1992-04-21 Regular Meeting . . . ~ MINuTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 21, 1992 PAGE 885 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, April 21, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover Courthouse, 24 North' Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Fred Retchin; William H. Sutton; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Deputy County Manager, Mary Gornto; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Mathews called the meeting to order and welcomed all persons present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Reverend E. J. George gave the invocation. commissioner Retchin led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Mathews asked if anyone from the general public would like to present an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or comment on an item listed on the Consent Agenda. The following item was presented: Concern for Proposed Mobile Home Subdivision Adjacent to Lansdowne Estates Ms. Barbara Bleaking, a resident of Chelsea Lane in Lansdowne SUbdivision, presented a petition with 150 signatures of residents concerned about the proposed location of a mobile home subdivision on 3.9 acres of land adjacent to Lansdowne Estates. Concern was expressed for this use not being compatible with the character of the Lansdowne neighborhood, and the lack of protection to property owners from development of this type, which could devalue property in a well established residential community. The Commissioners were urged to amend the Zoning Ordinance to avoid incompatible development in residential communities, and to request the Planning Commission's Technical Review Committee, which is to meet on Wednesday, April 22, 1992, to postpone a decision on the proposed mobile home subdivision until further study has been performed on the impact of this proj ect on drainage problems already being experienced in Lansdowne, particularly on Chelsea Lane. commissioner Sutton commented on the fact that Lansdowne is not the only subdivision to encounter this type of problem and recommended that another category of R-15 zoning be added to prevent the intrusion of mobile homes into well established single- family subdivisions. Motion: After discussion of the need to further review this issue, Commissioner Sutton MOVED, to request the Planning Commission's Technical Review Committee to defer action on the proposed mobile home subdivision until the Planning Commission can review current regulations governing the placement of mobile homes adjacent to well established neighborhoods and prepare recommendations that will better control and protect these communities. The floor was opened for discussion. commissioner Retchin stated he would SECOND THE MOTION if Commissioner Sutton would amend the motion to include requesting the Planning Commission to consider a special use permit requirement for placement of all manufactured homes in New Hanover County. Commissioner Sutton stated his MOTION is not intended to prohibit the location of mobile homes throughout the County since they do provide an excellent form of housing for low to moderate ~ ( MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 21, 1992 PAGE 886 income families; however, he does feel further study is needed for development of regulations that will protect well established neighborhoods from experiencing property devaluation by an inappropriate location of a mobile home subdivision. Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, expressed concern for requesting the Technical Review Committee to defer action on the proposed request based upon further study of housing compatibility which basically amounts to a moratorium. He commented on the complexity of this matter and stated basically the primary issue is a trade-off between preserving the integrity of neighborhoods versus providing affordable housing opportunities in the County. He stated the Planning Department and Planning Commission will be glad to further study this issue and prepare recommendations; however, when requesting the Technical Review Committee to postpone action on the proposed mobile home subdivision, he would recommend that the request be based upon a potential drainage problem, not housing incompatibility. commissioner Barfield cautioned deferral of action on a drainage problem, if this problem is not directly related to the case and stated further study should be performed to provide regulations that will protect the value of property in situations of this type. Commissioner Sutton stated the intent of the motion is not to establish a moratorium; however, the MOTION is to address this one request, which will severely devalue property in the Lansdowne Subdivision. Discussion was held on being very careful to treat all forms of housing equally and the responsibilities of the Technical Review Committee. Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, stated the Technical Review Committee's responsibilities are to render decisions based upon strict compliance to Subdivision Regulations such as drainage standards and traffic patterns. County Attorney Copley cautioned using language that would imply any type of moratorium and recommended requesting the Technical Review Committee to defer action for further study of the potential drainage problem. She stated if the Board desires to have better control over the location of mobile homes throughout the County, the Planning Commission should be requested to study this issue and prepare recommendations. The Board was also informed of the petitioner's right to present the proposed mobile home subdivision and expect a timely response. Ms. Barbara McMann, a resident of Devonshire Avenue, commented on the present drainage problems and stated water stands two or three days in yards on Chelsea Lane when heavy rains occur. Mr. Nick Fakasis, a resident of Landsdowne for the past 20 years, commented on the current ordinance allowing mobile homes in residential areas and urged the Commissioners to amend the present ordinance in order to protect the value of property in well established subdivisions. Amended Motion: Commissioner Sutton AMENDED THE MOTION, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to request the Technical Review Committee to defer action on the proposed mobile home subdivision until the drainage standards have been thoroughly reviewed. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the residents for attending the meeting and encouraged them to attend the Technical Review Committee meeting to express their concerns. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Mathews requested a change in the Budget Amendment ~ o () () ;"~ ": . ,;., t~ .....j.\...: ,~';;;'''~' ~ -.' "j. MiNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 21, 1992 PAGE 887 number under Consent Agenda Item #13. Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with a change in the budget amendment number for Consent Agenda Item #13. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA . Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 6, 1992, as presented by the Clerk to the Board. Adoption of Proclamation Declaring the Week of May 4-8, 1992, as "Nurses Week" in New Hanover County The Commissioners adopted a proclamation declaring the week of May 4-8, 1992, as "Nurses Week" in New Hanover County. A copy of the proclamation is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 34. Proclamation Declaring the Week of May 10-16, 1992, as "Emergency Medical Services Week" in New Hanover County The Commissioners adopted a proclamation declaring the week of May 10-16, 1992, as "Emergency Medical Services Week" in New Hanover county. A copy of the proclamation is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 34. . Adoption of Resolution to Change Museum Name on Safe Deposit Box The Commissioners adopted a resolution authorizing the name change to Cape Fear Museum and allowing access to the safety deposit box to the following staff members: Janet K. Seapker, Director of the Museum; Barbara Rowe, Curator; and Christiane Freer~Parsons, Registrar. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 34. Acceptance of New Hanover County Tax Collection Reports The Commissioners accepted the following Tax Collection Reports through March 31, 1992, as submitted by the Collector of Revenue: New Hanover County Tax Collections New Hanover County Fire District Tax Collections Copies of the reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 34. Release of Value - Tax Department The Commissioners authorized release of the following tax listing penalties since the taxpayers certified they made a valid listing during the listing period; they were ill or there was a death in the family during the listing period; or they were called to operation "Desert Storm" during the listing period: . Barone, Robert J. & Sandra F. Bennett, Rex C. & Bernice Burke, Thomas J. Hamilton, William H. & Marie Horne, Jackie M. Etux. Jacaruso, Michael J. Thompson, Roy Thomas & Deborah Lynn Walton, Eliz Mason Wilkins, Toni W. Wright, Maxine E. $ 8.95 $ 2.39 $21. 84 $ 1. 78 $ .77 $ 8.77 $ 6.68 $ 2.40 $15.68 $ 9.48 ~ ( i I ~ ~JNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 21, 1992 PAGE 888 The Commissioners authorized the following property value adjustments because of conditions that had not been brought to the attention of the Tax Department: Little, James Best Seavy, Carolyn S. $4,940 $6,760 The Commissioners granted Citizen/Disability Exclusion as Administrator: the following recommended by senior the Tax () O'Brien, Lorraine $12,000 A letter explaining the late filing is available upon request in the Tax Department. Release of Tax Listing Penalty to Landmark organization, Inc. The Commissioners released a listing penalty, as recommended by the Tax Administrator, resulting from an audit of Landmark Organization, Inc. due to a clerical error made by the County in assigning the acquisition year for trending schedules. Authorization for Private Sale of Property Jointly Owned by the City and County - Tax Parcel R04809033006000 The Commissioners authorized the resale of jointly owned City/County property located at 1006 North 4th street obtained through a tax foreclosure action against Joseph Lee, etal. Mr. Arnold P. Cowan, a former part owner, has requested to purchase the property through a private sale as outlined in G.S. 105-376(c) at an offer of $1,354.28. This amount will cover City/County foreclosure costs and payment of 1991 taxes on the property. Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0166 - Water & Sewer Engineering The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment () 92-0166 Water & Sewer Engineering Debit Credit Sewer Operatinq Fund Appropriated Fund Balance contribution - Builders $136,087 $ 37,625 Water & Sewer Enqineerinq Other Improvements $173,712 Purpose: To budget the builder's contribution for construction of the sewer system. The County is paying part of the cost of constructing the Raintree Development system to assure that the lines are larger than required so they can be used in the county- wide sewer system. Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0165 - Health Department The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 92-0165 Health Department/Family Planning/Children's special Health Services Debit Credit Health Department/Familv Planninq Family Planning Grant Department supplies () $15,434 $15,434 Health Department/Children's Special Health Services Children's special Health Services Salaries and Wages $ 1,200 $ 1,200 Purpose: To budget additional State funds for departmental supplies and temporary salary for a part-time clerk. No County funds are required. . . . ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 21, 1992 PAGE 889 Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0164 - Finance Department/Health Department The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 92-0164 Health Finance Department - Health Department/Environmental Debit Credit Finance Department Other $700 Health Department/Environmental Health Capital Outlay - Equipment $700 Purpose: To budget insurance reimbursement for VCR that was damaged by the postal service. Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0170 - Water & Sewer Engineering The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 92-0170 - Water & Sewer Engineering Debit Credit Sewer Operating Fund Appropriated Fund Balance contributions - Developers $92,726 $34,295 Water & Sewer Enqineerinq Other Improvements $127,021 Purpose: To set up the budget for cost of obtaining the pump station for the Cedar Island North Subdivision. The County is paying part of the cost of constructing the pump station for the Cedar Island North Subdivision to assure that the capacity is greater than required so it can be used by the county-wide sewer system. Acceptance of Additional AAA Title III-B and Title III-C Funds and Related Budget Amendment #92-1068 - Department of Aging The Commissioners accepted additional Title III-B and Title III-C funds with authorization for the County Manager to execute the documents. The following Budget Amendment was approved: 92-0168 Aging Department/Administration & Transportation Debit Credit Aqinq Department/Administration Social Services - Federal/State $1,115 Aqinq Department/Transportation Contracted Services $1,115 Purpose: To budget additional AAA funds received for the Transportation Program. Acceptance of N.C. State university Grant and Approval of Budget Amendment #92-0169 - cooperative Extension Service The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment and accepted a $500 grant from N. C. State University to develop a composting site in the Arboretum and to select 4-6 Master Gardeners to work with composting in their neighborhoods: 92-0169 cooperative Extension Service Debit Credit Cooperative Extension Service State Grant (Composting) $500 Departmental Supplies Training/Travel $350 $150 ~ ( r I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 21, 1992 PAGE 890 Purpose: To budget the N. C. state University Grant in the amount of $500. Adoption of Resolution Awarding Bid #92-0308 (Contract #92-0308) to Newbold's Carolina BBQ & Seafood, Inc. for Nutrition Services - Department of Aging The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding the bid to Newbold's Carolina BBQ & Seafood, Inc., the only bidder, for Nutrition Services under Title III of the Older American Act in the amount of $2.73 per meal for Congregate and Home Delivered Meals. The Chairman was authorized to execute the contract documents. () A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 34. Adoption of Resolution to Enter Into a Reciprocal Agreement with the City of High Point, North Carolina, for the Qualification and certification of Journeyman Electricians The Commissioners adopted a resolution entering into a reciprocal agreement with the City of High Point for the qualification and certification of journeyman electricians as recommended by the Inspections Department. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 34. Adoption of Resolution Adding Roads in Weatherwood Subdivision to the State Highway System The Commissioners adopted a resolution adding the following roads in Weatherwood Subdivision to the State Highway System: Mintwood Court, Red Bay Court, Spicewood Street Lupine Court, Garden Astor Court, Rushwood Court and Low Bush Court (Div. File #639-N) () A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 34. ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT EXCELLENCE AWARD FROM POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH, AND JERNIGAN, INC. FOR THE CELL NO. 2 CLOSURE PROJECT AT THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY LANDFILL Chairman Mathews, on behalf of the Board, accepted the Project Excellence Award for the design of the closure of Cell No. 2 at the Landfill presented by Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan and extended congratulations to Director of Environmental Management, Ray Church, and his Staff for receiving this outstanding recognition. Director of Environmental Management, Ray Church, complimented the employees of the department for performing exceptional work. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT #92-0297 WITH LS3P ARCHITECTS, LTD., FOR PARK MASTER PLANNING AND ENGINEERING SERVICES Director of Parks & Recreation, Mike Waters, requested approval of a contract with LS3P Architects, Ltd. for the provision of park master planning and engineering services. After review by the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board of proposals received, the firm of LS3P Architects, Ltd. in association with the local engineering firm of Andrew and Kuske is recommended. He stated the master plan will require a great deal of public input as well as full utilization of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. () commissioner Retchin inquired as to whether the contracted amount of $37,500 is for design work? Deputy County Manager, Mary Gornto, stated additional funds will be expended as follows: $37,500 for Phase I, the Master Planning phase and conceptional design; and Phase II development of design, construction documents, and project observation based upon a percentage of the actual construction cost. ~ -.., i.~ . ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 21, 1992 PAGE 891 commissioner Retchin inquired as to whether there is a schedule of fees for the additional work? Deputy County Manager Gornto stated the fee for the additional work is 10% of the actual construction cost. Vice-Chairman Greer inquired as to why change orders would have to be negotiated as written in the contract if the fee is based on 10% of the actual construction cost? . county Attorney Copley stated this is standard language used in County contracts; however, the contract can be amended to provide that the 10% of actual construction cost plus the $37,500 will be the total amount paid to LS3P for the two phases of work to be performed. Motion: After further discussion, commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to award the contract to LS3P as amended to provide for payment of $37,500 plus 10% of the actual construction cost for work performed in both phases of the project contingent upon final approval by the County Attorney. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the contract is on file in the Legal Department. commissioner Sutton requested an update on the bond issue for the purchase of park lands and the development of park sites in order to know the exact amount of funds expended to date. Deputy County Manager Gornto stated a status report will be prepared and forwarded to the Board detailing the funds expended. . ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION URGING THE NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO ASSUME FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL ENERGY COSTS Deputy County Manager Gornto requested adoption of a resolution urging the 1992 General Assembly to assume financial responsibility for public school energy costs and to reconsider their action in 1991 to phase-out state funding for this expense. commissioner Retchin stated the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners has adopted a resolution supporting this effort and will urge the General Assembly to reconsider their previous action. Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Mathews to adopt the resolution as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 34. R~PORT ON FIRE CODE ENFORCEMENT Inspections Director, Sky Conklin, presented a status report on the Fire Code Enforcement Division and listed the following accomplishments during the past fiscal year: -The new Fire Inspector has been hired and has completed one of the two mandated training courses. . -The Senior Building Inspector has been transferred from the Building Division. The responsibility for all life safety systems is now being handled by this person. This is a major task which consumes 90%. of his time. -The County Code has been modified to meet the State requirement authorizing local authority of the permitting system. The County Code changes also reflect the new organizational structure of the Inspections Department and the expanded duties of the Fire Marshal. Civil penalty citation authority for Fire Code enforcement was included in these changes. ~ ( I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 21, 1992 PAGE 892 -The inspection and permit forms have been developed and are in the process of being printed. Receipt of these forms will activate the start of the formal permitting and inspection of hazardous occupancies and places of assembly. -The Fire Marshal has been a much in demand resource as the state has wrestled with the task of developing course curriculum for Fire Code Inspectors and training programs for course instructors. -since July 1, the following inspections have been completed: 19 day care centers 11 county schools 50 commercial verifications 250 random and follow up inspections 96 sprinkler and firm alarm systems 25 foster care centers 26 county buildings 13 adult care centers -The Fire Marshal has responded to and performed fire investigation services on 37 different incidents since July 1, 1991. Each of these required a detailed report to law enforcement agencies, insurance companies, and the Fire and Rescue Division of the Department of Insurance. This division has been the source of information (in the area of ISO requirements and Department of Insurance rating inspections requirements) for eight volunteer fire departments. Pursuant to the Department of Insurance requirements, this off ice receives all fire reports from each fire department on a monthly basis. These reports are placed into the computer and a copy is forwarded to the Department of Insurance on a quarterly basis. All fire departments receive a printed summary of the calls in their respective jurisdiction on a quarterly basis and a yearly basis. The statistics provide information for formulation of fire prevention programs with a focus on the local fire problems. There have been in excess of 1,000 fire reports filed from July 1, 1991. Chairman Mathews inquired as to whether fire inspections are announced. Fire Marshal, Chris Elrod, stated most inspections are unannounced with the exception of industries requiring security access. commissioner Barfield commented on the fire inspection fees to be collected effective July 1, 1992, and inquired as to why these funds will be placed in the general fund instead of reverting back to Inspections for payment of the Fire Marhsal's salary and the new fire enforcement operation? He also commented on the concern expressed by the Board of Fire Commissioners for growth of this program and stated the Fire Commissioners recommend earmarking one cent of the Fire District tax for operation of this program in order to avoid future loss of revenue to the volunteer fire departments. Deputy County Manager Gornto stated discussion has been held on the utilization of Fire District tax revenues to pay for a portion of the fire enforcement work; however, the Inspections portion would not come from these funds, only fire investigation costs incurred would be appropriated from Fire District revenues. Staff will be glad to monitor future needs of the new program and prepare funding recommendations considering the possibility of earmarking a portion of the Fire District tax to pay for this service, if necessary. Discussion was held on fees imposed for the lack of fire alarms and blocked fire exits. Fire Marshal Elrod stated when a ~ () () () ~ ':1~ i-~' ,.' ~ , c. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 21, 1992 PAGE 893 blocked exit is found, a fine is immediately imposed with closure of the building, if necessary, until the exit is opened. Chairman Mathews, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the Fire Marshal and Director of Inspections for an excellent report. . MEETING CONVENED FROM REGULAR SESSION TO HOLD A MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sutton to convene from Regular Session to hold a meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Equalization & Review. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews convened from Regular Session at 9:59 A.M. Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to reconvene to Regular Session. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews reconvened to Regular Session at 10:09 A.M. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION REPEALING ARTICLE II, SECTION 8.5-16 AND SECTION 8.5-21, CONTROL OF CHILDHOOD LEAD POISONING IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE Environmental Health Director, Diane Harvell, requested repeal of Article II, section 8.5-16 and section 8.5-21, Control of Childhood Lead Poisoning, since recently enacted legislation by the N. C. General Assembly for the prevention and control of lead poisoning in children preempts the local County Ordinance. . Motion: commissioner Sutton MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to repeal Article II, section 8.5-16 and Section 8.5-21, Control of Childhood Lead Poisoning, in the New Hanover County Code as requested by the Board of Health. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING CONVENED FROM REGULAR SESSION TO HOLD A MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Mathews to convene from Regular Session to hold a Regular Meeting of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews convened from Regular Session at 10:12 A.M. Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sutton to reconvene to Regular Session. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews reconvened to Regular Session at 10:24 A.M. BREAK Chairman Mathews called for a break from 10: 24 A.M. until 10:36 A.M. . COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointment of Dr. Vivian-Sue Penn to Serve on the New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Chairman Mathews opened the floor to receive nominations for filling one unexpired term on the Library Advisory Board. commissioner Retchin nominated Dr. Vivian-Sue Penn, which was seconded by Commissioner Sutton. Vice-Chairman Greer nominated William A. Caster, which was seconded by Chairman Mathews. ~ ( MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 21, 1992 PAGE 894 There being no further nominations, Chairman Mathews declared the nominations closed. Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sutton to appoint Dr. Vivian-Sue Penn to fill the unexpired term of Frederick Jacobs on the Library Advisory Board. The term is to expire August 31, 1992. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Retchin commissioner Sutton () Voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Greer Chairman Mathews POSTPONEMENT OF COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT TO THE SOUTHEASTERN CENTER FOR MENTAL HEALTH, DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES Commissioner Barfield requested postponement of this appointment until further discussion can be held with members of the Southeastern Center Board with reference to reducing the number of board members. Motion: Commissioner Barf ield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sutton to postpone this appointment for further discussion of this matter with the Southeastern Center Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Adoption of Resolution Urging the General Assembly to Correct Funding Inequity to Mental Health Centers Commissioner Retchin commented on the inequity of funding to 20 mental health centers representing 43 counties throughout the State and requested the Board to adopt a resolution urging the North Carolina General Assembly to correct this underfunding in order for New Hanover County and other underfunded counties to provide the same level of services as being provided in counties receiving their fair share. () commissioner Sutton recommended amending the resolution to urge the General Assembly and N. C. Department of Human Resources to correct the funding inequity. Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sutton to adopt the resolution contingent upon the resolution being amended to urge the General Assembly and North Carolina Dep~rtment of Human Resources to correct the funding inequity and to request other underfunded counties to adopt similar resolutions. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 34. Approval of Funding Request to the Military Affairs Committee Chairman Mathews requested approval of funding in the amount of $750 to the Military Affairs Committee to sponsor a reception for the officers and crew of the "HMS Polar Circle", Royal Navy, arriving in Wilmington on April 22, 1992. Chairman Mathews emphasized the financial benefits received by merchants when these ships visit the Port. () Deputy County Manager Gornto suggested approving the funding request up to $750. Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to approve funding up to $750 to the Military Affairs Committee for sponsoring a reception for the officers and crew of the "HMS Polar circle", Royal Navy. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~ . . . -.., - td~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 21, 1992 PAGE 895 EXECUTIVE SESSION Deputy County Manager Gornto requested an Executive Session to discuss the acquisition of property. Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Mathews to convene to Executive Session to discuss property acquisition. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews convened to Executive Session at 10:31 A.M. Motion: Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner sutton to reconvene to Regular Session. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews reconvened to Regular Session at 11:44 A.M. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO PURCHASE A SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM Motion: As discussed in Executive Session, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner sutton to adopt a resolution to purchase a sewage collection system from Cape Fear utilities Company, Inc. and Masonboro utilities Company, Inc. in the amount of $753,872, and to schedule a Public Hearing for Monday, May 4, 1992, at 6:30 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, to consider an installment purchase contract. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XIX, Page 34. ADJOURNMENT Motion; Commissioner Sutton MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 11:48 A.M. Respectfully submitted, ~v/y~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board ~