1992-01-21 Work Session ~ MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, JANUARY 21, 1992' PAGE 790 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session on Tuesday, January 21, 1992, at 3:20 P.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. . Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Fred Retchin; William H. sutton; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Mathews called the Work Session to order. DISCUSSION ON DEVELOPMENT OF AN AUTOMATED PROGRAM FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Director of Social Services, Wayne Morris, and MIS Director, William Clontz, presented slides and background information on the development of an automated program for the Department of Social Services. The following advantages of an automated program were presented: . (l)Income Maintenance Programs (AFDC, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Low Income Energy Assistance Program, State/County Special Assistance Program for persons in rest homes; and adoption assistance and foster care payments): Authorized benefits for the Income Maintenance Programs for this year will exceed $60 million of which the County must pay $4 million with no control of these programs on the local level. The Department of Social Services has processed more than 20,000 cases annually with the cost of administration absorbed by the County and Federal Government. Administrative costs for the current year will be approximately $3.9 million with the County funding $1.5 million. An automated system would allow the County to reduce the administrative costs. Graphs were presented on the increase of case loads for the past five years in the Income Maintenance Programs. (2) Social Work Services (Child Protective Services; Adult Protective Services, crisis Intervention Programs, and Day Care Services) are rendered on an individual basis with plans worked out for each individual in order to determine the services needed. Once the plan is developed, it becomes labor intensive to see that the program is carried out and needs are being met, particularly with Child Protective Services. Funds expended for Social Work Services last year were $5.5 million including the Day Care and JOBS Program. The County funded $1.5 million of this figure. with the current drug problem, it is impossible to predict the amount of services needed in this area; however, an automated system will be most beneficial in better monitoring cases and reducing risks for the County and Department of Social Services. Graphs were presented on the increase in the Social Work Services. . The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners has appointed a Task Force to address the problems being experienced by Departments of Social Services throughout the state and MIS Director, William Clontz, has been requested to serve on the Task Force. This is quite an honor for New Hanover County. Director Morris stated in summary, he would like to express appreciation to MIS Director Clontz and his staff for the work and effort given in developing an automated case management system for the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. DISCUSSION OF OTHER DSS ACTIVITIES Commissioner Barfield commented on leaving abused children in the home, and inquired as to whether children can be: (1) removed from the home; (2) placed in a foster home with the parents being ~ ( I MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, .JANUARY 21, 1992 PAGE, 7;9.1, removed from AFDC assistance; and (3) utilization of the AFDC funds to provide foster care for abused children? Director Morris stated not all child abuse cases are persons receiving public assistance; however, removing children from the home versus an orphanage is debatable. The question to be answered is whether institutions ever replace the bond between a child and a parent, or should counseling and/or assistance be provided to the parent for correcting abusive behavior, allowing the child to remain home? This is a question that has never been answered. ~ Vice-Chairman Greer commented on other services provided by the Health Department, Southeastern Center, hospital, etc. and inquired as to whether social security numbers could be used for clients in order to provide a record of services being rendered by each agency so that an actual cost per client figure can be developed. Director Morris stated this type of system could be developed through automation among the agencies. Vice-Chairman Greer expressed concern for abuse of the public assistance system and stated some type of plan must be developed to curb continual increases in public assistance benefits. Director Morris stated the proposed automated computer system will allow the Department of Social Services to detect abuse more readily; however, medical costs have been responsible for continued increases. out of $60 million expended for Income Maintenance Programs, $35 million is for the Medicaid Program. commissioner Sutton inquired as to how medical costs can be curbed? Director Morris stated a national health care policy must be developed and implemented with guaranteed coverage for persons who cannot afford medical insurance. Discussion was held on the JOBS Program. Director Morris stated the JOBS Program is moving as projected with approximately 200 clients. Twenty-five percent of these clients are in the GED Program, and twenty-five percent are in some form of post secondary educational/technical program at UNC-W or Cape Fear Community College. Forty clients have completed the job readiness program and are now working. The program is not moving as quickly as desired; however, the economic situation has not provided jobs. () Discussion was held on the number of clients who have completed the program, but refuse to keep jobs. Director Morris stated if clients do not cooperate with the program, benefits can be reduced. To date, two clients have been penalized. Chairman Mathews, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Director Morris and Director Clontz for an excellent presentation. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sutton to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 4:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, %.~~ Clerk to the Board :j ~