1990-07-23 Regular Meeting . . . 135 ""'"llIl MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 23, 1990 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, July 23, 1990, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Robert G. Greer; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Nolan O'Neal; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Chairman Fred Retchin; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Finance Director, Andrew J. Atkinson, gave the invocation. Commissioner Robert G. Greer led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of June 6, 1990; Continued Meeting of June 28, 1990; and Regular Meeting of July 2, 1990, as presented by the Clerk to the Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or an item listed on the Consent Agenda. No one commented. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Greer expressed concern for Consent Agenda Item # 1, Change Order No. 6E to Reagan Electr ical Company in the amount of $117,086.14 and asked if new expenses have been incurred? County Manager O'Neal stated the Commissioners previously approved the Change Order for the following purposes: (1) security additions to the airport apron and concourse levels; (2) modifications to the baggage service room; and (3) installation of combination starters on hot water pumps. Commissioner Greer also commented on Consent Agenda Item #6 and requested an explanation of EMS collections for the month of June 1990. Finance Director, Andrew J. Atkinson, stated several months ago, old EMS bills were forwarded to the Tax Department for collections through placement of liens on real property. Consensus: After discussion of EMS collections, it was the consensus of the Board to request the Finance Director to prepare an annual report on EMS collections. Motion: After further discussion, Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner 0' Neal to approve the Consent Agenda items as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Change Order Reports *14 and *15 The Commissioners approved Change Order Reports #14 and #15 as submitted by the Assistant County Manager. Copies of the reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 19. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Property OWned by New Hanover County and the City of Wi~ington The Commissioners adopted a resolution authorizing the sale ~ ~. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 23, 1990 (CONTINUED) ( 1'3'6'-- of the following property jointly owned by the City and County: Tax Parcel No: Description: Deed Book: Tax Value: Amount of Offer: Offeror: R0050-17-003-036.000 Vacant Lot - 106 Section 3 Hillsdale 0564, Page 0116 $1,000 $1,675 Jerry F. & Ann B. Hollifield 54 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, N. C. of () A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 19. Adoption of Resolution for Addition of Teresa Drive to the State Highway Secondary Road System The Commissioners adopted a resolution requesting the North Carolina Division of Highways to add Teresa Drive (Division File #554-N) to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 19. Adoption of Resolution Requesting Abandonment of a Portion of State Road #1370 and State Road #1396 from the State Maintained Secondary Road System (Division File 648-N) The Commissioners adopted a resolution requesting the N. C. Department of Transportation to abandon a portion of State Road #1370 and State Road #1386 located at New Hanover International Airport from the State Maintained Secondary Road System. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 19. Approval of Position Reclassification For The Department of Aging The Commissioners approved a request by the Department of Aging to reclassify the Aging Van Driver position to an In-Take Services position since implementation of the County's Consolidated Transportation System has created a change in staffing needs. The pay range will remain the same pending completion of the County's Salary and Classification Study. () Acceptance of Tax Collection Reports Through June 29, 1990 The Commissioners accepted the following Tax Collection Reports through June 29, 1990, as submitted by the Collector Revenue: New Hanover County Tax Collection Report New Hanover County Fire District Tax Collection Report Copies of the reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 19. Approval for Release of Certification Penalty The Commissioners approved release certification penalty as requested by the Tax this is the taxpayer's first offense: - Tax Department of the following Administrator since Nancy Louise Machner $100 o Approval of Agreement #PER-90-0248 with the Corporate Health Program of New Hanover Memorial Hospital The Commissioners approved an agreement with the Corporate Health Program of New Hanover Memorial Hospital for provision of the following services: 1. Pre-employment and routine physical examinations. 2. Urine Drug Screening. 3. Employee Assistance Program. 4. Management of acute injuries under Worker's Compen- sation Act. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 23, 1990 (CONTINUED) ~ 137 The Chairman was authorized to execute the contract documents. A copy of the contract is on file in the Legal Department. PRESENTATION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE ARBORETUM Ms. Barbara Prather, Chairman of the New Hanover Agricultural Extension Service Arboretum Foundation, presented the following review of activities at the Arboretum: . 1. "Pete Lewis" Greenhouse/Conservatory Project: Total Cost for Completion: Funds Collected: $20,000 $10,205 Once the conservatory is completed, the facility will be the focal point of weekly classes to be offered to citizens beginning January 1, 1991. 2. Construction of Boardwalks: Boardwalks are being constructed in the salt spray area in- cluding a large deck to serve as an outdoor classroom for approximately 40 persons. 3. Horticulture Classes for 7th Grade Students: In conjunction with the New Hanover County Board of Education, Horticulture classes will be pro- vided for 7th grade students. Lessons will be administered on the importance of preserving the environment with an accompanying field trip. 4. Japanese Garden: Takeda Chemical Products, USA has pledged $20,000 for construction of the Japanese Garden which is now under construction. . Ms. Prather expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for their support and belief in the concept of the Arboretum, which is now a reality. Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Ms. Prather and members of the Arboretum Board for the excellent manner in which this project has been managed. AUTHORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN TO WRITE A "LETTER OF INTEREST" TO THE Z. SMITH REYNOLDS FOUNDATION TO APPLY FOR GRANTS TO DEVELOP CREATIVE PROGRAMS FOR WORKING WITH POOR FAMILIES Director of Social Services, Wayne Morris, stated the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation is offering an opportunity for counties to compete for five grants up to $1 million to develop a creative, comprehensive, and coordinated plan to assist poor families to escape pover~y and become self-sufficient. He stated counties interested in applying for the grants must submit a "letter of interest" from the Chairman of the Board postmarked no later than August 1, 1990, and an initial proposal submitted by October 1, 1990. He requested the Board to authorize the Chairman to write a letter of interest in order to apply for the foundation grants. . Motion: After discussion of the procedures required to receive one of the five (5) grants, Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to authorize the Chairman to prepare a "letter of interest" to the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation by August 1, 1990. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PRESENTATION ON CURRENT ACTIVITIES OF THE HUMAN SERVICES TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD Director of Public Services, Mike Waters, commented on the ~ ( 13 EfNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING. JULY 23. 1990 (CONTINUED) progress of the New Hanover County Transportation Human Services Advisory Board and introduced Ms. Susan Dohrmann, Chairman of the Advisory Board, to present a status report. Ms. Dohrmann presented a report on the recent activities of the Transportation Human Services Advisory Board and commented on the following topics: 1. Characteristics of New Hanover County. 2. Existing Public Transportation. () 3. Public Transportation Needs of New Hanover County. 4. Development of Service Alternatives: a. Establishment and Dissolution of Non-Profit Organization. b. Interim Coordinated Transportation Arrangements. c. Long Range Consolidated Transportation System. d. Pilot Project for Lift-Equipped Handicapped Service. 5. Development Plan. 6. Budget. Ms. Dohrmann stated the Transportation Development Plan approved by the County Commissioners in December 1988 outlined an implementation schedule to build a consolidated human services transportation system in New Hanover County. New Hanover Transportation Services, Inc. has completed the tasks of designing the new system, selecting an operator, re-structuring the non-profit organization into an Advisory Board, and updating the Transportation Development Plan to reflect current implementation status. The system will become operational on or () before September 1, 1990, utilizing nine (9) vehicles to initially service clients of five agencies as well as participants of the pilot project for lift-equipped service to handicapped/disabled persons. Ms. Dohrmann commented on proposals submitted for the purchase of transportation stating after review by the Advisory Board, the firm of CTS Management Company, Inc. has been recommended. She requested the Commissioners to consider the following action: 1. Approve Contract #PUB-90-0242 between New Hanover County and CTS Management Company, Inc. for the purchase of transportation service to operate the consolidated transportation system with an amend- ment to Article III(B) to read as follows: This agreement may be terminated by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice. 2. Approve the proposed By-Laws for the New Hanover County Human Services Transportation Advisory Board and ratify initial membership as follows: AGENCY REPRESENTATIVES o Dept. of Aging Health Department Dept. of Social Services Southeastern Center Wilmington Girls' Club Annette Crumpton Lynda Smith Susan Dohrmann Barbara Leviner Barbara Graham AT-LARGE MEMBERS Over-Age-60 Handicapped/Disabled Belle Whitman Mike Gruber ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 23, 1990 (CONTINUED) ~ 139 3. Approve the proposed 1990 Update to the Transpor- tation Plan as presented. Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board of expressed appreciation to Ms. Dohrmann for presentation and the time and effort given by the Advisory Board in implementing this program. Corrunissioners, an excellent Transportation . Motion: Corrunissioner Mathews, the County's representative on the Advisory Board, complimented Ms. Dohrmann and fellow members of the corrunittee on the outstanding work performed in preparing the plan and MOVED, SECONDED by Corrunissioner O'Neal to approve the three items as recorrunended including the amendment to the termination clause of the contract from thirty (30) days to sixty (60) days. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the contract is on file in the Legal Department. Copies of the By-Laws and 1990 Update to the Transportation Development Plan are on file in the Clerk's Office. PROGRESS REPORT ON THE SENIOR CENTER Director of Public Works, Mike Waters, presented background information on the progress of the Senior Center and requested Ms. Annette Crumpton, Director of the Department of Aging, to present a status report: . Director Crumpton presented background information on the activities of the Senior Center project and expressed appreciation to the Architect, David Polston, members of the County Staff, and seniors, particularly members of the VOCAL group, who worked together in developing plans and specifications for the new Senior Center. The State Office for Aging has complimented the County Department of Aging for the involvement of senior citizens in the design process and has recorrunended this type program as a model for other local governments when constructing new centers. Chairman Retchin expressed appreciation Aging, Architect, members of the County citizens for efforts given in designing a truly accorrunodate the senior population. to the Director of Staff, and senior facili ty that will STATUS REPORT ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND PURCHASE OF PARK LAND Director of Public Works, Mike Waters, presented background information on the bond referendum passed in December 1988, and requested Mr. John Parker, the Director of Parks & Recreation, to update the Corrunissioners on newly purchased land. Director Parker presented background information on the purchase of a 125 acre tract in the Ogden area and donation of a 52 acre tract in Castle Hayne. He stated the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board is now reviewing sites for the fOllowing areas: Myrtle Grove, Seabreeze, and Sea Gate. He expressed appreciation to the Legal Department and Planning Department for their assistance in purchase and identification of park sites. . Corrunissioner Mathews corrunented on illegal dumping and inquired as to whether the property in the Ogden area has been properly posted and secured? Director Parker stated another gate is being installed, and that he is currently working with the County Manager to develop some type of monitoring system for all county park sites. Corrunissioner Barfield corrunented on the purchase of property in the Seabreeze area inquiring as to the availability of land in ~ / . . . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 23, 1990 (CONTINUED) ( 140 this community. Director Parker stated the cost of lots in Seabreeze range from $40,000-$70,000; therefore, sites on U. S. 421 are being reviewed. Public Services Director Waters stated the major objective of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board will be to purchase the sites as listed by Director Parker along with preparation of a master plan for development of larger tracts. Chairman Retchin expressed appreciation to the Public Services Director, Parks & Recreation Director, and members of () the Advisory Board for the progress made in the purchase of park land. PRESENTATION OF SCHEMATIC DESIGN FOR JAIL EXPANSION Mr. Herb McKim, a partner of Ballard McKim and Sawyer Archi tects, P. C., presented schematic drawings of the proposed jail expansion. He stated the project is divided into two parts: (1) the renovations and additions of the existing Law Enforcement Center at 4th and Princess Streets; and (2) the new building to be constructed on county owned property on Division Drive. The following facts were presented: Renovations and Additions to Existing Law Enforcement Center 1. Relocate Patrol and Detective Divisions to a remote location; relocate Vice/Narcotics, 911 and Emergency Services convenient to Sheriff's office; locate 911 adjacent to Emergency Services with both on dedicated emergency generator. 2 . Expand Departments. existing Civil Processing and Records 3. Expand existing 120 bed capacity by 124 new beds with a mix of one bed isolation cells and maximum 12 bed cell blocks to meet existing and future jail population needs. () 4. Expand existing attorney/inmate visitation rooms and provide for attorney circulation security. 5. Relocate and expand existing medical unit. 6. Provide for future expansion of jail and judicial functions. Schematic Design Cost Estimates for renovations and additions: New Construction Renewed Construction Renovated Expansion Between Existing Structure 6,489 sq. ft. 3,790 sq. ft. 24,812 sq. ft. 3,199 sq. ft. TOTAL $ 775,750 413,940 1,930,330 183,820 $3,303,840 Archi tect McKim recommended the use of limestone on the exterior of the present law enforcement building since it would be impossible to match the brick, and the limestone would create an exterior blend with the Judicial Building. Commissioner Mathews inquired as to the cost of limestone. Architect McKim stated the cost is the same. New Building to be Constructed on Division Drive o Building Description & Structure: 1. All utilities to site by owner. 2. 1 1/2" bituminous paving on 4" stone base parking lots. 3. Concrete curbs. 4. 4" concrete walls. 5. Landscaping in parking lots and building perimeter. 6. 15' -30' light poles in parking lots. 7. Low level lighting at building entrances. \ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 23, 1990 (CONTINUED) 141 ~ Building Structure: 1. Light weight steel frame on spread footings. 2. Reinforced concrete slab on grade. 3. Spread concrete footing for masonry veneer support. Building Exterior: . 1. Concrete masonry unit walls, beams and columns. 2. Aluminum windows and entry doors. 3. Structural metal roof. 4. Metal flashings and gutters. Building Interior: 1. Floors - Carpet in offices & public areas. - Vinyl in storage, mechanical, and electrical rooms. - Ceramic tile in bathrooms. 2. Walls: - Paint on gypsum board in all office areas. - Vinyl wall coverings in conference & waiting areas. 3. HVAC: - Hydrolic heat plumbing system with gas or oil fired boil]er. 4. Plumbing: Municipal water system, if possible. Municipal sewage disposal, if possible. Rainwater disposal on site. Commercial type plumbing fixtures. 5. Electrical: Standard commercial grade wiring, fixtures and outlet. Conduit for computer and phone systems. . Schematic Design Cost Estimates for New Structure: Sitework Development Building HVAC Plumbing Electrical TOTAL $ 150,000 1,065,850 150,000 60,000 200,000 $1,625,850 Architect McKim stated the proposed jail expansion will cost approximately $4.9 million and will provide 124 new beds for a total of 246 beds. The j ail population is now running at a maximum of 191 with an average daily population of 149; therefore, the expanded facility will provide an additional 100 bed increase based upon a daily average. Vice-Chairman Barfield emphasized the importance of the proposed j ail expansion meeting current and future needs. He also commented on closing a portion of 4th Street asking if this would provide enough space to accommodate future expansion? Architect McKim stated this space would allow for expansion and that this idea was discussed at the beginning of the project. . Motion: Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to authorize the Architect to proceed with the next design step (preparation of drawings and a model for the existing Law Enforcement Center and new facility to be located on Division Drive) and to request the County Manager to prepare financing recommendations with both items being presented within 120 days. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CLOSE A PORTION OF AN UNNAMED ROAD LOCATED AT THE NORTHEASTERN END OF GRAND CHAMPION ROAD, FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP (SC-50) Planning Director Hayes presented a resolution of Intent to schedule a Public Hearing on September 4, 1990, for the ~ / ( 14"ZUNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 23, 1990 (CONTINUED) Commissioners to consider closing a portion of an unnamed road located at the northeastern end of Grand Champion Road. Director Hayes stated the road serves as an access to numerous properties north of the proposed closing; therefore, the petitioner has agreed to construct another access road, if the road closing is approved. Motion: After further discussion, vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by commissioner Mathews to adopt the Resolution of Intent to schedule a Public Hearing on september 4, 1990, for the Commissioners to consider the road closing. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. () A copy of the Resolution of Intent is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 19. ADOPTION OF SMOKING POLLUTION CONTROL ORDINANCE Discussion was held on the proposed Smoking Pollution Control Ordinance. Chairman Retchin commented on the time involved by the New Hanover County Board of Health and the Board of County commissioners in developing an ordinance acceptable to both boards. He requested the Commissioners to amend the proposed ordinance as follows: Section 8.5-27. Regulation of Smoking in Restaurants to read as follows: "The owner of every restaurant shall designate a non- smoking area, consisting of at least 25% percent of the indoor seating capacity of the restaurant. Section 8.5-26. Smoking Prohibited in Specified Public Places. (c) Delete, regardless of capacity after the word "elevator". (j (d) Add Public before Restrooms. Section 8.5-30. Sale of Cigarettes to Minors Prohibited to read as follows: "Any retail store that offers cigarettes for sale shall post a conspicuous 5" x 7" sign stating "The sale of cigarettes to minors under the age of 17 years is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, imprisonment for not more than six months, or both (G.S. 14-313)". Effective Date: Change from January 1, 1991, to October 1, 1990. Motion: After further discussion, Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to adopt the proposed Smoking Ordinance as amended to become effective October 1, 1990. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Smoking Control Ordinance is on file in the Clerk's office for codification into the New Hanover County Code. After further discussion, the Chairman was authorized ton write a letter to the other municipalities requesting adoption of J a similar ordinance. AUTHORIZATION TO DONATE SURPLUS COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TO COMPUTER FUNDING ALLIANCE Chairman Retchin stated a request has been received from Computer Funding Alliance for donation of county surplus computer equipment to provide computer technology and training to. handicapped individuals that are not in a position to purchase this type of equipment. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 23, 1990 (CONTINUED) 143 ~ Commissioner Greer agreement having no time equipment for a period of be reviewed. expressed concern for the proposed frame and recommended donation of the one year at which time the program will . Motion: After further discussion, Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to authorize the County to donate surplus computer equipment to Computer Funding Alliance for a period of one (1) year subject to a detailed report being forwarded to the County annually on the utilization of the equipment and success of the training program for handicapped individuals. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Letter of Agreement is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit XVIII, Page 18. ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO PERSONNEL POLICY PROHIBITING COUNTY EMPLOYEES FROM BIDDING ON PERSONAL PROPERTY SOLD AT COUNTY AUCTIONS County Manager 0' Neal commented on the proposed amendment which would progibit county employees, public officials, and members of their immediate families from bidding on real or personal property sold at County auctions. He recommended adoption of the proposed policy to become effective immediately. Vice-Chairman Barfield expressed concern for prohibiting employees, public officials, and members of their immediate families from bidding on real property stating real estate bids are sealed. He recommended deleting the clause, "real property" from the proposed amendment stating County employees should not be denied the right to bid on real property. . Motion: After further discussion, Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Barfield to adopt the amendment to the personnel policy prohibiting county employees, public officials, and members of their immediate families from bidding on any personal property sold at County auctions. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the amendment is on file in the Personnel Office. ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO "RESOLUTION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO COUNTY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITrEES OR AUTHORITIES Chairman Retchin stated discussion has been held on the Board's policy for appointment of citizens to serve on various boards, commissions, and committees, etc. In an attempt to provide additional time to review the qualifications of applicants, an amendment has been prepared to receive nominations for appointments at the first meeting of the month with final action being taken at the next regular meeting. Vice-Chairman Barfield strongly objected to amendment and expressed concern for lobbying of between meetings. He urged the Commissioners current policy to remain unchanged. the proposed the nominees to allow the . Motion: After discussion of qualified applicants, Chairman Commissioner 0' Neal to adopt presented: the importance Retchin MOVED, the following of reviewing SECONDED by amendment as It shall be the policy of the New Hanover County Board of commissioners to nominate citizens to boards and commissions at regular or special/called meetings of the Board. Furthermore, it shall be the policy of the Board to appoint citizens to boards and commissions at the regular meeting of the Board following the nomina- tion. However, in the event that only one citizen is nominated, the appointment may occur at the same ~ ~ . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 23, 1990 (CONTINUED) ( 1"44 meeting. The Board may deviate from this policy only with a majority vote of its members. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Greer Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Chairman Retchin o Voting Nay: Commissioner Barfield A copy of the amendment is on file in the Clerk's office. BREAK Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting for a break from 10:25 o'clock A.M. to 10:35 o'clock A.M. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR CONDEMNATION OF SEWER LINE EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY OF JEAN-CLAUDE CORBI AND WIFE, NADIA S. CORBI County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated several unsuccessful attempts have been made to acquire an easement from Jean-Claude Corbi and wife, Nadia S. Corbi, on property located at the end of Soundview Road in the Whiskey Creek area. Also, unsuccessful negotiations were held with two other property owners for acquisition of an easement around the property; therefore, Staff requests authorization to condemn'the easement on the Corbi property. Motion: After further discussion, Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to adopt the resolution for condemnation of the easement on property owned by Jean-Claude Corbi and wife, Nadia S. Corbi for the public purpose of providing a sewage collection and disposal system in the unincorporated area of New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 19. MEETING RECESSED TO HOLD A REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Retchin recessed the Regular Meeting meeting of the District Board of Commissioners of the County Water & Sewer District from 10:45 o'clock A.M. o'clock A.M. to hold a New Hanover until 11:03 APPROVAL OF FULL TIME CARPENTER I/MAINTENANCE MECHANIC POSITION FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY MUSEUM County Manager 0' Neal stated the Museum has requested that the vacant part-time Carpenter l/Maintenance Mechanic position be reclassified as a full-time position in order to hire a qualified person to perform carpenter and maintenance work at Museum. The Director of Personnel is in agreement with the reclassification and the Budget Officer has informed Staff that funds are available in the Museum's temporary salary account. Motion: After discussion of the current museum expansion and funds being available, Commissioner 0' Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to reclassify the part-time Carpenter I/Maintenance Mechanic position to a full-time position as requested by the Museum. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. c REAPPOINTMENT OF MARY E. HATCHER, SUSAN PEARSON CROUCH, AND SANRDA DUGAN TO SERVE ON THE DOMICILIARY HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Motion: Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to reappoint Mary E. Hatcher, Susan Pearson Crouch, and Sandra Dugan to serve three-year terms on the Domiciliary Home Community ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 23, 1990 (CONTINUED) 14,5 ~ Advisory Committee. The terms will expire July 1, 1993. vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Upon APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN FRED RETCHIN TO SERVE AS THE COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE ON THE CHILD RESOURCE AND REFERRAL, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to appoint Chairman Fred Retchin to serve on the Child Resource and Referral, Inc. Board of Directors. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . APPROVAL OF FUNDING REQUEST FROM THE OPTIMIST CLUB OF WINTER PARK, INC. County Manager O'Neal stated a funding request in the amount of $1,500 has been received from the Softball Commissioner of the Optimist Club of Winter Park, Inc. to assist with travel expenses for two teams to play in the Southeast Regional Babe Ruth Soft Ball Tournament in Alachua, Florida on August 2-6, 1990. Discussion was held on the importance of sports to young people. Vice-Chairman Barfield recommended establishing a line item in next year's budget to cover requests of this type stating keeping children off of the streets will help to reduce the use of drugs. Commissioner Greer expressed concern for setting a precedent and questioned whether the taxpayer should be responsible for this type of expense. Motion: After discussion of the importance of these programs to young people, volunteers, and parents, Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to approve funding in the amount of $1,000 ($500 to each team) to the Optimist Club of Winter Park, Inc. to cover travel expenses for two teams to play in the Southeast Regional Babe Ruth Soft Ball Tournament in Alachua, Florida on August 2-6, 1990, and to direct the County Staff to establish a line item in the Parks & Recreation 1991-92 Budget for this type of funding requests with development of guidelines for control. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . DISCUSSION OF DEMOLITION LANDFILLS Chairman Retchin commented on the recent fire at the illegal demolition landfill located on Blue Clay Road stating this issue must be addressed. The following items were discussed: 1- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. '. 8. Identification of Demolition Landfills. Control of Demolition Landfills through a license or permitting process. Possible change of zoning to limit construction of sites and require buffering. Educate citizens on disposal of hazardous wastes such as old paint, motor oil, batteries, inc. Notify property owners of their responsibility if dump sites are located on their property. Request the Sheriff to alert officers patrolling areas to monitor roadside littering and trucks when carrying loads of trash. Schedule an Amnesty Day for disposal of household hazardous wastes once a year with no fee charged. Include in the proposed County-wide Collections system a method of collecting hazardous materials. Further discussion was held on the fact that disposal of hazardous waste materials must be addressed and very little financial assistance will be provided by the state and federal government; therefore, local governments will be responsible for environmental problems. Chairman Retchin stated hazardous waste problems are growing and the County must develop some form of policy and control. ~ ( 1 J!tSMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING. JULY 23. 1990 (CONTINUED) County Manager O'Neal stated the County Staff is in the process of preparing recommendations for immediate and long term action for better control of demolition landfills. He emphasized the importance of working cooperatively with the State when developing guidelines. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to place recommendations for addressing demolition landfills on the agenda for August 20, 1990. ADJOURNMENT ~, \ ) Commissioner Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman "-- /' to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Motion: Barfield Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 11:59 o'clock A.M. Respectfully submitted, ~1:~ Clerk to the Board () ( -- -...- {"; " /" ~