1991-11-18 Work Session ~ ~~NUTES OF WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER "ra, 199~'. i7t1"8 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Session on Monday, November 18, 1991, at 1:30 o'clock 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. held a Work P.M. in Room 320 Chestnut fe Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Robert G. Greer; William H. Sutton; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Fred Retchin; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; Assistant County Attorney, Wanda Copley; and Clerk to th~ Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order and stated a status report will be presented on the New Hanover County strategic planning process, and Architect John Sawyer will present proposed changes to reduce costs for construction of the Myrtle Grove Branch Library. STATUS REPORT ON NEW HANOVER COUNTY STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS Assistant to the County Manager, Pat Melvin, commented on proceeding with the steps of organization for development of a Strategic Plan for New Hanover County and requested direction on the following questions: (1) What time frame is the plan to address, the next five years or to the turn of the century? (2) Is the planning effort to focus on one special issue or several? and (3) Is' the plan for the county only, or for all jurisdictions within the county? Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to proceed in the following manner to develop the Strategic Plan: (e -The plan is to be developed to the year 2000. -The plan should focus on four (4), but no more than (8) special issues. -The plan is to be developed for County Government only. A time schedule and budget were presented on the strategic planning process. The proposed budget projects a cost of $19.,000 for development of the plan over a period of 18 months. Compared to other local governments, with plans ranging from $25,000 to $500,000, this figure is quite reasonable. Chairman Retchin stated the budget presented requires an additional expenditure of only $3,000 since 82% of the budget is for personnel and those salaries are already being paid. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to approve the time schedule and budget as presented. Copies of these documents are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are included in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 23. (e The Board 'was requested to approve appointment of the following committees to assist with development of the Strategic Plan: -Steering Committee: This committee will develop and approve a budget and timetable; develop and approve a project design, invite others to participate in various phases of the plan; review and approve draft reports; assure that the view of key stakeholders and decision-makers are represented; establish policies and procedures; authorize expenditures; resolve conflicts and inconsistencies during the planning effort; and update the plan after completion of the initial effort. ~ / MI,NUTES OF WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER 18., 1991 7.1-9, The Steering Committee will be composed of the following individuals: Board of County Commissioners County Manager -Resources Committee: This committee will identify resources needed to carry out the planning effort implement the strategies. the and The Resources Committee will be composed of the following individuals: (\ " J state Representatives County Department Heads UNC-W Cape Fear Community College -Planning Team: This team is responsible for carrying out the steps outlined in the strategic planning process. It will appoint task force members; establish deadlines for completion of activities; coordinate efforts with the project director; agree upon draft documents, reports, and strategies, for final approval by the steering Committee. The Planning Team will address facilitator/ steering Committee concerns as the need arises. The Planning Team will be composed of the following individuals: Business Leaders Media Executives Board of Education Special Interest Groups Community Non-Profit Agencies civic Organizations Religious Leaders Community at-Large 2 members 2 members 1 member 2 members 2 members 2 members 2 members 2 members (j, commissioner Barfield emphasized the importance of appointing members from a cross-section of the community in order to fairly represent all interest groups. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to direct the Clerk to advertise for the recruitment of members to serve on the Planning Team according to the County's Committee Appointment Policy. Discussion was held on scheduling a Work Session in February, 1992, to hear a report from the- Planning Team on the history and present situation of the County; opportunities and threats; national, state, and local trends; service needs; strengths and weaknesses of the County; and critical issues for the future. It was generally agreed that the Work Session should be scheduled as an evening meeting. Chairman Retchin expressed appreciation to Assistant to the County Manager, Pat Melvin, for an excellent job in moving this project forward. f\, ~~' PRESENTATION OF COST REDUCTION REVISIONS FOR MYRTLE GROVE BRANCH LIBRARY Architect John Sawyer .presented the following proposed changes to reduce the cost of the Myrtle Grove Branch Library: 1. Revise the parking lot layout to change the way the parking lot drains. The change will result in eliminating all the underground storm drainage piping, catch basins and cleanouts. Also, substitute precast concrete wheel stops for cast in place curbing; removing approximately 192 lineal feet ~ ,.., ;;~, ~ MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER 18, 1991- 7'20 of curb from the project. Saving the trees protected by the County's Zoning Ordinance is included in the cost figure which will require relaying of some pipe. project cost reduced by $6,653. . 2. Revise the exterior parking lot lighting and reduce the number of exterior area lighting fixtures from 5 to 3. Project cost reduced by $2,500. 3. Remove all underground piping connected to the roof gutter downspouts and provide splash blocks and gravel at the downspouts. project cost reduced by $3,500. 4. Delete skylights in the public restrooms and the hallway leading to the public restrooms. Project cost reduced by $1,600. 5. Delete the finished stairway leading to the mechanical loft and substitute a wall mounted ladder for this access. project cost reduced by $5,000. 6. Delete the sloping drywall ceilings and indirect lighting in the public restrooms and substitute a flat lay-in acoustical tile ceiling. project cost reduced by $2,000. 7. Delete numerous wood trim details in the interior of the building in the conference and meeting room, the reading room, book stack areas, and the kitchen and lounge. project cost reduced by $5,000. 8. Use aluminum storefront instead of Pella wood windows. All glass will be fixed. project cost reduced by $2,519. . 9. Delete pavers outside door #14. Project cost reduced by $5,850. 10. Delete interior brick. Interior finish will be painted masonry block or painted gypsum board. This includes changing from masonry block to wood studs in some areas. project cost reduced by $7,200. 11. Remove north side built-in gutters. gutters. project cost reduced by $1,500. Provide external 12. Reduce landscaping to minimum required by zoning. project cost reduced by $10,000. 13. Reduce furnishings budget to $12/ SF . reduced by $20,000. proj ect cost 14. Delete concrete walks at front edge of parking spaces. project cost reduced by $2,500. 15. Delete shell stucco wall finish. Project cost reduced by $1,632. . 16. Change cabinet inter iors to melamine. proj ect cost reduced by $600. (Not recommended by the architect.) 17. Delete "H" column design w /wood enclosure. Provide round painted steel column. project cost reduced by $2,800. 18. Delete column and beams at the end wall of reading room and stacks. Footing is to remain. Project cost reduced by $2,100. 19. Substitute insulated and tinted glass for Kalwall in clerestory. project cost reduced by $8,660. ~ f ( I I I MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER.,18, 1991. ,7.2~J.,. 20. Delete back section of parking lot. space. project cost reduced by $7,700. the architect.) 11 spaces @ $700 per (Not recommended by 21. Plumbing: Delete back flow preventer, delete two roof drain leaders, delete mechanical room floor drains. Pipe condensate to the exterior. Delete trap primer piping for these drains. project cost reduced by $7,500. Delete two toilets and two lavatories. project cost reduced by ~ $4,000. (Not recommended by the architect.) ~ 22. HVAC: Delete time clock control of HVAC system. Delete underground ductwork at system #4. Revise roof drain p1p1ng and ceiling cavity to accommodate above slab ductwork. project cost reduced by $5,70'0. 23. Electrical: Revise fire alarm system to provide single zone smoke detection and relay alarm to f ire department. project cost reduced by $2,000. Delete metal Halide HID lighting fixture type "R". Substitute fluorescent up and down light tube design quartz wall sconces at main wall surface (include 3 or 4 foot lamps in furnishing budget). project cost reduced by $3,220. SUMMARY Total Deduct $ 82,354 8,882 , 7,500 5,700 5.220 $110,656 o Total of recommended revisions General Contractors O&P on deducts 12% Plumbing HVAC Electrical The County Manager was directed to contact the State to be sure that the proposed revisions are not in conflict with the grant requirements. Motion: After further discussion, Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve the cost reductions as presented by the Architect with the exception of Item #16, which is a $600 cost reduction for changing cabinet interiors to melamine, which the Architect feels should not be changed; therefore, this item is to remain unchanged. Staff is authorized to request alternates in the bid specifications for all other items not recommended by the Architect. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Greer to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 3:30 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, cf:~~~ Clerk to the Board () .;:..'1;