1990-07-31 Special Meeting ~ 15'? MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 31, 1990 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on Tuesday, July 31, 1990, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Conference Room of the Administration Building at the Steam Plant located at 3002 Highway 421, North, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Robert G. Greer; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Nolan O'Neal; Chairman Fred Retchin; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. . Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr. was absent. Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order. STATUS REPORT OF THE STEAM PLANT EXPANSION Dr. Stanton M. Peters, Consulting Engineer for the project, presented a status report on the Steam Plant expansion and stated he is happy to report that all major contracts have been awarded within the projected budget. He requested the Director of Finance, Andrew J. Atkinson, to present an updated flow chart of revenues and expenditures on the expansion project. Director of Finance, Andrew J. Atkinson, presented a report on the Steam Plant Expansion Project, reflecting revenues, expenditures, and change orders as of July 27, 1990. He stated only six change orders have been submitted and that the project is well within the allocated budget. A copy of the financial report is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 27. Discussion was held on new air and water emission standards. Dr. Peters stated modifications of the existing Steam Plant were . included in the project in order to comply with new EPA regulations. He commented on Senate Bill 111 mandating a 25% reduction of the waste stream by 1993 and emphasized the importance of accurate records stating the County will need the cooperation of the,City of Wilmington and other recyclers in the community for accurate reporting of recyclable materials. Discussion was held on the sale of steam. Dr. Peters stated public utility regulations prohibit the County from constructing distribution lines across property lines; however, agreements can be negotiated among property owners. He also commented on the fact that Carolina Power & Light Company provides standby power to companies who are generating a portion of their power; therefore, CP&L can charge 80% of the facility's standby charge as a demand charge which does not encourage companies to purchase steam for generation of power. Dr. Peters discussed and reviewed the following contracts: Estimated Contract Description Contractor Cost Cost Boiler Stoker Volund $7,000,000 $5,949,500 Air Pollution Control United McGill $1,262,000 $1,468,700 . Stack Warren Engin $ 650,000 $ 483,000 Air Pollution Modif. United McGill $1,000,000 $1,342,500 Turbine Generator Coppus Murra $1,000,000 $ 981,818 Steam Condensers BASCO $ 200,000 $ 184,547 Cooling Tower BAC Pritchard $ 165,000 $ 166,000 Shredder Shredding System $ 171,000 $ 139,500 Boiler Tubes Riley Stoker $2,300,000 $ 562,800 Boiler Modifications Sam English $1,881,427 Boiler Inspection Weigel Eng. $ 96,000 Water Treatment Culligan $ 220,000 $ 281,350 Elect. Switchgear I Tennesco $ 290,000 $ 125,200 ~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 31, 1990 (CONTINUED) 153 ""IIIl Elect. switchgear II G & W Supply $ 195,709 Instrumentation Forney Inter. $1,100,000 $ 976,196 Residue Conveyors Beaumont Birch $ 518,000 $ 600,560 Crane Modification P & H $ 170,000 $ 139,280 Pumps Tencarva $ 197,800 $ 152,800 NOX Control NALCO/Fuel Tech $ 347,400 Feedwater Heaters NUTECH/Crane $ 58,000 $ 29,607 Administration Bldg. All-Span System $ 103,680 $ 126,820 Bldg. Modifications SMC $ 264,624 Site Work & Fnd. I Leader Const. $ 810,329 $ 976,455 . Site Work Fnd.& Struct.Clancy & Theys $3,000,000 $1,647,840 Mechanical Work Blue Ridge $1,379,180 $7,741,915 Electrical Work Eldeco $ 800,000 $ 686,997 Discussion was held on the maintenance of the boilers. Chairman Retchin commented on downtime for maintenance and inquired as to how long the new boiler, modified boiler, and existing boiler can continuously operate without maintenance. Dr. Peters stated the existing boilers have 2 inch tubes set on 4 1/2 inch centers which create a small gas passage and require maintenance every three months; whereas, the new boiler contains 2 inch tubes set on 6 inch centers which creates a larger gas passage and requires maintenance every six months. Director of Resource Recovery, Troy Flanagan, stated the existing boiler requires maintenance every three weeks with a shutdown on weekends for performance of the maintenance. Dr. Peters stated the amount of downtime will be greatly improved through utilization of the new and modified boiler. Chairman Retchin inquired as to the annual cost for maintenance of the expanded facility. Dr. Peters stated he would prepare a report defining annual maintenance cost within the next month. . Discussion was held on the new boiler. Dr. Peters stated the boiler has been constructed and will be shipped from Denmark on August 5, 1990, and arrive at the State Ports Authority on August, 20, 1990. He invited the Commissioners to visit the plant when the pieces of the boilers are received and physically placed on site. . Discussion was held on the instrumentation and control systems. The computer system will consist of 4 inch video touch screens with no keyboards. Operators will make changes by touch; for example, if a pump should be turned on, the screen will display a picture of the pump, with a window opening and displaying various instructions. The operator will touch "start" at which time the color of the pump will change, the amount of electric current being utilized will be displayed as well as the flow materials. County Manager O'Neal inquired as to the securi ty of the computer program. Dr. Peters emphasized the importance of establishing a control room allowing only authorized personnel in the area and stated the program will have limits placed on all entries into the computer. In the control room a video screen will be dedicated to each boiler and one screen to the plant. If one system should fail, the control can be transferred to another unit. A control unit will also be placed in the Plant Manager's office for continual monitoring of units throughout the plant plus logging daily activities. A security system will be implemented that will require every employee to go through a card swipe reader upon entering and leaving the plant in order to maintain an accurate record of employees working in the facility at all times. An electrically controlled gate will be installed with the use of a card or security guard. Dr. Peters emphasized the importance of security and recommended hiring a security employee for monitoring the overall access to the plant. A separate computer system will be utilized for air pollution control. The system will control the amount of lime injected into the scrubbers, cleaning cycles, and emissions from the smoke stack. ~ (~ l~S OF SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 31, 1990 (CONTINUED) Discussion was held on the safety of citizens using cars and trucks when dumping trash. Commissioner Mathews inquired as to what safety measures can be utilized. Dr. Peters stated some facilities use rolloffs to accommodate citizens dumping waste and stated the Commissioners may wish to consider this option. Further discussion was held on the mixture of chemicals creating explosions and the safety of employees, particularly with reference to steam and chemical burns. Director of Resource Recovery, Troy Flanagan, stated the State Department of Solid Hazardous Waste will require monitoring of materials dumped into the pit and suggested assigning this duty to the security guard, if hired. () Chairman Retchin commented on the safety of the general public when using the facility and recommended installation of rolloffs or some method of protection. Dr. Peters recommended installing a special area outside of the facility for persons driving cars stating cars should not be allowed inside the facility. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board to request Staff to prepare a recommendation on safety options for protection of the public when using the Resource Recovery Center. Costs are to be included in the recommendation. Discussion was held on the need for qualified personnel to handle the technical aspects of the operation and to prepare the detailed reports required by EPA. Dr. Peters stated the County Manager has been informed of this need and recommendations will be presented. Commissioner Greer inquired as to when the expansion project will be completed. Dr. Peters stated the expanded plant should be operational by March 1991. .,' A copy of the Project Status Report dated July 31, 1990, is on file in the Clerk's Office. n ~j ADJOURNMENT Chairman Retchin expressed appreciation to Dr. Peters for the informative update and adjourned the meeting at 11:35 o'clock A.M. ~~~r~ Clerk to the Board o i \ \