1990-03-30-31 Budget Retreat 1 7 ""lIIl MINUTES OF RETREAT, MARCH 30 & 31, 1990 ASSEMBLY The New on March 30 Wrightsville Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a retreat & 31, 1990, at the Blockade Runner, suite 215, Beach, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Nolan O'Neal; Vice-Chairman W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Chairman Fred Retchin; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. . Chairman Retchin called the work Session to order at 5: 00 P.M. on Friday, March 30, 1990. REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT Assistant Finance Director, Allan Mozingo, presented a review of the comprehensive financial report and commented on the following sections of the report: ( 1) General Purpose Statements; (2) General Fund; (3) Special Revenue; (4) Capital Projects; (5) Enterprise; (6) Fiduciary; (7) Account Groups; (8) Statistical Section; and (9) Compliance Section. Discussion was held on the importance of the financial report in obtaining bond ratings and the outstanding record of the Finance Department in receiving the Certification of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting since 1988. Further discussion was held on the importance of maintaining a strong fund balance. Assistant Finance Director Mozingo expressed concern for the possible loss of the inventory tax reimbursement to counties due to the shortfall in the State's budget. He urged the Commissioners to discuss this issue with the local legislative delegation. . ESTABLISHMENT OF OBJECTIVES Assistant County Manager, Mary Gornto, presented the following list of objectives stating it would be beneficial to staff if the Board would prioritize objectives so they can be included in the budgetary process: To fulfill the responsibilities of the County with the lowest possible tax rate. To develop long-range plans to meet the increasing demands for county services. To manage the County's growth through the provision of infrastructure and zoning decisions. To pursue economical and productive delivery of public services through increased and improved co- operation between local governments in the area. To provide additional resources for services that are essential to public safety. To provide high quality utility services at reason- able rates. . To implement a recycling program. To promote economic growth and high living standards by supporting improved student achievement levels and educational opportunities in the public schools. To help economically disadvantaged citizens become more self-sufficient by emphasizing work-based forms of economic assistance. To review the County's benefit and compensation package to insure the county continues to attract and retain ~ ( f8~ MINUTES OF RETREAT, MARCH 30 & 31, 1990 (CONTINUED) well-qualified employees. To protect and maintain the County's financial position by avoiding any further reduction of the available fund balance. Consensus: After discussion of the objectives presented, Staff was requested to revise the list with costs and recommendations for implementation of these goals. Commissioner Barfield commented on the Legislative Briefing (), ' in Washington, D. C. and the innovative methods being used to , reduce welfare roles. He recommended that members of the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee should consider scheduling an appointment with Jack Kemp to discuss current trends in addressing these needs and new ideas for reducing the number of welfare recipients. DISCUSSION OF DEVELOPING A FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN Discussion was held on developing a Strategic Plan for future growth of the County. Vice-Chairman Corbett recommended receiving input from various groups in the community, such as the Wilmington Excellence Committee, when preparing a plan. REVIEW OF SALARIES Personnel Director, Andre' Mallette, presented a salary schedule and discussed the need to perform a pay and classification study. He stated the last study was performed approximately eight (8) years ago. After discussion of the discrepancies in car allowances among the various department heads, County Manager, Allen O'Neal, recommended performance of a pay and classification study, which will include an organizational study, in order to address issues of concern. He stated personnel studies of this type should be performed at least every 4-5 years. o MEETING CONTINUED UNTIL SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1990 Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting at 9:15 P.M. stated the Board will reconvene at 9:00 A.M. on Saturday, 31, 1990. and March MINUTES OF THE RETREAT (CONTINUED) ASSEMBLY The New Hanover meeting of March 30, 1990. County Board of Commissioners continued the 1990, at 9:00 A.M. on Saturday, March 31, Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Nolan O'Neal; Vice-Chairman W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Chairman Fred Retchin; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. DISCUSSION OF BOARD/MANAGER ROLES Discussion was held on the responsibilities of the Board and the responsibilities of the County Manager. Chairman Retchin stated the Board is to set policy and the County Manager is to execute that policy in an effective and efficient manner. () County Manager O'Neal agreed with the statement and stressed the importance of informal communication among the Commissioners on a daily basis. He commented on openly sharing information wi th the Board in order to avoid surprises and stated weekly activity reports will be forwarded to the commissioners. Discussion was held on the importance of the Legal Department reviewing documents. County Manager 0' Neal stated with the complexity and constant changes in local government, he will be utilizing the services of the Legal Department on all issues no matter how simple they appear. ~ MINUTES OF RETREAT, MARCH 30 & 31, 1990 (CONTINUED) 19 ""llIl Discussion was held on the importance of the County Manager establishing a good rapport with members of the Board of Education, the Chamber of Commerce, Committee of 100, Airport Authority, and Superintendent of Schools. County Manager O'Neal commented on his intention to develop these relationships stating he will strive to meet and learn to work with the various leaders of the community. . Further discussion was held with reference to receiving input from all employees, not just department heads. Chairman Retchin recommended establishing an awards program whereby all employees can make suggestions and recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their departments. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to direct the County Manager to formulate an incentive/bonus employee awards program. DISCUSSION OF SEWER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION Discussion was held on the commitment of the Board to complete the county-wide sewer system. Chairman Retchin stated the primary concern is obtaining funding to complete the system as quickly as possible. Consensus: After discussion of funding alternatives, it was the consensus of the Board to request the Staff to pursue the following methods of seeking additional revenue: 1. Seek Additional State and Federal Funds a. Arrange a meeting with State FmHA representatives to seek additional funding assistance for the sewer system. . b. Direct Staff to apply for Economic Development Association grants. c. Arrange to meet with the Congressional Delegation in Washington for additional funding assistance. 2. Land Transfer Tax: Staff is to schedule a meeting with home builders and realtors to discuss the pros and cons of the land transfer tax as well as to discuss other methods of seeking revenue for the sewer system. A fact sheet is to be prepared in advance of the meeting com- paring cost figures of the land transfer tax compared to the installation of dry sewer lines and septic tanks. Discussion was held on the concept of installing the major fingers of the interceptor system versus future phasing of the system. This concept would allow developers to connect to the system and pay for lines, increase the number of customers utilizing the sewer system, and promote more orderly growth throughout the county. .' Consensus: After discussion of the advantages of the interceptor concept, it was the consensus of the Board to request Staff to prepare a recommendation on the advantages and cost of installing major fingers of the interceptor compared to constructing future phases as originally planned. The report is to be presented to the Board when completed. Discussion was held on the number of persons who have not connected to the sewer system within the stipulated period of time. Assistant Finance Director Mozingo stated only 10% of the residents fall into this category and that Staff is working diligently to see that all persons connect to the system. Discussion was held on enforcement of the ordinance. DISCUSSION OF WATER SYSTEM Discussion was held on providing water to county residents. It was the general consensus that this subject should be ~ ( 20 MINUTES OF RETREAT, MARCH 30 & 31, 1990 (CONTINUED) addressed Director of Board would county. by the City/County Water & Sewer Subcommittee. Engineering & Facilities, Ed Hilton, asked if the like to investigate the cost of a water study for the Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request Director Hilton to submit proposals to determine the cost for performing a water study for the unincorporated areas of the county. DISCUSSION OF COSTS INVOLVED WITH THE RENOVATED CUSTOMS FACILITY 0 County Attorney Pope recommended that the County assume sole responsibility for the costs of renovating the old tower for use - by Customs. He stated on November 6, 1989, the Board deferred action on collecting reimbursement for renovation of the old tower from Wilmington General Aviation, Inc. until finalization of the Jetstream settlement. The County has been notified that the insurance carrier has made the settlement payment to the attorney representing Jetstream. The Airport Director has been informed by Jetstream officials that they intend to establish a satellite fueling operation at or near the Customs facility in the old tower. The attorneys representing Air Wilmington and Wilmington General Aviation, Inc. strongly feel they should not bear the costs of renovations for Customs and then be forced to equally share the benefits with another fixed base operator. Discussion was held on the fact that no documents were executed between the County and Wilmington General Aviation, Inc. Chairman Retchin expressed concern for an oversight of this type and stated without a properly executed contract, the County has been placed in a very poor position. He emphasized the importance of not allowing this type of situation to reoccur. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board not to pursue reimbursement from Wilmington General Aviation, Inc. for costs involved with the renovation of the old air tower. o Vice-Chairman Corbett expressed concern for an item of this type being placed on the retreat agenda. He requested Staff, in the future, to discuss issues of this nature at regular meetings. DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC MEETINGS FOR THE 1991 PROPERTY REVALUATION Vice-Chairman Corbett commented on the need to properly educate the general public on the 1991 Property Revaluation and inquired as to when and where meetings will be held and information distributed. County Manager O'Neal stated Tax Administrator Register is working with the TV Station to prepare a video and will schedule various meetings throughout the County. Vice-Chairman Corbett stated Staff may want to consider showing the video at one of the Public Forums held by UNC-W. Discussion was held on providing videos at the nutrition si tes for the elderly. Assistant County Manager Gornto stated this has already been planned and will include the beach nutrition sites. County Manager O'Neal suggested developing a brochure to be mailed to homeowners explaining the revaluation and appeal 0 process. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for Staff to prepare a brochure on the 1991 Property Revaluation as recommended by the County Manager and request Staff to prepare a schedule showing where and when meetings will be held. Commissioner Mathews complimented the Tax Administrator and Staff for an excellent presentation to the beach communities on March 27, 1990. ~ . . . MINUTES OF RETREAT, MARCH 30 & 31, 1990 (CONTINUED) ~ 2'1' DISCUSSION OF SMITH CREEK PARKWAY Vice-Chairman Corbett commented on the urgent need to expedite construction of Smith Creek Parkway stating the Chamber of Commerce is working with various groups, including the City and County, in planning a trip to Raleigh to encourage the State to support this project. He stated a resolution will be prepared and presented to the Commissioners on April 2, 1990, for support of this parkway with this resolution and other resolutions being carried to Raleigh within the next 30 days. DISCUSSION OF MAINTENANCE AT THE STEAM PLANT Director of Engineering & Facilities, Ed Hilton, stated funds are available to perform maintenance on the boiler at the Steam Plant and recommended appropriating these funds for this purpose. Consensus: After discussion of the need to properly maintain the equipment at the Steam Plant, it was the consensus of the Board to direct the Director of Engineering & Facilities to prepare a report on the funds available and cost for maintenance and repairs of the boiler. CAPITAL PROJECTS Director of Engineering & Facilities, Ed Hilton, commented on development of a Capital Improvements Program in the early 1980's stating this plan was to be reviewed annually or every two years; however, once the plan was completed, it was placed on the shelf and never used as a planning tool for the future. He emphasized the importance of a written, adopted, Capital Improvements Program which is incorporated into the annual budget in order to plan for current and future funding of projects. He requested the Commissioners to develop a 5-year plan that will be reviewed and modified on a two-year basis and strictly adhered to by the Board and Staff. Assistant County Manager Gornto emphasized the need for a document of this type when performing the budgetary process. She stated projects should be planned in advance and programmed into future budgets; for example, this year the Board has received a request from the Animal Control Shelter for expansion oJ the facility which is badly needed; however, this item has not been budgeted in advance, therefore, a difficult funding decision will have to be made. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to direct Staff to work with each department on needs for the next five years, compile this data into a report, and present to the Commissioners for prioritizing capital projects with development of a 5-Year Capital Improvements Program. DISCUSSION OF JAIL OVERCROWDING Discussion was held on the progress of the pre-trail release program. Assistant County Manager Gornto stated the population data has been forwarded to Stevens Clarke at Institute of Government who is analyzing the information preparing a report to be received within the next 2-3 weeks. jail jail the and Vice-Chairman Corbett commented on a new program called, "Impact Unit" located in Hoffman, North Carolina, stating the program has been operational since October 1, 1990, and is designed similar to a military boot camp training program. The facility is a 90-bed male minimum security unit for offenders from ages 17-20. The program requires a workday beginning at 5:00 A.M. and ending at 9:30 P.M. Offenders are offered an opportunity to attend classes in the evening to complete GED's. Vice-Chairman Corbett stated the program has been successful with many young persons regaining their self-esteem, and he suggested that Staff investigate implementing a similar program in the county. ~ ( ?2 MINUTES OF RETREAT, MARCH 30 & 31, 1990 (CONTINUED) Consensus: After discussion of legal issues involved, the County Attorney and Staff were directed to work with the Judges for possible implementation of a program of this type. COMMISSIONER BARFIELD EXCUSED FROM THE MEETING Commissioner Barfield excused himself from the meeting at 12:45 P.M. DISCUSSION OF MANDATORY REFUSE COLLECTIONS SYSTEM Discussion was held on the Board being mandatory refuse collections system. Assistant Gornto stated the haulers have been informed that be mandatory and is to become operational by July committed to a County Manager the system will 1, 1990. 'C) After discussion of the advantages in implementing a mandatory refuse collections system, it was agreed by a majority of Commissioners that the Board is committed to this type of system. Director Hilton stated he would be glad to further research advantages and/or disadvantages of a voluntary system; however, he recommends development of a mandatory system. DISCUSSION OF IMPLEMENTING A RECYCLING PROGRAM Director of Engineering & Facilities, Ed Hilton, stated Staff is currently negotiating with five haulers for implementation of a mandatory refuse collections system. During recent discussions, the major haulers have indicated they would be able to combine recycling and collections for the average fee now being charged to residents of the county by private haulers. A lengthy discussion was held on voluntary recycling and incentives being used by the City's program. Discussion was held on Senate Bill 111 and the need to establish manned drop-off centers to collect waste oil, batteries, etc. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request Staff to prepare a recommendation for implementation of a voluntary recycling program and establishment of manned drop-off centers throughout the county. () OTHER ITEMS Commissioner Mathews expressed concern for a number of items and after discussion, it was the general consensus of the Board to request Staff to proceed with the following requests: 1. Prepare more detai led recommendations on agenda items. Provide a brief explanation of all options available (pros and cons) and the cost of each option. 2. All contracts and agreements are to be reviewed by the Legal Department before being placed on the agenda. 3. Staff is to prepare a recommendation for scheduling three ( 3) meetings per month and the possibility of holding meetings on another day of the week. The purpose of the additional meeting is to shorten the length of regular meetings and reduce the number of special meetings. 4. Staff installation of the lobby of ci tizens with buildings. is requested to prepare a recommendation for a telephone system next to the directory board in the County Administration Building to assist information and location of various offices and o 5. Staff is to prepare a recommendation on costs involved with publishing and mailing a quarterly "Information Bulletin" to the citizens of the county. 6. Development of an inter-office memorandum form. FURTHER DISCUSSION OF PREPARING A STRATEGIC PLAN Vice-Chairman Corbett stated after the previous day's discussion on developing a 5-year Strategic Plan, he would recommend developing a plan for the next 15-20 years. He \ MINUTES OF RETREAT, MARCH 30 & 31, 1990 (CONTINUED) 2 3 ""IIIl " ," commented on the need to develop this plan before establishing objectives and recommended assigning this task to the Wilmington Excellence Committee since extensive data on the future growth has already been collected. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request the County Manager to prepare a recommendation for developing a long-range Strategic Plan utilizing the services of community groups such as the Wilmington Excellence Committee. . COMMISSIONER O'NEAL EXCUSED FROM THE MEETING Commissioner O'Neal left the meeting at 1:59 P.M. DISCUSSION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES TRANSPORTATION PLAN County Manager 0' Neal commented on the future development and growth of the New Hanover Transportation Services, Inc. stating the transportation program is badly needed but will become quite time consuming and costly. He notified the Commissioners of the following change in the ratio of federal, state, and local funding effective March 31, 1990: Federal Funding State Funding County Funding Present 80% 10% 10% Effective 3/31/90 60% 20% 20% County Manager O'Neal stated New Hanover Transportation Services, Inc. has submitted a request for the purchase of vans which requires notification and payment of the local match to the State within 10-12 days even though the vans will not be delivered until a later date and the budget has not been adopted for FY 1990-91. He requested direction from the Board. . Discussion was held on the purpose of the plan and the pooling of funds received by various agencies into a centralized non-profit agency for provision of transportation services in the county. Assistant County Manager Gornto stated the original plan involved two elements: coordination of the existing transportation services within the individual agencies; and expansion of transportation services which requires purchase of vans and equipment. County Manager O'Neal stated he is not opposed to the program and feels it is certainly worthwhile; however, the Board should be advised of future costs involved with providing transportation services. Consensus: After further discussion of potential growth and costs, it was the consensus of the Board to request the County Manager to discuss the possibility of reducing the number of vans with Susan Dohrmann, Chairman of New Hanover County Transportation, Inc. and present a report to the Board on April 2, 1990. ADJOURNMENT County Manager 0' Neal expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for holding the retreat stating the information gained has been most beneficial. . It was agreed by all that the retreat was well worth the time and certainly a useful planning tool. Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 2:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~e~~ Clerk to the Board .....1