1993-01-29 Budget Work Session . . . ~ MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, JANUARY 29, 1993 PAGE 298 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Budget Work Session on Friday, January 29, 1993, at 10:00 A.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman ,E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the Work Session to order. The following presentations were presented: -History and Review of Tax Rates, Expenditures and Valuations: A 10-year history of tax rates was presented. Discussion was held on prior revaluations and the State Statute requiring revaluation of real property every eight years. Further discussion was held on more frequent revaluations with the following pros and cons presented: Pros: -More current values for tax purposes. -If State appraised each year, the county will be more in line with these valuations -Impact on taxpayers would not ,be so great if performed,on a 4-year basis instead of every 8 years. Cons: -Public does not like property tax revaluations. -The impact on senior citizens depending on where values rise. Discussion was held on counties who are performing 4-year revaluations and if they are satisfied with the early revaluation. Staff was requested to pursue this matter. -Process for Issuing Bonds: A list of steps for issuance and sale of bonds was presented. Emphasis was placed on the importance of informing the public on the total cost of a bond issue not just the amount of the bond issue. -Review of Current User Fees and Intergovernmental Revenues by Department: User Fees: These fees represent 6.9% of County revenues. A list was presented of all County Departments that charge user fees for services provided to the public. The following directives were given to staff: -Data reflecting how user fees are budgeted as income versus their use and if extra funds are left-over. -A list of any user fees that have been abolished. Intergovernmental Revenue: This revenue is passed from the Federal or State governments to local governments. Human Services Departments receive the largest amount of intergovernmental revenue to fund their programs. A breakdown of the revenue received by each County Department was presented. Discussion was held on mandated human services programs and escalating costs. The following directives were given to Staff: j (--- I I I , l MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, JANUARY 29, 1993 PAGE 299 -A list of programs that have reached their caps and the amount of increases. -A list of budget amendments that have increased' departmental budgets for this fiscal year. -Investigation of enabling legislation that will allow more flexibility in shifting of intergovernmental revenue passed to local governments from the federal and state governments. For example, more funds should be received for counties that are continuing to grow with more human service needs and mandated programs versus counties who are stagnant and with no growth populations. () Alternative Revenue Sources: sources were presented: The following alternative revenue Land Transfer Tax: A chart was presented on real estate sales and funds that would be generated from the Land Transfer Tax. Construction Excise Tax: A one-time fee charged for new construction. To ensure the availability of affordable housing for low to middle income families, the first 1,200 square feet could be exempt. The tax could be collected as follows: (1) upon issuance of the building permit; (2) upon issuance of the certificate of Occupancy; or (3) when the house is actually occupied by the new owner. Charts were shown on generation of revenue from this tax. The following directive was given to staff: -Furnish additional information from other local governments who are implementing the construction excise tax, listing advantages and disadvantages. o Room Occupancy Tax: A chart was presented on revenues generated from the Room Occupancy Tax reflecting revenue growth from 1990/91 - 1992/93 and the distribution of 75% for beach renourishment and 25% for tourism. An additional 1% increase of this tax will generate $501,734. Discussion was held on the possibility of increasing this tax by 1% with enabling legislation that will allow the County to use these funds for other needs. Prepared Food and Beverage Tax: A chart was presented on gross retail sales from food and beverages. No figures are available on the amount of revenue that would be generated. Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee: This committee was appointed for the purpose of advising the Board of County Commissioners on the most effective utilization of funds from the state's community Based Alternatives Program and County General Fund dollars to address human service needs. County Manager O'Neal presented the following parameters for the 1993-94 Budget: -Continued review of vacant positions. -Departments have been directed to review all departmental programs to determine if they are enti tlement, mandatory, supported by non-County funds, or partially funded by non- County funds. () -Departments have been directed to rank the programs in order of importance and review ways to increase departmental review. -operating expenses are not permitted to exceed the adopted amount for FY 1992-93. . . . ~ MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, JANUARY 29, 1993 PAGE 300 -Departments are permitted to show separate items they would request in their budgets if they were permitted to exceed the adopted amount. -If new positions are requested the department is required to include how it plans to fund the position. -Non-Human Services outside agencies have been directed that they cannot request more than the current level of funding and that every effort should be made to request less. -Human Services outside agencies were only told the funding levels for FY 1992-93. County Manager 0' Neal requested directives from the Commissioners for development of the FY 1993-94 Budget. The current budget increased only 3.9%, which is below the percentage of inflation. Downsizing will continue; however, in order to provide the level of services and programs now being rendered to the pUblic, additional funds will be required. commissioner Barone recommended preparing the FY 1993-94 Budget without a tax increase. county Manager O'Neal stated if services are reduced and departments and/or programs eliminated, the budget can be prepared without a tax increase. This is a decision that must be made by the Board of County Commissioners. After further discussion, it was agreed that budget directives will be further discussed at the regular meeting on Monday, February 1, 1993. The Work Session was adjourned at 12:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~v/~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board ~