1991-02-08&9 Budget Retreat 355 .., MINUTES OF RETREAT, FEBRUARY 8 & 9, 1991 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a retreat on March 8 & 9, 1991, at the Blockade Runner Hotel, Suite 210, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. Members present were: Robert G. Greer; William H. Jr.; Chairman, Fred Retchin; . Attorney, Robert W. Pope; Harrell. Chairman Retchin called the Work Session o'clock P.M. on Friday, February 8, 1991. Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Sutton; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. to order at 5: 00 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE County Manager 0' Neal stated preparation of the 1991-92 Budget will be difficult with the shortfalls being experienced by the state and federal governments. He respectfully requested the Board to develop policy directives during the retreat in order for Staff to proceed with preparing the budget. The following topics were explained and discussed: EXPLANATION OF VARIOUS FUNDS The General Fund Fire Service District The Resource Recovery Fund Schools The Room Occupancy Tax The Water & Sewer District Sales Tax . RESTORATION OF FUND BALANCE Revenue Trends Current Shortfalls Intergovernmental Projections State Reimbursements Schools Southeastern Center Assumption of Programs and Positions - Alternatives MEETING CONTINUED UNTIL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1991 Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting at 9:30 o'clock P.M. on Friday, March 8, 1991, to be continued at 9:00 o'clock A.M. on Saturday, February 9, 1991. The following topics were explained and discussed: EXPENDITURE PATTERNS . - Human Resources Management - Debt Management - Water and Sewer - Recycling - Airport PROPOSED LOCAL LEGISLATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM After a lengthy discussion on alternative sources of generating additional revenues and the predicted decreases in state and federal funding, it was the consensus of the Board to issue the following policy directives to Staff for preparation of the proposed FY 1991-92 Budget: ~ ( 3 !:!ferrns OF RETREAT (CONTINUED) POLICY DIRECTIVES No more than a 4 cent tax increase designated for restor- ation of the fund balance. A thorough review of non-mandated programs administered by outside agencies and county departments including a review of match levels. Staff is to provide detailed information on these programs during the budget process in order for the Board to better evaluate the effectiveness of these programs to see if they should be reduced or curtailed. Review of fees being charged by County Departments: () (a) Inspection Fees: Compare fees being charged in other counties versus New Hanover County. (b) Investigate fees being charged by the Library. (c) Investigate the market rate for rental space and compare fees being charged by the County to outside agencies. (d) Comparison of impact and park fees being charged by other counties. (e) Investigate fees being charged for usage of meeting rooms. - Legislative Action (a) Seek enabling legislation to impose a land transfer fee, if so desired. (b) More equity in appraisal process for adjusting inflationary exemption and/or indexing for elderly and handicapped property owners. () (c) Allow for more flexibility in SB 111. (d) Change DMV vehicle taxing process. (e) Seek a local act to increase the maximum fine for violation of County Ordinances from $50 to $500. - Solid Waste (a) Proceed with "Dirty MRF" Program and other activities as discussed. (b) Prepare recommendations for permanent recycling sites and pursue the use of community service workers to man the sites. OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS After discussion of various items, the following recommendations were presented by members of the Board: 1. More emphasis should be placed on the maintenance of schools by the school administration and school board. o 2. Request the Finance Director to review with Bond Counsel the possibility of advance refunding on bond issues to see if interest rates can be reduced. 3. Development of a policy statement outlining the ef- fectiveness and expectations of non-mandated programs administered by non-county and county agencies. This policy would serve as a guideline to determine if the program is needed and and if so, its effectiveness in services rendered versus costs involved. 4. Develop a community coordinated program, perhaps ~ . . . MINUTES OF RETREAT (CONTINUED) 35 7 "'lIIl through the United Way, to involve civic clubs in sponsoring human services projects. 5. Re-examine the proposed increase in the employee's contribution for Blue Cross/Blue Shield medical insurance to equalize the percentage of increase among all types of coverage. DISCUSSION OF STRATEGIC PLANNING County Manager O'Neal commented on the importance of strategic planning to enable the County to balance between what is desired versus what is possible. Chairman Retchin stated in the process of developing a strategic plan, he would recommend that each department develop a plan of action that will serve as a guideline to better judge and evaluate programs and expenditures of each County department. He stressed the importance of developing a plan that will ensure a cost-effective operation of County government. County Manager O'Neal stated he would be glad to prepare a presentation on strategic planning that will define the items to be included in this process. Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, commented on the lack of coordination between the Land Use Plan and the Sewer System Plan. He recommended that a review of these plans should be included in developing a strategic plan in order to promote orderly growth and development. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the Administrative Staff for excellent presentations and reports presented at the retreat. He adjourned the meeting at 3:00 o'clock P.M. on Saturday, March 9, 1991. ~es ectfully s bmitted, -'\/ Lu 'e F. Harrell Clerk to the Board ~