1992-06-01 Regular Meeting . . . ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 14 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, June 1, 1992, at 6:30 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Fred Retchin; William H. Sutton; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Mathews called the meeting to order and welcomed all persons present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell, gave the invocation. Captain C. Donald Zearfoss led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Mathews asked if anyone from the general public would like to present an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or comment on an item listed on the Consent Agenda. The following item was presented. Discussion of Regulations Governing community Marinas Mr. Conrad Lowman, representing concerned residents in Porters Neck, commented on the rapid growth of New Hanover County and expressed concern for regulations to protect the water quality of the County's creeks and waterways. Water quality has deteriorated to the point that all creeks are closed to shellfishing. Part of this problem has come from poorly planned boating accesses. Residents from Hewlett's Creek, Howe Creek, and Porters Neck have voiced their opinion about the need to clean up the creeks. Due to CAMA's inability to thoroughly address each permit requested, the County should adopt regulations that will allow for all questions to be answered before a boating and dock access permit is approved. The Commissioners were requested to require issuance of a special use permit for boating and dock access to waters throughout the County. Further discussion was held on the intrusion of boating and dock access in well established neighborhoods. The Commissioners were requested to review County Zoning Regulations to ensure protection of these communities, particularly when parking accommodations are provided. Motion: After further discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED to request the Planning Commission to prepare an ordinance requiring a special use permit for location of community marinas. The floor was opened for discussion. A lengthy discussion was held on the need to study current County regulations governing the location of community marinas. Emphasis was placed on the importance of protecting neighborhoods as well as providing public access to the waterways. It was agreed that this issue must be further studied by the Planning commission before making a decision. Motion withdrawn: Chairman Retchin withdrew the MOTION. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request the Planning commission to study current County regulations governing the location of community marinas and prepare a recommendation that will provide better protection to residential neighborhoods from the intrusion of boating and dock access. / ~ ( I I l MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 15 APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Commissioner Sutton MOVED, SECONDED by Barfield to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. commissioner Upon vote, CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved the following minutes as presented by the Clerk to the Board: () Work Session - April 21, 1992 Joint City/County Work Session - May 13, 1992 Regular Meeting - May 18, 1992 Appointment of Teresa Diliah Goldston to Serve on the Nursing Home Advisory Committee The Commissioners appointed Teresa Diliah Goldston, nominated and recommended by the Nursing Home Administrators, to serve a one- year initial term on the Nursing Home Advisory Committee. Adoption of Resolutions Adding Roads to the State Highway System The Commissioners adopted resolutions adding Whitehurst Drive, Scout Camp Hatila Road and roads in Whisper Creek Subdivision to the State Highway System. Copies of the resolutions are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XX, Page 1. Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0200 - Department of Social Services The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: o 92-0200 Non-Departmental/DSS/Medicaid Debit Credit Non-Departmental Contingency $50,000 DSS/Medicaid Assistance Payments $50,000- Purpose: To transfer funds from Contingency for additional Medicaid expenses due to case load being greater than anticipated. Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0197 - co,operative Extension Service The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 92-0197 cooperative Extension Service Debit Credit Cooperative Extension Service contribution $620 Capital Outlay - Equipment $620 o Purpose: To budget contribution from three extension groups for the purchase of a camcorder for the Cooperative Extension Service. Budget Amendment #92-0180 Reported for Entry Into the Minutes The following Budget Amendment was reported for entry into the minutes: 92-0180 Non-Departmental/outsideAgencies/cultural' Recreational Debit Credit Non-Departmental . . . ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 16 contingency $750 Debit Credit outside Aqencies/Cultural & Recreational Military Affairs Committee $750 Purpose: To budget an additional contribution to the Military Affairs Committee for the purpose of providing receptions and recreational/educational events as approved by the Board of County Commissioners on April 21, 1992. Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0199 - Department of Social services The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 92-0199 DSS/Administration/state' AFDC Foster Home/Title XIX - Medical Transport DSS/Administration Administrative Grants Debit Credit $21,308 $33,280 $54,588 state revenues (year-end DSS/State & AFDC Foster Home AFDC Foster Care DSS/Title XIX - Medical Transport Medical Transportation Purpose: To budget additional amendments) . Award of Bid #92-0414 (Contract #92-0414) to Piedmont Reprographics, Inc. - Tax Department The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding the bid to Piedmont Reprographics, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $39,999 for the purchase of a color electrostatic plotter for the Tax Department. The Chairman was authorized to execute the contract documents. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XX, Page 1. Award of Bid #92-0417 (Contract #92-0417) to CompuCom Systems for the Purchase of Microcomputer Equipment for Various Departments The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding the bid to CompuCom Systems, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $79,316.01 for the purchase of microcomputer equipment for various departments. The Chairman was authorized to execute the contract documents. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XX, Page 1. ADOPTION OF PROCLAMATION DECLARING JUNE 7-13, 1992, AS "NATIONAL SAFE BOATING WEEK" IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman Mathews introduced and read a proclamation declaring June 7-13, 1992, as "National Safe Boating Week" in New Hanover County. Motion: commissioner Sutton MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to adopt the proclamation as read declaring the week of June 7-13, 1992, as "National Safe Boating Week" in New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . - Chairman Mathews, on behalf of the Board, presented the proclamation to C. Donald Zearfoss, Past Commander of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. ~ ~ / MINUTES OF REGULAR AND. CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 11 A copy of the proclamation is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XX, Page 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON RECOMMENDED FY 1992-93 BUDGET FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT Chairman Mathews stated public notice has been given that a Public Hearing would be held to allow the general public to comment on the recommended FY 1992-93 Budget for New Hanover County and the New Hanover County Fire District. Persons were requested to limit remarks to three minutes. Chairman Mathews opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone present would like to comment. The following persons commented: Funding Request by the Katie B. Hines Senior Center Ms. Jean O'Dell, President of the Katie B. Hines Senior Center, requested approval of a funding request in the amount of $4,000 to cover an increase in electricity. The Center's account has changed from a small general service account to a medium general service account causing monthly electric bills to greatly increase. Emphasis was placed on the services rendered by the Katie B. Hines Senior Center to the elderly including mobile meals per day, exercise classes, health..clinics, and the administration of other programs. Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation for the services being rendered by the Katie B. Hines Senior Center and stated this funding request.will be reviewed when final budget decisions are rendered. Funding Request by community Development corporation Ms. Allene Drain, representing the Community Development Corporation, presented a funding request in the amount of $25,000 for establishment of a small business incubator to serve Wilmington and New Hanover County for the purpose of creating jobs for low income persons. A $125,000 grant from the N. C. Technological Development Authority and a loan of $75,000 from Nationsbank has enabled the Community Development Corporation to purchase a site for the incubator in the Hilton Industrial Park. In order to meet the local match, the Commissioners are requested to participate by funding $25,000 for the project. The City and State have joined in funding of this project, and it is hoped that New Hanover County will do the same. If the County is not able to fund the entire amount, any amount of funding will be appreciated. Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to Ms. Drain for the presentation and stated this funding request will be reviewed when final budget decisions are rendered. Funding Request by the Yahweh Center Mr. Michael Weirth, a member of the Board of Directors of the Yahweh Center commented on the services provided by the center and stressed the importance of structured family intervention in-house service, which is the only program of this type in the community. The Yahweh Center provides services that will allow families to reunite and live without child abuse or neglect. The Commissioners were requested to approve a funding request in the amount of $15,000. commissioner Sutton requested clarification of proposed state funding? Ms. Carla Roberts, Director of the Yahweh Center, stated the Center is not presently eligible to receive grant funding from the State; however, next year the Yahweh Center will be included as one of eight other agencies that will be eligible to' receive state funds. Hopefully funds will be received during' FY 1993-94; however, funds are desperately needed to keep the Center open until State grant funds are received. "'- o n o ~, 1 ~ ~ , MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 18 Discussion was held on the solicitation of funds and the number of children handled through the center. Ms. Roberts stated eleven children from New Hanover County were served last year for the length of time needed to provide services and treatment to the children and families. . Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation for the presentation and stated this budget request will be reviewed when final decisions are rendered. Update on Activities of st. John's Museum Mr. Rebecca Laymon, a member of the st. John's Museum Board of Directors, expressed appreciation for past and continued funding of st. John's Museum. Last year 50,000 people enjoyed the museum with visits from all 5th graders in New Hanover County. Educational programs were administered in the schools and over 20,000 adults and children participated in an art program with art exhibits featured from the work of school children grades 1-12. Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation for the status report. . Funding Request by the citizens Association of Retarded Children Ms. Lisa Poteat, Director of the citizens Association of Retarded Children, commented on being late for the budgetary process and requested funding in the amount of $5,400, which is 90% of the funds appropriated by the County for FY 1991-92. The program provides intense one-on-one job training skills to retarded citizens in order to allow these citizens to become employed. The Association has been offered an opportunity to enter into an agreement with the Vocational Rehabilitation Center to provide long term support (6-9 months) of these clients with reimbursement of these services from the Vocational Rehabilitation Center. Discussion was held on how clients are referred to the ci tizens Association of Retarded Children. Ms. Poteat stated clients are referred from the Department of Social Services, New Hanover Schools, the Sheltered Workshop, KEYS, churches and family members who have heard about the program. Further discussion was held on the need for the program to develop a working relationship with the Southeastern Center in order to identify needs and assist the administrator with obtaining State funds. Ms. Poteat expressed a desire to develop this type of relationship but expressed concern for the Southeastern Center not providing this type of service. Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to Ms. Poteat for the presentation and stated this budget request will be reviewed when final decisions are rendered. . Funding Appropriation for Veterans Council Mr. Tom Townsend, Secretary of the New Hanover County Veterans Council, expressed appreciation for the funding appropriation of $20,000 to the Veterans Council for FY 1992-93, but expressed concern for receiving funds to administer veterans benefits either through the State District Office or through the Veterans Council. He requested, instead, establishment of a County Veterans Office with the hiring of a Veterans Service Officer to process claims for New Hanover County veterans. commissioner Barfield reported on conversations with the District.Office and stated if funds are available to hire a staff person for processing of New Hanover County Veterans benefits, the District Office will furnish the space and administer the program. He recommended that the. Veterans Council work with the State District Office in utilizing the $20,000 funding appropriation for administering the needs of County veterans. Vice-Chairman Greer expressed concern for the County opening ~ ~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 19 an office when the state and federal governments are responsible for the administration of the Veterans Program. Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to Mr. Townsend for the presentation and stated this request will be considered when final budget decisions are rendered. There being no other comments from the general public, Chairman Mathews closed the Public Hearing. () MEETING RECESSED TO HOLD A REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER , SEWER DISTRICT Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to convene from Regular Session to hold a meeting of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews convened from Regular Session at 7:40 P.M. Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sutton to reconvene to Regular Session. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews reconvened to Regular Session at 7:45 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INSTALLMENT PURCHASE CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWO PRIVATELY OWNED SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEMS Chairman Mathews stated public notice was given on May 19, 1992, that a Public Hearing would be held on June 1, 1992, at 6:30 P.M. to consider adoption of a resolution approving an installment purchase contract for the purchase of two privately owned sewage collection systems owned by Cape Fear utilities Company, Inc. and Masonboro utilities Company, Inc. () County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, reported an agreement has been reached to purchase two sewage collection systems at a purchase price of $753,872 through an installment purchase contract with the owners. The County will be obligated to repay an amount financed at a fixed annual interest rate of 6.5% over a 10-year term of 120 consecutive monthly payments of approximately $7,708 for an amount financed of $753,872 with an annual payment of approximately $92,496 for a total payment of $1,000,000. Income from the systems is estimated to be $27,432 monthly. Chairman Mathews opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone present would like to comment. The following remarks were received: Mr. Joseph Wrightblood inquired as to whether bonds would be issued to repay the loan, and if so, would the Board consider issuing revenue bonds since the taxpayers are already repaying obligation bonds for the County Sewer System. County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated revenues generated from the systems will repay the installment loan. () There being no further public comments, chairman Mathews closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Barfield introduced the resolution and MOVED, SECONDED by commissioner Sutton to adopt the resolution approving an installment purchase contract for the purchase of two privately owned sewage collection systems owned by Cape Fear "utilities Company, Inc. and Masonboro utilities Company, Inc. Upon vote, "the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . . . ? ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 20 A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XX, Page 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CLOSE AN UNNAMED ROAD IN EASTWIND SUBDIVISION (SC-56, 7/92) Chairman Mathews opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, presented a Resolution of Intent calling for a Public Hearing to consider closing an unnamed road in Eastwind Subdivision. The road located southeast of its intersection with Eastwind Road in Eastwind Subdivision contains a 60 foot unimproved right-of-way. This road stub has a length of 335 feet. Unfortunately, plans to extend or connect this road stub to Surrey Downs Court did not materialize; therefore, the Planning Staff recommends adoption of the resolution. Chairman Mathews asked if anyone from the general public would like to comment. No comments were received. Chairman Mathews closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Sutton MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to adopt the Resolution of Intent to hold a Public Hearing on July 6, 1992, at 7:30 P.M. to consider closing this unnamed road in Eastwind Subdivision. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Resolution of Intent is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XX, Page 2. DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATE TO THE 1992 ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to designate Chairman Mathews as the voting delegate to the 1992 Annual Conference of the National Association of Counties. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BREAK Chairman Mathews called a break from 8:45 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A TEXT AMENDMENT FOR ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS FOR SITING OF MOBILE HOMES IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman Mathews opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, stated the Planning Commission first considered the possibility of requiring a special use permit for mobile homes on individually owned lots. After estimating the number of special use permits that could be generated by this requirement and the additional public meetings and additional administrative process, the Planning Commission concluded that regulating mobile homes on an individual lot basis would create far more problems that it would solve. It was generally agreed that individual lots had been purchased with the expectation that a mobile home could be placed on the site; therefore, imposing a special use permit would be unfair. After considering mak.ing no changes to the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission then decided that some form of protection should be provided for well established traditional single-family neighborhoods without compromising the need to provide a variety of affordable housing-in the County. After. study and review, the Planning commission decided to establish a "mobile home subdivision" category and to require a special use permit. It was felt that this process would enable the County to better regulate ~ (-~ l I MINUTES OF REGULAR AND. CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 21 the transition between land uses and to ensure general compatibili ty with surrounding land uses. This approach would not affect mobile homes on individually owned platted lots. The recommendation is as follows: Amend Table of Permitted Uses Mobile Home Subdivision R-20 S R-15 S R-10 S AR S RA S () Add definition of Mobile Home Subdivision: 23-99 Mobile Home Subdivision Any new development consisting of three or more contiguous lots for the purpose of locating mobile homes as defined in section 23.8 and which is designed and approved pursuant to the New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance. Chairman Mathews asked if anyone from the general public would like to comment on the proposed Text Amendment. No public comments were received. Chairman Mathews closed the Public Hearing. Discussion was held on the purpose of the proposed Text Amendment. Planning Director Hayes stated the proposed Text Amendment will provide more control for three or more units. Doublewides on a permanent foundation will not be affected, only singlewides and doublewides that are not on a permanent foundation. The amendment will address some of the concerns expressed by residents fearing the location of mobile homes in well established subdivisions. r:) Chairman Mathews suggested the possibility of establishing appearance standards for mobile homes that will not greatly increase the cost. Planning Director Hayes stated the Planning Commission will be glad to study and prepare a recommendation. Motion: After a lengthy discussion of the new classification and the need to better control clustering of three or more mobile home units in a new subdivision, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve the Text Amendment as recommended by the Planning commission. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the ordinance is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XX, Page 2. APPEAL HEARING FOR GEORGIA PLACE SUBDIVISION ON NAVAHO TRAIL (SA- 13, 5/92) Attorney George Rountree, representing the appellant, Nathan Sanders, stated his client is willing to offer two proposals to the residents of Lansdowne in an effort to resolve the appeal. He requested 10-15 minutes to discuss these offers with the residents of Lansdowne and their attorney, Gary Shipman. If a satisfactory settlement cannot be reached, he would respectfully request that the appeal be heard as scheduled. () Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board to allow Attorney Rountree and Attorney Shipman time to discuss the' offer for settlement. The Board will proceed with the remainder of the agenda. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPEAL TO REZONE THE -WEST SIDE OF U.S. HIGHWAY 117 (CASTLE ROAD), NORTH OF ROCKHILL ROAD FROM R-20 TO B-2 Chairman Mathews opened the Public Hearing. . . . I, ';'.;. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 22 Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, stated the Planning commission voted 5 to 1 to recommend denial of the rezoning request due to inconsistency with the policies for growth and development governing commercial land uses, and the fact that existing B-1 zoning is under-utilized. The Planning staff also recommends denial based upon intensification of strip commercial development along the road frontage which would not be consistent to existing nearby residential areas. Chairman Mathews asked if the petitioner or anyone from the general public would like to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposed rezoning. The following persons commented: Mr. Sam Watson, the petitioner and owner of the property for 25 years, requested approval of the B-2 zoning in order to construct a building to lease to a wholesale business. He stated adjoining and surrounding property owners are not in opposition to the proposed rezoning. Emphasis was placed on the undesirability of the property for residential development. Mr. Thomas McKee, a property owner across the road, requested approval of the B-2 zoning stating he owns two houses, a used car lot, and a nursery, with plans to develop the back portion of the land for light industrial use which would be most compatible with the proposed use presented by Mr. Watson. Mr. Ezekiel RObinson, a resident of the Rockhill community, commented on the need for business in the area and encouraged approval of the B-2 zoning. Chairman Mathews closed the Public Hearing. commissioner Retchin commented on prior discussion held for expanding business classifications to allow for this type of development and inquired as to whether this recommendation has been addressed by the Planning Commission. Planning Director Hayes stated the Ad Hoc Committee recommended establishing a service type commercial zoning category, but no action has been taken; however, once the Land Use Plan is updated, these classifications can be reviewed. It was generally agreed that the service category should be expanded for office and commercial classifications, and if the City and County Planning Departments are merged, this will provide an opportunity for this expansion. Motion: After discussion of existing B-1 zoning and commercial use already in the area, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice- Chairman Greer to approve the B-2 zoning request as submitted by the petitioner. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. lOA OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974" is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Zoning Book II, Section lOA, Page 23. ,./ PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT FOR SETBACKS FOR SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED UNITS IN PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENTS (A-234, 5/92) Chairman Mathews opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, stated the Planning Commission voted 5 to 1 to recommend approval of the setback reduction. . The Commission felt the proposed reduction would not pose any significant threats to the health, safety and-welfare of the County. Also, the Planning Commission concluded that the setback reduction should apply to "high densi ty" subdivisions. This would ensure that all performance-oriented subdivisions would ~ ('~ I MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 23 use the same setback measure for single-family detached structures. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the following Text Amendment: Revise 51.5-2, 2 as follows: () 2. In no case shall any part of the a detached single-family dwelling unit be located closer than ten (10) feet to any part of any other detached single-family dwelling; and in no case shall any part of a multiple dwelling unit be located closer than twenty (20) feet to any part of another dwelling unit. Revise 69.4(5)C as follows: C. In no case shall any part of a detached single-family dwelling unit be located closer than ten (10) feet to any part of any other detached single-family dwelling, and in no case shall any part of a multiple dwelling unit be located closer than twenty (20) feet to any part of another dwelling unit or ten (10) feet to any adjoining property line. Chairman Mathews asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak in favor of the proposed Text Amendment. The following person commented. Mr. Johnny Elmore, the petitioner and President of the Porters Neck Company, stated the purpose of the request is to allow construction of smaller detached single family dwellings on- small lots instead of townhouses and condominiums. Chairman Mathews asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak in opposition to the proposed Text Amendment. The following person commented. () Mr. Rick Williams requested denial of the proposed Text Amendment due to the manner in which houses can be placed on lots in order to obtain density. Chairman Mathews closed the Public Hearing. commissioner sutton inquired as to the density being proposed. Planning Director Hayes stated the density will not change with the proposed Text Amendment; however, the design of houses on the land will be affected. Clustered housing, attached houses, and patio homes can be utilized, which provides more open space and is more environmentally sound. Motion: After discussion of the advantages for single-family detached units in performance developments, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to approve the proposed Text Amendment as presented by the Planning Commission. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969," is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XX, Page 2. o PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO RENAME OTTER HOLE LANE TO AUBURN LANE IN LANDFALL COMMUNITY (SN-65, 6/92) Chairman Mathews opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, stated Otter Hole Lane is an improved private road with a 50 'foot right-of-way. . A total 'of' 15 lots adjoin the road and most of the lots are vacant. Auburn Lane is not a road name duplication and is approved for'use by'E-911~ .~ .<;. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 24 If the name of the road is changed, Landfall Associates will be responsible for installing a new street sign. Given the minimum impact of this change on undeveloped lots, the Planning staff recommends approval. . Chairman Mathews asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak in favor of or in opposition to the road renaming. No public comments were received. Chairman Mathews closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to adopt the ordinance renaming a private road to Auburn Lane located in Pembroke Jones Park at Landfall with Landfall Associates being responsible for installing a new street sign. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the ordinance is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XX, Page 2. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FOR A CAMA COASTAL AND ESTUARINE WATER BEACH ACCESS GRANT TO CONSTRUCT A PAVILION AND ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS FOR SUMMER REST TRAIL OVERLOOK Chairman Mathews opened the Public Hearing. . Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported that after reviewing a preliminary application, the N. C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources has recommended that New Hanover County provide a full application for a neighborhood estuarine access site. The proposed site encompasses approximately 12,500 square feet of land overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway at the terminus of a one-mile bike trail near the end of Summer Rest Road. The site is part of an existing trail dedication and would require no additional land. The total grant request is $7,312 with a local match of 25% composed of in-kind service in the amount of $1,950 and cash in the amount of $488. The Planning Staff recommends authorization to file the Coastal and Estuarine Water Beach Access Grant application. commissioner Sutton commented on visiting the site and expressed the following concerns: (1) the condition of the bike path; (2) no parking provisions; (3) no public access; (4) no signage' indicating the entrance to the bike path; and (5) the negative impact upon residents living on Summer Rest Road if a pavilion is constructed. He recommended further study of the plan with public input from the citizens living in the area before taking action. Planning Director Hayes stated the purpose of the bike path is to provide a scenic route to walkers and bikers. The entrance begins at Plaza East Shopping Center; however, when development is completed at Landfall, accessibility will be improved with minimum parking spaces provided. At the present time, there are no improvements; however, if the grant is awarded, improvements will be made with construction of a pavilion. . Chairman Mathews asked if anyone from the gener~l public would like to comment. The following remarks were received: Mr. Graham Farmer, owner of land adjacent to the bike path, expressed concern for problems being experienced to property owners along the trail. Due to the recent burning of the bridge on the bike path, loud noise, persons in his backyard, trash, and undesirable. use of" the path during. the night, services of the Sheriff's. Department and Landfall Security Guards have been utilized. The bike path is certainly an asset to New Hanover County; however, it ,. is imperative that proper. maintenance and police patrol of the area be provided if the path is to be further ~ ;,--,----- ( MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 25 developed. Mr. John Tinney, representing property owners on Summer Rest Road, expressed opposition to the proposed pavilion due to encouraging the wrong type of use by young people, particularly for the use of drugs. Also, opposition was expressed for increasing traffic at the end of Summer Rest Road, and the Commissioners were requested to eliminate construction of a pavilion and post signs indicating the hours of use with proper enforcement of violations. () Ms. Susan Hollman, a resident of Beech Street, requested the Board to provide an opportunity for the citizens of the area to participate in the development of the bike path before proceeding with the grant application and plan. Discussion was held on eliminating construction of a pavilion, posting signs indicating the hours of use for the bike path, installing a gate that can be locked at night, and improving the bike path. Also, emphasis was placed on allowing the public to participate in the development of the trail. Motion: After discussion of the deadline required for filing the grant application, Commissioner Sutton MOVED, SECONDED by Vice- Chairman Greer to authorize filing of the grant application revising the project to eliminate construction of a pavilion with the funds to be used for signage indicating the hours of use, fines that can be imposed, installation of gates, and other improvements. The plan is to be referred back to the Planning Department for further study of the plan to include meeting with the citizens of surrounding residential communities for public input before a final plan is developed. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A SUBDIVISION APPEAL FOR GEORGIA PLACE SUBDIVISION ON NAVAHO TRAIL (SA-13, 5/92) Attorney George Rountree, representing Nathan Sanders, stated after trying to negotiate a settlement, no agreement has been reached; therefore, the Public Hearing should be held as scheduled. () Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, stated Georgia Place, located on the west side of Navaho Trail and east of Lansdowne Subdivision was approved by the County's Technical Review Committee on April 22, 1992. The proposed subdivision consists of four lots exceeding 15,000 square feet and a 2.5 acre remnant parcel. The lots will be served by individual wells and the County sewer. No new roads are required because all lots front on. Navaho Trail (SR 1516), a state maintained road. The developer proposes to pave this portion of the road down to Lansdowne Road. Storm-water run-off generated on the site will be directed to Navaho Trail. To further ensure that storm-water run-off from the site will have minimal impact on Lansdowne Subdivision, the Technical Review Committee required vegetated swales to be constructed along all side lot lines of new lots to capture storm-water run-off to be routed to Navaho Trail. The N. C. Department of Transportation has been requested to clean all existing ditching along Navaho Trail. In summary, the appellants, Barbara Bleaking and Tom Grady of Lansdowne Subdivision contend that adequate study was not given to the drainage plan for the site or for the impact it would have on existing drainage problems along Chelsea Drive in Lansdowne Subdivision. ' () Chairman Mathews asked if anyone from the general public would like to comment. The following remarks were received. Attorney Gary Shipman, representing the residents of Lansdowne, stated the Technical Review Committee did not follow the regulations as specified in the County Zoning Ordinance as follows: -The Zoning Ordinance requires that a drainage 'plan meeting {.,. -....... ., "Il MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 26 . the design standard~' shall be submitted to the County Engineer for approval. No plan was submitted by the developer; however, the response from the County Engineering Office was that no plan was required because the proposed subdivision was so small that a drainage plan was not necessary. It should be noted that the remaining lots for Georgia Place have also been submitted for development under performance residential criteria; therefore, this fact cannot be ignored by the Technical Review Committee or by the Board of County Commissioners. section 51.5-24 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the developer submit run-off rate standards and discharge of run-off standards to avoid negative development activity to adjoining property owners. Three photographs, marked as Exhibit I, were presented to the Commissioners showing the drainage patterns and characteristics of Navaho Trail. Due to the fact that Navaho Trail is not paved, the cleaning and maintenance of ditches by the Department of Transportation will not avoid drainage problems that will be experienced by adjacent property owners if the proposed plan is approved. . -A meeting was held with residents of the Lansdowne Subdivision and County Engineer, Jim Craig, to discuss the drainage issue. Mr. Craig indicated that the proposed Georgia Place Subdivision in its present location on Navaho Trail is one of the lowest points on the road and that drainage characteristics for this development should require a piping system under Navaho Trail onto an adjacent tract to absorb the run-off from the site. Attorney Shipman expressed concern for no plan being submitted to the County Engineering office and the fact that discussion for placement of swales to channel water run-off of the property was presented at the Technical Review Committee meeting. It was acknowledged by a representative from the County Engineer's office that no drainage plan was submitted and that he was not as familiar with the drainage patterns and characteristics of this property as the residents of Lansdowne Subdivision. Also, the representative did not visit the site until after the Technical Review Committee meeting where Mr. Sanders drew the swales on the approved plan. It is a dangerous precedent for the County to allow a developer not to comply with regulations as stipulated in the Zoning Ordinance without a formal waiver process that would exempt submittal of a drainage plan, particularly with other lots to be developed. The Zoning Ordinance specifically states that the developer "shall" submit a drainage plan. . -Buffer requirements were not met as required in the County Zoning Ordinance. section 51.5-213 states "buffer strips shall be required in accordance with section 67". Section 67- 2 states "in order to meet landscaping functions, landscaping shall be required for the purpose of buffering adjoining and competing land uses". The County Planning Director has indicated that section 67-2 only pertains to multi-type family developments with more density. The purpose of the ordinance is to protect neighborhood development from competing land uses. Section 67-4 states "additional requirements for buffers and for yards in which buffers are required. Buffer strips are designed to protect adjoining land uses, particularly residential from the noise, heat, dust, lights, threats to privacy, and aesthetic impacts from more intense land uses". Attorney Shipman stated the residents of Lansdowne do not seek to prevent Mr. Sanders from developing his property in accordance with the law, but they do expect Mr. Sanders to comply to the law~ The law requires submittal of a storm-water management control plan to ,the. Engineering .Office. for approval and the required' buffer strips. These requirements have not been met; therefore, the ~ /- ( , MINUTES OF REGULAR AND-CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 27 residents of Lansdowne respectfully request that the plan not be approved, but returned to the Technical Review Committee with specific instructions that buffer strips and submittal of a drainage control plan must be submitted in order to comply to the County Zoning Ordinance. Planning Director Hayes stated the buffer requirement is not required for performance development when performance development only contains detached housing. Buffering is required when performance development contains attached housing as specifically stated in section 67-41. County Engineer, Jim Craig, stated after review of the site, there is nothing to generate impervious run-off; therefore, a drainage plan is not needed. All ditches in New Hanover County are subject to poor drainage due to poor soils. If the ditches are properly cleaned on Navaho Trail, storm-water run-off will drain properly and not negatively impact on property owners in Lansdowne Subdivision. He also commented on the fact that all ditches except for ditches in the state maintained right-of-way are the responsibility of the property owner. Attorney George Rountree, representing the developer, Nathan Sanders, commented on R-15 performance residential and stated this is not a more intense use, but a less intense use. The reason for the buffer strips not being required was due to the type of development. Also, a drainage plan was considered and approved by the County Engineering Office when the proposal was originally submitted to the Technical Review Committee in 1990. The County Engineer stated the project had been reviewed, and he has determined that the project does comply to drainage requirements. Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, stated the County Zoning Ordinance does not have specifications for what constitutes a drainage plan. The County relies on the professional judgement of the Engineering Staff to determine the drainage method to use. In this case where there is no storm-water run-off from curb and gutter, normally vegetated swales will meet the impervious drainage standards as specified in the ordinance. A lengthy discussion was he'ld on the drainage impact to Chelsea Lane if Navaho Trail is not improved and the ditches are not properly maintained. County Engineer craig stated if the ditches are properly maintained by the N. C. Department of Transportation, no negative drainage impact should be experienced by the residents living on Chelsea Lane. Attorney Rountree asked County Engineer craig if he saw water standing on the site in the ditches when visiting the site after the previous rains over the weekend? County Engineer Craig stated there was no water standing on the site. Attorney Shipman inquired as to whether storm-water run-off has been calculated on the site after completion of development? County Engineer Craig stated the numbers have not been calculated. Attorney Shipman inquired as to whether a drainage plan was submitted to the Engineering Office? County Engineer Craig stated a drainage plan was not submitted. Attorney Shipman commented on proposed concrete driveways and stated storm-water run-off from these driveways will flow toward Chelsea Lane. County Engineer Craig stated storm-water run-off will drain into the ditches on Navaho Trail, not onto Chelsea Lane. BREAK Chairman Mathews called a break from' 10: 00 P. M. until 10: 15 P.M. . . , Discussion was held on a plan being submitted for'development () () o . . . -;~ ~ l~.\~ MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF' JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 28 of the four lots and not the entire tract of land. Planning Director Hayes stated Mr. Sanders is in the process of submitting a new plan for the entire tract, which is composed of 11 lots; however, this plan has not been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and is not involved with the appeal being heard tonight. commissioner Barfield inquired as to why one drainage plan was not submitted for the entire piece of property? Attorney Rountree stated one plan covering the entire tract of land was not submitted because four lots had been sold, and the sale of these lots could not be completed without approval of the preliminary plan by the Technical Review Committee. A drainage plan has now been submitted for the remaining 11 lots. In summary, Attorney Rountree stated the drainage was adequately considered by the County Engineer and buffering was not required; therefore, he requests the Commissioners to deny the appeal and uphold the approval of the plan by the Technical Review Committee. Attorney Shipman stated no drainage plan was submitted; therefore, the project does not comply to the County Zoning Ordinance. The plan should be returned to the Technical Review Committee to be considered at the same time that the consolidated plan is reviewed in order to debate the drainage issues before the Technical Review Committee meets and takes action. Motion: After discussion of no drainage plan being submitted and concern for drainage on the site that could negatively impact on Lansdowne Estates, Commissioner Sutton MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to resubmit the plan to the Technical Review Committee for review of the drainage plan in compliance with the County Zoning Ordinance. The floor was opened for discussion. Vice-Chairman Greer expressed concern for postponing action and stated the appeal was presented on the premises that the drainage plan did not comply to the County Zoning Ordinance. In his opinion, the evidence presented does show that after review by the County Engineering Staff and Technical Review Committee, drainage for this size of subdivision has complied to the criteria of the County Zoning Ordinance; therefore, the appeal has been addressed and a decision should be rendered. commissioner Barfield inquired as to whether drainage has been reviewed? Planning Director Hayes stated the drainage was reviewed by the County Engineering Staff prior to the Technical Review Committee meeting and again at the Technical Review Committee. In the context of a drainage plan, the plan for handling water was submitted to the County and reviewed by the County Engineer. The plan was signed off by County Construction Engineer, Wayne Kimbrell, stating the drainage requirements of the County Zoning Ordinance were satisfactorily met. commissioner Barfield commented on remarks by County Engineer, ~im Craig, and stated if the ditches on Navaho Trail are not properly maintained and improvements are not made, problems could be experienced ~n Lansdowne; therefore, these items should have been discussed and addressed by the developer at the Technical Review Committee. Planning. Dir~ctor. Hayes . stated the Department of Transportation is not interested in approving drainage for adjoining property, but is concerned about removal of water from the road., The question to be answered is how much of a drainage plan is needed for this size of a subdivision. ~ /----- ( I I MINUTES OF REGULAR AND GONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE ~9 Commissioner Barfield commented on following the law in order to be fair to all parties involved and inquired as to whether the Board can send the plan back to the Technical Review Committee? Assistant County Attorney Kemp Burpeau stated the County Ordinance does not specify or define how formal a drainage plan must be for projects of this size and apparently the County Engineer felt the necessary documents were submitted for review of drainage on this site. The hearing from the appellant is considered a quasi-judicial hearing which involves making a decision on the evidence presented showing that the development has met the criteria as defined in the ordinance. If the Commissioners feel there is legitimate concern for drainage on the site, the plan can be returned to the Technical Review Committee for review of the drainage plan. If the Technical Review Committee further reviews and approves the drainage plan for the project, an appeal will have to be filed again before this item would be heard by the Board of County Commissioners. commissioner Barfield commented on the developer constructing the proper type' of housing in Georgia Place and asked Nathan Sanders if he would consider building stick homes on this property? Mr. Sanders stated originally, a plan was submitted for development of a standard subdivision in 1990. The subdivision permit expired and the same plan was resubmitted and again approved. The issue is not whether we are complying to the subdivision regulations, but whether housing will be placed in Georgia Place Subdivision that will be comparable to housing in Lansdowne Estates. The subdivision has been submitted in compliance to the County Zoning Ordinance with approval of drainage for the subdivision by the County Engineering Office and Technical Review Committee. In the hearing at the Technical Review Commi ttee, a lengthy discussion was held on drainage and the possible impact on Lansdowne Subdivision. The Technical Review Committee instructed the Planning Department to contact the N. C. Department of Transportation and request opening of the ditches on Navaho Trail, and I was requested to construct drainage swales along each property line, at my expense. I agreed and subsequently presented a map back to the County Engineering Office and Planning Department showing the drainage' swales and the Department of Transportation has cleaned out the ditches on Navaho Trail; therefore, the requests of the Technical Review Committee have been met. with recent rains, there have been no problems experienced with water standing in the ditches on Navaho Trail. If the issue is whether or not stick built houses should be placed on the property versus manufactured or modular homes, this issue should be addressed. If the issue is drainage, .that issue has been addressed according to County regulations. This is the third time Georgia Place Subdivision has been reviewed. If returned to the Technical Review Committee, I feel the drainage plan will be approved; however, I will be delayed again in moving forward with the proposed project. commissioner Barfield stated the Commissioners do not have evidence to deny the developer the right to develop the 'property based on drainage; however, hopefully, Mr. Sanders will do what is morally right and construct stick homes on the property. Chairman Mathews called for a vote on the MOTION to resubmit the plan to the Technical Review Committee to review the drainage plan for the subdivision as to compliance to the County Zoning Ordinance. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: voting Aye: Commissioner Retchin commissioner Sutton" Voting Nay: Commissioner Barfield Vice-Chairman Greer o r:) r:) I!" '~'."I~f' ~ i , MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 30 Chairman Mathews Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED to deny the appeal based upon the evidence presented showing that the drainage issues have been addressed and do comply to the County Zoning Ordinance. The floor was opened for discussion. . Attorney Shipman stated evidence has been presented showing that the Engineering Department did not consider the 10-year storm plan with run-off calculations figured; therefore, the plan should be resubmitted to the Technical Review Committee to address these issues as required under the County Zoning Ordinance and also study existing drainage characteristics of the property. The issue for stick built homes is another matter to be discussed at a later date. Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver suggested that the Board consider approval of Georgia Place Subdivision subject to the condition that additional engineering information being given to the County Engineer for review to be sure engineering standards of the County Zoning Ordinance are approved. Motion Amended: Vice-Chairman Greer AMENDED THE MOTION to state that under the grounds of the appeal, the question of drainage has been addressed satisfactorily with the exception of the 10-year plan and run-off calculations. The County Engineer is to perform the calculations and if they are within the limits of the County Zoning Ordinance, the appeal will be denied. The floor was opened for discussion. . Assistant County Attorney Burpeau stated the Board of County Commissioners cannot consider new evidence, such as the 10-year plan, since the Board of County Commissioners functions only as an appeal body. This type of information must be reviewed and acted upon by the Technical Review Committee. Amended Motion withdrawn: Vice-Chairman Greer withdrew the amended motion based on the comments presented by the Assistant County Attorney. commissioner Barfield expressed concern for delaying this project and asked if a decision can be rendered by the Technical Review Committee, and if the decision is appealed, can the Board of County Commissioners hear the appeal at the next meeting scheduled for June 15, 1992? Attorney Shipman stated if a decision is rendered Technical Review Committee which is not satisfactory residents of Lansdowne, an appeal will be filed immediately hearing can be held on June 15, 1992. by the to the and the . Motion: After further discussion, Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to return the plan to the Technical Review Committee and instruct the Committee to consider the 10-year plan and run-off calculations as to compliance with the County Zoning Ordinance. If appealed, the appeal will be heard by the Board of County Commissioners on June 15, 1992. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED. MEETING ADJOURNED UNTIL FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1992 Motion: commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to adjourn the meeting until Friday, June 5, 1992, at 8:30 A.M. in the Assembly Room. of the New Hanover County Courthouse. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 11:45 P.M. ~ ( MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 31 ~dl~. Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF CONTINUED MEETING, JUNE 5, 1992 Chairman Mathews reconvened the meeting continued from June 1, 1992, at 8:30 A.M. on Friday, June 5, 1992, in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Fred Retchin; William H. Sutton; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Mathews called the meeting to order. ACTION ON FY 1992-93 BUDGET REQUESTS The following action was taken: APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL POSITIONS FOR THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Motion: After discussion of the need for the positions due to expansion of the jail and 911 Center, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sutton to (1) approve 3 dispatch positions for the 911 Center; (2) approve 10 deputy positions, 1 cook, and 1 utility position for the Sheriff's Department; and to accept staff's recommendation for funding of these positions at a cost of $337,791 fr6m the estimated sales tax revenue in the amount of $200,000 and budgeting of $137,791 from 911 surcharge revenue. Staff was requested to inform the Sheriff to fill only the positions needed and consider utilization of drug forfeiture monies to fund these positions, if funds become available. The floor was opened for discussion. Vice-Chairman Greer expressed concern for adding this number of new positions, which increases the Sheriff's 1992-93 Budget by $500,000, and recommended funding two (2) dispatch positions and (6) new deputy positions. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Retchin commissioner Sutton Chairman Mathews Voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Greer DISCUSSION OF FUNDING FOR EMPLOYEES' MERIT INCREASE CONTINGENT UPON AVAILABILITY OF FUNDING County Manager O'Neal commented on the importance of continuing the Merit Program for FY 1992-93 and recommended consideration of approving the program for the second half of the year if funding becomes available. Revenues may be higher than anticipated or expenditures may be lower than estimated. The Budget Director and County Manager will keep the Board informed on the status of the budget as the year progresses. commissioner Retchin recommended informing County employees that the Board is aware of the need to provide merit increments and pay employees commensurate with their level of services being rendered; however, wi th current budget constraints, he would () o n " , . . . $,\ ~::.- ~ 'H:'~ MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF' JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 32 recommend that department heads and supervisors evaluate and establish merit increments toward the end of fiscal year 1992-93 for implementation of merit increments effective at the beginning of fiscal year 1993-94. This annual process would allow staff to budget accurately for merit increments each year and avoid an impact on the upcoming budget year. commissioner Sutton expressed concern for some inequities in the newly adopted Pay and Classification Plan and recommended review of these situations with corrections, if justified. Vice-Chairman Greer commented on the the Pay and Classification Study and inequities occurring in the plan which million dollars to implement. cost for performance of expressed concern for cost the County 2 1/2 Commissioner Barfield stated the Pay & Classification Plan did not produce a plan as anticipated. It was hoped that the plan would correct the large gap between low and high salary ranges; however, this was not accomplished. It is difficult to believe that an employee in a position for two years can now make the same pay as an employee in the same position for twenty years. County Manager O'Neal stated some isolated inequities do exist and suggested that these cases be reviewed by staff; however, the overall Pay and Classification Plan was not based upon the employee in the position but upon the duties of the position itself. Motion: Commissioner Retchin stressed the need to support the Merit Program and the importance of knowing the exact figure to budget annually for merit increments and MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sutton to request the County Manager to develop a policy whereby department heads and supervisors will evaluate employees for merit performance during the current fiscal year to become effective at the beginning of the next fiscal year. Also, staff was requested to review inequities in the new Pay and Classification Plan with correction of any inequities presented to the Commissioners through a budget amendment. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF FUNDING REQUEST FOR THE KATIE B. HINES SENIOR CENTER Budget Director, Cam McAbee, stated after discussion with a Carolina Power & Light Company representative, the electricity service for the Katie B. Hines Center has increased which moved the usage into a higher level of service thereby increasing the monthly electric bill by approximately $150. The representative of Carolina Power & Light Company is willing to visit the center and assist the administration in evaluating electricity usage and ways to reduce the monthly bill. Motion: After discussion of services provided, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve funding in the amount of $2,000 to the Kate B. Hines Center to cover increased electricity costs subject to further investigation by staff as to the increased energy cost with the understanding that this additional funding is for an emergency situation. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION OF FUNDING REQUEST FOR THE VETERANS COUNCIL County Manager O'Neal stated the New Hanover County Veterans Council has requested that the County provide space and staff near the State District Veterans Office located on Market Street to administer services to County veterans in lieu of the approved $20,000 funding request. Motion:. After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to offer the $20,000 funding appropriation to the Veterans Council to be used for personnel and associated costs in administering benefits to New Hanover County Veterans. Upon \ j (~- I MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE ~3 vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Retchin commissioner Sutton Chairman Mathews Voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Greer Vice-Chairman Greer stated, for the record, he cannot support a County funding appropriation for a program that should be administered by the state and federal governments. DENIAL OF FUNDING REQUEST BY THE ASSOCIATION OF RETARDED CITIZENS County Manager O'Neal stated this agency was not part of the regular budget process as it was not funded in FY 1991-92. Motion: After discussion of possible grant funding through the Southeastern Center, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice- Chairman Greer to deny this funding request until this agency becomes affiliated with the Southeastern Center. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DENIAL OF FUNDING REQUEST FOR WILMINGTON/NEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION County Manager O'Neal stated this agency has not been in the past and if funding is approved, an additional agency will be added during the downsizing process. HANOVER COUNTY funded outside Motion: commissioner Sutton MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to deny the funding request at this time. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DENIAL OF FUNDING REQUEST FOR YAHWEH CENTER County Manager O'Neal stated if the Department of Social Servic~s places a child at the Yahweh Center, it pays $50 per month/per child; the state-approved rate is $265 per month/per child. The County's General Fund money pays $185 per month difference between the two rates. DSS has placed only two children at the Center during the current fiscal year which began July 1, 1991. Yahweh was not included in the regular budget process as it was not funded in FY 1991-92. Budget Director, Cam McAbee, stated after review by the Human Services Allocations Advisory Committee, it was felt that these children do not fall in a category to receive CBA funding; therefore, no funding was recommended. Mr. Michael Warren, a member of the Yahweh Board of Directors, commented on the importance of services rendered to all members of the family by the Yahweh Center. Emphasis was placed on the neeQ for long term care to change attitudes and provide training to assist families to become reinstated. Discussion was held on the immediate need of funds to allow the Yahweh Center to continue to operate until state funding becomes available during FY 1993-94~ The Commissioners were urged to approve a funding request in the amount of $15,000. commissioner Retchin stated the agency was originally established as a temporary receiving home for emergency cases of child abuse and neglect, and that he was not aware of this becoming a long-term care program. He stated programs of this type are usually affiliated with churches and receive donations through the private sector. Mr. Warren stated the Yahweh Center is a long-term care facility and expressed concern for the general public feeling that the agency is well funded when in reality, funds are very limited at this time. () ,() f"\ \" ~ . . . ~ ",. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 34 Vice-Chairman Greer inquired as to whether another facility is being purchased? Mr. Warren stated Yahweh has applied for a grant to purchase the building adjacent to the present facility in order to provide counseling services to children and family members. Motion: After discussion of additional funding needed until the Yahweh Center can receive long term funding from the State, Commissioner sutton MOVED to approve a $5,000 funding request on a one-time emergency basis. The MOTION FAILED DUE TO NOT RECEIVING A SECOND. No action was taken; therefore, the funding request was denied. DISCUSSION OF GENERAL FUND CHANGES County Manager O'Neal reported on the general fund changes and stated he would be glad to answer any questions. Vice-Chairman Greer inquired as to the amount of funds cut from the "Meals on Wheels" program and recommended allocating $10,000 to this agency. Emphasis was also placed on the importance of informing the elderly of this service. Motion: After further discussion, Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to appropriate an additional $10,000 to the "Meals on Wheels" program. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO PREPARE THE BUDGET ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION AT THE MEETING OF JUNE 15, 1992 Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Mathews to direct staff to prepare a Budget Ordinance for FY 1992-93 based upon Board action. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. commissioner Sutton requested preparation of a report identifying new mandated programs and capital projects during the past fiscal year. He stated, in essence, the citizens have recei ved a substantial decrease from previous programs due to downsizing. Staff was complimented on preparing an excellent budget and directed to continue closely monitoring the filling of vacant positions during the upcoming fiscal year. County Manager O'Neal stated staff will continue to monitor the filling of vacant positions; however, it will be difficult to reduce ~he number of employees from the present level for FY 1993- 94. The next steps to consider will be elimination of programs or raising taxes. AUTHORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN TO WRITE A LETTER TO LOCAL N. C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES FOR IMPLEMENTING COUNTY REGULATIONS FOR PROTECTION OF SOUNDS AND CREEKS Commissioner Sutton commented on the need to protect water quality in the County's sounds and creeks and requested authorization for the Chairman to write a letter to the N. C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources for implementing more stringent County regulations for protection of water quality. When attending the Coastal Federation tour of the County's creeks and waterways on June 2, 1992, State officials were very complimentary of the regulations now enforced in New Hanover County; however, there may be some additional ordinances that will provide more water quality protection. commissioner Retchin heartily endorsed the draft letter and ~ ,/ / MINUTES OF REGULAR AND CONTINUED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1992 PAGE 35 recommended that the Planning Department study the possible use of special use permits to better control commercial marinas. Further discussion was held on pumping of sewage from boats into the water when docked at marinas. Vice-Chairman Greer stated some coastal communities have adopted ordinances that require the use of red dye tablets by boats docked in commercial ,marinas in order to trace any violation of this law. Perhaps, New Hanover County should consider this type of ordinance, particularly since the Town of Wrightsville Beach is negotiating with the Sheriff's Department for use of the patrol boat which could be used for enforcement. () County Attorney Copley recommended review of the federal regulations before preparing an ordinance. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to authorize the Chairman to write the letter submitted by Commissioner Sutton to the N. C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. DISCUSSION OF BRUNSWICK NUCLEAR DRILL Chairman Mathews complimented the Emergency Management Director and staff for an excellent job in administering the Brunswick Nuclear Drill and stated it appears that New Hanover County functioned quite well. DISCUSSION OF POOR ATTENDANCE BY NEW EMPLOYEES RECOGNIZED AT BOARD MEETINGS Chairman Mathews requested better attendance of when scheduled to be introduced at regular meetings commissioners. WHEN BEING new employees of the County County Manger O'Neal stated the Human Resources Department has developed a new program which will be implemented in the near future. REPORT ON MALFUNCTIONING OF CLOCKS Chairman Mathews reported that both the Assembly Room clock and Tower clock are not properly functioning. () County Manager O'Neal stated the Property Management Department will be notified. PICTURES TO BE TAKEN AFTER THE REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 15, 1992 Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell, announced that a group picture and individual pictures will be taken after the regular meeting to be held on June 15, 1992. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 11:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~F~~ (\ ~~ Clerk to the Board