1990-04-16 Regular Meeting 3 5 ""IIIl MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Regular Session on Monday, April 16, 1990, at 9:00 A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, Carolina. met in o'clock County North . Members present were: Commissioners E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Nolan'O'Neal; Vice-Chairman, W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Chairman Fred Retchin; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Sr. was absent due to a business commitment. Reverend John Pearsall gave the invocation. County Manager, Allen O'Neal, led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Commissioner Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to approve the minutes of Regular Meeting of March 26, 1990; Special Meetings of March 27, March 30 and March 31, 1990, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: . Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Retchin asked if anyone present would like to speak on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or any item listed on the Consent Agenda. No one commented. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield CONSENT AGENDA . PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING MAY 7, 1990, AS NATIONAL NURSES' DAY IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY The Commissioners adopted a proclamation declaring May 7, 1990, as National Nurses' Day in New Hanover County. A copy of the proclamation is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 10. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR ADDITION OF ROADS TO THE STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM The Commissioners adopted a resolution for the addition of roads in River Oaks Subdivision (Division File #637-N) to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. ~ ( 3:6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 (CONTINUED) A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 10. APPROVAL The following attention OF RELEASE OF VALUES AND PENALTIES Commissioners adjusted property properties because of conditions of the Tax Administrator: values for the brought to the Dean, James Ingraham Rinehart, John F. $36,600 $81,530 () The Commissioners released the following property listing penalties as the taxpayers certified their listings were made in another county during the listing period: Borg Warner Acceptance Corp. Cloninger, Don R. Edwardson, John A. $635.29 $ 22.00 $ 14.36 The Commissioners released the following Department of Motor Vehicle civil penalties as recommended by the Tax Administrator since these were first offense cases: Borg Warner Acceptance Corp. Savage, Alfred W. $408.50 $200.00 REJECTION OF BID ttFIN-90-0084-85 FOR THE USED MAINFRAME COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS The Commissioners rejected all bids received for the used mainframe computer equipment for the Management Information Systems Department as recommended by staff after evaluating the bid proposals. APPROVAL OF TAX EXEMPT STATUS FOR SOUTH ATLANTIC CONFERENCE () ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST (Map iR08514-001-002-000) The Commissioners approved a request by the South Atlantic Conference Association of Seventh Day Adventists for tax exempt status for the years of 1987, 1988, 1989 and future years. ACCEPTANCE OF TAX COLLECTION REPORTS The Commissioners accepted the following tax collection reports through March 30, 1990: New Hanover County Tax Collections New Hanover County Fire District Tax Collections Copies of the reports are hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 10. APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT tt90-0187 - NON-DEPARTMENTAL - DEPARTMENT OF AGING The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: 90-0187 Non-Departmental/Aging-Senior Center Debit Credit () Non-Departmental Contingencies $6,590 Aging Center Capital Outlay $6,590 Purpose: To budget for replacement of copier. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 (CONTINUED) 3 7 ..., ACCEPTANCE OF BUDGET DEPARTMENT The Commissioners Amendment for entry into AMENDMENT #90-0201 SHERIFF'S accepted the the minutes: following Budget 90-0201 Non-Departmental/Sheriff's Department Debit Credit Non-Departmental Contingencies $6,643 . Sheriff's Department Salary and Wages Social Security 401 K Medical Insurance $5,404 413 270 556 Purpose: To budget funds for new Identification/Crime Scene Technician position. APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #90-0203 - MUSEUM The Commissioners approved the following Amendment for the Museum Expansion Project: Budget 90-0203 Museum Expansion Debit Credit Interest on Investments $47,832 Capital Outlay Landscaping $10,832 37,000 . Purpose: To budget interest earned to purchase capital outlay items and to do landscaping for the Museum expansion project. APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #90-0207 - PRINT SHOP The Commissioners approved the following Amendment: Budget 90-0207 Print Shop Debit Credit Print Shop Charges $10,000 Departmental Supplies $10,000 Purpose: To budget for increase in departmental supplies due to greater than anticipated printing needs of County departments. APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT # 90-0 210 DEPARTMENT The Commissioners approved the Amendment: SOCIAL SERVICES following Budget 90-0210 Social Services/Various . Debit Credit DSS/AFDC Transitional Day Care, fed/state reimbursement AFDC Emergency Assistance $50,000 $26,200 DSS/Foster Care AFDC Foster Care State Foster Home Fund $68,715 $11,000 DSS/Administration Salaries and Wages $99,085 ~ (38. MINUTES OF REGULAR-MEETING, APRIL 16,1990 (CONTINUED) Budget Amendment (Continued) Debit Credit DSSjAFDC Assistance Payments Transitional Assistance Payments $35,000 $50,000 DSSjFoster Care state Foster Home IV-E (AFDC) Foster Home SFHFjAFDC Supplement Clothing Allowance $22,000 $82,000 $18,000 $48,000 () Purpose: AFDC - Emergency Assistance and Foster Care funds are budgeted to meet funding needs for remainder of this fiscal year. The source of funding is additional State allocation and County dollars currently in DSS salaries that will not be needed this year. Funds are also budgeted for Transitional Day Care which began on April 1, 1990. ACCEPTANCE OF BUDGET AMENDMENT 190-0639 CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE NURSING FACILITY The Commissioners accepted the following Budget Amendment as reported by the Budget Officer for entry into the minutes: 90-0639 Cape Fear Community College Nursing Facility Sales Tax Refund Interest on Investments Debit $ 3,156 11,882 Credit Administration and Legal contingencies 172 7,148 Transfer to other Funds (General Fund) $22,358 o APPROVAL OF GRANT APPLICATION TO N. C. DEPARTMENT OF CRIME CONTROL AND PUBLIC SAFETY The Commissioners approved filing of a grant application by the Cape Fear Substance Abuse Center for a Victims of Crime Assistance Grant in the amount of $23,380 for the Rape Crisis Center. No local funds are required, but the County is responsible for administering the funds. The grant pre-application has been approved by the N. C. Department of Crime Control and Public Safety. The County Manager was authorized to execute the grant application and agreement if the grant is received. APPROVAL OF CONSOLIDATED CONTRACT IHEA-90-0119 WITH N. C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT The Commissioners approved a consolidated contract between the New Hanover County Health Department and North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources in the amount of $991,768 to assist in providing services in New Hanover County. The Chairman, Health Director and the Finance Director were authorized to execute the contract. A copy of the contract is on file in the County 0 Manager's Office. ADOPTION OF PROCLAMATION DECLARING APRIL AS FAIR HOUSING MONTH IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY Director of Human Relations, William R. Jessup, commented on April as Fair Housing Month in New Hanover County and invited the Commissioners to attend the Fair Housing Workshop to be held on May 2, 1990. Motion: Vice-Chairman Commissioner O'Neal to Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by adopt the proclamation designating MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 ( CONTINUED) 3 9 ""IIIIlI April as Fair Housing Month in New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin . Absent: Commissioner Barfield A copy of the proclamation is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 10. MEETING RECESSED TO HOLD A MEETING OF THE 1990 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION & REVIEW Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting from 9:10 o'clock A.M. to 9:16 o'clock A.M. to hold a meeting of the 1990 Board of Equalization & Review. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A ONE TIME WAIVER OF THE AUDIT REQUIREMENT TO OUTSIDE AGENCIES RECEIVING $1,000 AND NO MORE THAN $2,500 Motion: Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by commissioner Mathews to adopt the resolution authorizing a one time waiver of the audit requirement to outside agencies receiving $1,000 and no more than $2,500. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: . Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield A copy of the resolution is hereby made a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 10. ADOPTION OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BY-LAWS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION ENTITLED NEW HANOVER COUNTY CHILD CARE RESOURCE AND REFERRAL, INC. Motion: After discussion of revisions to the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws, Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Corbett to adopt the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws as presented and direct the Clerk to maintain the list of categories as recommended by the Task Force for appointments to this Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin . Absent: Commissioner Barfield AWARD OF BID (CONTRACT #STE-90-0007) TO CLANCY & THEYS FOR SITE WORK, FOUNDATIONS AND STRUCTURES FOR PHASE 2 OF THE STEAM PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT Dr. Stanton M. Peters, Engineering Consultant for the Steam Plant Expansion Project, stated the following bids were received for site work, foundations and structures, for Phase 2 of the project. He recommended award of the low bid to Clancy & Theys: ~ (40 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 (CONTINUED) Clancy & Theys Miller Building Corporation Cape Fear Construction Leader Construction $1,647,840 $1,683,000 $1,836,000 $1,867,000 Commissioner Corbett expressed concern for the firm of Stanton M. Peters & Associates being defined as engineer in one document and consultant in another. He requested the County Attorney to be consistent in the title used for all documents. A lengthy discussion was held on the protest submitted by Miller Building Corporation which expressed concern for no alternate being provided by Clancy and Theys's bid proposal clarifying the inclusion or exclusion of field painting for exposed structural steel. Dr. Peters stated the bid package required that clarifications must be made by addendum only. He emphasized the fact that verbal instructions are not binding. The painting question submitted by Miller Building Corporation was responded to in Addendum #3, Page 3, Item 15 which states, "Paint only the exposed items shown on the structural drawings. All other i terns will be painted under other contracts." Also, under Page 6, Item 20, the addendum states, "There are no bid alternates for this project." Dr. Peters stated with reference to Miller Building's question concerning acceptance of voluntary alternatives, the response was answered on Page 6, Item 19, of the addendum which states, "The Engineer will consider voluntary alternatives for award of the contract only as allowed by the owners legal counsel so that the bid processing is not voided." Commissioner Mathews asked County Attorney Pope if he is satisfied with the award of bid to Clancy & Theys and does he feel the protest submitted by Miller Building Corporation has been addressed properly? County Attorney Pope stated he has no problem awarding the bid to Clancy & Theys as recommended. Vice-Chairman Corbett expressed concern for the wording in Section 4.2, "Changes of the Contract Time" and recommended that the Board of Commissioners be involved with an extension of time. He also expressed concern for the vagueness of the word "reasonable" used in Section 7.5, Correction of Defects. He asked if a time could be established. Dr. Peters stated the contractor must be given a reasonable amount of time to correct a problem. After further discussion, it was agreed that the word reasonable should remain; however, if the engineer finds that work was delayed because of conditions beyond the control and without the fault of both the contractor and his or her subcontractors or suppliers, the engineer is to contact the Board of Commissioners for an extension of time. County Attorney Pope inquired as to whether the Commissioners would like for the extension of time clause to be incorporated into future contracts. Consensus: After further discussion, of the Board to incorporate this contracts. it was the consensus wording in future Motion: After discussion of the bid document from Clancy & Theys, which included painting of the steel, Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by commissioner Mathews to award the bid to Clancy & Theys in the amount of $1,647,840 with an amendment to Paragraph 1 under Section 4.2 to incorporate the time extension clause. The Chairman was authorized to execute the contract. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: ~ r;:) I::) o MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 (CONTINUED) ~ 41 Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield . A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager's office. AWARD OF BID TO NUTECH PROCESS EQUIPMENT, INC. ( CONTRACT #STE-90-0058) - STEAM PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT Discussion was held on using the proper name when referring to Steam Plant. Vice-Chairman Corbett requested the County Attorney to be consistent with the name when preparing documents and suggested referring to the plant as the Resource Recovery Facility. After further discussion, no action was taken on this matter. Consensus: Discussion was held on preparing a plaque for the dedication of the Steam Plant expansion with the consensus that a plaque is not needed. Dr. Peters stated the following equipment bids were received: Nutech Process Equipment, Inc. Equipment Systems Design Permutit Company, Inc. $29,900 $35,974 $70,305 . Dr. Peters stated Nutech submitted the parts: (1) the deaerator with accessories and down tank. He stated the total bid was recommended award of the bid to the low bidder, bid in (2) the $29,900 Nutech. two blow and Discussion was held on the difference contract compared to the bid received. Dr. the bid of $29,900 is the correct figure. in the draft Peters stated Motion: After discussion, Commissioner O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to award the bid to Nutech Process Equipment, Inc., the low bidder, in the amount of $29,900. The Chairman was authorized to execute the contract. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager's office. . AWARD OF BID TO FORNEY INTERNATIONAL, INC. ( CONTRACT #STE-90-0008) FOR INSTALLATION OF INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS FOR THE STEAM PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT Dr. Stanton M. Peters stated the following bids were received for installation of instrumentation and controls for the Steam Plant Expansion Project: Forney International Inc. Johnson Yokogawa Corporation Bailey Controls Company $ 930,089 $1,063,070 $1,256,550 Dr. Peters stated the bids received from Forney International Inc. and Johnson Yokogawa Corporation were evaluated in detail. At the pre-bid conference, due to the ....1 (42 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 (CONTINUED) complexity of the bid package, the bidders were instructed that if a single item in the bid package was a matter of concern, the firm should contact Dr. Peters to see if this concern could be resolved through negotiations. He stated Forney requested deletion of all references to construction in the bid documents; therefore, it was not clear whether Forney would install the field instruments. Johnson Yokogawa Corporation agreed to allow the construction contract to remain with negotiations being worked out within 15 days after the award of bid to their firm, which was not acceptable. After meeting with both firms several times, Forney was informed that deletion of references to construction was not acceptable, and they agreed by written notification to install the field instruments under the bid price of $930,089. Dr. Peters stated the Johnson Yokogawa Corporation bid was good; however, 14 inch CRT's were provided which would cost $12,000 each to upgrade to 19 inches; whereas, the Forney bid provided 19 inch CRT's. Johnson Yokogawa did not have a color copier; whereas, the Forney bid contained two color copiers; and Johnson Yokogawa did not provide the redundant data highways which was a minimal requirement of the bid document. Dr. Peters stated after carefully considering all details of the bids received from Forney International and Johnson Yokogawa, it is recommended that the bid be awarded to Forney International, Inc., the low bidder. Discussion was held on the technical assistance portion of the contract. Dr. Peters stated technical assistance must be provided through the acceptance test of the instrumentation system; therefore, 70 man days of technical assistance were included in the bid proposal. After further discussion, it was the general consensus to remove the technical assistance line item in the amount of $47,600 from the contract. Further discussion was held on the spare parts portion of the bid proposal in the amount of $33,352 and the engineering training portion of the bid proposal in the amount of $12,755 with the general consensus that these line items are acceptable. Discussion was held on deletion the last paragraph on Page 9 entitled, Equipment Manufactured by Others. County Attorney Pope recommended deletion of this paragraph. Chairman Retchin stated Mr. representative of the Johnson Yokogawa like to comment on the bid proposal. Richard Baker, a Corporation, would Mr. Richard Baker read the following instructions submitted in the bid document: The purpose of the contract documents is to provide for the furnishing of all equipment, materials, and labor required to complete the project as setforth herein. The successful bidder will be required to furnish equipment, materials, and workmanship complying fully with the requirements of the contract documents. Mr. Baker stated his firm interpreted this statement as meaning Johnson Yokogawa Corporation was to supply the installation services. Mr. Baker continued to read the following \ () o o MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 (CONTINUED) 43;. ~ . instructions: The submission of a bid will be considered as evidence of the bidder's representation. No allowance will subsequently be made to the successful bidder by reason or any error or omission on his part due to his neglect in complying with the requirements of this article. No bidder shall modify or cancel his bid or any part thereof for sixty days after the time specified to the receipt of the bids. Mr. Baker stated the bid submitted by Forney International Inc. provides that supervision for field installation and start-up of the system includes at least one Forney specialist on site for 25 normal manned days including one c round trip, etc. , and the technical assistance for installation supervision for start-up is available at the applicable per diem service rate at the time the service is rendered. Mr. Baker stated the intent of the Forney proposal was not to include installation and once given an opportunity to modify the bid, Forney included installation in the price already submitted; whereas, the Johnson Yokogawa Corporation followed the original bid instructions and included installation which increased the amount of the bid. He expressed concern for awarding a bid to a company in non-conformance with the original bid specifications and providing the same opportunity to other bidders. Dr. Peters commented on a meeting with Forney for clarification of the bid proposal concerning installation services. At this meeting, Forney stated the bid did include installation services. . County Attorney Pope stated under the North Carolina bidding laws a special section has been provided for construction of solid waste management facilities. The law recognizes the complexity of the bidding process, and allows counties to award contracts on the basis of other factors rather than cost alone. Motion: After further discussion, Commissioner Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to award the bid to Forney International Inc. in the amount of $976,000 which includes spare parts in the amount of $33,352 and engineer training in the amount of $12,755; to amend Section 4.2 to include the extension of time clause; and delete the last paragraph on Page 9 of the contract. The Chairman was authorized to execute the document. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager's office. . MEETING RECESSED TO HOLD A REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting from 10:21 o'clock A.M. to 11:58 o'clock'~.~. to hold a Regular Meeting of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District. APPROVAL OF SEWER ALLOCATION FOR 333 SHAMROCK DRIVE AND 150 HORNDALE DRIVE County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, presented background information on the sewer allocation request for 150 Horndale Drive and 333 Shamrock Drive. He recommended amending the contract with Cape Fear Utilities by 600 gallons per day of sewer flow for the two residential lots. ~ ( c4~4 \ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 (CONTINUED) Motion: After discussion, Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Retchin to amend the contract with Cape Fear Utilities by 600 gallons per day of sew~r flow for two residential lots, 333 Shamrock Drive and 150 Horndale Drive, as requested by Henderson Realty Company. The Chairman was authorized to execute the document. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin () Absent: Commissioner Barfield A copy of the amended contract is on file in the County Manager's office. BREAK Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting for a break from 10:59 o'clock A.M. to 11:14 o'clock A.M. APPOINTMENT OF JULIA G. DEAN TO SERVE ON THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOMICILIARY HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Motion: Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to appoint Ms. Julia G. Dean to serve an unexpired term on the Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee. The term will expire June 30, 1991. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin () Absent: Commissioner Barfield ., APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO SERVE ON THE AD HOC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Motion: After discussion and nominations of various applicants, Commissioner Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Corbett to appoint the following members to serve on the Ad Hoc Planning Advisory Committee: Ms. Eleanor T. Callum Ms. Howard T. Capps Ms. Peggy T. Crouch Mr. William C. Howard, Jr. Mr. William C. Maus III Mr. James H. Medlin, Jr. Mr. Michael Murchison Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin () Absent: Commissioner Barfield PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR THE CLERK TO THE BOARD Each County Commissioner commented on the excellent job being performed by the Clerk to the Board. Vice-Chairman Corbett suggested delegation of more duties to the Deputy Clerk in order to allow the Clerk more time for administrative duties and planning. Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell, expressed appreciation to the members of the Board for the positive MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 (CONTINUED) ~ ":.45 evaluation stating she enjoys the job and working with the Board. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR THE COUNTY ATTORNEY Each Commissioner commented on the excellent job being performed by the County Attorney. Chairman Retchin and Vice-Chairman Corbett requested the County Attorney to delegate more responsibilities to the Assistant County Attorneys. . County Attorney Pope expressed appreciation to the Board for the evaluation and stated he would concentrate on delegating more responsibilities to his assistants. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Discussion of Scheduling a Meeting with State FmHA Representatives to Seek Additional Funding Assistance for Completing the Sewer System Vice-Chairman Corbett inquired as to whether a date has been set to meet with State FmHA representatives in Raleigh, North Carolina, to discuss additional funding assistance for completing the county-wide sewer system. County Manager O'Neal stated this item will be addressed within the next week. Invitation for County Manager to Attend a Hospital Board of Trustees Meeting Commissioner O'Neal invited the County Manager to attend the next meeting of the Hospital Board of Trustees. Chairman Retchin agreed stating this is an excellent idea, and it would be most beneficial to the County Manager to attend other meetings of various boards and commissions. . Commissioner 0' Neal also commented on the progress of the Search Committee in selecting a new hospital administrator stating the applicants are being narrowed and the selection process should be completed wi thin the next three to four weeks. Discussion of Wall Covering in the Assembly Room Commissioner Mathews expressed concern about the sound system and inquired as to when the wall covering will be completely installed. After discussion, the County Manager was requested to check into the completion of this work. EXECUTIVE SESSION Chairman Retchin stated the County Attorney has requested an Executive Session to discuss acquisition of property, litigation, and a personnel matter. Motion: Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Retchin to convene from Regular Session to Executive Session. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: . Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield Chairman Retchin convened from Regular Session to Executive Session at 11:45 o'clock A.M. Motion: Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECONDED Commissioner 0 I Neal to reconvene to Regular Session. vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: by Upon ~ 4-6 \ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 (CONTINUED) voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield Chairman Retchin convened to Regular Session at 12:46 o'clock P.M. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Mathews MOVED, O'Neal to adjourn. Upon vote, FOLLOWS: SECONDED by the MOTION Commissioner CARRIED AS Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield Respectfully submitted, ( U'Vxi~ \.../C F. Harrell Clerk to the Board () () o