1990-11-14 Special Meeting ~ 273 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING WITH NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY, NOVEMBER 14, 1990 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Special Meeting with the New Hanover County Airport Authority on Wednesday, November 14, 1990, in the Conference Room of the New Hanover International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. . Members present were: Commissioners Robert G. Greer; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Chairman Fred Retchin; County Manager Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Commissioner Nolan O'Neal was absent. Airport Authority Members present were: Chairman Jack G. Ashby, Vice-Chairman William Schwartz, Paul E. Gregory; H. Thompson King, I I I; and Shir ley T. McQueen. Also present were Robert J. Kemp, Airport Director; Wanda Copley, Airport Attorney; Don Fishero, Business Manager/Finance Officer; Erv Dehn, Director of Engineering & Maintenance; and Janie James, Secretary. Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order and expressed appreciation to the Airport Authority for inviting the Board to hear a status report on the airport. PRESENTATION OF STATUS REPORT Airport Director, Robert J. Kemp, presented a on the Airport Terminal Complex discussing the issues: status report following key 1. Terminal Building: The County Staff is working with the architect, HNTB, for completion of the contractors' work; however, several punch list items still remain on most contracts. The Authority has completed several items that were not originally anticipated; but in order to insure the building will operate as efficiently as possible, the following items still need to be completed: . Description . -Connect Two Main Elevators to Emergency Generator -Electric Submeter for each Loading Bridge -Connect Employee Lot Gate to BMS Computer -Add Digital Auto, Biocide Fees to Chiller Water -Add Master Photo Cell To BMS Computer - Ext. Lights -Add Two Cells to Front Canopy Lights -Provide Outlet for Ground Power Unit at Apron -Add Aluminum Hand Rail to Commuter Boarding Area & Fill in Recesses Around Boarding Bridge Foundations -Door Stops for Exterior Doors -Telephone - PA Interconnect -Coat Hooks in Toilet Stalls -Remaining Code Items -FID System "Status" Software -Conveyor "Bumper" Addition -Water Meter for Terminal Building -Recesses for Connector Heat Pumps -Automatic Closures on Fire/Security Doors TOTAL * To be determined. Cost $ 3,925 $ 2,400 $ 1,410 $ 780 $ 1,140 $ 350 $ 1,035 $ 4,800 $ 120 $ 175 $ 25 TBD* $ 3,000 $ 650 TBD* $ 1,200 $ 800 $21,810 Deputy County Manager, Mary Gornto, stated Staff is in the process of negotiating with contractors on some of the items listed to determine if these items are or should be included as part of the original contract agreement. Chairman Retchin inquired as to whether the employee parking lot gate is an item that could be negotiated with the contractor. Deputy County Manager Gornto stated the employee parking lot ~ ( '"'2nu-rES OF SPECIAL MEETING, NOVEMBER 14, 1990 (CONTINUED) gate, recesses around the boarding foundations, door stops, coat hooks in the toilet stall, and the elevator to the emergency generator are contract issues to be further investigated. Commissioner Greer inquired as to whether funds are available for the additional items. Deputy County Manager Gornto presented an update on current contracts reflecting current expenditures and the encumbered balances stating at this point there is a contingency of $12,834.25. Commissioner Mathews inquired as to whether the entrance () sign is properly illuminated, and if the N. C. Department of Transportation has responded to a request for installation of a traffic signal at airport entrance located at 23rd Street and Airport Boulevard. Airport Director were missing at the corrected. Kemp reported that three light entrance; however, the problem standards has been Airport Chairman Ashby commented on a conversation with the Department of Transportation and reported that DOT will perform a traffic signal study as soon as possible. Discussion was held on funds being available for completion of the items listed. Airport Director Kemp stressed the importance of completing the items presented and stated if funds are not available from the capital program, he hopes money will be found to complete these items in order to efficiently operate the new terminal complex. Discussion was held on the role of HNTB in resolving the additional items. Deputy County Manager Gornto stated an employee of HNTB is working on site with the contractors in completing the punch list along with the proj ect Manager, Steve () Reiss, in trying to resolve some of the outstanding issues. Vice-Chairman Barfield subcontractors and inquired as required to pay subcontractors are lien waivers required? commented on the payment of to whether general contractors are before being p~id by the County or County Attorney Pope stated under state law the subcontractor is not able to secure a lien against publicly owned property; therefore, a payment bond is secured to protect the subcontractor. Also, the general contractor must certify that all debts are paid before receiving final payment. Vice-Chairman Barfield expressed concern for providing no protection for payment to subcontractors and recommended actively pursuing a local enabling act or statewide legislation that will assure payment to subcontractors. Chairman Retchin recommended developing some form of legislation that will allow withholding a certain amount of payments from general contractors until subcontractors have been paid. 2. Tenants: Contract negotiations have been concluded with all terminal tenants. The airline's new use agreements are currently being prepared and all initial tenant spaces have been () filled with the exception of some airline ticket counter posi tions and a fifth car rental agency counter. The food, beverage and gift shop areas are currently under construction. The gift shop and lounge area should be completed shortly with the snack bar completed before February 1, 1991. 3. New Services: new terminal building: Three new services are available in the (1) Skycap Service, Limousine Service, ~ I.'JJ..NUT.l!;~ OF SPECIAL MEETING, NOVEMBER 14, 1990 (CONTINUED) . 2 7 5 ""lIIl and a 24-hour banking machine utilized by passengers. . . Comm~ssioner Mathews commented on the Skycap Service ?elng avallable for all flights and expressed concern for ~~~ lmage created when persons need assistance. Airport Chairman Ashby, stated the airlines decided t S d no to contract with the Skycap erVlce ,an a~ter investigating the cost to the Airport for contra'?tlng thlS, servic::e, which was in excess of $100,000 per year, lt was declded thlS item was too costly. All services appear to be well . Airport Director Kemp t t d h s a e t e Skycap Service covers approximately 80% of flights and is not a contracted service with the Airport or airlines. He commented on carts and stated the Airport Staff is in the process of evaluating whether to rent or purchase carts which should relieve this situation. 4. Runway Overlay Project: The FAA discretionary grant for the last fiscal year was not received; however, FAA has assured the Airport that the project is a high priority in the Atlanta Airport District Office and it is their intent to proceed with the project as soon as they are able to offer the grant: The existing bids are good until early December. If FAA is not able to render a grant offer until next year, the low bidders will be approached for an extension of the firm bid period or bids will have to be re-advertised. 5. Other Projects: . a. Cargo Complex: The Authority has initiated dis- cussions with Miller Building Company for con- struction of a cargo complex on the east side of the airport (adjacent to North Kerr Avenue). Until the new complex develops, the old terminal building is being modified to serve as an interim cargo facility. The first tenant in this area will occupy space effective December 1, 1990. b. Customs Relocation: The Airport has begun dis- cussions with the Federal Agencies to determine what will be necessary to relocate the Federal Inspection Facility from its present mid-field location to the north terminal building. The Airport Master Plan currently calls for the removal of the old air traffic control tower and construction of a new Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighters (ARFF) building in that area. The existing customs building will be used as the administrative support building for the new ARFF complex. c. Other Projects: (1) Commercial and Industrial Development: The Authority is marketing available airport property, as identified in the master plan, for commercial and industrial development. . (2) Future Projects: Following the Runway 16/34 Overlay, the next anticipated project will be construction of extensions to and upgrading of Taxiway B which serves Runway 5/23 (Fiscal Year 1992). If possible, the acquisition of land as identified in the Master Plan as well as construction of some additional general aviation facilities to accommodate general aviation growth at the airport will begin. d. Financial Status: Through October 1990, revenues and expenses are tracking as anticipated. The Airport's budget includes a $600,000 County Operations Grant and $190,000 Capital Grant. To date the County has furnished the Airport $383,000 ($175,000 for capital expenditures, Runway 16/34 ~ ( 27~NUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, NOVEMBER 14, 1990 (CONTINUED) engineering costs, and $208,000 for operating expenses). The State is unable to increase its $300,000 Grant allocation for this year as previously reported; therefore, designated cash reserves carried over from last year will be used to cover the state's share of the runway overlay project. Discussion was held on enabling legislation for the Airport Authority to engage in installment financing under G.S. 160A-20. Chairman Retchin stated airport authorities throughout the state should be contacted to join New Hanover County in pursuing enabling legislation to engage in installment financing. Airport Director Kemp stated as a Board Member of the North Carolina Airport Association, he will be glad to request support from this organization. o ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Repair of Runway 16/34 Overlay Commissioner Mathews commented on the bumpy ride received on Runway 16/34 and inquired as to the need for repair of this runway. Airport Manager Kemp reported the runway is safe; however, the need for repaving and repair is critical. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the Airport Authority and Staff to an excellent status report. Motion: Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Greer to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Greer Commissioner Mathews Vice-Chairman Barfield Chairman Retchin o Absent: Commissioner Nolan O'Neal Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 4:45 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, cE;(~ Clerk to the Board () ~