1990-05-29&30 Budget Hearings 75 MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARINGS, MAY 29 & 30, 1990 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held Budget Hearings on Tuesday, May 29, 1990, at 1:15 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Robert G. Greer; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Nolan O'Neal; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Chairman, Fred Retchin; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. . Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order. BUDGET HEARING FOR NEW HANOVER FOOD BANK, INC. AND MOTHER HUBBARD'S CUPBOARD Mr. Jack Morgan, representing New Hanover Food Bank, Inc. and Mother Hubbard's Cupboard, presented a j oint proposal of these agencies for operation of the three feeding programs, including the USDA commodities program, under one management at one location with a 1990-91 Budget Request of $30,000. He stated the Human Allocations Advisory Committee recommended funding of $40,000 the Food Distribution Center with no funding recommended for the Food Bank or Mother Hubbard's Cupboard. He stressed the importance of operating a more cost-effective food program, and respectfully requested the Commissioners to approve the proposal submitted. BUDGET HEARING FOR SENCLAND ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Mr. Danny Harrell, representing SENCland Alumni Association, Stepping Stone Manor, and Path~ay House, commented on the budget request of $135,992 submitted-by these organizations stating no funding was recommended in the County Manager's proposed budget. . He requested the Commissioners to approve the budget request as submitted and stated in order to continue to operate these facilities additional professional personnel must be hired. BUDGET HEARING FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/SHELTER AND SERVICES Ms. Mary Ann Lama, representing the Domestic Violence/Shelter and Services, presented background information on the increased number of abused women and children stating the majority of clients come from New Hanover County. She commented on increased costs and respectfully requested the Commissioners to consider approving the original budget request in the amount of $40,000 instead of the $30,000 recommended by the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee. BUDGET HEARING FOR WILMINGTON INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Mr. Bill Cameron, representing the Wilmington Industrial Development Committee, expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for past funding support and encouraged the Board to approve the funding request of $40,000. BUDGET HEARING FOR YAHWEH CENTER, INC. Mr. Carla Roberts, representing the YAHWEH Center, Inc., commented on the success of the center in providing shelter to abused children and requested the Commissioners to consider the budget request of $35,000 as submitted instead of the $10,000 as . submi tted by the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee. . She commented on the urgent need to develop a prevention program and requested funding in the amount of $35,000 for FY 1991 in order to apply for grants. Mr. Tom Morgan, a Board Member of the YAHWEH Center, presented a handout on donations received by the center, and stated the County does bear the responsibility of providing care to abused children under state and federal mandates. He stated ~ BUDGET HEARINGS, MAY 29 & 30, 1990 (CONTINUED) 79 the care being provided by the YAHWEH Center is much less costly than through other organizations and requested the Commissioners to approve the total budget request. . BUDGET HEARING FOR KATIE B. HINES SENIOR CENTER - PLEASURE ISLAND Ms. Jean 0' Dell, representing the Katie B. Hines Senior Center, commented on the continued growth of services provided by the Katie B. Hines Senior Center and requested the Commissioners to approve the budget request in the amount of $4,000. She stated the Senior Center has requested funding in the amount of $4,000 from the Town of Carolina Beach and hopefully this request will be approved. BUDGET HEARING FOR THE CAPE FEAR GOSPEL RESCUE MISSION Mr. Eugene Floyd, representing the Cape Fear Gospel Rescue Mission, stated this organization is a non....profit agency and provides shelter and food to the homeless who are in need of immediate care. He urged the Commissioners to approve the budget request submitted in the amount of $10,000. BUDGET REQUEST FOR WILMINGTON RAILROAD MUSEUM Mr. Jay Hockenbury, representing the Wilmington Railroad Museum Foundation, commented on the number of persons visiting the museum and stressed the importance of preserving the heritage and history of the railroad in New Hanover County. He requested the Commissioners to approve the Budget Request in the amount of $12,000 instead of $2,500 as recommended in the County Manager's proposed budget. . BUDGET HEARING FOR THE CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Ms. Rose Ann Mack, representing the Cape Fear Council of Governments, stated the Council of Governments has not increased their budget request for the past four years; however, due to continuing cuts in state and federal funds, it is necessary to request an additional $1,864. She respectfully requested the Commissioners to approve the budget request as submitted in the amount of $20,300 instead of $18,436 as recommended in the County Manager's proposed budget. BUDGET HEARING FOR THE MARINE CRESCENT CENTER Mr. Michael Brady, representing the Marine Crescent Center, commented on new marine technology and marine related commercial activities stating the Marine Crescent Center is concentrating on bringing jobs into the area through development of marine agricul ture, vessel renovations, marine training and teaching. He stated funds are being requested from the state on a match of 2 to 1 based on a total of $35,000 from five counties. The amount of each budget request is based upon the population of the county; therefore, $10,410 has been requested from New Hanover County. He requested the Commissioners to approve the $10,410 as requested instead of $5,000 as recommended in the County Manager's proposed budget. . BUDGET HEARING FOR DARE, INC. Mr. Bob Murphrey, representing DARE, Inc., commented on the downtown revitalization program and requested the Commissioners to consider approval of the budget request in the amount of $22,000 as submitted instead of $20,000 as recommended in the County Manager's proposed budget. He emphasized the importance of continuing to develop the downtown area and requested support of the funding request. BUDGET REQUEST BY THE CAPE FEAR LITERACY COUNCIL Mr. Tom Townsend, representing the Cape Fear Literacy Council, commented on the importance of teaching children and ~ ~~:GET HEARINGS, MAY 29 & 30, 1990 (CONTINUED) adul ts to read. He requested the Commissioners to approve the budget request of $15,000 as submitted instead of the $7,350 as recommended by the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee. BUDGET HEARING FOR ST. JOHN'S MUSEUM OF ART Mr. Ren Brown, representing St. John's Museum of Art, commented on last year's County funding allowing the Museum to develop outreach programs for school children and remain open on Sunday. He requested the Commissioners to approve the budget request in the amount of $20,000 instead of $16,500 as recommended in the County Manager's proposed budget. He emphasized the importance of expanding programs and increasing the operating hours of the museum. o BUDGET HEARING FOR THE FOOD DISTRIBUTION CENTER Ms. Cheryl Brown, representing the Food Distribution Center, expressed appreciation to the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee for recommending funding to the Center in the amount of $40,000. She stated without the funding support of the County and cooperation of the various Human Services Agencies, this program could not be so successful. The Food Distribution Center is considered to be a model program throughout the state. Vice-Chairman Barfield inquired as to the split among the Food Distribution Center and Mother Hubbard's Cupboard and requested an explanation of this situation. Ms. Brown stated last year the County requested the Food Distribution Center. and Mother Hubbard's Cupboard to merge and that merger did occur. At that time, the Food Distribution Center began to administer the emergency food pantry, known as Mother Hubbard's Cupboard. In March 1990, the volunteers of Mother Hubbard's Cupboard left the Food Distribution Center and as a result the Food Distribution Center continued to run an emergency food pantry. o Commissioner Barfield emphasized the importance of feeding the needy in a cost-efficient manner and requested that a joint meeting be scheduled with each food agency in order to determine how funds should be allocated. County Manager O'Neal recommended scheduling a joint meeting among the food agencies after the Budget Hearings on May 30, 1990, at 11:30 o'clock A.M. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to schedule a j oint meeting with the Food Distribution Center, Mother Hubbard's Cupboard, and New Hanover Food Bank, Inc. on Wednesday, May 30, 1990, at 11:30 o'clock A.M. BUDGET HEARING FOR ELDERHAUS, INC. Ms. Linda Pearce, representing Elderhaus, Inc., commented on services rendered by Elderhaus, Inc. and requested the Commissioners to approve funding in the amount of $35,100 as recommended in the County Manager's proposed budget. BUDGET REQUEST FOR THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Mr. Durwood Baggett, representing the New Hanover County Soil & Water Conservation District, presented background information on the services of the District and requested the Board to consider approving the budget request in the amount of $10,789 instead of $8,100 as recommended in the County Manager's proposed Budget. o BUDGET HEARING FOR THE COMMUNITY PENALTIES PROGRAM Ms. Cathy Johnson, representing the Community Penalties Program, presented background information on the success of the program. She requested the Commissioners to approve funding in the amount of $12,038 as recommended by the Human Services Allocations Advisory Committee. BUDGET HEARINGS, MAY 29 & 30, 1990 (CONTINUED) 81 ~ BUDGET HEARING FOR THE LOWER CAPE FEAR HOSPICE Ms. Eloise Thomas, representing the Lower Cape Fear Hospice, commented on the urgent need to provide care for terminally ill patients regardless of whether they can or cannot pay for services rendered. She expressed concern for reduction in the funding request and requested the Commissioners to approve the budget request in the amount of $10,800 as submitted instead of $800 as recommended by the Human Services Allocations Advisory Committee. . BUDGET HEARING FOR THE CAPE FEAR SUBSTANCE ABUSE CENTER- RAPE CRISIS AND CRISIS LINE Ms. Margaret Weller, representing the Cape Fear Substance Abuse Center, presented background information on the services rendered and requested the Commissioners to approve the budget request recommended by the Human Services Allocations Advisory Committee. BUDGET HEARING FOR THE KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL SYSTEM IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ms. Nancy Pritchett, representing the Keep America Beautiful System in New Hanover County, commented on the growth of this program and requested the Board to approve the budget request submitted in the amount of $32,615 instead of the recommendation Qf $29',90-0 as submitted iIl. the 'Co~untyManager's proposed budget.. -;...l... MEETING RECESSED The Chairman recessed the meeting until Wednesday, May 30, 1990, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. CONTINUED BUDGET HEARINGS, MAY 30, 1990 . ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners continued Budget Hearings on May 30, 1990, at 9: 00 0' clock A.M., in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioner Robert G. Greer; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Nolan O'Neal; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Chairman, Fred Retchin; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; Assistant County Manager, Mary Gornto; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. DISCUSSION OF NEGOTIATIONS FOR PURCHASE OF UTILITY SYSTEMS Chairman Retchin stated Attorney Kenneth A. Shanklin, representing Cape Fear Utili ties and Masonboro Utili ties, has requested the County to re-open negotiations for the possible purchase of these sewer systems. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to authorize the County Attorney to re-open negotiations with the Dobos for the possible purchase of the sewer systems. . BUDGET HEARING FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS Mr. Ray Funderburk, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Education, expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for past funding support. He commented on the mission of the Board of Education stating New Hanover County Schools will be among the best in the United States by the year 2000. He requested the Commissioners to approve the full funding request for FY 1990-91. Dr. Tom McNeel, Superintendent of Schools, presented the needs of the schools and requested the Commissioners to approve funding in the amount of $15,443,969 as submitted by the Board of Education instead of $15,112,515 as recommended in the County Manager's proposed budget. He stressed the immediate need to purchase state-of-the-art personal computers and other technological equipment that is essential to the educational process. ~ ( 82BUDGET HEl\RINGS, MAY 29 & 30, '1990 (CONTINUED) Commissioner Mathews commented on deletion of funding for the School Crossing Guards and requested Dr. McNeel to investigate the possibility of using students as Traffic Guards. Dr. McNeel stated he would be glad to do so; however, the amount of traffic and speed limit would determine if Traffic Guards could be used in the State of North Carolina. BUDGET HEARING FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Mr. Wayne Morris, Director of the Department of Social Services, presented documents reflecting the increased workload of the various programs administered by the Department of Social Services and funding needed to carry out this level of service. He stated ,the Department of Social Services would like to receive full funding of the budget request submitted in the amount of $7,533,667; however, the department can operate on the County Manager's recommended budget request of $7,002,214. () Commissioner Barfield inquired as to whether an automated case management system has been developed for DSS by the MIS Department. Director Morris stated the Director of MIS has developed a program which is to be reviewed by the County Manager. BUDGET REQUEST FOR THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Mr. Don Blake, Vice-Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Health and Chairman of the Budget Committee, expressed concern for the County Manager's recommended budget containing no cost-of-living increase. He requested the Commissioners to provide a 2 1/2% cost-of-living increase and limit the merit increase to 2 1/2% in order to be competitive in recruiting new positions. He commented on the shortage of nurses throughout the nation and expressed concern for the recent increase in the entry level of nurses at New Hanover Memorial Hospital from $11.85 per hour to $12.75 per hour. Mr. Blake requested the Commissioners to upgrade the following positions: --Fund 20% of a Public Health Nurse I position in Maternal Care () --Fund 60% of a Health Educator I in Health Promotions and Injury Preventions --Upgrade of the following positions as presented in the Budget Request: Public Health Nurse I Position in Epidemiology Public Health Nurse I Position in CTS Public Health Nurse I Position in Adult Health Animal Control Director's Position HOP Health Services Coordinator Position Administrative Assistant I Position --Approval of funding in the amount of $2,600 for printing of HOP Newsletter in-house. Health Director, Robert Parker, commented on the importance of recruiting nurses for Public Health and requested the Board to upgrade the entry level of Public Health Nurses in order to compete with local hospitals. Discussion was held on the possibility of increasing the entry level for Public Health Nurses. County Manager 0' Neal stated $100,000 has been budgeted in FY 1990-91 for performance of a pay and classification study which will include a review of all positions. He recommended performance of the study, to be completed by January, 1991, before upgrading any salary positions. () BUDGET HEARING FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Sheriff Joe McQueen commented on the County Manager's recommended budget for the Sheriff's Department stating the jail can operate on the proposed budget; however, he is concerned about reductions in the food, uniform, and auto supply accounts. ~ BUDGET HEARINGS, MAY 29 & 30, 1990 (CONTINUED) 83 ~ He requested the Commissioners to provide additional funding for these items, if necessary, during FY 1990-91. . BUDGET HEARING FOR THE SOUTHEASTERN MENTAL HEALTH CENTER Director of the Southeastern Mental Health Center, Doug Sudduth, presented background information on the number of persons being served by the Detox Center and respectfully requested approval of the budget request in the amount of $657,953 instead of $600,000 as recommended by the County Manager. He stated appropriation of the additional funding will allow an increase in the number of beds at the Detox Center from 8-20 and allow the Center to recruit medical staff for treatment of chronically ill patients. Vice-Chairman Barfield commented on the shortfall in the Center's budget last year and recommended that consideration be given to funding the entire budget request. Discussion was held on funding participation by surrounding counties. Director Sudduth stated Pender County appropriated their fair share last year; however, Brunswick County did not meet their share. BUDGET HEARING FOR NEW HANOVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Airport Manager, Robert Kemp, requested the Commissioners to approve the budget request submitted by the County Manager. He expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for past funding support and stated the dedication of the new terminal complex is scheduled for September 15-16, 1990. . AUTHORIZATION TO CHANGE DENTAL INSURANCE PLAN AND CARRIER Director of Personnel, Andre' Mallette, stated after review of dental insurance premiums, the Personnel Department would recommend a change in the dental insurance carrier stating Prudential Insurance Company offers a better plan at a lower cost. He requested authorization to change from Sunlife of Canada to the Prudential Insurance Company. Motion: Commissioner Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to authorize the Personnel Director to change the dental insurance plan as requested with a change in the carrier from Sunlife of Canada to the Prudential Insurance Company contingent upon reference checks. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BUDGET HEARING FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY Mr. Roger Simmons, representing the District Attorney, requested the Board to approve the budget request in the amount of $5,000 as submitted by the County Manager. He stated the funds will be utilized for purchase of furniture for one secretary, provide a maintenance agreement for an in-house computer purchased from New Hanover County, and upgrade computer equipment to better handle the workflow. He expressed appreciation to the Board for past funding support. . BUDGET HEARING FOR CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE Dr. Tommy Satterfield, President of Cape Fear Community College, commented on the success of the Nursing Program and expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for support of this program. He stated Cape Fear Community College requested less funding for FY 1990-91 than in FY 1989-90; however, the College can operate on the County Manager's proposed budget recommendation. Dr. Satterfield announced his retirement date as of June 30, 1990, and requested the Commissioners to continue to support the College and its new president. APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR OUTSIDE AGENCIES Motion: Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Retchin to approve budget requests as recommended in the County Manager's proposed budget with increases in the following budget requests: ~ ( .184 BUDGET HEARINGS, MAY 29 & 30, 1990 (CONTINUED) ! Total Budget Request $ 5,000 $ 4,000 $ 20,000 $ 15,000 $ 20,300 $ 8,000 $ 5,000 $657,953 () Cape Fear Gospel Rescue Mission Katie Hines Senior Center - Pleasure Island YAHWEH Center Cape Fear Literacy Council Cape Fear Council of Governments Marine Crescent Wilmington Railroad Museum Southeastern Mental Health Center Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. JOINT MEETING WITH THE FOOD DISTRIBUTION CENTER, NEW HANOVER FOOD BANK, INC. AND MOTHER HUBBARD'S CUPBOARD Chairman Retchin expressed appreciation to Mr. Jack Morgan, Julia McCormick, and Michael Ligon for attending the joint meeting. He stated the County Commissioners are concerned that the food agencies are not working cooperatively as a combined uni t; therefore, he would like to discuss the problems being experienced among the food programs. Mr. Jack Morgan, President of New Hanover Food Bank, Inc., stated each agency is providing a beneficial program to citizens of the county. He stated a proposal was submitted to the Human Services Allocation Committee whereby all food programs would be combined at one location with an operational cost of $30,000 per year. Reverend Mary Benjamin would be employed to operate the commodities and on-site feeding program and four (4) members of the Food Distribution Center would serve as members of the Board of Directors of the New Hanover Food Bank. Mr. Morgan invited the Commissioners to visit both feeding locations before making a decision and to consider this proposal which will operate all programs for $10,000 less. () A lengthy discussion was held on the change in the original Food Bank of the Lower Cape Fear. Chairman Retchin expressed concern for the original Food Bank becoming the Food Distribution Center, Inc. with the opening of a new facility named the New Hanover Food Bank, Inc. He stressed the importance of all three agencies working together stating the major responsibility of the food programs is to feed hungry people as economically as possible. Vice-Chairman Barfield inquired as to what initiated the separation of Mother Hubbard's Cupboard from the Food Distribution Center. Mr. Michael Ligon, President of the Food Distribution Center stated the separation was caused by disagreements on management and control of monies. Mother Hubbard's Cupboard chose to manage their monies separately and withdrew from the organization when by-laws were adopted by the Food Distribution Center Board of Directors granting authority to the Food Distribution Center for operation of the food commodities program and Mother Hubbard's Cupboard. Ms. Julia McCormick, President of Mother Hubbard's Cupboard, commented on numerous requests for detailed, itemized receipts of expenditures for the non-perishable foods that were placed on the shelves for Mother Hubbard's Cupboard clientele stating this information was never furnished. She emphasized the importance .G of verifying how monies are being spent, and if hungry people ~ / are being fed stating, for this reason, the Board of Directors of Mother Hubbard's Cupboard decided to separate from the Food Distribution Center. Motion: After a lengthy discussion on how the various groups separated and need for the food programs to be combined, commissioner Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Barfield to place the funding appropriation of $40,000 in the 1990-91 Contingency Fund and request the food agencies to meet and ~ . . . BUDGET HEARINGS, MAY 29 & 30, 1990 (CONTINUED) ~ 85 prepare a written proposal that will combine the agencies. At that time, the Commissioners will decide on the distribution of funds. The floor was opened for discussion. Commissioner O'Neal expressed concern for penalizing the Food Distribution Center stating he feels this is most unfair. Chairman Retchin called for a vote on the motion. vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Upon Voting Aye: Commissioner Greer Commissioner Mathews Vice-Chairman Barfield Chairman Retchin Voting Nay: Commissioner O'Neal ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Mathews to adjourn. Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 12:15 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~if7l~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board / ~