1991-03-06 Special Meeting 389 ~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1991 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Special Work Session on Wednesday, March 6, 1991, at 12:00 noon in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. . Members present were: Robert G. Greer; William H. Jr.; Chairman Fred Retchin; Attorney, Robert W. Pope; Harrell. Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Sutton; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order. County Manager O'Neal stated Architect Herb McKim, a partner of Ballard, McKim & Sawyer Architects, PC, will present and review options for expansion of the jail. He respectfully requested the Board to direct Staff as to whether an action plan should be developed for proceeding with the jail expansion after review of the options available. Commissioner Barfield expressed concern for proceeding with the jail expansion with the shortfalls being experienced in state and federal funding and inquired as to the feasibility of such a project at this time. County Manager O'Neal stated the upcoming year can be utilized as a planning year for developing an action plan so that the project can move forward once the economy rebounds. . Commissioner Sutton commented on the possible merger of the Wilmington Police Department with the Sheriff's Department and inquired as to the impact of this decision on the jail expansion as well as usage of the police building. Architect McKim stated if the merger should occur space needs will have to be addressed in the entire downtown area and that one possible use for the police building would be for expansion of Cape Fear Community College. He stated regardless of whether a merger of law enforcement occurs within the County, the jail overcrowding problem must be addressed. PRESENTATION OF JAIL OPTIONS Archi tect Herb McKim presented the following options for expanding the jail: Option 1: Expansion of the existing New Hanover County Law Enforcement Center by 120 beds with 29,500 sq. ft. of additional new space allocated as follows: -Support Service Division -Patrol Division -Vice/Narcotics Division -911 Division -Detectives Division -Employee Facilities -Jail/Custody Division Total 1,100 sq. ft. 1,245 sq. ft. 500 sq. ft. 480 sq. ft. 930 sq. ft. 500 sq. ft. 24,745 sq. ft. 29,500 sq. ft. . Projected Cost: $7,000,000 Option 2: Expansion of the existing New Hanover County Law Enforcement Center by adding 10 beds plus con- structing a new BO-bed facility on county owned property located on Division Drive. -The basic concept would be to build a jail that is expandable (modular) beginning with 80 beds and expanding to 240 beds. -The food preparation for both jails could be housed in the new facility using a serving kitchen in the existing Law Enforcement Center. , ~ ( .3 9 ~NUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING. MARCH 6. 1991 (CONTINUED J -The Patrol Division would be housed in the new facility which would free up space for expansion of support services and the Sheriff's administ- rative space. In addition, some vehicles would be removed allowing for additional parking in the lower level of the Law Enforcement Center. -Only minimal additions would be required for the existing Law Enforcement Center as follows: (1) a serving kitchen, new service entry and elevator; and (2) a staff lounge and expansion of the ID section. () -The present weekend minimum security center would be eliminated with staff being assigned to the new facility. -As space demands grow for additional court facili- ties, the Sheriff's Dept. and jail could be removed from the existing Law Enforcement Center with that building being utilized for courtrooms and offices. Projected Cost: $6,250,000 After discussion of a remote jail facility, it was determined that the following disadvantages would outweigh the advantages of moving to another site: (1) the cost of operating two jail facilities; (2) the security of prisoners when transporting to the courts; and (3) the inconvenience of a remote location to attorneys representing inmates. option 3: 172 bed expansion of the Law Enforcement Center and renovation of the WLI Building This option did .not receive support due to the fact () that a neighboring church had already been informed . by the City that they would have the first opportunity to purchase the WLI Building when and if the property was offered for sale. option 4: Expansion of the Law Enforcement Center and constru- ction of an office building on Division Drive: This plan will provide 241 beds with enough space remain- ing for an additional 120 beds. -Relocate Patrol and Detective Divisions to the new new facility on Division Drive with an indoor firing range; relocate Vice/Narcotics, 911 and Emergency Emergency Services convenient to the Sheriff's office; locate 911 adjacent to Emergency Services with both on dedicated emergency generator. Projected Cost: Renovation of Law Enforcement Bldg. Division Drive Remote Building Total $4,600,000 1,600,000 $6,200,000 The schematic design an?-ll drawingfs of Optio~ 4 fwehre 0 presented. The proposed plan Wl allow uture expanslon 0 t e jail and judicial functions with the possibility of connecting the buildings and closing Fourth and Princess Streets for development of a Government Plaza. A lengthy discussion was held on either filling or removing the outside wall. Architect McKim stated the wall could be removed, but as a matter of history, the Board of Commissioners in office at that time, voted to add the outside wall. i I ~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1991 (CONTINUED) 391 ~ . Commissioner Sutton recommended construction of a four-story building on the 73 ft. square which would eliminate the outside wall and provide for more beds. Archi tect McKim stated using this area for construction of a four-story building will not function well due to the location of the jail control station which must comply to state and federal regulations. Commissioner Sutton inquired as to whether the jails can be joined on the second floor by using the existing space for jails with the administrative portion being located in the remaining part of the structure. Architect McKim stated from a cost-effective approach, if you construct in this area, you are building new space which is more expensive and that Option 4 as proposed is using the maximum renovation and the minimum expansion which is the most economical method of construction. Discussion was held on state regulations governing the following types of detention spaces: 1. Single Segregated Cells: In Option 4, twenty (20) single segregated cells have been included. 2. Single Cells: Cells connected to a day room. No single cells are included in Option 4. 3. Multiple Occupancy Cells: Four persons to a cell and a day room. In Option 4, 100 multiple occup- ancy cells are included. 4. Dormitories: Much less costly to construct. A dormitory can contain as many as 40 inmates and modular cells can be utilized. After discussion of dormitories being less expensive to construct, Sheriff McQueen expressed concern for deputies having to enter a room with 40 inmates and requested placement of only 20 inmates per room if dormitories are considered. . A lengthy discussion was held on whether the jail expansion as proposed under Option 4 would be adequate for future needs and if the jail should remain downtown. Vice-Chairman Mathews emphasized planning for future needs as well as present needs and stated this factor should be considered when selecting an option. Commissioner Greer expressed concern for the present shortfalls in state and federal funding and questioned proceeding with new construction. He also expressed concern for the manner in which inmates are not allowed to perform community service work and stated he is not in favor of expanding the jail facility until it is absolutely necessary. DISCUSSION OF LONG-RANGE SPACE PLAN Archi tect Herb McKim presented preparing a long-range space plan office space needs: the following proposal for for the County's downtown Purpose: To provide the County Commissioners a tool to assist in planning for both a long-range personnel policy and space policy. . Goal: To prepare a document outlining the long-range needs by the departments occupying the New Hanover County Administration Building, the New Hanover County Annex Building, plus space for the Clerk of Court, District Attorney, Register of Deeds, Judges and the Sheriff. Objectives: Outline an annual history of workload, staffing location, and space. Establish space standards for New Hanover County. Develop a final plan. Process: Research records of historical data. ~ ( 39~S OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1991 (CONTINUED) I , I ~ Interview Department Heads, the County Manager and others. Survey all facilities for effectiveness of use. Tabulate findings and develop recommendations. Time: Completed within 6 months. Cost: To be negotiated. () Discussion was held on the County's space needs and the availability of various buildings in the downtown area. Commissioner Sutton emphasized the importance of county offices being located in the downtown area and stressed the importance of investigating all buildings available before moving to other locations. Architect McKim stated it may be possible to use the County Administration Building to meet the needs of the Sheriff Department which would centralize the entire jail complex. Motion: After further 9iscussion of studying the downtown area, Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to direct Ballard, McKim & Sawyer to proceed with the downtown space study as proposed for New Hanover County administrative offices and to include in the study the use of any available buildings in the downtown area for the jail expansion and/or county offices. The County Manager was authorized to negotiate a cost for performance of the study. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Retchin adjourned the Work Session at 2:10 o'clock P.M. o Respectfully submitted, ~V~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board o