1992-05-22 Budget Work Session ~ MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MAY 22, 1992 PAGE 9 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Budget Work Session on Friday, May 22, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. .\ Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Fred Retchin; William H. Sutton; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Mathews welcomed all persons present and called the meeting to order. PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS FY 1992-93 BUDGET REQUEST The requested funding by the New Hanover County Schools for FY 1992-93 was $20,219,100 of general fund dollars with recommended funding of $19,270,386 for a difference of $948,714. Chairman of the Board of Education, Ann King, expressed appreciation for the opportunity to appear before the Board of County Commissioners to comment on the FY 1992-93 Budget Request. Appreciation was expressed for continued support of the schools and the cooperative working relationship between the Board of Education and County Commissioners. . Superintendent of Schools, Tom McNeel, expressed appreciation to the County staff, particularly, County Manager, Allen O'Neal; Budget Director, Cam McAbee; and Finance Director, Andrew J. Atkinson, for their assistance and cooperation throughout the year and during the FY 1992-93 budget process. He stated the recommended budget for FY 1992-93 is acceptable. The following reports were presented: -1992-93 Current Expense Operating Budget -1992-93 Capital Outlay Budget -Comparative 1990-91 Financial/Educational Data Numerous reorganizations have occurred to reduce the FY 1992- 93 School Budget. The number of top administrators has been reduced from 6-4 in the past two years and two (2) Assistant Superintendents positions have been cut as well as the Staff Developer position. Emphasis was placed on fulfilling the New Hanover County School Mission Statement, which is to be among the best school systems in the southeastern United States. . Discussion was held on the importance of providing fire alarm and safety equipment to all schools. Also, discussion was held on the program needs versus space needs and the proposed State billion dollar bond issue. Dr. McNeel stated passage of the bond issue will be most beneficial to all schools throughout North Carolina; however, this funding will not resolve all needs. Emphasis was placed on the importance of providing a proper learning environment with enough space to maintain a lower number of students per class as well as providing properly heated and cooled classrooms. New materials, technology, and programs are certainly essential, but facilities must be conducive to the learning environment. Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to Superintendent McNeel for an excellent presentation. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE LT. GOVERNOR'S PROPOSAL TO ELIMINATE THE STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION FUND AND THE CRITICAL NEEDS SCHOOL FUND County Manager O'Neal presented a memorandum from the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners expressing concern for j ( MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MAY 22,1992 PAGE 10 a proposal from the Lt. Governor that would eliminate the state Public School Construction Fund, the critical Needs School Fund, and place before the voters a State school bond referendum for an unspecified sum in November. The Board was requested to adopt a resolution opposing this proposal since elimination of these funds will result in a local property tax increase. Motion: After discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sutton to prepare a resolution strongly opposing this action and forward copies to the local legislative delegation and N. C. Association of County Commissioners. () A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XX, Page 1. PRESENTATION OF DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FY 1992-93 BUDGET REQUEST The requested funding by the Department of Social Services for FY 1992-93 was $8,360,641 of general fund dollars with recommended funding of $8,350,876 representing a difference of $9,765. Mr. Francis Foy, Chairman of the Board of Social services, expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for funding support, and stated the recommended budget is acceptable. Concern was expressed for not including the Merit Program in the FY 1992-93 Budget, particularly with the additional work created by the increase in the number of clients receiving public assistance. The Commissioners were requested to reconsider inclusion of merit increments since many employees did not receive an increase with implementation of the new Pay and Classification Plan. Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to the DSS Board and staff for the budget presentation. o PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT FY 1992-93 BUDGET REQUEST The requested funding by the Health Department was $3,321,522 for FY 1992-93 with recommended funding of $3,349,954 representing a difference of $28,432. Dr. Michael Goins, Chairman of the Board of Health, commented on the importance of preventative health programs and expressed concern for the reduction of these programs. Due to a lack of funds, the Cancer screening Clinic has been eliminated, the foreign travel immunization program has been eliminated, one Animal Control position has been eliminated, fees have been raised in the Animal Control and Environmental Health Division, and the Health Department is not serving out-of-county patients. The Health Department has reduced the FY 1992-93 Budget Request by $11,000. Concern was expressed for the reduction of staff and the lack of merit increments for employees during FY 1992-93. Emphasis was placed on the fact that many long-term employees, who are valued workers that carry out the health programs, did not receive an increase with implementation of the new pay plan and feel there will be no future pay increases. . Health Director, Bob Parker, commented on the Communicable Disease Programs, particularly sexually transmitted diseases, and stated these diseases are rampant. Emphasis was placed on providing preventative programs and staff to combat these diseases. () Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to Dr. Goins and Health Director Parker for the budget presentation. PRESENTATION OF THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FY 1992-93 BUDGET REQUEST The requested funding by the Sheriff's Department was $8,993,412 with recommended funding of $8,935,353 representing a difference of $58,059. l "- '~I ~ $1':... ,MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MAY 22, 1992 PAGE 11 Sheriff Joe McQueen stated the department can operate on the County Manager's recommended budget; however, the following new positions are needed to operate the newly expanded jail and 911 Center: . 10 additional deputies 1 full-time cook 1 utility position 3 dispatcher positions Captain L. P. Hayes stated currently the new 911 Center is operating with 6 dispatch positions and 3 call-taker positions. At this level of staffing, it is impossible to operate the new facility without 3 additional dispatcher positions. 911 dispatch personnel work 24 hour shifts. At the present time, there are 18 total dispatchers and 3 administrative personnel. At this level of staffing, no breaks are allowed, meals are taken at consoles, and one console is not manned. with the new equipment and increase in the workflow, it is imperative that additional dispatchers be hired. Commissioner Retchin commented on the fifty-cent telephone surcharge and inquired as to whether these funds have been appropriated and if not, could they be used for hiring additional personnel? Budget Officer McAbee stated no funds from the surcharge have been appropriated; therefore, these funds could be utilized for new positions. . In summary, Sheriff McQueen expressed concern for the many employees who did not receive a pay increase with implementation of the new Pay and Classification Plan and requested that merit increments be included in the FY 1992-93 Budget. Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to Sheriff McQueen and Captain Hayes for the budget presentation. A.M. BREAK Chairman Mathews called a break from 10:03 A.M. until 10:15 PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Airport Director, Bob Kemp, stated the Airport Authority is satisfied with the recommended FY 1992-93 Budget and complimented the County Manager and Budget Staff for their assistance and cooperation during the budget process. Vice-Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to the Airport Director for submitting a reduced budget. Director Kemp stated the implementation of the passenger facility fee is one of the primary reasons for the reduced budget. . Commissioner Retchin commented on other airports not electing to impose the passenger facility fee and inquired as to the percentage of airports imposing this fee? Airport Director Kemp stated 25% of airports will charge the fee. Chairman Mathews inquired as to the most serious problem being experienced at the Airport. Director Kemp stated new sources of revenue must be generated in order to become independent. Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to Director Kemp for an excellent report and budget presentation. PRESENTATION OF CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FY 1992-93 BUDGET REQUEST Mr. Franklin Williams, Chairman of the Cape Fear Community J MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MAY 22, 1992 PAGE 12 College Board of Trustees, expressed appreciation to the County Commissioners for past and continued funding support and stated the College is pleased with the recommended FY 1992-93 funding request. Emphasis was placed on the importance of Cape Fear Community College to the community, particularly with the many courses offered in the vocational field. Many students, who opt not to obtain a 4-year college degree, are given an opportunity to learn a skill that will qualify them for good paying jobs and at the same time provide well trained employees for local industry. o Dr. Richard Conrath, President of Cape Fear Community College, expressed appreciation for support of the Community College and presented an update on the current and future activities of the college. Emphasis was placed on the critical need for additional space with the growing enrollment. County Manager O'Neal expressed appreciation to Dr. Conrath and the Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees for their cooperative working relationship. Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation for the status report and budget presentation. DISCUSSION OF PERFORMANCE BOND REQUIREMENT FOR CONTRACTORS Deputy County Manager Gornto stated after discussion with the Executive Secretary of the New Hanover/Wilmington Insurance Advisory Board, the following conclusions were drawn: -An insurance agent cannot write a letter certifying that a Performance Bond will be is~ued for a contractor until the time of bonding, when financial records are examined. -The bid bond or 5% cash of the work to be performed could be considered in lieu of a financial statement. For example, if a contractor is awarded the bid and they are unable to enter into the contract, the bid amount would be forfeited plus the bid costs incurred in awarding the bid to the next lowest bidder. () After review, Staff would recommend requiring an audit, compilation, or review as preformed by a Certified Public Accounting firm since the contractor will have to provide financial information in order to obtain a performance bond. The County does not require the performance bond until the bid is awarded. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to approve the plan as submitted by the Deputy County Manager. DISCUSSION OF NEW PAY AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN Commissioner Sutton commented on the number of employees who did not receive an increase with implementation of the new Pay and Classification Plan and stated this is a matter of concern to many employees. Emphasis was placed on the need to pay employees performing above the expected level, and staff was requested to check into the following items: (1) prepare figures on the cost of providing a 2-3% merit increase in the FY 1992-93 Budget, if funds become available, and (2) notify County employees that the Merit Program will not be discontinued. () County Manager O'Neal stated the cost of a 1% merit increment would be approximately $800,000; however, the Commissioners may wish to include some form of a merit increment for the last six months of the 1992-93 fiscal year. Staff will be glad to prepare figures with monitoring of revenues and expenditures. The Board will be informed on the availability of funds. commissioner Barfield and Commissioner Sutton expressed concern for the morale of long-term employees and stated if any \ ~ -:>it. , ~ .f ~ ...~l. MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MAY 22, 1992 PAGE 13 merit increments can be implemented during FY 1992-93, they would be most supportive of this proposal. STATUS REPORT ON THE U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, reported after review of the proposed U. S. Geological Survey study of the County aquifer system, it is felt that the study is too costly and encompasses more than needed. . Staff recommends that a Groundwater Study for New Hanover County be developed in cooperation with State officials knowledgeable in this area. A Request for Proposals (RFP) can be developed determining the scope of the study. Once completed, the RFP will be mailed to vendors for a cost estimate which will allow the County to determine the cost involved. C9mmissioner Retchin commented on the information already compiled and recommended preparing a report based on this information. Discussion was held on the possibility of the County developing a water system and the importance of protecting the County's groundwater from contamination. Commissioner Sutton emphasized the importance of beginning with a planning mode and recommended researching the most feasible way to obtain information for a groundwater study. Motion: After further discussion, Commissioner Sutton MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to authorize Staff to proceed with development of a Request for Proposals for protection of the groundwater supply. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . REPORT ON CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS PERFORMANCE OF A CASTLE HAYNE AQUIFER STUDY Commissioner Retchin stated the Cape Governments has re-entered a grant request for the Castle Hayne Aquifer. GRANT REQUEST FOR Fear Council of a study to protect Vice-Chairman Greer recommended ]olning with the Council of Governments in performance of a study on the Castle Hayne Aquifer Study along with our proposed groundwater study, if the grant is awarded. INVITATION BY N. C. FOREST SERVICE Chairman Mathews stated The N. C. Forest Service has requested the Commissioners to attend a tour at Takeda Chemical on June 18, 1992. Consensus: After review of this date, it was the consensus of the Board to request the Forest Service to schedule the tour on another date. . Chairman Mathews encouraged the Commissioners to attend events of this type, particularly when companies have spent a considerable amount of time organizing the tour. He expressed disappointment for only two Commissioners attending the tour of the Brunswick Nuclear Plant. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 11:25 A.M. Respectfully submitted, ~;C~ Clerk to the Board j