1996-08-05 RM Exhibits ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~~"1R\WW:.t MEMO ~:~:~:~:Wim:::i:m~~;~~@;t&%M:l@:(::::::~..:~~:~;t:J:l~:~:~:~:~:~:I:~:I:~i:I:~::i:::W:::::l::~:f~:}::~i:~:~:~:W:~:~:N:ww::m;~~Wi:~~:~:~i~:~il~:::~i:!$Mil::(l~%~~~~~:I;rtt~t:<<;f"'~~ ~ ,,~ " July 16, 1996 TO: New Hanover County Boar~ of Commissioners FROM: Bruce T. Shell ~ Finance Director 1/;j:7 RE: Disposals of Personal Property In accordance with GS 160A-266(c)c I hereby submit my report to you detailing sales under this proceaure for the per~od beginning January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1996. Item Sold/Donated Estimated Sold Disposed Of To Value For Scrap Tires Scrap Materials 4 Turpentine Barrels 2 Framed Photos 1 Hogshead Barrell Scrap Metal Scrap Tires Scrap Materials Scrap Materials Scrap Materials Scrap Materials Scrap Materials Scrap Tires Scrap Metal Scrap Tires Scrap Batteries Shelf w/drawers Scrap Metal Scrap Metal Scrap Metal Scrap Materials Scrap Metal Scrap Metal Scrap Materials Scrap Batteries Scrap Materials Scrap Materials Scrap Metal Scrap Metal Scrap Metal Scrap M~terials Scrap Tlres Scrap Tires Scrap Metal Mark Purcell, Jr. C9ntai~er Recycling HlstorlC Preservatlon of N.C.f Inc. C.E. Fonvllle Co. Wilmington RR Museum Fund Southern Metals Cars of Wilmington Exide Corporatlon Container Recycling Container Recycling Southern Metals Southern Metals Cars of Wilmington Southern Metals John Bennette Exide Corporation Nancy Timmerman Southern Metals Southern Metals Southern Metals Container Recycling Southern Metals Southern Metals Container Recycling Exide Corporation Southern Metals Southern Metals Cartridge Recycling Southern Metals Southern Metals Container Recycling Alan Tiller Joseph Tucker Southern Metals If you should have any questions, please let me know. BTS/ct cc: Allen O'Neal County Manager $ 130.00 $ 259.40 $ 8.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 $ 161. 22 $ 20.00 $ 40.50 $ 120.25 $ 249.60 $ 53.93 $ 108.72 $ 75.00 $ 13.68 $ 63.00 $ 14.00 $ 15.00 $ 42.69 $ 79.96 $ 1.33 $ 256.40 $ 18.86 $ 131. 76 $ 139.10 $ 148.00 $ 25.49 $ 126.07 $ 10.00 $ 144.18 $ 91. 29 $ 116.30 $ 68.00 $ 26.00 $ 13.32 $2,786.05 ." INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: August 5, 1996 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 805 SOUTH 4TH STREET LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: This resolution relates to the sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number 054-09-028-003.000 Address Amount of Offer 805 South 4th Street $1,815.00 Tax Value $1,86300 Market Value $1,815.00 Offerer Linwood Nesbitt & Wife Ena W. Nesbitt Tommy Lee Nesbitt & Wife Phyllis Nesbitt 612 Bracken Fern Road Wilmmgton, N. C. 28405 Property DimensiOns 26' x 93' This property has been offered to Wilmington Housing Fmance and Development, Inc. and Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity. Neither organization could use the property in their program. The offer(s) has been advertised for upset bid in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-269 and there have been no qualifying upset bids for the identified parcel(s) The parcel(s) has been declared surplus by the County Commissioners and not needed for pubhc purposes. RESOLVED' 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners does hereby accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein from the offerer(s) as indicated. 2 That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerer(s) when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. b The offerer(s) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availabihty of the deed of conveyance. 4. That any amount shown due on any attached hst for liens be waived m total. ~ 5 That the Chairman of the County Commissioners be and is hereby authonzed to execute a deed Without warrantIes to the offerer(s) as desIgnated herem. Adopted at ~ular meetmg on 'Iit4t: S' ,19" ATTEST: ~ ~'(~ ~ Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of ~Jtzj~ Chairman NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: OLD HOLLY SHELTER ROAD WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 5th day of August , 1996. ~~NESS my hand and official seal this the ~~~ , 1996. t~ day of u ie New nover County Commissioners of Form SR-2 Please Note: Forward direct to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. resolute.wp 'Njw :J--{anover County ~oanf of Commissioners ~so[ution SUPPORT FOR OREGON INLET JEITY PROJECT WHEREAS, the Oregon Inlet in Dare Counry, North Carolina is a principal navigation route connecting the Atlantic Ocean with the inland waters of the Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds,' and WHEREAS, Oregon Inlet peiforms as a natural drainfor storm watersfrom the Albemarle- Pamlico estuarine system, thereby facilitating the maintenance of water qualiry with that system; and WHEREAS, Oregon Inlet functions as a safery valve to reduce the impact of soundside flooding on people, property, and infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the United States congress in 1970 expressed the intent of that body through a specific legislative authorization that Oregon Inlet be stabilized with a dual jetry system; and WHEREAS, the land necessary for construction and maintenance of that project still has not been transferred to the U. S. Am1Y Corps of Engineers for that purpose; and WHEREAS, Senator Jesse Helms and Representative Walter Jones, Jr. have introduced the Oregon Inlet Protection Act into both houses of Congress to accomplish the necessary land tramler; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Netv Hanover Counry Board Q Commissioners does hereby fully support the passage of the Oregon Inlet Protection Act through the U. S. Congress and are committed to working toward passage of the legislation. Adopted this the 5th day of August, 1996. 'lLl~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: AUTHORITY FOR APPOINTMENT OF AGENT The undersigned owner, New Hanover County does hereby appoint Carl Brown. Director of Institutional Services. Cape Fear Community College as his, her or its exclusive agent for the purpose of making application to the City of Wilmington Historic District Commission for a Certificate of Appropriateness on the property described in the attached application. The owner does hereby covenant and agree with the City of Wilmington that said agent has the authority to do the following acts for and on behalf of the owner: (1) To submit a proper application and the required supplemental materials. (2) To appear at public meetings to give representation and commitments on behalf of the owner. (3) To accept conditions or recommendations made for the issuance of the Certificate of Appropriateness on the owner's property. (4) To act on the owner's behalf without limitations with regard to any and all things directly or indirectly connected with or arising out of any application of a Wilmington Zoning Ordinance. This agency agreement shall continue in effect until final disposition of the petition submitted in conjunction with this appointment. This 6~ day of ~ ,19!i1L ;1 r'"" Vt L~ J D .J, L-ll."-',-,,- Agent Carl Brown Director of Institutional Services Cape Fear Community College 1?Jd-IJ.~ Owner Robert G. Greer, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners