1985-11-18 Water & Sewer I I I 75 MfN6I~g-u~~NOVER COUNTY WATER A~EWER DISTRICT , A SEJIIIBLY The New Hanover County Water and Sewer District met in R gular Session on November 18, 1985, at 1 34 o'clock P.M. in the A sembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut S reet, Wilmington, North Carolina District Members present were Commissioners John Dolan; F ed Retchin; Nolan O'Neal; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr; C airman Claud O'Shields, Jr; County Manager, G Felix Cooper; C unty Attorney, Robert W Pope; and Clerk to the District, Lucie F Harrell Chairman O'Shields called the meeting to order U DATE ON STATUS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY SEWER PLAN Engineering Director Hilton gave a film presentation on the s atus of the New Hanover County Sewer Plan. He gave background i formation on the development of the 201 Facilities Plan and p ogress since its conception Director Hilton explained th f nding of the project through the bond issue giving a d scription of Phase I, which is broken down into four areas, and P ase II of the system. He stated bids had been awarded for Area I of Phase I with construction beginning November 1, 1985 After a period of discussion, Chairman 0' Shields expresse a preciation to Engineering Director Hilton for the informativ p esentation County Manager Cooper commented on the need fo a additional accounting position in the administrative area i t e near future He stated he would be presenting som e penditures within the next month for the Water and Sewe D strict PROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEW HANOVER COUNT W TER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND THE TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH FO W LMINGTON BEACH PUMPING STATION Engineering Director Hilton requested approval of a endment to the agreement between New Hanover County Water S wer District and the Town of Carolina Beach allowing th W lmington Beach pumping station loan to be paid off through use f es collected. Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairma B rfield to approve the amendment to the agreement allowin C rolina Beach to pay the loan for the Wilmington Beach Pump in S at ion through user fees collected Upon vote, the MOTIO C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY 76 MTMnTli:ll ClIi' REGUlAR MEETINC, NO'.'JSfWtm 18, 19t1:> (COlllI.LI\1U],;f:}) r ,_ = ARD OF SEWER CONNECTION CONTRACTS AND APPROVAL OF BUDGE NDMENT - SEAGATE SEWER PROJECT Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairma rfie1d to award the Seagate Sewer Connection Contracts to th w bidder, Goodyear Mechanical Contractors, in the amount 0 97,671.50 and authorize the Chairman to execute the contract ter review by the County Attorney Upon vote, the MOTIO RRIED UNANIMOUSLY Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairma rfield to approve the following Budget Amendment to transfe nds to the Seagate Capital Project to allow construction of th use service connections Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIE ANIMOUSLY -00000100 - Engineering/Seagate Sewer System erating Transfers In General Contractor Debit $197,700 Credit $197,700 Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ~ JOURNMENT Commissioner Retchin MOVED, B rfie1d to adjourn the meeting U ANIMOUSLY SECONDED by Vice-Chairma Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIE Chairman O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 12 55 o'c1oc P M Respectfully submitted, ~Vy~ Lucie F Harrell Clerk