1991-08-05 Regular Meeting ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 5, 1991 Page 571 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, August 5, 1991, at 6:30 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. . Members present were: Robert G. Greer; William H. Jr.; Chairman Fred Retchin; Attorney, Robert W. Pope; Harrell. commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Sutton; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order and welcomed all persons present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Health Director, Robert S. Parker, gave the invocation. County Attorney, Robert W. Pope, led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to comment on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or an item listed on the Consent Agenda. The following item was presented: . Appreciation for the Commissioners' Public Opposition to Siting of a Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Pender County Dr. William Sisson, representing Concerned citizens of New Hanover County, read a letter of appreciation to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners for the firm public stand against siting of a hazardous waste incinerator in Pender County. He also read a letter, as President of the Greater Wilmington Chiropractic Association, to publicly announce the Association's opposition to the siting of a facility in Pender County. Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Dr. Sisson for the kind remarks and stated the Commissioners will continue to oppose the siting of a hazardous waste incinerator in Pender County. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sutton to approve the Consent Agenda items as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved the minutes of the Regular meeting of July 1, 1991, as presented by the Clerk to the Board. . Adoption of Resolution for the Sale of a 1984 Porsche - Sheriff's Department The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding the sale of a 1984 Porsche to Cathy Lantz, the highest responsible bidder, in the amount of $5,175. The following bids were received: Cathy Lantz Louis Batuyious Leroy Sullivan Edward Prsybysz, Jr. David Combs Jack Clark Richard Wilkinson Robert Rush $5,175 $3,501 $3,500 $3,002 $2,005 $1,600 $1,560 $1,000 ~ (~ MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 1991 PAGE 572 ' A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 12. Acceptance of Grant Award from the Institute of Museum Services and Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0012 The Commissioners accepted a grant award in the amount of $3,060 from the Institute of Museum Services for the Conservation Assessment Program and approved the following Budget Amendment: Debit Credit (\, ~ j' 92-0012 Museum Museum Institute of Museum Services Grant $3,060 Contracted Services $3,060 Purpose: To budget grant award from the Institute Services for the Conservation Assessment Program. The pay for assessor's fees, per diems, and travel costs. match will be required. of Museum grant will No County Acceptance of Disposals of Personal Property Report - Finance Department The Commissioners accepted the "Disposals of Personal Property Report" in accordance with G.S. 160A-266(c) for the period of January 1, 1991, through June 30, 1991, as presented by the Finance Director. A copy of the report is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 12. Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0010 to Budget Grant Revenue for Injury Prevention Programs - New Hanover County Health Department The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: () 92-0010 Health Department/Community Based Injury Debit Credit Health/Communitv Based Iniury CDC Community Based Grant $5,185 Departmental Supplies Training and Travel Capital Outlay $2,985 $ 300 $1,900 Purpose: To budget additional grant revenue received from two injury prevention programs: (1) $5,035 for a program that promotes the use of seat belts and crash protection systems; and (2) $150 for the "Happy Helmets to You" program that promotes bicycle helmet use. waiver of Landfill Tipping Fee for "Big Sweep" Sponsored by the Keep America Beautiful System of New Hanover County The Commissioners approved waiver of the tipping fee at the landfill for the "Big Sweep" program sponsored by the Keep America Beautiful System in New Hanover County to be held on September 21, 1991. Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0013 To Increase WIC Revenue - New Hanover County Health Department The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: () 92-0013 Health Department/WIC Debit Credit Health/WIC WIC Grant $5,927 capital Outlay $5,927 ~ -.., MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 1991 PAGE 573 Purpose: To increase WIC's revenue and expenditures to purchase computer equipment, which will be compatible with the computer system being installed at the Health Department. The WIC program contains no County dollars. . PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1991 ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, presented National Association of Counties 1991 Achievement Awards to the following departments for implementing outstanding programs: Inspections Department Development of the Mechanical Journevman License Proqram which has produced an 85% reduction in mechanical re-inspect- ions after the program was implemented. Animal Control Division of the Health Department - Development of Pet License Proqram which has pro- vided an efficient licensing program through the combined efforts of Animal Control and the veter- inarians in the county. Environmental Management - Development of a Comp- rehensive Inteqrated Solid Waste Manaqement System which has been recognized by the State of North Carolina. Planning Department - Development of the County Sew- er Connection and Plumbing Improvement Assistance Proqram which has provided grant funds to homes in need of plumbing repair in order to meet the neces- sary plumbing and housing codes for connection to the sewer system. . Department of Social Services - Development Rankin Community Enrichment Proqram to after school activities for neighborhood The program has shown immediate improvement performance. of the provide children. in school New Hanover County Health Department - Development of the Smokinq Pollution Control Ordinance which is among the first ordinance of this type in the state and nation. New Hanover County Library - Developed the School/ Public Librarv Co-Operation proiect which created a program to inform schools of the materials avail- able in the library. Juvenile participation in using the library has increased since implementing the program. . APPROVAL OF FUNDING ALLOCATION FOR THE ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CITIZENS Ms. Lisa Poteat and Ms. Nicolle Nicolle, operators of the Association of Retarded citizens Employment and Training Program, requested funding in the amount of $18,300 to enable the program to function through September, 1991. Due to federal budget cuts in the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), federal allocations have dropped from over $92,000 in 1985 to approximately $30,000 in 1990 with no funds allocated for FY 1991-92. The Center is now closed; however, two grant applications have been filed, which if awarded will become available in October and January. Emphasis was placed on the unique type of program being administered through an intensive process of working with each client on a one-to-one basis to show how the job is performed as well as assisting the client with the job until it is mastered. The program has been most successful in assisting retarded citizens to hold jobs and become active members of society. Chairman Retchin commented on JTPA funds being allocated to the YWCA-JTPA Program and inquired as to whether the Association ~ (~ MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 1991 . PAGE 574 . for Retarded citizens could become a part of this program. Ms. Poteat stated the YWCA was approached with this idea in mind, but an unfavorable response was received due to the necessity of having to share funds. Discussion was held on the structure of the program and the possibility of obtaining private donations, fund raisers, and grant awards. Further discussion was held on the governing board being a state Board. Commissioner Sutton recommended that a local advisory board be established immediately to involve volunteers in seeking methods of raising funds. o Commissioner Barfield encouraged the agency to work closely wi th the Southeastern Center in applying for grant funds and coordinating the operation of the program. He commented on personally knowing the difficulties experienced with mentally retarded citizens in trying to hold jobs and stated the program is worthwhile and should be continued. /C; after discussion of the importance of this program to . --'l t-he need to allow time for the agency to /s VLJ1lLf~ }Lit l '5 ( 60 (0{ ('"'5 , "'"3t-~ donations, and hopefully ",)VED, SECONDED by Retarded citizens rogram to continue funds will become [MOUSLY. I !) A MEETING OF THE I Session to hold a Sewer District from Qy,€- u fro.; {O"L ~r? ARTICLE II, SECTION : ORDINANCE ~-Yon_____~ iDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to adopt-a-.L-~___ pter 15, Article II, section 15-95 of the New Hanov=~~ Code to change the certification date from 60 days to 1~0- days in the Sewer Ordinance. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o A copy of the ordinance is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 13. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointment of Edith Ann Bell Steele to Serve on the New Hanover County Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee Chairman Retchin stated the State has permitted a new facility for our community; therefore, an additional member has been added to the Domiciliary Home community Advisory Committee. The floor was opened to receive nominations. Chairman Retchin nominated Edith Ann. Bell Steele. There being no further nominations, declared the nominations closed. Chairman Retchin Motion: chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to appoint Edith Ann Bell Steele to serve on the New Hanover County Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee for an initial term of one year to expire August 5, 1992. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o . . . , ;. ,~.I;. ':'.. '~;~;lt ;l S .. .... ~ MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 1991 PAGE 575 E,.t ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0016 to Budget victims Assistance Grant for FY 1991-92 to the Rape Crisis Center of Cape Fear Substance Abuse County Manager 0' Neal requested approval of the following Budget Amendment to budget a Victims Assistance Grant for FY 1991-92 awarded to the Rape Crisis Center: 92-0016 Human Services/Flow Through Grants Debit .\ Credit Human Services/Flow Throuqh Grants victims Assistance victims Assistance $25,000 $25,000 Purpose: To budget victims Assistance Grant for FY 1991-92. The grant has been awarded to the Rape Crisis Center of Cape Fear Substance Abuse. The funds for the grant must flow through the County; however, no County funds are required, but the County is responsible for the financial administration of the grant. The grant will fund an additional employee to provide services to individuals who have been victimized by rape or sexual assault and to provide educational programs on prevention of sexual assault. Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Greer to approve the Budget Amendment as presented and authorize the County Manager to execute the FY 1991-92 victims Assistant Grant Agreement. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion of Cabarrus County Property Tax Case County Manager O'Neal commented on the recent ruling .by the North Carolina Property Tax Commission nullifying a contract between Cabarrus County and a private tax consultant stating it was against public policy. After a request from Cabarrus County to solicit the support of the N. C. Association of County Commissioners to assist with appealing the Property Tax Commission's ruling, the Association has agreed to support Cabarrus County in the appeal. The Association is requesting counties to join in the appeal effort as well as participate in funding the cost for the appeal since Cabarrus County has already incurred approximately $200,000 in legal fees. County Attorneys across the state will be receiving copies of the amicus brief in mid-August with a filing deadline the first week of September, 1991. The matter contested was the contingency contracts entered into by some counties with various fact finding firms relative to back taxes; however, New Hanover County has entered into a contract with Tax Management Associates on a flat rate basis. Chairman Retchin stated each county is being given an opportunity to make a financial contribution toward the cost of the appeal on two levels: (1) counties with a private tax consultant are being requested to contribute 2 1/2 cents per citizen; and (2) counties without on-going contracts with tax firms are being asked to contribute 1 1/2 cents per citizen. New Hanover County is not considered as a county participating in a tax contract because at the time the Cabarrus ruling was rendered, the County had not entered into the contract with Tax Management Associates. He emphasized the importance of participating in this appeal in order to preserve counties' rights to contract in whatever manner it so chooses to secure assistance in equitably applying the property tax to all taxpayers. These contracting rights are of great value and merit protection. Commissioner Greer disagreed and stated in the process of contracting with Tax Management Associates, it began on a commission and/or bounty basis with later negotiations leading to a contract based upon an hourly rate. Now, the County is being asked to support the right of another county who contracted on a ~ /~ MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 1991 PAGE 576 commission basis and he does not feel we should become involved in support of this cause. commissioner Sutton stressed the importance of all persons paying taxes equitably. He stated, however, he could not support collecting taxes through a company operating on a commission basis. chairman Retchin stated the commission basis is not the issue. The issue is whether the County will have the privilege of hiring a tax consultant to equitably apply the property tax to all taxpayers. (] Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to take no action until the County Attorney has received the brief and has forwarded recommendations on what action, if any, should be taken. Authorization for the Chairman to write a Letter to 7th District Congressmen Requesting Assistance in Urging EPA to Oppose the Siting of a Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Pender County Commissioner Sutton commented on U. S. Senators and Representatives having influence on the activities of EPA and requested authorization for the Chairman to write a letter to our Congressmen to request their assIstance in urging EPA to deny a permit for siting of a hazardous waste incinerator in Pender County. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to authorize the Chairman to write a letter to the Congressmen as requested by Commissioner Sutton. Scheduling of Special Meeting to Hear a Presentation on the county's Space Needs Study County Manager O'Neal requested scheduling a Special Meeting to hear a presentation from Herb McKim on the County's space needs study. He recommended the date of August 26, 1991, in Room 501 of the County Administration Building. () Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to schedule a special Meeting on August 26, 1991, at 9:00 A.M. in Room 501 of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, to hear a presentation from Architect Herb McKim on the results of the space needs study. Discussion of Solid Waste Disposal on a Regional Basis Chairman Retchin stated a letter was written on August 2, 1991, to the Chairmen of the Pender and Brunswick County Boards of Commissioners requesting that consideration be given to exploring solid waste disposal concerns on a regional basis. Conversation has been held with the Chairman of the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners with a favorable response; however, no word has been received from the Chairman of the Pender County Board of commissioners. Chairman Retchin stated he plans to arrange a meeting among the Chairmen within the near future to further discuss this idea. commissioner Sutton stated he feels the concept is a reasonable approach, particularly since the Waste-to-Energy Advisory Committee has been appointed and is studying the solid waste disposal issue. n commissioner Greer inquired as to the number of counties who have already formed a solid waste group in the northeastern part of the state? County Manager 0' Neal stated the counties of Craven, Carteret, and Pamlico, obtained enabling legislation to form an authority on a regional basis for solid waste disposal. Chairman Retchin stated an authority would be an ideal way to handle solid waste disposal on a regional basis and at the same time alleviate political influences. ~ 'i ~",: .,.-r~t.I'..~.; If...... -".?' ,., MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 1991 PAGE 577 Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to authorize the Chairman to continue pursuing the concept of solid waste on a regional basis with surrounding counties. . PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION IN RECOGNITION OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE AS SELECTED BY THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, recognized and presented "Certificates of Appreciation" to the following volunteers who were recognized by the National Association of Counties for outstanding volunteer services in county-sponsored community related activities. He stated a photograph and listing of each volunteer has been included in a recently published book "entitled, "County Points of Lights" and presented to President Bush and the National Points of Light Foundation. Copies of the publication will be placed in the Library of Congress as well as in the Bush Presidential Library upon leaving office. Elbert V. Kring Sandra Harkin - Volunteer work with VOCAL - Volunteer work with the American Heart Association - Volunteer work with the Cape Fear Literacy Council - Volunteer work with "Meals on Wheels" - Volunteer work with "Meals on Wheels" - Volunteer work with USS N.C. Battleship - Volunteer work with USS N.C. Battleship - Volunteer work with New Hanover Regional Medical Center Les Van Huben Evelyn Larham Jim Larham Gilbert Moore Nancee Moore Lillie B. Scott BREAK Chairman Retchin convened from Regular Session for a break from 8:10 o'clock P.M. until 8:24 o'clock P.M. . PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY ON THE EAST SIDE OF U. S. HIGHWAY 117 NORTH OF PILGRIM CIRCLE TO 0- I OFFICE AND INSTITUTION AND B-2 BUSINESS FROM AR AIRPORT RESIDENTIAL (Z-437) Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, stated in June, 1988, the applicant received approval of rezoning a portion of the overall tract to B-2, although the applicant petitioned to rezone the entire site. The applicant now seeks to rezone the balance of the property to B-2 Business. Several adjoining property owners attended the Planning Commission meeting to voice opposition. The Planning Commission was sharply divided; however, after further debate, the Commission compromised and recommended that the property be rezoned to a-I and B-2. The Planning Commission felt a-I zoning along the perimeter of Pilgrim Circle would promote a smoother transition between competing land uses. The Commission also felt that reducing the coverage of B-2 south of the Ennis property would provide greater protection to residential uses north of the subject property. . Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak in favor of the rezoning request. The following persons commented: Mr. Billy Miller, the petitioner, commented on the need to expand the B-2 zoning in order to use the property to its highest and best use. He agreed with the B-2 and a-I rezoning recommended by the Planning Commission. Mr. Ed Ennis, representing his mother and father, adjacent property owners, stated if the property is rezoned, he simply would like assurance that his family'S property will be rezoned commercially when petitioned. ~ ( , [ I I t [ i I I , ~ MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 1991 PAGE. 578 '[ Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak in opposition to the rezoning request. The following persons commented: Ms. Bessie C. McKoy, an adjacent property owner, expressed concern for commercial encroachment which will increase traffic, destroy the natural habitat, and possibly provide for the location of a business in her backyard. Mr. Wes Kingsley, an adjacent property owner, expressed concern for future commercial development near residential property and requested denial of the rezoning request. o Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. commissioner Sutton inquired as to how the buffer can be kept in its natural state. Planning Director Hayes stated there is no absolute control that can be imposed on a zoning petition to preserve the natural buffer; however, the worst scenario would be construction of an 0-1 structure 25 ft. from the adjoining property lines which would require a 12 1/2 ft. buffer in its natural state. He stated in his opinion the land will remain unused. Motion: After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission as presented. The floor was opened for discussion. commissioner Sutton recommended extending the 0-1 zoning from the lots marked F-L on the map included in the agenda packet in order to provide for a better transition. Substitute Motion: After further discussion, Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to rezone a portion of the property adjacent to wildcat Creek north of the subdivision to 0-1 and to rezone a portion of the property to the rear of the B-2 District to B-2 Business. The action represents an amendment to the Planning Commission's recommendation as stated in the ordinance contained in the zoning Book II as referenced below. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. () A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. lOA OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974" is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in zoning Book II, section 10-A, Page 22. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER RENAMING OAK AVENUE TO LOFT LANDING LANE LOCATED EAST OF MASON LANDING ROAD LOCATED IN HARNETT TOWNSHIP (SN-63) Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, stated a copy of a court order closing Oak Avenue was presented to the Planning Department this afternoon by Mr. Broadfoot; therefore, Staff would like to continue the Public Hearing until the document can be reviewed. Chairman Retchin asked if anyone present would like to speak. The following person commented: Mr. Tom Broadfoot, representing his mother, Ms. Corne lea Broadfoot, stated the court order furnished to the Planning Staff will show that in 1957 the road was closed and declared a private road with 100% ownership by his mother. He requested the Commissioners to drop the request since the road is already closed and respectfully requested that his mother be allowed to select a name, if in the future, the road should be renamed. () Motion: After further discussion, Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to drop the petition based upon the fact that this 1S a closed and private road, and if in the future, there is a need to name the road, the property owner . . . ;~ . ,,:'1" . '" .,":, .., MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 1991 PAGE 579 _i> ~ >~r;;' ~;. should be allowed to select a name. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Upon vote, the MOTION PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST BY JOE PRIEST TO WAIVE THE PAVEMENT ROAD WIDTH FROM THE OYSTER BAY DEVELOPMENT TO THE ENTRANCE OF WINDCHASE SUBDIVISION (SA-12) APPEALED CASE Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, stated Joe Priest, the realtor and listing agent for Windchase, a twelve lot performance subdivision, is requesting a wavier from the road pavement width requirement imposed by the County at the time of the preliminary plan approval in March, 1986. The original preliminary site plan required a road pavement width of 18 ft. running from the existing portion of Cabbage Inlet Lane south approximately 285 ft. to its intersection with Windchase Lane. The petitioner has requested a wavier for 12 ft. in width. The Technical Review Committee of the Planning commission denied the request based on the fact that the final plat had been recorded, and it was beyond the scope of their jurisdiction to act on a site plan that was approved and recorded. Currently, the County is holding a $5,000 Letter of Credit guaranteeing that the road will be constructed as approved. The other concern of the Planning Commission was that adequate vehicular access for those individuals who have purchased lots should be completed as approved. Given the critical need for two improved passing lanes for the amount of traffic that will be generated when Windchase and surrounding properties are developed, and the importance of safe and accessible emergency traffic in and out of the area, the Planning Staff recommends that Cabbage Inlet Lane be completed in accordance wi th the approved plan and the minimum road construction standards as adopted by the County. Fire Marshal, Chris Elrod, stated a 12 ft. road width is not ample clearance to move fire tankers back and forth on a road when responding to fires. Chairman Retchin asked if anyone present would like to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposed wavier for reduction of the road width from 18 ft. to 12 ft. The following persons commented: Mr. Joe Priest,., a property owner in Windchase Subdivision and the petitioner, stated the developer of this subdivision declared bankruptcy in August 1989. Since that time, he has been working to resolve the problems left by the developer and the only problem unresolved is the width of the road from Oyster Bay to the entrance of Windchase. The road is the same width as the road coming out of Oyster Bay, but is three feet narrower than the original approved subdivision plan. There is no easement presehtly attainable to widen the road. He requested waiver of the width in order to sell the remaining lots. Mr. John Kirkum, an adjacent property owner, stated the road issue has been complicated; however, he does not want the road widened and is not willing to grant an easement, particularly when the original developer did not contact him with reference to Obtaining an easement. Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. Motion: After discussion of the Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED deny the waiver request. Upon UNANIMOUSLY. final plat being recorded, by Vice-Chairman Mathews to vote, the MOTION CARRIED ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING TO CLOSED A PORTION OF ARCHDALE ROAD Motion: Commissioner Sutton MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to adopt a Resolution of Intent to schedule a Public Hearing on September 3, 1991, at 7:30 P.M. to consider closing a ~ MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 1991 , .PAGE ~580 \:.. portion of Archdale Road. UNANIMOUSLY. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 12. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Greer to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 9:40 o'clock P.M. ~dZ=d. Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board . . f l r () () ('\ \ ! ./