1993-01-19 Work Session . . .1 .., MINUTES OF COMMUNICATIONS WORK SESSION JANUARY 19, 1993 PAGE 295 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session on Monday, January 19, 1993, at 1:30 P.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss the County's future Communications Plan. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the Work Session to order and welcomed all members of the Sheriff's Department and Communications Task Force. PRESENTATION OF COMMUNICATIONS PLAN The following Communications Plan was presented: CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: Approved by the Board of County Commissioners on December 21, 1992. objectives of the System: Depopulate the Jail by providing a complete information loop between all involved agencies (the Jail, Prosecutor, and Magistrate) . Connect to the Office of the Courts system so that state-wide information will be available to the County. The Criminal Justice System will be implemented by mid-year. The system will be funded by a State Grant and Federal Forfeiture funds. No County funds are required. Additional functions can be added to the system at a later date. Sheriff Joe McQueen commented on the importance of expediting the flow of prisoners through the Judicial System in order to decrease the jail population and stated this system will save a tremendous amount of time in processing cases as well as providing composite sketches of suspects. Appreciation was expressed to the County Commissioners for authorizing approval of the system. COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH (CAD) Obiectives of the System: Decrease response time of the County Emergency Agencies. Provide graphical representation of an Emergency Call and its Emergency Responder. Provide Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) and Pre-Arrival Instructions (PAl). Financial Estimates for the CAD System: Recommended Funding Source - 911 Surcharge: The 'estimated balance of this fund by June 30, 1993, is $476,848. The 911 revenue generated monthly is $36,000. Capital costs estimated to approach $1,000,000. Annual operating cost of $180,000. ( , I ~ MINUTES OF COMMUNICATIONS WORK SESSION JANUARY 19, 1993 PAGE 296 A lengthy discussion was held on the Computer Aided Dispatch System with reference to funding and the cost of operation. Discussion was also held on the immediate need for the system and the amount of funds available for purchase of the equipment from the 911 surcharge. captain L. P. Hayes, Commander of the Communications Division, commented on the capabilities provided by CAD to the 911 dispatchers and stated this new technology will reduce the response time of all Emergency Services by providing a mapping of the emergency location. Emphasis was placed on the importance of saving lives and the need to update the present equipment. c CENTRALIZED 911 DISPATCH OPERATION: This concept was approved by the Board of County Commissioners in December 1991. Ob;ectives of Operation: All County communications will pass through the E-911 Center whether emergency or non-emergency. A centralized system should yield staff efficiencies to the municipalities. A centralized system will provide consistency of service delivery to the citizens. Fundinq options: 911 Surcharge Funds. General Fund Revenue. Cost estimates are being developed. () A lengthy discussion was held on the estimated cost of a Centralized 911 Dispatch Operations and the availability of funds. Mr. Fred Worsh commented on the many advantages of a Centralized System, not only to the County, but to the municipalities. Emphasis was placed on the need to improve county-wide communications for emergency situations. WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (800 MHz) Benefits and Ob;ectives of the System: Security. programmqple Lock-out. Man-Down Button. Trunking Efficiencies. Emergency Re-allocation of Equipment. Description of the System: () Computer-based Technology. The major benefit to the County is a better talk path utilization. User defined features. Phased Implementation strateqy: Volunteer Fire Departments. . . . ~ .., ;~ ,~. ~' MINUTES OF COMMUNICATIONS WORK SESSION JANUARY 19, 1993 PAGE 297 other Emergency Services. Non-Emergency Services. Estimated Costs of the system for County-wide Installation: Fixed Equipment $ 800,000 Mobile Equipment for VFD 302,000 Mobile Equipment for County Total Capital Cost 1. 600.000 $2.702.000 Staff Support Person - $50,000 per year. Fundinq: Funding will be shared by the General Fund and Fire Service Fund. Future costs may be funded by future users. Phase I - Volunteer Fire Departments: Vendor Proposal 12/"16/92 $ 680,000 Battery Back-Up 20,000 Contingency 100,000 Tower Construction 250,000 Controller Upgrade 50.000 $1.100.000 Total Cost for Phase I Cost Distribution for Phase I: Equipment Tower Fixed Equipment Radio Equipment Total (unbudgeted) General Fund $250,000 50,000 -0 - $300.000 Fire Service Fund $ -0- 500,000 300.000 $800.000 A lengthy discussion was held on the entire plan and the availabili ty of funds for implementation of the entire Communications Plan. It was generally agreed that a communications system of this type would be most beneficial to the County and municipali ties; however, funding is the issue of concern. with the upcoming budget and the many demands on the County, this will have to be considered along with many other items. Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to the members of the Communications Task Force, Sheriff, and Staff for an excellent job in preparing the Communications Plan. The meeting was adjourned at 4:01 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~d xI~ LUCle F. Harrell Clerk to the Board J