1991-12-11 Work Session .., MINUTES OF SPECIAL WORK SESSION, DECEMBER 11, 1991 739 . ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Special Work Session with the New Hanover County Airport Authority on Wednesday, December 11, 1991, at 3:25 o'clock P.M. in the Conference Room of the New Hanover International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Fred Retchin; William H. sutton; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Airport Authority Members present were: Chairman Jack Ashby; Paul Gregory; H. Thompson King III, and William Schwartz. Shirley McQueen was absent. Chairman Mathews and Airport Authority Chairman, Jack Ashby, called the meeting to order. STATUS REPORT ON AIRPORT ACTIVITIES Airport Authority Chairman, Jack Ashby, expressed appreciation to the Board of County Commissioners for their leadership and cooperation in transferring the Airport operation to an Airport Authority. The following report was presented: . The year, 1991, has reflected positive growth for New Hanover International Airport with total aircraft operations and enplaned revenue passengers increasing over 5% along with a 16% increase in cargo passing through the Airport. The Airport is a key factor in the region's economy and the figures are most encouraging during a recessionary year. Report from the Property Management Committee: Mr. Paul Gregory, Chairman of the Property Management Committee presented the following capital projects: 1. $4 million Runway 16/34 Rehabilitation Proiect. Ninety percent of the work is completed with an estimated savings of $300,000 due to the reduction of costs in petroleum products utilized in the manufacture of asphalt materials. The proposed use for the $300,000 is as follows: (a) construct a road around Runway 16/34 to provide adequate access for fire trucks and rescue equip- ment; (2) installation of lightening protection system for the airfield; and (3) convert manually controlled runway lights to remote control. 2. $200,000 Security Upqradinq proiect: This project was just recently approved, by FAA. The design documents are being finalized with acquisition and construction of the project beginning June 1992. 3. Additional Terminal Related Expenses Incurred by Airport Authority since September 1990: A list expenses was presented in the amount of $41,645. the of . 4. Terminal Work to be Completed: A list of items to be completed was presented in the amount of $14,130. Other items were listed with the first priority being the pro- vision of a shelter for Airport rescue and fire fighting equipment, which now remains uncovered. It is the understanding of the Airport Authority that unused funds from the terminal proj ect will remain in the Airport' s account; therefore, these funds will be used to complete many of the necessary items that have not been accomplished. ~ ( ~ M~NUTES OF SPECIAL WORK SESSION, DECEMBER 11, 1991 740 The following punch list was presented on items that have not been satisfactorily completed with the construction of the new terminal building: LEADER PUNCH LIST 1. No roof warranty has been provided to meet specifications requirements. 2. Reserve Materials: (a) Synthetic Marble Tile: No reserve amount was specified, however, the Airport would like to buy approximately 400 tiles for future repair work; (b) Ceilinq Tiles: Specifications called for 2% of each size and type of tile; however only scrap tiles have been left on the job; (c) Resilient Floor Tile: Several partial boxes left on the job. Specifications call for "one box for each 50 boxes or fraction thereof, for each type, size & color"; (d) Carpet: An overrun of 5% is required in the specifications excluding "scraps". An estimated 1.5% of total primary color was provided and 0% of other colors. The specifications called for at least 200 sq. yd. of primary color plus 5% of other colors; and (e) Wall Coverinq: specifications call for "6 lineal yards of each type, color, and pattern of wall covering. Only scraps remain. () 3. Front Windows: They have not been replaced, but supposedly have been ordered. 4. Connector roof leak was fixed, however, dry wall damage was not. 5. Floor vents along connector have not been carpeted as agreed. 6. Need an answer on mail floor tile replacement as soon as possible. Due to safety concerns, the Airport will temporarily replace two badly broken tiles at the west wing expansion joint. The cost will be recorded and charged to the responsible party for reimbursement. () REAGAN PUNCH LIST: 1. Voice chip fire alarm mods have not been installed. DICKERSON PUNCH LIST; 1. Replacement of dead trees in front of terminal as agreed. WARRANTIES: 1. Leader Warranty: (a) Arch window in connector still broken; (2) service dock stair repair is not acceptable; and (3) no work has been performed on the canopy roof leak as of this date. 2. Reaqan Warranty: Establishment of February 12, 1991, as the beginning of the warranty for the access control system has not been agreed upon. 3. Southern Roadbuilders Warranty: No replacement grate has been received as of this date. () The Airport Authority following deficiencies and correction of these problems damage in the future: is extremely concerned over the recommends immediate action for in order to avoid major structural 1. Main roof continues to leak even without rainfall. There appears to be condensation. This item should be added to the HNTB punch list. .., ..(1,; ,~' MINUTES OF SPECIAL WORK SESSION, DECEMBER 11, 1991 741 2. Retaining wall cracks continue to "weep" after each rain causing stains. No response has been received as to potential damage to the structural integrity. 3. Cracking floor tiles. . REPORT FROM THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr. Tommy King commented on the budget and stated the amount of funds needed from the County as proj ected two years ago is substantially less than anticipated. He requested the Airport Manager, Bob Kemp, to present the updated Airport Business Plan. Report on Updated 1992-96 Airport Business Plan: Several factors have occurred since the Airport Authority was formed in July 1989 which created a need to update and revise the original Airport Business Plan. Major factors contributing to this revision are as follows: 1. The recent nationwide recession has negatively impacted on the development and financial projections contained in the original plan. The original plan projected a 4.4 acres per year growth in land leased to tenants. This growth has not occurred. 2. The original plan anticipated that the Airport Authority would have the use of State transportation grant funds for capital projects at approximately $300,000 per year; however, until fiscal year 1995, the State grant funds will be retained by New Hanover County as repayment for funds advanced toward the construction of the new passenger terminal building. 3. The Airport Authority now has a year of operating experience in the new terminal building and costs are more clearly identifiable. . 4. The U. S. Congress recently passed legislation which will enable the Airport to participate in Passenger Facility Charges based on enplaned passengers beginning late in 1992. The Airport Authority will request the Federal Aviation Administration for authorization to collect a Passenger Facility Charge of $3 per enplaned passenger. These funds can be used for capital improvements which meet the statutory limitations and also for the Airport's local share. Under the revised Airport Business Plan the County's contributions are anticipated to drop from the projected $3,172,000 to $1,653,700 for a difference of $1,518,300 not including the $100,000 transfer from the terminal project. other financial reports presented were as follows: Forecasted Balance Sheets; Forecasted Statements of Revenues & Expenses & Changes in Retained Earnings; Forecasted Statements of Cash Flows; Forecasted Schedule of County Contributions; and Notes of Forecasted Financial Statements. . Based on the financial forecast, it appears that the Airport Authority will at some point in the future achieve operational self-sufficiency with transitional assistance from New Hanover County. The forecast indicates that the County must play a significant role in the continuing improvement of airport facilities in the form of capital grant assistance. Report on Resource Development Mr. William Schwartz, Chairman of the Resource & Development Committee, commented on a recent meeting with Delta officials in Atlanta, Georgia, and stated New Hanover International Airport is a high priority on their list for the provision of jet service; however, no commitments have been obtained. He presented the following resource development recommendations: ~ ( MINUTES OF SPECIAL WORK SESSION, DECEMBER 11, 1991 74~ 1. Promotion of the airport as a "regional" facility to assist the Airport in better reaching its market potential to maximize enplanements and possibly secure financial assistance from adjoining counties. Businesses in adjoining counties are primary users and benefactors of the New Hanover International Airport. 2. Successful marketing of remaining space at the maximum rates possible in the new terminal. 3. Aggressively market airside and lands ide property within the contracting constraints imposed by FAA. The Industrial Airpark concern should be a cornerstone of lands ide marketing efforts. n DISCUSSION OF PUNCH LIST ITEMS Commissioner Barfield inquired as to why the punch list items have not been corrected and asked if these contractors have been paid? Deputy County Manager, Mary Gornto, stated Staff is working with the contractors to resolve these items. The contracts with Dickerson and Southern Roadbuilders have been paid in full; however, the trees could not be planted until winter, and Staff is working with Southern Roadbuilders for replacement of a small grate which is a warranty item. The contracts with Leader Construction and Reagan Electric have not been paid. Leader Construction has not completed the punch list or warranty items; however, Staff is working to resolve these issues. Reagan Electric is not responding due to financial difficulties, and Staff is in the process of working with the surety to deal with the circumstances. commissioner Barfield expressed concern for the length of time involved with resolving these problems and recommended that the Legal Department proceed immediately to contact the bonding and surety companies. () County Attorney, Robert W. Pope, stated the County is presently working with one bonding company; however, he will be glad to proceed with contacting the other companies. commissioner Retchin expressed concern for HNTB not being responsible for seeing that specifications were met before releasing funds, particularly for such items as additional carpet, tiles, wall covering, etc. and recommended that the County Attorney involve this firm in correcting the situation. Vice-Chairman Greer requested an update on any future problems wi th the construction proj ect and requested that a report be forwarded on the progress made in resolving these items. MEETING CONVENED TO TOUR THE NEW TERMINAL Chairman Mathews convened from Special Session to tour the facility and observe the items that need to be corrected from 4:36 o'clock P.M. to 5:01 o'clock P.M. Consensus: After discussion, it was the generally agreed that the structure of the building is sound and that the County Attorney and County Manager should proceed immediately with the necessary legal process to correct the construction problems. Commissioner Barfield commented on the bad press received with reference to the structural condition of the building and stated the problems are not as severe as indicated; therefore, he hopes the media will take time to factually inform the public about the condition of the building. () Chairman Mathews complimented the Airport Authority for an excellent job in the operation of the Airport and encouraged the Authority to be as cost effective as possible in the daily I ~ . . . .., .~- J? MINUTES OF SPECIAL WORK SESSION, DECEMBER 11, 1991 743 operation of the Airport, particularly during these difficult economic times. It was agreed by all members present that the new terminal is a valuable addition and, asset to the community as weil as to southeastern North Carolina. ADJOURNMENT Motion: commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 5:09 o'clock P.M. rVeC7;,Cd. \-rF. Harrell Clerk to the Board ~