1990-05-29 Regular Meeting 65 ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, May 29, 1990, at 9:00 A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, at 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. . Members present were: Commissioners Mathews, Jr.; Nolan O'Neal; Vice-Chairman Chairman Fred Retchin; County Manager, Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to Harrell. Robert G. Greer; E. L. Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Allen O'Neal; County the Board, Lucie F. Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Finance Director, Andrew J. Atkinson, gave the invocation. Commissioner E. L. Mathews, Jr. led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner 0' Neal to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 7, 1990, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPOINTMENT OF ROBERT G. GREER TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF COMMISSIONER W. ALBERT CORBETT, JR. Chairman Retchin stated the Executive Committee of the Republican Party has recommended the appointment of Robert G. Greer to fill the unexpired term of former County Commissioner W. Albert Corbett, Jr. . Motion: Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to accept the recommendation of the Republican Party and appoint Robert G. Greer to fill the unexpired term of former County Commissioner W. Albert Corbett, Jr. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO ROBERT G. GREER Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell, administered the Oath of Office to Robert G. Greer. A copy of the Oath is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 13. Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, congratulated Commissioner Greer and welcomed him as a member of the Board. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Retchin asked if anyone present would like to speak on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or an item listed on the Consent Agenda. No one commented. . APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Mathews commented on Item #13 and inquired as to how ARS Waste Management Tire Recycling Ltd. will dispose of the scrap tires and will the by-product be recyclable? Mr. Ray Church, Environmental Specialist, stated ARS will accept the tires, and grind them into small pieces of rubber, and it is anticipated the by-product will be marketable. Commissioner Greer inquired as to the placement of trailers at various retailers sites and asked if these locations' have been selected. Mr. Church stated major retail centers have been selected. Vice-Chairman Barfield commented on Consent Agenda Item #3 and requested an explanation of the proposed reduction in the percentage of the retainage for various contracts at the Airport. County Manager 0' Neal stated typically contracts of this size have a written option for releasing the retainage at a certain ~ ( 66 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 (CONTINUED) point in the contract; however, these contracts did not contain this provision. After review by the Engineering and Legal Departments, the County staff has recommended the reduction as requested. Motion: Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by commissioner Mathews to approve the Consent Agenda items as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Revisions to the New Hanover County EmergencyO.. Operations Plan The Commissioners approved revisions in the New Hanover - County Emergency Operations Plan as requested by FEMA, the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management, and the Department of Emergency Services. A copy of the revised plan is on file in the Clerk's office. Award of Low Bid to Westinghouse Environmental & Geotechnical Services, Inc., Contract iENG-90-0129, for Removal and Destruction of Underground storage Tanks The Commissioners awarded the low bid to Westinghouse Environmental & Geotechnical Services, Inc. in the amount of $5,650 for destruction of underground storage tanks located at stations 1 and 4 of the ogden/New Hanover Rescue squad. The County Manager was authorized to execute the contract. The following bids were received: M & A Construction Company, Inc. Richard Catlin & Associates, Inc. Westinghouse Environmental & Geotechnical Services, Inc. $8,945 $6,400 $5,650 A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager' sO" office. Approval of Retainage Reduction for Airport Terminal contracts The commissioners approved a retainage reduction from 10% to 5% for the Airport Terminal contracts for Leader Construction Company, Reagan Electric Company, and Sneeden, Inc. Award of Low Bid, contract iPRO-90-0128, to Sneeden Inc. for Installation of a Roof-Top Multi-Zone Condensing Unit at the Health Department The Commissioners awarded the low bid to Sneeden Inc, in the amount of $40,882 for installation of a Roof-Top Multi-Zone Condensing Unit at the Health Department and authorized the Chairman to execute the contract. The following bids were received: R. L. Blanton Company Sneeden, Inc. $46,216 $40,882 A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager's office. Award of Informal Bid/Contract iFIN-90-0117 to Cape Fear Office Machines of Wilmington, North Carolina, for Typewriter Maintenance Contract C) The commissioners awarded an informal bid to Cape Fe; Office Machines of Wilmington, North Carolina, for the typewrit~~ .' maintenance contract. Request for proposals were forwarded to Cape Fear Office Machines, Typewriter Service Company and Carolina Office Equipment Company. Typewriter Service Company was not able to repair the IBM Selectrics and Carolina Office Equipment Company did not submit a proposal; therefore, Staff recommended award of the bid to Cape Fear Office Machines. The Chairman was authorized to execute the contract. I \ A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager's office. . . . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 (CONTINUED) -.., 67 Acceptance of HUD Fair Housing Assistance Program Grant- Human Relations Department The Commissioners accepted a HUD Fair Housing Assistance Program grant in the amount of $4,000 to cover cost of mandatory training required by HUD. This is an on-going program. Approval of Budget Amendment #90-0228 to Budget Earned Revenue - Health Department The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 90-0228 Health Department/Nutrition Debit Credit Title XX Fees $513 Departmental Supplies Training and Travel $213 $300 Purpose: To budget earned revenue from nutrition services to cover supplies, training, and travel. Approval of Budget Amendment #90-0236 Non-Departmental and Personnel The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 90-0236 Non-Departmental and Personnel Debit Credit Non-Departmental Contingency $1,600 Personnel Departmental Supplies $1,600 Purpose: To budget funds for FY 1990-91 service awards which are currently being ordered to assure deli very before the County Fun/Family Day scheduled in September. Acceptance of Tax Collections Reports The Commissioners accepted the following Tax Collection Reports thru April 30, 1990, as submitted by the Collector of Revenue: New Hanover County Tax Collections New Hanover County Fire District Tax Collections Copies of the reports are contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 13. Approval of Value Adjustments on Property and Release of Penalties - Tax Department The Commissioners approved the following value adj ustments on property as recommended by the Tax Administrator: Paul J. Fuller, Jr. Donald Miles MacQueen D. H. Marquis $27,300 $ 2,600 $33,650 The Commissioners approved release of the following certification penalties as recommended by the Tax Administrator since these penalties are the taxpayers first offense: Raymond James Enos, Jr. Edward Clarks Shires, Jr. $100 $100 Approval of Contract #MIS-90-0139 for Purchase of Software Package from Goal Systems The Commissioners authorized the Chairman to execute the contract with Goal Systems for purchase of the Explore CICS Software Package. Funds are available in the 1989-90 Budget. ~ (68 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 (CONTINUED) A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager's office. Approval of Contract iENG-90-0143 with ARS Waste Management Tire Recycling Ltd. - Engineering Department The Commissioners awarded a one-year renewable contract to ARS Waste Management Tire Recycling Ltd. at a negotiated price of $78.50 per ton for scrap tire disposal services. The following proposals were received: ARS Waste Management Tire Recycling Ltd. Central Carolina Tire Disposal $78.20 $80.00 () BIF - Offered to shred tires at the County site for $77.00 per ton; place trailers at retail sites for $95.00 per ton plus $150.00 per month rental, plus the County being responsible for preparing a site and stockpiling 10,000 tires prior to processing. copies of the proposals are contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 13. PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN FINANCIAL REPORTING FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989 TO DIRECTOR OF FINANCE, ANDREW J. ATKINSON On behalf of the Board, Chairman Retchin presented a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for Fiscal Year 1989 to the Director of Finance, Andrew J. Atkinson and complimented him for an excellent job in financial reporting. Finance Director Atkinson expressed appreciation to the Assistant Finance Director, Allan Mozingo, and his staff for their outstanding work given in preparing the Financial Report. He requested the Finance Staff to stand for a round of applause. PRESENTATION OF THE COUNTY MANAGER'S FISCAL YEAR 1990-91~ RECOMMENDED BUDGET County Manager O'Neal expressed appreciation to the Budget Team consisting of Assistant County Manager, Mary Gornto; Finance Director, Andrew J. Atkinson; Personnel Director, Andre' Mallette, Budget Officer, Cam McAbee, and Internal Auditor, Bruce Shell for their hard work and cooperation in assisting him with preparation of the recommended 1990-91 Budget. He also expressed appreciation to the Department Heads for their cooperation during the various Budget Hearings. County Manager O'Neal stated at the beginning of the budget process, the requested expenditures exceeded available revenues by $6,906,180, which is equivalent to a 14 cents tax increase. A penny on the tax rate is equal to $485,000. The recommended budget contains a tax rate increase of 1.5 cents, which would be a tax rate of 73.5 cents. A variety of factors resulted in a need for the recommended rate increase including, but not limited to, increased cost of liability insurance, materials, utilities, and more citizens served by the various programs. In addition, large funding requests from New Hanover County Schools and the Department of social Services impacted the budget. The proposed Schools' allocation is an increase of 7.5 percent over last year's budget, or $1,054,362 which is equivalent to 2.2 cents of the tax rate. The Department of Social Services' budget~ represents an increase of $1,324,795 or 23 percent, which i~~ equivalent to 2.7 cents of the tax rate. The proposed budget maintains the present service levels. Although 70 positions were requested, 15 new positions are included and 18 positions are eliminated (net decrease of 3 posi tions) . The elimination of these positions is not a cost savings measure, but because the various departments feel they can better serve the citizens through other means. Seven (7) new positions are recommended for the Resource Recovery Fund and one (1) for the Water and Sewer Fund. Funds are included to continue the merit program, but there will not be a cost-of-living ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 (CONTINUED) increase for County employees. A slight increase in the cost of dental insurance is being absorbed by the County instead of being passed on to the employees. Some worthwhile requests for increased funding are not included, since it is not possible to include everything and still maintain a reasonable tax rate. Hopefully, some of the requested County programs and positions, as well as funding requests from non-county agencies, can be addressed in future budgets. . Relative to capital projects, the Airport will receive $1,500,000; and the mid-south branch library will be financed over five years beginning January 1991. No funds are budgeted for debt service or operating costs of the new senior center or the parks bond referendum; and no funds are included for the expansion of the jail. These projects, as well as the operating expenses of the expanded museum, will impact future budgets. An appropriated fund balance in the amount of $2,250,000 has been recommended. In future budgets, it may not be possible to appropriate money from the fund balance in this amount. It is the responsibility of the County Manager to recommend a budget that maintains an adequate unappropriated fund balance in order for the County to sustain a strong financial position. An adequate unappropriated fund balance enables the County to maximize investment earnings, to maintain its Aa bond rating, and to have adequate funds on hand to meet all operating expenditures on a timely basis and to ensure the County's ability to meet and handle unexpected events and expenditures. .' Tipping fees at the Landfill and Resource Recovery Facility are recommended to increase from $28 per ton to $36 per ton, which is required to balance the Resource Recovery Fund. Emergency Medical Service fees are recommended to increase from $75 to $200 to reflect the actual cost of providing the service. The EMS increase is also necessary for the County to be eligible for the maximum Medicare reimbursement. Future budgets will need to provide debt service on capital ,projects, operation and maintenance costs of new buildings, additional personnel and equipment for departments as services are expanded. The County will also need to maintain the fund balance, identify additional sources of revenue, and address the continuing effort by the state and federal governments to shift program costs to the local level. County Manager 0' Neal stated the proposed tax increase of 1.5 cents will maintain the present level of service. Hopefully in future budgets some of the worthwhile requests for funding that are not included in this recommended budget can be funded. The following budget information was presented and a copy of the Budget Outline for FY 1990-91 is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 13: . Major Requests Not Recommended Personnel Costs & Associated Matters Presentation of Other Funds Fund Balance Cam McAbee Andre' Mallette Mary Gornto Andrew J. Atkinson Chairman Retchin commented on the "new federalism" stating with budget cuts and mandates from the State and Federal governments, such as drastic reductions in federal block grants and revenue sharing, local governments are feeling the funding shortfalls and simply do not have ample revenues nor methods of generating revenues to maintain the local services without increasing taxes. He stressed the importance of the general public understanding this shift of funding to the local level of government and the tremendous impact upon funds available for the provision of County services at the present level. t~ '1 0 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 ( CONTINUED) Chairman Retchin expressed appreciation to the County Manager and Staff Members for an excellent budget presentation. APPROVAL OF SOLID WASTE COLLECTIONS ORDINANCE AND FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS UPON THE FIRST READING - SECOND READING SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 4, 1990 County Manager 0' Neal presented background information on the proposed Solid Waste Collections Ordinance and Franchise Agreements for residential solid waste collections. He stated after negotiations with the haulers, an ordinance and agreements have been prepared. The following highlights of the proposed ordinance and agreements were presented: () AGREEMENT --Five years beginning July 1, 1990, and ending June 30, 1995, with option for an additional two years. --Operator collects residential solid waste from all resi- dential generators in the franchise area providing 90 gallon roll-out carts and collecting trash once a week. --Operator shall provide all vehicles, equipment and main- tenance thereof. --Operator responsible for fee collection. --County responsible for notification to residents of the unincorporated areas of the county of their obligation to contract for refuse collection. --A uniform county-wide fee for collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste will be set by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. --The Board shall evaluate services and fees annually. r) --The Operator shall provide an irrevocable letter of credit for $10,000. --Adequate insurance, indemnity, non-discrimination and ter- mination clauses are in the agreement. ORDINANCE --Five-year (with possible two-year extension) franchise granted by the Board of Commissioners with adequate revo- cation and termination privileges. --Franchise states stringent operational, maintenance, col- lection, insurance and inspection requirements. --Mandatory residential collection. --Private collection by any person not franchised by the County is unlawful. --Adequate termination and penalty clauses. County Manager 0' Neal stated after negotiations with the five haulers, the fee recommended for residential collections is $12.50 per month for the first year of service. (~) Commissioner Mathews inquired as to how the citizens of the unincorporated areas of the County will be notified of this new policy. Solid Waste Planner, Tim Cole, stated the news media will be utilized as well as flyers being distributed in the local newspapers. Commissioner Greer inquired as to the method of collection to be used by the haulers for payment of delinquent accounts. Solid Waste Planner Cole stated the ordinance provides two \ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 (CONTINUED) 7- ~ -1 options: (1) the haulers can bring civil action offenders; and (2) the County can bring civil action offenders for non-compliance of the County Ordinance. against against . Vice-Chairman Barfield expressed concern for hidden costs of this program and cautioned rushing into a mandatory system without all issues being studied and presented. For example, who will monitor the quality of services being rendered by the haulers and will additional personnel be required? What costs will the County incur with the enforcement of the proposed ordinance? What mechanism will be used to assist low-income persons with payment of the trash collection service? How will trash collections be handled on impassable dirt roads? He stated these questions have not been answered and cost projections should developed before the Board adopts the proposed ordinance and franchise agreements. Chairman Retchin stated problems feels the proposed Trash Collections issues and that special situations case-by-case basis. will occur; however, he System will address most can be resolved on a Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to comment. The following remarks were presented: Mr. Floyd Lucas, owner of JR Removal Service, stated his company was not included in the franchise; however, his firm has been offering a special service to elderly persons on fixed-incomes through the usage of one container and one monthly charge. He expressed concern for the proposed system and requested the Commissioners to reconsider establishing a mandatory system. . Mr. Donald Petersen, former Chairman of the Solid Waste Task Force, stated the Task Force recommended establishment of a mandatory collections system for two reasons: (1) the problem of illegal dumping; and (2) providing a structure for establishment of a recycling program on a county-wide basis. He recommended adoption of the ordinance and franchise agreements as presented and recommended a review of the following issues: 1. Cost involved with disposal of bulky items should be collected by the County free of charge. 2. A site should be designated for the disposal of hazardous waste items. Mr. Chris McKeithan, owner of Waste Management, stated the program will work and will provide a efficient service for New Hanover County. County Manager 0' Neal commented on the proposed changes recommended by the County Staff in the franchise agreement and requested the Commissioners to include these amendments when taking action. Motion: Commissioner O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED Mathews to adopt the ordinance as presented. MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: by Commissioner Upon vote, the . Voting Aye: Commissioner Greer Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Chairman Retchin Voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Barfield The ordinance will require a second reading due to not receiving a unanimous vote at the first reading; therefore, this item will be placed on the agenda for June 4, 1990. ~ ( :7 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 (CONTINUED) Motion: After further discussion, Commissioner 0 I Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to approve the franchise agreements contingent to inclusion of the following amendments: Section 3. Term of Grant and Agreement: Delete the last sentence and add "Future additional extensions of the term of this agreement may be considered at any time, upon request by either party and with mutual consent of both parties." Section 4. Scope of Services: Add after "no more than a 90 gallon cart and ...." () Section 5. Recycling: Add the following last sentence in the paragraph, "within effective date of mandatory collection." phase to the one (1) year of Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Greer Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Chairman Retchin Voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Barfield The franchise requires two readings with an approval at each reading; therefore, this item will be placed on the agenda for June 4, 1990. APPROVAL OF INTERIM RECYCLING PROGRAM FOR RESIDENTS OF THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF THE COUNTY Assistant County Manager, Mary Gornto, stated as a result of interest expressed by citizens of the unincorporated areas of the county, an interim drop-off recycling program has been prepared for implementation effective July 1, 1990. The following () proposal was presented: ~ Interim Drop-off Recycling Program 1. A manned drop-off site will be located at designated sites in the county on designated days. Recyclable materials (glass, aluminum, cans, plastic, and news- print) will be delivered to the City of Wilmington's processing plant on 23rd Street. 2. The County will hire two employees to work the sites and transport the materials. 3. The County will purchase two (2) trucks, containers, uniforms and fuel for operation of the program. 4. The County will pay the City for the cost of plant expansion, equipment upgrade, and personnel for the expanded operations. These expenditures will be necessary to accommodate the curbside program when implemented. Proposed Budget Purchase of 1 or 2 trucks ($30,000 for purchase of 2 trucks) Two employees Fuel 90 gallon carts Uniforms Contingency Expansion of City's Plant TOTAL $21,000 (one truck) o $ 35,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,000 - $1,500 $ 100 $ 5,000 $ 90,000 $157,100 - $166,600 Assistant County Manager Gornto stated implementation of the proposed program will require funding of approximately $80,000 before July 1, 1990, and approximately $80,000 during FY 1990-91. ~ . . . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 ( CONTINUED) 7 3 ""1111 Discussion was held on the advantages of the proposed program. Assistant County Mar:tager Gornto stated money is not saved by recycling, but future costs are avoided through the burning and landfilling of waste materials. Motion: After discussion, Commissioner Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to authorize the County Staff to implement the proposed mobile drop-off recycling program effective July 1, 1990, expend funds in the amount of $80,000 before July 1, 1990, allocate $80,000 for FY 1990-91, and authorize the Chairman to execute an inter local agreement with the City of Wilmington. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. POSTPONEMENT OF U. S. GEOLOGIC SURVEY CASTLE HAYNE AQUIFER STUDY UNTIL 1991 Acting County Manager, Mary Gornto, commented on the revised proposal from U.S. Geologic Survey for study of the Castle Hayne Aquifer stating after consultation with the Assistant Planning Director, Dave Weaver, Staff would recommend delay of the study for one year since the proposal did not include a groundwater study. During this period of time, the County should work with U. S. Geologic Survey to further define the scope of services and request the local legislative delegation to encourage the State to develop funding for local groundwater projects. Emphasis was placed on providing the County with a useful long-term study and model. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board to postpone the Castle Hayne Aquifer study until 1991 during which time, the County will continue to negotiate with U. S. Geologic Survey for further defining the scope of services, and encourage the local legislators to support the legislation to be introduced in the 1991 Long Session of the General Assembly to secure state funding in groundwater studies for the cost not borne by U. S. Geologic Survey. BREAK Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting for a break from 10:40 o'clock A.M. to 10:45 o'clock A.M. APPROVAL FOR FILING AGING STRATEGIC PLANNING DEMONSTRATION GRANT Aging Director, Annette Crumpton, presented background information on the Aging Strategic Planning Demonstration Grant and requested authorization to apply for the grant and designate the Department of Aging as the lead agency during the process of developing a 3-5 year Aging Strategic Plan for "at risk" older adults. Motion: Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Greer to authorize the Department of Aging to apply for the demonstration grant in the amount of $20,000 to develop an Aging Strategic Plan as recommended, designate the Department of Aging as the lead agency, and authorize acceptance of the grant, if awarded. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION AND GRANT APPLICATION TO THE N. C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FOR PROPOSED RIVER ROAD PARK County Manager O'Neal requested authorization to file a grant application in the amount of $150,000 to the N. C. Division of Coastal Management for development of an 11 acre park on the River Road. The park will be handicapped accessible and initially developed with a paved road, parking, restrooms, picnic area, and a boardwalk/pier to the Cape Fear River. The County's funding participation in the amount of $188,750 to $238,750 (depending on land acquisition costs) will be funded from the $3,000,000 Parks Facilities bond fund. In addition, the County will contribute $28,438 in-kind services. County Manager O'Neal recommended approval of the grant application and authorization for Staff to begin negotiations with the property owner for purchase of the property. The negotiations will be contingent upon funding and final approval by the Board of Commissioners. ~ ( 1:4' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 (CONTINUED) Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak on this item. No one commented. Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Greer to approve the grant application and accompanying resolution for development of the River Road Park as recommended and authorize staff to begin negotiations with the property owner for acquisition of the land with the County's funding participation being funded from the $ 3,000,000 Park Facilities Bond Account. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A1 copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, ~ Page 4. APPROVAL OF GRANT APPLICATION TO THE NORTH CAROLINA HUMANITIES COMMITl'EE ENTITLED "BLACK AND WHITE TOGETHER" Director of Human Relations, William R. Jessup, stated the Human Relations Commission has held two public forums on "Black and White Together" looking at race relations in New Hanover County. Due to the success of these forums, the N. C. Humanities Committee has encouraged the Human Relations Commission to apply for a grant in the amount of $9,824 to hold a series of four one-day discussions, involving humanities scholars who will assist the community in clarifying the racial justice issues that need to be addressed. The content of the project will focus on how racism impacts our educational system, law enforcement, social institutions, and economic conditions in the County. Director Jessup requested approval of the grant application stating no additional county funds will be required. Motion: Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to authorize the Director of Human Relations to file the grant application as requested. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT #MGR-90-0146 LEASING ADDITIONAL OFFICE SPACE FOR THE GUARDIAN AD LITEM PROGRAM Assistant County Manager, Mary Gornto, presented background information on the Guardian ad Litem Program and requested approval of additional leased office space since the State is adding two employees and the County is required to provide office space for this program. ~ Motion: After discussion, Commissioner Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Barfield to approve the new lease for additional office space, Unit #10 at Barrister's Row, and renew the lease for Unit #9 as provided in the current lease. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager's office. COMMITl'EE APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENT OF JAY KAPNER AND CARL N. DAVIS TO SERVE ON THE CAPE FEAR COAST CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU, INC. Motion: Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to appoint Mr. Jay Kapner to serve a three-year term as the lodging representative on the Cape Fear Coast Convention and ~ Visitors Bureau, Inc. The term is to expire May 29, 1993. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Motion: Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED Mathews to appoint Mr. Carl N. Davis to serve a as a member at-large on the Cape Fear Coast Visitors Bureau, Inc. The term is to expire May vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. by Commissioner three-year term Convention and 29, 1993. Upon REAPPOINTMENT OF DORIS J. BOONE, CAROLYN H. BROWN, AND MARY M. WILSON TO SERVE ON THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY COUNCIL ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN \ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 (CONTINUED) 75 ~ Motion: Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Retchin to reappoint Doris J. Boone, Carolyn H. Brown, and Mary M. Wilson to serve three-year terms on the New Hanover County Council on the Status of Women. The terms are to expire June 1, 1993. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO SERVE ON THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY CHILD RESOURCE & REFERRAL, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS . Motion: Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to appoint the following persons to serve on the initial Board of Directors of New Hanover County Child Resource & Referral Center with designated categories and staggered terms being assigned after all members have been appointed: John Wasson Mary Elizabeth McKim Polly Applefield Sandra Floyd Georgia Spiliotis Linda S. Murchison Effie Sparrow Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPOINTMENT OF MARY ELIZABETH PAYE TO SERVE ON THE NURSING HOME ADVISORY COMMITTEE Motion: Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Barfield to appoint Ms. Mary Elizabeth paye to fill an unexpired term on the Nursing Home Advisory Committee. The term is to expire June 1, 1992. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . APPOINTMENT OF MICHAEL D. BELLAMY AND R. DARRYL DAVIS, TO SERVE ON THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Motion: Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED Vice-Chairman Barfield to appoint Mr. Michael D. Bellamy to fill the member-at-Iarge unexpired term of Richard G. Piper, to expire December 31, 1991; and to appoint Mr. R. Darryl Davis to fill the member-at-Iarge unexpired term of patricia L. Leonard to expire December 31, 1992. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER ROBERT G. GREER TO SERVE ON THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL SYSTEM OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY Consensus: It was Commissioner Robert Commission and the Beautiful System of CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. the consensus of the Board to appoint G. Greer to serve on the Human Relations Board of Directors of the Keep America New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER NOLAN O'NEAL TO SERVE ON THE DARE, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Consensus: Commissioner Directors. It was the Nolan 0' Neal consensus to serve of on the Board to the Dare Inc. appoint Board of . MEETING RECESSED TO HOLD A REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting to hold a meeting of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District Board of Commissioners from 11:20 o'clock A.M. to 11:46 o'clock A.M. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER ORDINANCE County Attorney Pope requested adoption of an amendment to the New Hanover County Water & Sewer Ordinance to authorize the County Manager and/or his designee to perform any and all ~ ( 76 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING. MAY 29. 1990 (CONTINUED) functions presently allotted to the Director of Engineering and Facilities. Motion: commissioner O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to adopt the amendment to the New Hanover County Water & Sewer Ordinance as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the ordinance is on file in the Clerk's office for codification into the County Code. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED FOR REMOVAL OF MATERIALS FROM THE AIRPORT BURN PIT SITE County Attorney Pope stated four proposals have been received for removal of materials in the burn pit; however, a final decision has not been reached. He requested postponement of this item until the meeting of June 4, 1990, at which time Staff will make a recommendation for the award of bid. () ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OFFICIALLY NAMING THE HIGH RISE BRIDGE OVER THE INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY AT FEDERAL POINT "SNOW'S CUT BRIDGE" Chairman Retchin stated the N. C. Department of Transportation has requested adoption of a resolution naming the high rise bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway at Federal Point on Highway 421, "Snow's Cut Bridge" as petitioned by residents of the area. Also, the petitioners requested the N. C. Department of Transportation to erect markers at each end of the bridge in memory of Major William A. Snow, a former District Engineer for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, who designed and led the cut made across the Federal Point peninsula from the mouth of Telfair's Mill Creek where it empties into the Cape Fear River to the middle of the peninsula, then across the wooded area to the Myrtle Grove Sound. He stated in order for the Department of Transportation to approve the request, the Board of Commissioners must adopt the proposed resolution. Motion: Commissioner Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner 0' Neal to adopt the resolution requesting the North Carolina Department of Transportation to name the Federal Point high rise bridge, "Snow's Cut Bridge" and erect markers at each end of the bridge in memory of Major William A. Snow, a former member of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. o A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 14. APPROVAL OF FUNDING REQUEST TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE ARBORETUM FOUNDATION, INC. Chairman Retchin stated the New Hanover County Extension Service Arboretum Foundation, Inc. is in the process of constructing a greenhouse/conservatory to be named the "C. E. "Pete" Lewis Greenhouse/Conservatory. The Arboretum has submitted a cost estimate of $21,800 for completion of the structure and has requested the Commissioners to participate in funding the project. Motion: Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to appropriate $5,000 to the Arboretum Foundation for the purpose of completing the greenhouse/conservatory to be named the "C.E. "Pete" Lewis Greenhouse/Conservatory. Upon vote, the MOTION (\ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I"~ ) UPDATE ON HIRING OF HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATOR Commissioner O'Neal commented on the hiring process stating a decision should be made within the next two weeks and that he would keep the Commissioners informed. CHANGE IN MEETING DATE OF THE WEEKLY STAFF MEETING Chairman Retchin stated the weekly Staff Meeting scheduled for Friday, June 1, 1990, has been changed to Thursday, May 31, 1990. ~ .. . . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 29, 1990 (CONTINUED) 77 ~ ADJOURNMENT Motion: Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 12:01 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~F~~~ Clerk to the Board ~