1992-03-09 Budget Work Session ~ MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MARCH 9, 1992 PAGE 842 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Budget Work Session on Monday, March 9, 1992, at 1:00 P.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. . Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Fred Retchin; William H. Sutton; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; County Manager Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Mathews called the Work Session to order. DISCUSSION OF DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUESTS Budget Off icer , Cam McAbee, commented on budget requests presented by department heads with a reduction of at least 10% and discussed the following items: -No new positions are included in the proposed FY 1992-93 Budget. However, in the Sher iff's Department, there are three (3) positions that were formerly covered by a grant, which will not be covered by grant funds in FY 1992-93. -$500,000 has been included for a portion of the County's cost related to the burn pit project. -$500,000 has been included for capital projects although the projects to be funded have not been identified. The capital project requests were $5.3 million for projects that have not been approved for this fiscal year. . -A very preliminary estimate of the tax base would result in a $1,438,125 or 3.5 % increase in ad valorem taxes at the same tax and collection rate as in FY 1991-92. Sales tax is estimated to rise $878,544 or 10.6% over the current budgeted amount. Receipts for the current year are expected to exceed the amount budgeted by $656,937. -An amount of $322,536 is requested for installment debt for a computer system replacement. -The County's contribution for medical insurance is estimated at the current level. -No contribution is requested from the General Fund to the Resource Recovery Fund. -An amount of $350,000 is used to repay the general fund/fund balance for the funds used to build the Airport Terminal. -No merit funds are budgeted for County employees. -A penny on the property tax equals $716,625. . Discussion was held on departmental budget requests. County Manager O'Neal stated the departments have been most cooperative in presenting requests reduced at least 10% and in many cases more than 10%. He complimented all department heads for the effort shown in reducing operating expenses. DISCUSSION OF SALARY PROJECTIONS Budget Officer, Cam McAbee, presented the following facts pertaining to salary projections for FY 1992-93: -Actual increase in salaries from FY 1991-92 to FY 1992-93 is $395,153. The actual cost of implementing the new Pay Plan is $1,695,985; however with the elimination of 55 positions at a savings of $1,517,217 and an additional cost of seven positions added during FY 1991-92 in the amount of $216,385, the salaries increased only by $395,153. ~ ~ ( I I l MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MARCH 9, 1992 PAGE 843 A lengthy discussion was held on the implementation of the Pay & Classification Plan. Commissioner Sutton commented on the fact that the Board of Commissioners agreed to adopt the new Pay Plan and stated he is very much in favor of paying employees their worth; however, he also feels that employees should be pleased with new salary ranges and produce at an expected or above expected level. DISCUSSION OF NON-COUNTY AGENCY FUNDING REQUESTS A lengthy discussion was held on the fact that non-county agencies should become self-sufficient. Further discussion was held on the importance of analyzing whether outside agencies are providing services to the citizens that are worth the amount of funding allocated by the County. () The following budget requests were discussed: ECONOMIC & PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT FY 91-92 FY 92-93 DARE $ 24,000 $21,600 Soil & Water Conservation $ 8,100 $ 7,290 Keep America Beautiful $ 30,630 $27,546 Port, Waterway & Beach Commission $ 1,500 $ 1,350 Cape Fear Council of Governments $ 20,300 $18,270 Marine Crescent $ 10,000 $ 9,000 Committee of 100 $ 40,000 $60,000 Marine Expo $ -0- -0- Highway 17 $ 1,000 -0- Local Military Units $ 2,000 $ 1,800 commissioner Sutton expressed concern for duplication of services among the various agencies such as DARE and the Committee of 100 who have the same goals, and recommended phasing out County funding to some of these agencies with a 20% reduction in FY 1992- 93 and 20% thereafter until no County funds are allocated. () commissioner Barfield reiterated the importance of knowing the tax dollars brought into the community by these agencies before making a decision to eliminate funding. Motion: After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Greer MOVED, to accept the 10% reductions as presented for the Economic & Physical Development agencies with the exception of "Keep America Beautiful" which will become a part of the Environmental Management Department effective July 1, 1992, and to amend the budget request of the Committee of 100 from $60,000 to $45,000. The floor was opened for discussion. commissioner Retchin stated he would second the motion if Vice-Chairman Greer would amend the MOTION to direct Staff to analyze the Economic & Physical Development programs to be sure that County dollars are worth the benef its rendered by these agencies to the overall welfare of the County. County Manager O'Neal also recommended encouraging the Committee to 100 to market land near the Waste-to-Energy Facility for companies who need to purchase steam. Amended Motion: Chairman Mathews called for a vote on the amended motion to accept the 10% reductions as moved by Vice-Chairman Greer and SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin with the ,exception of "Keep America Beautiful", which is to become a part of the Department of Environmental Management effective July 1, 1992, and to reduce funding for the "Committee of 100" from $60,000 to $45,000. Staff was directed to thoroughly analyze these agencies during FY 1992-93 to ensure that County dollars are worth the services and benefits provided by these agencies to the overall welfare of the County, and the County Manager was authorized to encourage the Committee of 100 to market land near the Waste-to-Energy Facility to companies () ;,~ "J! ~ , ~r"' 11. MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MARCH 9, 1992 PAGE 844 requiring the purchase of steam. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Greer Chairman Mathews . Voting Nay: Commissioner Sutton commissioner Sutton stated, for the record, he could not support this MOTION, since he strongly feels that many of the human service agencies are in dire need of funds due to economic times and, in his opinion, some of these agencies should become self- sufficient with no County funding. The following budget requests were presented and discussed: Cultural & Recreational FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear st. John's Museum of Art Azalea Festival Friends of Public Radio Riverfest Wilmington Railroad Museum $32,000 $16,500 $ 3,500 $ 9,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,500 $28,800 $14,850 -0- $ 8,100 $ 1,800 $ 2,250 . Motion: After a lengthy discussion, Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to accept the Cultural & Recreational agencies with the 10% reductions as presented and to direct Staff to thoroughly review these agencies 'during FY 1992-93 with preparation of funding recommendations for FY 1993-94 based upon services rendered. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Greer Chairman Mathews Voting Nay: Commissioner Sutton commissioner Sutton stated, for the record, he cannot support this motion. Public Radio has a budget of $180,000 and broadcasts to five other counties with a second new transmitting tower in Robeson County. Other counties do not provide funding. Also, Commissioner Sutton stated he discussed this matter with Public Radio Board Members, as well as with the fund raiser, Trish Snyder, and they are conf ident of their ability to raise these funds privately. When human service needs have increased with people in need of food and money is available privately for Public Radio, he cannot vote to support the motion as approved. Commissioner Barfield expressed concern for the salaries paid to directors of non-county agencies and stated many directors recei ve more than the County Manager and Administrative Staff. Emphasis was placed on the fact that if agencies can pay salaries of this type, then they should become self-sufficient. . BUDGET REQUESTS FOR OTHER OUTSIDE AGENCIES Budget Director Cam McAbee presented the following budget requests for other outside agencies: OTHER OUTSIDE AGENCIES FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 Southeastern Center District Attorney Judges Clerk of Court Cape Fear community College New Hanover County Schools $ 793,255 $ 5,000 $ 5,500 $ 35,720 $ 953,191 $17,161,016 $ 713,930 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 29,187 $ 1,124,439 $20,325,016 ~ (~ i I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 [ [ t I ~ MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MARCH 9, 1992 PAGE 84!? Carolina Beach $ 61,151 $ 48,921 Kure Beach $ 20,690 $ 16,552 Wrightsville Beach $ 74,575 $ 59,660 Convention visitors Bureau $ 250,000 $ 257,950 Coast Line Convention Center Lease $ 30,000 $ 18,000 Airport Operations $ 694,000 $ 280,000 Non-Secured Detention (Fringe Benefits) $ 4,424 $ 4,424 Probation Monitoring Rent $ 44,064 $ 44,064 Guardian Ad Litem Rent $ 6,972 $ 7,236 () Guardian Ad Litem utilities $ 1,500 $ 1,575 Consensus: After discussion of each funding request, it was the consensus of the Board to approve the requests with exception of the following agencies: -Reduce the District Attorney's funding request from $5,000 to $4,000 since this is a State office, and the County funds will be used for the purchase of furniture. -Reduce the funding request submitted by the Judges from $10,000 to $4,950 since only $5,500 was funded for FY 1991-92 and this figure would represent a 10% reduction. -Defer action on funding for Cape Fear Community College since the actual budget request will not be submitted until April 16,1992. -Defer action on funding for New Hanover County Schools since the actual budget request will not be submitted until April 16,1992. -Defer action on funding requests from the beach communities until after hearing from the Mayor of wrightsville Beach with reference to the recent decision to decrease County funding by 20% for FY 1992-93 and 20% each year thereafter until no County funds are provided. () vice-Chairman Greer commented on the amount of revenue generated from the Room Occupancy Tax and recommended amending the local enabling act to allow the County to utilize some of these funds for other needs pertaining to tourism, such as the Coast Line Convention Center, which is in desperate need of funds. commissioner Retchin agreed and stated, however, this action is not appropriate in the Short Session of the General Assembly, but perhaps during the Long Session the Board should seek to amend this act along with seeking a local enabling act to charge a Food and Beverage Tax. Discussion was held on the possibility of using office space in the new Senior Center for non-county agencies for whom the County is now paying rent. Deputy County Manager, Mary Gornto, stated the office space in the Senior Center is a very small portion of the facility; therefore, no unused space is available. DISCUSSION OF FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE HUMAN SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Budget Director McAbee presented funding recommendations for general fund organizations and the Community Based Alternatives organizations. The Human Services Allocation Advisory committee recommended three funding options.at a 50%, 70%, and 90% funding level of the total FY 1991-92 adopted budget for non-county human services agencies. After review, the Committee felt that the 90% level would be the most appropriate option for the FY 1992-93 budget. There are increases and decreases from last year's funding levels for some agencies; however, these fluctuations are based on reviews performed by the Human Services Allocations Committee and the need for that service in the community. Staff recommends approval of the CBA funding recommendations to be presented at the () . . . -~,~ ,:;. ~ '~;," -:- MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SE~SION, MARCH 9, 1992 PAGE, 846 meeting of March 16, 1992, and approval of the 90% funding level as presented today. Discussion was held on no funding recommended for the Yahweh Center. Budget Director McAbee stated the Yahweh Center has received the following funQs: fY 1988-89 FY 1989-90 FY 1990-91 $15,000 $10,000 $20,900 Further discussion was held on the fact that the first,funding request in 1988-89 was a one-time fu~ding request to assist with start-up costs for the home. Further discussion was held on the budget" for New Hanover County Schools. Commissioner Sutton commented on energy costs and requested the County M~nager to discuss this matter with. the schools to see if this expense can be reduced. Chairman Mathews, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the members of Staff for an excellent presentation. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED SITE FOR LOCATION OF AIR'CARGO COMPLEX Chairman Mathews reported on attending a meeting in Kenansville with reference to the location of the proposed Air Cargo Complex, known as the N. C. Global TransPark, on a site 10 miles southeast of Kenansville and 6 miles east of Wallace in Duplin County. An extensive study has been performed with the site appearing to be an ideal location. Duplin County has requested support of this site by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; however, a Letter of Intent has been submitted by New Hanover International'Airport for obtaining the facility if an existing airport is considered and the project is scaled down. Chairman Mathews requested direction from the Board. Motion: After discussion of the need for additional information on the project and sites being considered, it was the consensus of the Board to discuss this matter at the Regular Meeting of March 16, 1992, with representatives from Duplin County, the Committee of 100, Chamber of Commerce, City of Wilmington, and Airport Authority before deciding on which site to support. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 4:40 P.M. ~d~' Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board ~