1991-01-22 Regular Meeting "..- . ~ .' t;).() 8" v..r, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 1991 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, January 22, 1991, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Robert W. Greer; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Fred Retchin; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. . Director of Finance, Andrew J. Atkinson gave the invocation and requested the audience to offer a three-minute silent prayer for the leaders of our nation and members of the Armed Forces serving in the Persian Gulf War. County Manager, Allen O'Neal, led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to present an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or comment on a item listed on the Consent Agenda. No items or comments were presented. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Vice-Chairman Mathews requested removal of Consent Agenda Item #18 for discussion at the end of the meeting. Motion: After further discussion, Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Retchin to remove Consent Agenda Item #18 and approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA . Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved Meeting of December 18, 1990, and of January 7, 1991, as presented. the minutes of the Special minutes of the Regular Meeting Acceptance of Change January 4, 1991 The Commissioners presented by the Deputy Order Report # 18 for the Period Ending accepted Change County Manager. Order Report #18 as A copy of the report is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 31. Authorization for Filing of Mini-grant Application by the Health Department for a Bicycle Helmets Project The Commissioners authorized the New Hanover County Health Department to file a mini-grant application from the Office of Prevention, Children and Youth Section, Division of Maternal and Child Health, Office of Environment, Health and Natural Resources in the amount of $4,000 for the bicycle helmet project. Adoption of Amendment to Personnel Policy Referencing the Purchase of Surplus Property The Commissioners adopted an amendment to Article VI Section 10, Purchase of Surplus Property Restricted, in order to more accurately reflect the intent of the original policy. . A copy of the revision is on file in the Human Resources Office. Approval of Budget Amendment #91-0128 - Management Information Services The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: ~ . . . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 1991, (CONTINUED) 3 2 9 ""IIIl 91-0128 General Government/Management Information Services Debit Credit General Government Appropriated Fund Balance $24,000 Management Information Services Capital Outlay $24,000 Purpose: To record purchase of computer equipment (3380 Disk Drive) handled as an installment purchase with First Union National Bank (for accounting purposes only). Budget Amendment *91-0129 Reported for Entry Into the Minutes The following Budget Amendment was reported for entry into the minutes: 91-0129 Non-Departmental Probation Monitoring - Rent Outside Agencies/Human Services/ Debit Credit Non-Departmental Contingencies $17,251 Outside Agencies/Human Services Probation Monitoring - Rent $17,251 Purpose: To budget funds for Adult Probation/Parole Office rent. The contract was approved by the Commissioners on October 15, 1990. Approval of Budget Amendment #91-0130 - Sheriff's Department The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 91-0130 Non-Departmental/Sheriff Administration Debit Credit Non-Departmental Contingencies $15,041 Sheriff/Administration Salaries and Wages FICA Retirement Retirement 401K Medical Insurance $ 11,519 881 954 576 1,111 Purpose: To budget funds for an additional position in the Sheriff's Department. Approval of Budget Amendment *91-0131 - The Housing Authority The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 91-0131 Non-Departmental/Outside Human Services Housing Authority Wilmington Debit Credit Non-Departmental Contingencies $4,000 Outside Agencies/Human Services Wilmington Housing Authority $4,000 Purpose: Transfer of funds from Contingencies to the Wilmington Housing Authority. On December 17, 1990, the Commissioners approved $4,000 to fund a portion of a Drug Seminar being planned by the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Task Force, appointed by the Commissioners in September 1990. Bills for the seminar will be processed through the Wilmington Housing Authority account. ~ ( 33 CflNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 1991, (CONTINUED) Approval of Budget Amendment #91-0132 Department of Social Services The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 91-0132 Department of Social Services Debit Credit Social Services/Child Day Care Day Care Services $19,276 Day Care $19,276 Purpose: Received additional allocation to be used to give (\ providers a rate increase. The last increase was in 1985. \ ) Approval of Budget Amendment #91-0136 - Library The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 91-0136 Library Debit Credit Grants Center $2,000 Supplies Printing Charges Training and Travel $1,500 350 150 Purpose: To budget funds for a grants center at the Library. The Wilmington Rotary Club with the cooperation of the United Way and the Arts Council is sponsoring the establishment of a grants center in the Library. The center will provide information for organizations seeking financial support for special community projects. The gift will allow the Library to purchase additional grant materials, become affiliated with the grants Center in New York, and provide funds for a brochure and a program on how to best use these materials. Acceptance of Grant from Cape Fear Community College to the New Hanover County Museum and Approval of Budget Amendment #91-0137 The Commissioners accepted a grant from Cape Fear Community College to the New Hanover County Museum in the amount of $500 for a project entitled "Good To Be An Indian Proud and Free". The total proj ect cost is $ 5 56 with the County's share in the amount of $56. The following Budget Amendment was approved: () 91-0137 Museum Debit Credit Contribution from Cape Fear Community College $500 Contracted Services Training and Travel $400 $100 Purpose: To budget a Cape Fear Community College Grant in the amount of $500 with a County match of $56 which is currently available in the Museum Budget. Acceptance of Modified State Airport Grant For Phase II of the Terminal The Commissioners accepted a modified State Airport Grant increasing the current grant for Phase II of the Terminal by 0 $147,281 for a total grant amount of $397,281. The Chairman was . authorized to execute the grant documents. The State revenue is already budgeted, and the Airport Authority has accepted the grant. Acceptance of Modified State Airport Grant for Phase I of the Terminal and Approval of Budget Amendment #91-0139 The Commissioners accepted a modified State Airport Grant increasing the current grant for Phase I of the Terminal by $152,719 for a total grant amount of $715,995. The following Budget Amendment was approved, and the Chairman was authorized to execute the grant documents: \ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 1991, (CONTINUED) ~ 331 19-0139 Airport Terminal/Phase I Debit Credit State Grant $152,719 Operating Transfers In (General Fund - Fund Balance) $152,719 Purpose: Modification in State Airport Grant to increase funding for Phase 1 of the Terminal by $152,719. The Airport Authority ~ _has accepted the grant. Acceptance of New Hanover County Tax Collection Reports through December 31, 1990 The Commissioners accepted through December 31, 1990, as Revenue. the Tax Collection Reports presented by the Collector of Copies of the reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 31. Approval of Value Adjustments, Release of Listing and Certification Penalties The Commissioners approved the following value adjustments: Name Amount ~ Joe Louis Barnett, Jr. Max David and Ethel Bradshaw John L. & Virginia L. Browning Carolina Security Patrol Winifred R. Case Gillie & O'Donnell, Ltd. Robert C. Kennis Cornelia Adriana Leegstra Anthony Loreti Jeffrey Paul Manning James Stanley Mintz, Jr. David pelletier James Arleigh Pleasants Charles R. Reaves George V. Scelzi Rochelle Thigpen Whitlock Leasing Corporation Williams Whittington $ 6,289 $ 3,085 $16,050 $ 7,200 $ 636 $ 3,428 $ 1,190 $ 2,161 $ 7,800 $ 1,030 $ 4,272 $11,010 $ 500 $ 6,513 $ 1,098 $ 726 $ 2,915 $ 2,910 The Commissioners released as the taxpayers certified they listing period; they were sick listing period; or they listed during the listing period: the following listing penalties made their listings during the or in the hospi tal during the in another county, in error, ~ Cindy Taylor Branch Elizabeth Clark George T. Clark, Jr. Edward Bray Forbes, Etux. Luke Wilson Lancaster Douglas Otto Richard Pindell M. Shaw Ramesh, M. D. Karl Thay Christopher Ray Wilson $13.92 $ 8.23 $29.07 $12.57 $19.15 $ 5.58 $19.23 $13.94 $17.59 $ 8.82 The Commissioners released the following certification penalties since the taxpayers listed in other counties: Dianne Robinson Gibbs Connie Lewis Greenway Paul Anthony Piedmont $100 $100 $105 Adoption of Resolution Adding Roads to the State Secondary Road System The Commissioners adopted a resolution adding the following roads to the State Secondary Road System: ~ G.3 .? . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 1991, ( CONTINUED J Springtime Road and Ripwood Road Springtime Subdivision Division File #663-N A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 31. APPOINTMENT OF WILLIAM H. SUTTON TO FILL THE VACANT POSITION ON THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairman Retchin stated a letter was received from the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party of New Hanover County -0,' submitting the name of Louise McColl as their choice for , appointment to fill the vacant position on the Board of County Commissioners created by the death of Commissioner Carl T. Durham. Motion: Chairman Retchin commented on the many Louise McColl and MOVED to appoint Louise McColl position as requested by the Executive Committee. MOTION DID NOT CARRY DUE TO RECEIVING A TIE VOTE: attributes of to the vacant Upon vote, the Voting Aye: Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Retchin Voting Nay: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Greer Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED to allow members of the Democratic Party to submit applications to fill the vacant position with a Special Meeting being called to hear each applicant, at which time, the Board will make an appointment. The MOTION FAILED DUE TO NOT RECEIVING A SECOND. Chairman Retchin opened the floor to receive nominations for candidates to fill the vacant seat on the Board. Commissioner Barfield nominated James McQueen. C~J Vice-Chairman Mathews nominated Fran Russ. Chairman Retchin nominated William H. Sutton. There being no further nominations, declared the nominations closed. Chairman Retchin Motion: Commissioner Barfield commented on the outstanding qualifications of the three persons nominated and MOVED to interview the three candidates with an appointment being made at that time. The MOTION FAILED DUE TO NOT RECEIVING A SECOND. Vote: Chairman Retchin called for a vote on the nomination of James McQueen. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Voting Nay: Commissioner Greer Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Retchin Vote: Chairman Retchin called for a vote on the nomination of 0 Fran Russ. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Vice-Chairman Mathews Voting Nay: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Greer Chairman Retchin Vote: Chairman Retchin called for a vote on the nomination of William H. Sutton. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO WILLIAM H. SUTTON Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell, administered the Oath of Office to William H. Sutton. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 1991, (CONTINUED) ~ 333 Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, congratulated and welcomed Commissioner Sutton as a member of the Board. BREAK Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting for a break from 9:28 o'clock A.M. to 9:38 o'clock A.M. ADOPTION OF PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING FEBRUARY 1991 AS HUMAN RELATIONS MONTH IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY . Motion: Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED Barfield to adopt a proclamation designating Human Relations Month in New Hanover County. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. by Commissioner February 1991 as Upon vote, the A copy of the proclamation is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 31. RECOGNITION OF NICOLE MALPASS AS WINNER OF THE 1991 HUMAN RELATIONS MONTH THEME Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, recognized Nicole Malpass, a 7th grade student at D. C. Virgo School, for being selected the winner of the 1991 Human Relations theme: W"]Bl[JJJ[][.]) A FOUNDATION, BRING TOGETHER A NATION". Ms. Trish Snyder, a member of the Human Relations Commission, presented a Calendar of Events during Human Relations Month and encouraged the Commissioners to participate in the various activities. STATUS REPORT ON THE HUMAN SERVICES TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Ms. Susan Dohrmann, Chairperson of the Human Services Transportation Advisory Board, presented a status report on the implementation of a coordinated transportation system and outlined the following points: . 1. Status Report on Coordinated System Since the inception of the coordinated system on September 24, 1990, participating agencies and CTS management have worked together to identify and implement improvements in the service. As with any major change, there have been some minor problems, but at the present time the participating agencies and their clients are well adjusted and pleased with the transportation system. 2. FY 1991-92 - Section 18 Program This year's application will funding for expansion vehicles, existing equipment. request federal and state as well as rehabilitation of 3. Handicapped Transportation Project During the past several months, implementation of this pilot project has been delayed for a variety of reasons. It is important that this service be initiated as soon as possible in 1991. The project is included in the Transportation Development Plan and has been built into the justifications for funding under the Section 18 Program and Elderly and Handicapped Transportation Assistance Program. . 4. Expansion Opportunities Several additional agencies have expressed an interest in participating in the transportation system, and two current participants are considering expanded service. As we begin the FY 1991-92 budget cycle, it will be important to work with these human service agencies, CTS Management, and the Department of Transportation to ensure orderly growth. There appear to be several good possibilities for expanding the service in a manner that can infuse additional state and federal dollars into the system operation and at the same time hold down net cost to the benefit of all participating agencies. ~ (MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 1991, (CONTINUED) '3~3:4 Ms. Dohrmann stated due to the fact that she will be moving out-of-town, the Director of Aging, Annette Crumpton, will be the Chairperson of the Transportation Advisory Board and will be presenting status reports. Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Ms. Dohrmann for the outstanding job performed in formulating and implementing the transportation system. RECOGNITION OF NEW COUNTY EMPLOYEES County Manager O'Neal introduced employees: the following new o Debra Langley - Department of Social Services Dennis Burks - Environmental Management Tim Heistand - Environmental Management Wayne Moore - Parks & Recreation Department Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, welcomed the new employees to the County family and wished them well in their future careers. APPROVAL OF NAME CHANGE FOR THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY COUNCIL ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN AND APPROVAL OF FUNDING REQUEST AND BUDGET AMENDMENT #91-0141 Ms. Margot Ackermann, President of the New Hanover County Council on the Status of Women requested the Board to endorse the name change for the Council to the "New Hanover Commission for Women". Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Retchin to approve the name change from the New Hanover County Council on the Status of Women to the "New Hanover Commission for Women" as requested. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o Ms. Ackermann requested funding in the amount of $250 to host a conference at UNC-W on March 16, 1991, for Women's History Month. The workshops of "Women in the 90' s: Challenges and Choices: will include such issues as financial planning, establishing credit, sexual harassment, child care, and stress management. She stated the Wilmington City Council has approved a funding request in the amount of $250 and respectfully requested the Commissioners to approve funding in the amount of $250., Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Retchin to approve a funding request in the amount of $250 to the New Hanover Commission for Women to sponsor a conference and to approve the following Budget Amendment: 91-0141 Non-Departmental/OUtside Agencies/Human Services - New Hanover Commission for Women Debit Credit Non-Departmental Contingencies $250 o Outside Agencies/Human Services New Hanover Commission for Women $250 Purpose: To budget funds to help with the cost of a conference sponsored by the New Hanover Commission for Women. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 1991, (CONTINUED) 335 -.., AUTHORI ZATION TO EXCEED THE GRANT LIMIT FOR A HOME LOCATED AT 3501 SYLVESTER ROAD AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE COUNTY MANAGER TO EXCEED THE GRANT LIMIT FOR THE ENERGY CONSERVATION REHABILITATION PROJECTS Motion: After discussion of many rehabilitation projects that will exceed the grant limit, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Greer to approve exceeding the grant limit by $136.82 for a house located at 3501 Sylvester Road and to authorize the County Manager to approve exceeding the grant limit up to $500 for future projects with reports being forwarded to the Board monthly. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . AUTHORIZATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A RADIO COMMUNICATIONS TASK FORCE County Manager 0' Neal commented on the need to develop a county communications system and requested authorization to form a Radio Communications Task Force. The Task Force will be charged with the following proj ect goals and composed of the following members: . 1. Develop a short and long-range comprehensive com- munications capital improvement plan which integrates functions of local government with Public Safety and 911, and a plan that prioritizes capital purchases. 2. Prepare immediate recommendations for improvement of county fire communications. 3. Develop technical requirements for upgrading the 911 Center and Emergency Operations Center during the Law Enforcement Center renovations. 4. Establish a system or responsible department for coordinating two-way radio purchasing to insure integr- ation. 5. Establish a training program to support proper com- munication techniques of field personnel. 6. Develop goals and strategies for the use of computer- aided dispatch and data transfer in the field. 7. Improve communications for Emergency Medical Services and law enforcement. 8. Review costs associated with rental pagers, leased lines and tower maintenance. 9. Improve reliability and cost effectiveness. 10. Other goals and issues which may develop. 1. 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. MEMBERSHIP Cam McAbee, Chairperson Representative of the N. C. Office of Emergency Medical Services (non-voting member) Sheriff Joe McQueen (or his designee) Capt. L. P. Hayes, representing the 911 Center Larry Ray, Director of the Dept. of Emergency Medical Services Sky Conklin, Director of Building Inspections (or his designee) Bob Parker, Health Department Director (or his designee) Dan Summers, Director of Emergency Management Gary Rowe, Chairman, of the New Hanover County Firemen's Inspection Committee Wyatt Blanchard, County Engineer Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager Jim Cunius, Chief of the Ogden Volunteer Rescue Squad Bill Clontz, MIS Director Representative from the New Hanover County Board of Fire Commissioners ~ ( 38lSINUTES OF REGULl\R MEETING. JANUARY 22. 1991, ( CONTINUED I 15. Representative from the Coordinated Transportation Program 16. County Commissioner Representative (optional) Motion: After discussion of the need to review all radio systems available, Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Greer to approve formation of a Radio Communications Task Force for study of developing a county communications system and to appoint Commissioner Barfield to serve on the committee. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER TO CONTRACT #STE90-000B WITH FORNEY () INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL SERVICES INSTRUMENT & CONTROLS Dr. Stanton Peters, Consulting Engineer, presented a change order for Instrument Technical Representatives to train personnel at a maximum of 70 man days at $680 per day to provide services during the shake down period of the Resource Recovery Facility start-up. The present contract with Forney International provides support until acceptance of the instrumentation system at which time the plant start-up and shake down will commence and will continue for a period of six to eight weeks. He emphasized the importance of having representatives on-site during the acceptance period to ensure that the instrumentation is properly functioning and the plant will be operational by March 20, 1991. Chairman Retchin inquired as to the type of training that will be offered by the representatives. Dr. Peters stated the contract provides for the following types of training: 1. Maintenance Training: Four (4) employees will attend a 2-week maintenance training program at Forney International. 2. Operator Training: All operational and management personnel will receive on-site training. o Commissioner Barfield expressed concern for paying an additional $47,600 for training services and inquired as to why this training was not included in the original $930,000 contract with Forney International. Dr. Peters stated the system is quite complex and that all bid quotes received did not include the technical training during the start-up period. He, again, emphasized the importance of having properly trained personnel when the plant becomes operational. Commissioner Sutton expressed concern for paying additional funds which, in his opinion, should be a part of fulfilling a warranty of the original contract. Commissioner Greer expressed concern for hiring technical representatives with no limitation on expenses and recommended establishing a limit on the amount of funds inclusive of expenses. Motion: After discussion of expenses and the need to properly train employees, Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by commissioner Sutton to approve the change order in an amount not to exceed $47,600 (including expenses) for the provision of Instrument Technical Representatives for a maximum of 70 man days at $680 per man day, for training services to be provided during the shake down period of the Resource Recovery Facility start-up. () Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BREAK Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting for a break from 10:25 o'clock A.M. to 10:38 o'clock A.M. APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER TO CONTRACT #STE-90-0012 WITH HARNISCHFEGER CORPORATION FOR MODIFICATION OF CRANES AT RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY County Attorney Pope commented on the contract awarded to Harnischfeger Corporation in the amount of $136,690 for parts ~ r . . . MINUTES{OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 1991, (CONTINUED) ~ 337 needed to modify the cranes and stated after execution of the contract, Harnischfeger has advised the County that the original price quote did not include bond costs and freight representing an increase of $2,590. He requested the Board to approve the additional cost with authorization for the County Manager to execute a change order to reflect the increase. Motion: After discussion of the $170,000 budgeted for the crane modification project, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to approve the additional cost of $2,590 and authorize the County Manager to execute a change order to reflect the increase. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BID AWARD iFIN-90-0286 RESCINDED FOR MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATION SERVICES FOR THE STEAM PLANT EXPANSION Director of Environmental Management, Ray Church, stated the Board awarded the mechanical/electrical and instrumentation services contract to Powerhouse Maintenance & Construction, Inc. at the meeting of October 15, 1990. Since that time, Powerhouse Maintenance & Construction, Inc. has been unable to secure the required performance and payment bonds due to having no detailed job description; therefore, Staff recommends rescinding the bid award and rebidding the project with specific job specifications of the work to be performed. Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Greer to rescind the bid award to Powerhouse Maintenance & Construction, Inc. and re-bid the project with a more detailed job description. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT iFIN-90-0296 WITH AMERICAN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FOR A NEW PAYROLL/PERSONNEL SYSTEM Director of Finance, Andrew J. Atkinson, requested approval of a contract with American Management Systems (AMS) for purchase of a new payroll/personnel system at a cost of $192,500 and an additional $92,000 for 800 man hours of consulting time. After reviewing payroll/personnel systems since July 1990, Staff feels the proposed Governmental Human Resources System is the best system available. Staff recommends payment of the system from the unrestricted 1/2 cent money available in Fund 120 and utilization of consulting fees from funds already budgeted in the current fiscal year. Payment for the system will be due as follows: Total cost of $192,500 payable as follows: $48,125 upon execution of agreement and receipt of software. $48,125 upon installation and successful completion of AMS software test. $67,375 upon completion of acceptance testing by New Hanover County on July 1, 1991, whichever comes first. $28,875 upon completion of first payroll run, but no later than February 1, 1992. Discussion was held on the 15% maintenance cost of the list price which is approximately $50,000 per year with no more than a 5% increase for the first five (5) years. Director Atkinson stressed the importance of maintaining and enhancing the system stating the 15% charge is reasonable. Discussion was held on the amount of time involved for implementation of the system by the the MIS Department, Finance Department, and Human Resources Department working with the consultants from American Management Systems. The projected time for implementation of the system is from January, 1991 until the target date of January, 1992. ~ ( 3.365 OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 1991, (CONTINUED) Commissioner Barfield inquired as to whether the system will reduce the number of new employees. Director Atkinson stated the system will save numerous hours for the Department of Social Services and the Health Department in calculating the number of hours worked on various projects; however, it may not reduce the number of persons hired. Motion: After further discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Retchin to approve the contract with American Management Systems at a cost of $192,500 and an additional $92,000 for consulting services to be funded from the unrestricted 1/2 cent money available in Fund 120 and from funds already budgeted in this fiscal year contingent upon review and approval of the contract by the County Attorney. o APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM :!t18, MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR CARDIAC CARE EQUIPMENT Vice-Chairman Mathews inquired as to whether a service maintenance contract is necessary for the cardiac care equipment. Emergency Medical Services Director, Larry Ray, stated a maintenance agreement is much more cost effective than contracting on an hourly basis for labor and expenses; for example, in the past the County has been charged $60 per hour for labor, $50 per hour for travel expenses plus the cost of parts. Motion: After discussion of state requirements for maintenance of cardiac care equipment, Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Greer to approve the maintenance agreement with Biomedical Alternatives of Virginia, Inc. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING RECESSED TO HOLD A REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting to hold a Regular Meeting of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District from 11:15 o'clock A.M. until 12:03 o'clock P.M. o ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT AWARD FROM THE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION TO NEW HANOVER HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Greer to accept a grant award in the amount of $41,768 from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to the New Hanover Human Relations Commission for processing FY 1991 EEOC hearings. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reminder of Groundwater Seminar Research Triangle Park in Raleigh, Economic Development Summi t on Greensboro, N. C. Chairman Retchin encouraged the Commissioners to attend the Groundwater Seminar to be held on February 19-20, 1991, in Raleigh stating he would not be able to attend. He also encouraged the Commissioners to attend the Governor I s Economic Summit to be held on February 25-26, 1991, at Greensboro, N. C. February 19-20, N. C. and the February 25-26, 1991, at Governor's 1991 in Discussion of Employees Out-of-State Travel Vice-Chairman Mathews inquired as to the travel for an employee in the MIS Department attending a seminar from January 17-30, 1991. County Manager O'Neal stated the travel request is for a training session and that he will be glad to report on the seminar being attended. o ADDITIONAL ITEMS ~ COUNTY MANAGER Discussion of Funding for Groundwater Studies Deputy County Manager, Mary Gornto, stated she had been notified that no state funds will be available for performance of groundwater studies; therefore, this item will be removed from the County's 1991 Legislative Goals. ~ . . . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 1991, (CONTINUED) 339 ~ Discussion of Purchasing Property Adj acent to New Hanover High School Deputy County Manager, Mary Gornto, stated the owners of Market Street property adjacent to New Hanover County High School have agreed to the purchase price of $175,000; however, in preparing the agreement, they have expressed concern for absorbing the environmental assessment cost. The County Attorney is preparing a contract that will require the owners to furnish an environmental assessment with the purchase of the property by the County being contingent upon the results and findings of the environmental assessment being acceptable. Discussion of Retreat Scheduled for February 8-9, 1991 Deputy County Manager, Mary Gornto, stated the retreat will be held at the Blockade Runner if agreeable with the Board. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board to hold the retreat at the Blockade Runner. Appreciation Expressed for New position at Department Deputy County Manager, Mary Gornto, stated most appreciative of the new position approved Agenda. He also reported the jail count was 205 week. the Sheriff's the Sheriff was on the Cons en t during the past ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman ~\~'I~-::~~:oEtws' ~b'. .&_a.j?~r'~::. _~ ?p~O?- Y9~te., the MO'l;'Ip~~ CARRIED YNANIMOUSLY_. i_ _ - Chairman Retchin ~djourned the meeting at 12:20 ;6'dl~~k P.M. Respectfully submitted, \ -'~-'-J~ "-/~ F. Harrell Clerk to the Board .\/!. I , : -. ~