1992-02-17 Work Session ~ MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 17, 1992" PAGE 818 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session on Monday, February 17, 1992, at 1:09 P.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. . Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Fred Retchin; William H. Sutton; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Mathews called the meeting to order and stated the purpose of the Work Session is for discussion of the proposed hospital authority. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED HOSPITAL AUTHORITY County Attorney Pope presented the following facts: PROPOSED HOSPITAL AUTHORITY 1. Creation of Authority: Created by adoption of a resolution by the Board of County Commissioners. 2. Governing Body of Authority: The governing body is the Commissioners of the Authority with no less than six (6) members and no more than thirty (30) members. -Initial Appointment: One-third appointed for one year; one- third for two years; one-third for three years; and all subsequent appointments for three-year terms. . -The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners shall name the first Chairman of the Authority, and thereafter the Commissioners of the Authority shall elect each subsequent Chairman. -When a vacancy occurs the remaining Authority Commissioners shall submit to the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners a list of nominees, and the Chairman shall appoint and fill such vacancies only from the nominees. -The Chairman files a certificate of appointment with the County Clerk. -Authority Commissioners shall receive no pay for services, and are entitled only to reimbursement for necessary expenses. 3. Incorporation of Hospital Authority: After appointment, Authority Commissioners shall present to the Secretary of State an application for incorporation as a hospital authority, and the Secretary of State files and records the application. 4. Boundaries of Authority: Territorial boundaries of the hospital authority will include New Hanover County and an area within ten (10) miles from the boundary of the County, except it will not include the area of any previously existing hospital authority. . 5. Removal of Commissioners: The Board of County Commissioners may remove a commissioner of the Authority for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office, only after the Commissioner under consideration is given a copy of the charges and afforded a hearing. 6. Powers of the Authority: Powers are broad statutory authority similar to normal corporate powers but differ from the usual public corporate powers in that a hospital authority is exempt from public bidding laws and may invest any hospital funds pursuant to the "Prudent Male Rule". .~ ( [ I MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 17, 1992 PAGE 819 7. Power of Eminent Domain: The Hospital Authority can acquire any real property for the public purpose of the hospital by condemnation. 8. Bonds and Notes: (Borrowing) The Hospital Authority may issue revenue bonds under the Local Government Revenue Bond Act and may borrow upon notes or other evidence of indebtedness with approval of the Local Government Commission. CURRENT NON-PROFIT CORPORATION () 1. Creation of Non-Profit Corporation: Created in accordance with Chapter 55A of the North Carolina General statutes and Articles of Incorporation filed with and approved by the state of North Carolina. 2. Governinq Body: Twel ve ( 12 ) members of the Board of Trustees plus three (3) ex-officio members. Vacancies created on the Board are filled by appointments made by the Board of County Commissioners. -The ex-officio members are: One County Commissioner, the Chief of Staff, and the immediate past Chief of Staff. -Terms of Appointment: ." (a) Trustees: Serve a five (5) year term and shall not be eligible to succeed themselves. A trustee who has served a five-year term shall not be eligible for re-appointment to the Board until one year after the expiration of his/her last five-year term. A Trustee whose initial service is by appointment to fill an unexpired term shall be eligible to succeed him/herself in office for a regular five year term. () -Ex-Officio Trustees: County Commissioner - such period of time as designated by the Board of County commissioners; Chief of Staff - during one year tenure as Chief of Staff, and after the termination of one year tenure as Chief of Staff, as immediate Past Chief of Staff for a period of one year. 3. Incorporation of Existinq Hospital: By virtue of filing with and receiving approval by the Secretary of State. 4. Territorial Boundaries of Non-Profit Corporation: None. 5. Removal of Trustees: General Statute 55A-20 provides that a Trustee may be removed from office by any procedure set forth in a charter provision. The current Articles of Incorporation contains no provision which allows for removal of a Trustee. 6. Powers of Existinq Corporation: As set out in the Articles of Incorporation and as allowed by Statute, which requires the hospital to follow public bidding laws. 7. Power of Eminent Domain: None. 8. Power to Invest: Controlled by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. The hospital may borrow funds in accordance with the act, but cannot issue bonds. () Motion: After discussion of the proposal not being acceptable, commissioner Sutton MOVED, SECONDED by commissioner Retchin not to consider approval of a hospital authority as it is written in accordance with N. C. G. S. Chapter 131E. 'The Commissioners shall only consider a hospital authority through a local enabling act such as the Craven County legislation. The floor was opened for discussion. Vice-Chairman Greer stated the MOTION is not necessary since the Commissioners agree that the proposal is not acceptable. ., .,....~. : '.;'.~ ~ ~ MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 17, 1992' PAGE 820 commissioner Sutton emphasized the importance of informing the public that the proposed hospital authority is not acceptable as written under North Carolina law. Chairman Mathews recommended amending the motion to read that a hospital authority is not acceptable as written in the General Statutes instead of structuring a local bill based upon the Craven County legislation. . Amended Motion: After further discussion, commissioner Sutton amended the MOTION to state the Board will not accept a proposal for establishing a hospital authority as outlined in the North Carolina General Statutes. Chairman Mathews called for a vote on the AMENDED MOTION WHICH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Retchin stated a major reason for the Board of Trustees requesting a hospital authority is the ability of an authority to invest through usage of the Prudent Man Rule to receive higher earnings. He requested a definition of this rule. County Attorney Pope stated the Prudent Man Rule is established by N.C.G.S. 36A-2, entitled, Investment, and reads as follows: . "In acquiring, investing, reinvesting, exchanging, retaining, selling, and managing property for the benefit of another, a fiduciary shall observe the standard of judgement and care under the circumstances then prevailing, which an ordinarily prudent man of discretion and intelligence, who is a fiduciary of the property of others would observe as such a fiduciary.18 County Attorney Pope stated this means investments can be made with no restrictions. Chairman Retchin inquired as to whether it would be possible for an authority to have more flexibility with investments, but still require review by the Local Government Commission. County Attorney Pope stated through local legislation or through an agreement between the authority and Board of County Commissioners this type of arrangement could be established. Director of Finance, Andrew J. Atkinson, stated N.C.G.S. 159 specifically defines what type of investments can be made; however, the County could broaden this definition allowing more flexibility and at the same time avoid risk investments. Discussion was held on the possibility of amending this statute. Dire~tor Atkinson stated it would be most beneficial for the County to be able to invest in mutual funds and stated it might be possible to encourage the Local Government Commission to broaden the statute. County Attorney Pope stated the hospital authority could establish certain limitations on investments that would satisfy the Board of County Commissioners. . commissioner Sutton commented on the proposed authority and listed the following reasons for considering this action: . -The territorial boundaries of the Brunswick County Hospital Authority can condemn property and establish a medical care facility anywhere in New Hanover County within ten (10) miles of the County's boundary line. New Hanover Regional Medical Center is within this territory, and if an hospital authority is established, State law will not allow two authorities to overlap. This question would be resolved. -Exemption from the Public Bidding Law would produce a savings of approximately 10% - 15% on construction projects. ~ ( I ~ MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 17, 1992 PAGE 821 -Flexibility in investing will increase earnings approximately 1% - 3%. -New Hanover County Regional Medical Center will assume the County's general obligation bond indebtedness in the amount of $3,750,000 saving the County $700,000 per year. -New Hanover County Regional Medical Center's capital needs will not clutter up the County's ability to borrow money. o -The possibility of losing the IRS 501-C exempt status; whereas, an authority would automatically be eligible to receive this status. Commissioner Sutton commented on the Craven County by-laws and recommended that we obtain enabling legislation to create a similar authority as follows: -New Hanover Regional Medical Center Corporation would be changed to New Hanover County Medical Center Authority with the same board composure. -The by-laws would allow the Board of County Commissioners to appoint the authority members to serve at the pleasure of the Board with removal of a member without cause by the Board of County Commissioners. -No compensation should be provided for authority members. -The by-laws should require public bidding and allow the authority to award contracts. -The by-laws should require approval of all revenue bonds by the Board of County Commissioners. o -Joint ventures with private physicians should be carefully considered as it is not good to mix private funds with public funds. commissioner Sutton stated in summary, it does not make sense to consider asking citizens to float bonds to pay for such things as a Rehabilitation Center since 40% of the users are from out-of- county. Through good, sound management, the Medical Center is in the position to pay the capital cost out of earnings, new investments, and savings. Patient costs must remain at competitive rates or below. The Rehabilitation Center is badly needed and it is not right to ask the County taxpayers to absorb this debt when the project can be paid from savings created by establishment of an authority. commissioner Barfield commented on concerns of the general public and stated the major issue of concern is protecting the pUblic's interest if the hospital becomes an authority. A lengthy discussion was held on the importance of developing by-laws that will specifically address and protect the interest of the general public. Vice-Chairman Greer stated in order to approach this issue, the Commissioners must be informed of the financial status of the hospital, and he requested that a list of investments be furnished to the m~mbers of the Board. o Chairman Mathews stated the general public is interested in receiving the best medical care for the least possible cost. Many citizens have expressed concern for TV advertisements and high salaries of the President and Administrative Staff. A lengthy discussion was held on investments. commissioner Sutton stated the Craven County Attorney informed him that the Local Government Commission has control over investments of an authority. Finance Director Atkinson stated investments of the ~.':.V-'-"-5~~tt~ ,., ~ 1J.~.l.P ','..:< MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 17, 1992 PAGE 822 hospital are currently under the Local Government Commission; however, if the hospital becomes an authority, and utilizes the Prudent Man investment statute, investments will not be under control of the Local Government Commission. commissioner Barfield recommended identifying the Board's concerns with the proposed investment flexibility. . Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request Finance Director to prepare a list of financial items, including investments, that would be beneficial for assessment of the hospital's financial condition with copies of these items being forwarded to the Commissioners. DISCUSSION OF N.C.G.S. 131-23, POWERS OF A HOSPITAL AUTHORITY The following powers of a hospital authority as outlined in the North Carolina General statutes were discussed: 1. To investigate hospital, medical, and health conditions and the means of improving those conditions. Action: Approved as written. 2 . To determine where facilities exist. Action: inadequate hospital and Approved as written. medical 3. To accept donations or money, personal property, estate for the benefit of the authority and to take the same from any person, firm, corporation or Action: Approveq as written. or real title to society. . 4. To acquire by purchase, gift, devise, lease condemnation, or otherwise any existing hospital facilities. Add: Contingent upon approval by the Board of County Commissioners. 5. To purchase, lease, obtain options upon, or otherwise acquire any real or personal property or any interest therein from any person, firm, corporations, city, county, or government. Action: Approved as written. 6. To sell, exchange, transfer, assign or pledge any real or personal property to any interest therein to any person, firm, corporation, city, county or government. Action: Delete the , word, personal, and add contingent upon approval by the Board of County Commissioners. 7. To own, hold, clear and improve property. The question to be resolved is whether the property is owned by the hospital or the County. By right the property reverts to the County should the authority be dissolved. Action: Insert a clause that will state if the hospital authority ceases to exist, the property will revert back to the County. Commissioner Barfield commented on items 3-9 and recommended that the County Attorney prepare a recommendation that will clearly state that hospital property should revert back to the County. . 8. To borrow money upon its bonds, notes, debentures, or evidences of indebtedness, as provided in G.S. 131E-26 and G.S. 131E-27. Action: Add a phrase to tie this provision into the fund balance. 9. To purchase real or personal property pursuant to G.S. 131E-32. Action: Add a clause to state that property should revert back to the County and these purchases must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. 10. To appoint an administrator of a hospital facility and necessary assistants, and any and all other employees necessary or advisable, to fix their compensation, to adopt necessary rules governing their employment, and to remove ~ ( I I [ ( ! , l [ I f ~ MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 17, 1992 PAGE 823 employees. Action: Approved as written. Consensus: After discussion of the pUblic's concern for salaries being paid to the hospital administrative staff , it was the consensus of the Board that a list of salaries should be furnished to the Commissioners and in the future this information should be reported to the Commissioners on a regular basis. 11. To delegate to its agents or employees any powers or duties as it may deem appropriate. Action: Approved as written. () 12. To employ its own counsel and legal staff. Approved as written. Action: 13. To adopt, amend and repeal by-laws for the conduct of its business. Action: Add: Contingent upon approval by the Board of County Commissioners. 14. To enter into contracts for necessary supplies, equipment, or services for the operation of its business. Action: Approved as written. 15. Power to appoint committees or subcommittees as it shall deem advisable, to fix their duties and responsibilities, and to do all things necessary in connection with the construction, repair, reconstruction, management, supervision, control and operation of the authority's business. Action: Approved as written. 16. To establish procedures for health care providers to secure the privilege of practicing within any hospital operated by the authority pursuant to Part B of Article 5 of this Chapter. Action: Approved as written. () '17. Establish reasonable rules governing the conduct of health care providers while on duty in any hospital operated by the facility pursuant to Part B of Article 5 of this Chapter. Action: Approved as written. 18. Power to provide for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, alteration or repair of any hospital facility, or any part of a facility. ,Action: Approved as written. 19. Power to enter into any contracts or other arrangements with any municipality, other public agency of this or any other state of the united states, or with any individual, private organization, or nonprofit association for the provision of hospital, clinical, or similar services. Action: Legal Department is to review and resolve concerns with reference to joint ventures. 20. Subject to subsection (c), to lease any hospital facilities to or from any municipality, other public agency of this or any other state or of the united States, or to any individual, corporation, or association upon any terms and subject to any conditions as may carry out the purposes of this Part. Subject to subsection (c), the Authority may provide for the lessee to use, operate, manage and control the hospital facilities, and to exercise designated powers, in the same manner as the authority itself might do. Action: Approved as written. o 21. To act as an agent for the federal, state or local government in connection with the acquisition, construction. operation or management of a hospital facility, or any part thereof. Action: Approved as written. 22. To arrange with the state, its subdivisions and agencies, and any county or city, to the extent it is within the scope i'(..,. _S" '-: ~ MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 17, 1992 PAGE 824 . of their respective functions: (a) To cause the services customarily provided by each to be rendered for the benefit of the hospital authority; (b) to furnish, plan, replan, install, open or close streets, roads, alleys, sidewalks or similar facilities and to acquire property, options of property rights, for the furnishing of property or services for a hospital facility. Action: Approved as written. 23. To insure the property or the operations of the authority against risks as the authority may deem advisable. Action: Approved as written with incorporation of the clause, "as applicable by the Wilmington/New Hanover Insurance Advisory Committee. 24. To invest any funds held in reserves or sinking funds, or any funds not required for immediate disbursement, in property or securities in which trustees, guardians, executors, administrators, and others acting in a fiduciary capacity may legally invest funds under their control. Action: The Legal Department is to review usage of the Prudent Man Rule. 25. To sue or be sued. Action: Approved as written. 26. To have a seal and alter it at its pleasure. Action: Approved as written. 27. To have perpetual succession. written. Action: Approved as 28. To make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to exercise the powers of the authority. Action: Delete this item. . 29. To remove vehicles parked on land owned or leased by the hospital authority in areas clearly designated as no parking or restricted parking zones. An owner ofa removed vehicle as condition of regaining possession of the vehicle, shall reimburse the hospital authority for all reasonable costs, not to exceed fifty dollars ($50), incidental to the removal and storage of the vehicle provided that the designation of the area as a no parking or restricted parking zone clearly indicates the owner may be subject to these costs. Action: Delete this item. The County Attorney was requested to review these items and be sure that all areas are covered with deletion of Items 28 and 29 as well as duplication of any other items when preparing the draft document. County Attorney Pope stated a catch-all clause can be listed at the end of the document which states, "not withstanding anything heretofore in the delegation of powers". The by-laws can address issues of concern, which can be discussed and resolved when meeting with the Hospital Board of Trustees. commissioner Barfield objected to addressing concerns through the by-laws due to a constant change in the membership of both the Hospital Authority Board and Board of County Commissioners. . commissioner Retchin recommended writing a local bill that will establish the type of authority as desired by the Board of County Commissioners. 30. To plan and operate hospital facilities. Approved as written. Action: 31. To provide teaching and instruction programs and schools for medical students, interns, physicians, nurses, technicians and other health care professionals. Action: Approved as written. 32. To provide and maintain continuous resident physician and ~ ( MINUTES OF WORK SESSION,> FEBRUARY 17, 1992 PAGE 825 intern medical services. Action: Approved as written. 33. To adopt, amend and repeal rules and regulations governing the admission of patients and the care, conduct, and treatment of patients. Action: Approved as written. 34. To establish a fee schedule for services received from hospital facilities and make the services available regardless of ability to pay. Action: Approved as written. 35. To maintain and operate isolation wards for the care and treatment of mental, contagious, or other similar diseases. Action: Approved as written. 36. To sell a hospital facility pursuant to G.S. 131E-8. Action: Add contingent upon approval by the Board of Commissioners. 37. (a) To agree to limitations upon the exercise of any powers conferred upon the hospital authority by this Part in connection with any loan by a government. Action: Approved as written. (0) A hospital authority may exercise any or all of the powers conferred upon it by this part, either generally or with respect to any specific hospital facility or facilities, through or by designated agents, including any corporation or corporations which are or shall be formed under the laws of this state. Action: After discussion of the words any or all, it was the consensus of the Board to request the County Attorney to further study this item and prepare a recommendation for the draft document. (c) A hospital authority shall not sell nor convey any rights of ownership the authority has in any hospital facility as defined in G.S. 131E-6(4), including the buildings, land and equipment associated with the hospital, to any corporation or other business entity operated for profit, except that nothing herein shall prohibit the sale of surplus buildings, land or equipment by a hospital authority to any corporation or other business entity operated for profit. Action: Approved as written with adding a clause that will state "except if the hospital authority declares any real estate surplus, that property could be sold to any corporation or other business that is operated for profit with approval by the Board of County Commissioners. A hospital authority may lease any hospital facility or part to any corporation, foreign or domestic, authorized to do business in North Carolina, on terms and conditions consistent with the purposes of this part. The hospital authority shall determine the length of the lease; however, no lease under this subsection shall be longer than 10 years, including options to renew or extend the original term of the lease, except that leases of surplus buildings, land or equipment may be for any length of time determined by the hospital authority. The lease shall provide that the hospital facility will be operated as a community general hospital open to the general public and that the lessee will accept Medicare and Medicaid patients. No lease executed under this subsection shall be deemed to convey a freehold interest. No bonds, notes nor other evidences of indebtedness shall be issued by a hospital authority to finance equipment for or the acquisition, extension, construction, reconstruction, improvement, enlargement, or betterment of any hospital facility when the facility is leased to a corporation, foreign or domestic, authorized to do business in North Carolina. For the purposes of this subsection, "surplus" means any building, land or equipment which is not required for use in the delivery of necessary health care services by a hospital facility at the time of the sale, conveyance of ownership () () () . . . '.,'" ,.\, ~ ~ if.{ i~' If.'''- MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 17, 1992 PAGE 826 rights, or lease. This subsection shall not be construed to affect any pending litigation nor to reflect any legislative intent as to any prior authorized or executed agreements. This subsection shall be effective from July 15, 1983 until June 30, 1984. (d) No provisions with respect to the acquisition, operation or disposition of property by other public bodies shall be applicable to a hospital authority unless otherwise specified by the General Assembly. Action: After discussion of the provisions of (d), the County Attorney recommended using the same verbiage as used in the Craven County by-laws. Further discussion was held on eminent domain. Commissioner Retchin recommended deleting this item with a provision whereby the hospital authority can request the Board of County Commissioners to condemn property when necessary. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request the County Attorney to review the eminent domain provision and make a recommendation. Also, the County Attorney was directed to prepare a draft document incorporating the action of the Board on the items discussed as well as any other action that will protect the County's interest. Once the draft document is completed, another Work Session will be scheduled to discuss the proposal. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 4:10 P.M. ~~C0~ ~e F. Harrell Clerk to the Board ~