commissioners of the County of 20TH day of MAY was duly adopted by the Board New Hanover at a meeting on the , 1996 of NESS my hand and official seal this the ~~ , 1996 day of a,~,<;/YLJA Lucie F Harrell, Clerk Ne~Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Please Note Highways resolute wp Forward direct to the District Engineer, Division of , NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina if County of C:!... EJ.-J 1:-( t4rJauefL Petition request for (check one) Addition to State System (~ Paving ( ) Maintenance Improvement ( ) We the undersigned, being property owners on My}'1 foP ColII'Li itJ ItJevL OA-/LS :'3U/3iJllJ($lu,<I (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number in Ew fMJoviYL County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to 14-0D the above-described road We further advise that the road requested to in length and at the present time there are ~ the road and having entrances into the road nDD is (),o3 miles occupied homes located on Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways a right-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable NAME PROPERTY OWNERS MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The should contact the first petitioner listed below -1(- &;d~ ,k<'S"o..v ~ d \ ~ , Revised Form SR-l (5-83) All previous forms obsolete L!AV Q 7 1916 NEW HANOVER CO, BD. OF COMMISSlON~ r-----