1992-05-13 Work Session ~ MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, MAY-13, 1992 PAGE 913 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a joint Work Session with the Wilmington City Council on Wednesday, May 13, 1992, in the Council Chambers of the city Hall, 102 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. . Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Fred Retchin; William H. Sutton; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. City Council Members present were: Councilman J. D. Causey; councilman Hamilton E. Hicks, Jr.; Councilman Luther H. Jordan; Councilman Katherine B. Moore; Councilman Richard C. Snyder; Mayor Don, Betz; city Manager, William Farris; City Attorney, Tom Pollard; and City Clerk, Claire Hughes. Mayor Betz and Chairman Mathews called the respective boards to order and welcomed all persons present. Mayor Betz stated at the request of Councilman Hicks, the j oint meeting has been scheduled to discuss items of mutual concern, particularly the possible merger of the City and County Planning Departments and Parks and Recreation Departments. DISCUSSION ON MERGER OF CITY AND COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENTS County Manager O'Neal stated the County and City staff have been exploring the possibility of consolidating the Planning Departments with preparation of a draft interlocal agreement that could serve as the vehicle to merge the two departments. The following topics were discussed: . -Formation of a Joint Planninq commission: The existing city Planning Commission and the County Planning commission would be eliminated with one joint Planning Commission formed. This Commission would have seven members, three appointed by the county Commissioners and three members appointed by the City with the appointment of a seventh member rotating between the County and City. Terms would be for three years with a limit of no more than two consecutive terms. There would be no residency requirements. The joint commission would perform the same basic functions as currently performed by the City and County Planning commissions. -Administration: A joint County/City Planning Department would be formed by transferring most of the present City Planning staff to the County. All of the Planning staff would report to a Planning Director, and the joint department would operate under County administrative requirements. Although actual decisions concerning hiring, evaluations, and terminations would be the responsibility of the County Manager, all such decisions would be made in close consultation with the city Manager. . -The joint Department would function under a Work Program and Budget approved by both the County and City. The Planning Director, with input from the joint Planning commission and in consultation with the County and City Managers, would develop a Work -Program for the coming year. After approval of the Work Program by the city and County Managers, the Planning Director would submit the Work Program to the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners for approval. The preparation of the budget will be coordinated with the review and approval of the Work Program by the City and County Managers with final approval by the Board of County Commissioners and the City Council. -The expenses of the approved budget would be apportioned between the city and County based on an agreed upon formula. ~ ( I MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, MAY 13, 1992 PAGE 914 This formula, which is still being developed, will result in a sharing of the cost savings between the city and County based on criteria of the property tax base and population. County Manager O'Neal stated there are still several questions to be resolved in drafting the interlocal agreement. These include whether or not the city's transportation planning function should be transferred to the joint Planning Department, and where the consolidated department is to be physically housed. It is also important to note that the development of the first year's Work Program will take considerable effort with development of common ordinances and fees. It is felt by both the County and City staff that consolidation of the Planning Departments should be pursued in order to provide a more efficient management of the departments as well as better service to the general public. The implementation date is proposed for January 1, 1993. Commissioner Sutton stressed the importance of responding to the general public, and asked if the number of seven members should be increased to nine? Councilman Hicks stated, as a member of the past joint City/County Planning Commission, the number of seven was adequate at that time. Due to the wide variety of requests, both staff and members of the Commission had to become more focused on the issues and learn to work together as a team. Discussion was held on developing common ordinances. Commissioner Barfield expressed concern for combining the departments without these ordinances in place. Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, stated initially, the joint Planning Commission would address zoning text amendments with code enforcement performed separately by the City and County until common ordinances have been developed. Emphasis was placed on developing a Work Program for the joint department and Planning commission that will adequately address the needs of the City and County. Councilman Hicks stated in the past, items were not clearly identified in the work structure with many city and county residents feeling they were not receiving a fair share of time for their planning needs. Further discussion was held on eventually developing one location where citizens can obtain information and applications for planning, water & sewer, building permits, etc. County Manager O'Neal stated this development should occur in increments. Discussion was held on developing a formula based on criteria of the property tax base and population that will equitably share the cost of a joint Planning commission between the City and County. Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, stated the formula will be based upon a readily measurable criteria population property tax base; for example, when the City annexes a part of the County, their share of the property tax and population will increase proportionately to the County's share; therefore, the City's budget will increase. Discussion was held on hiring, evaluations, and terminations. Commissioner Barfield inquired as to whether the County Manager would be able to make these decisions? County Manager O'Neal stated all decisions of this type would be made by the County Manager in close consultation with the City Manager. Emphasis was placed on the importance of a good working relationship between the City and County Managers. Councilman Hicks inquired as to whether City employees being transferred to the County will maintain the same level of benefits? City Manager Farris stated the City and County benefit programs are very similar; therefore, this should not be a problem. ~ () () () . . . ~ Cff.,t:;.;" MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, MAY 13, 1992 PAGE 915 Councilman Causey asked if the Historic District Commission will be part of the consolidated Planning Commission? City Manager Farris stated this function will be consolidated since it is a part of the City's Zoning Ordinance. There should be no mechanical problems experienced; however, some policy questions may have to be addressed. Discussion was held on the amount of money saved by consolidation of the Planning Departments. It was generally agreed that funds would not be immediately saved; however, the consolidation would become cost-effective in the future. County Manager O'Neal emphasized the importance of common ordinances and regulations that allow New Hanover County to grow and at the same time preserve its quality of life. commissioner Snyder commented on development of a common qrdinance and stated when this occurs, the planning function should become the total responsibility of the County, which will eventually save money. After further discussion, Commissioner Retchin recommended that the City and County Planning Commissions meet to review the proposed interlocal agreement with recommendations and comments being presented to the governing bodies. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Wilmington City Council to pursue consolidating the City and County Planning Departments, and request the City and County Planning Commissions to meet for review of the draft inter local agreement with comments and recommendations being presented to the governing bodies. DISCUSSION ON CONSOLIDATION OF PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENTS Deputy County Manager, Mary Gornto, stated Dr. Sue Combs, Director of the Health, Physical Education and Recreational ~epartment of UNC-W, along with other faculty members, is performing a study of merging the Parks and Recreation Departments. Prior to the study, City and County staff developed a primary objective for the consolidation of facilities, services, and organizational structures that will result in efficiency, equitable cost sharing, and better services within "existing resources". Emphasis was placed on the preparation of a study that would not require additional expenditures and personnel. The following activities have been performed: -Comprehensive inventory of public and private recreational facilities and programs in the community. -Survey on use of current facilities. -Analysis of inventory and survey by UNC-W staff. Initial findings by UNC-W should be prepared by May 26, 1992, with a final report completed by the first of June. The report will include recommendations for the entity to be established; services to be provided for programs, facilities, park lands, maintenance; and other unique aspects of both City and County Parks & Recreation Departments. Also, the study will present recommendations on administration, personnel, budget & funding, fees & charges, .legal structure, property ownership, and the advantages and disadvantages of consolidating the departments. Mayor Betz inquired as to whether January 1, 1994, would be a more appropriate target date than January 1, 1993. Assistant County Manager Gornto stated if the report is acceptable to both governing bodies, the program could possibly be implemented by January 1, 1993. ~ ( ( I MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, MAY 13, 1992 PAGE 916 commissioner Barfield inquired as to whether staff will be reduced with the proposed consolidation, and, if so, he strongly feels that employees should be notified. City Manager Farris stated city employees are aware of discussions being held on the possible merger and the changes that could occur; however, at this time, it is impossible to predict these changes. councilman Snyder stated consolidation of the Parks & Recreation Departments does not always mean a reduction in staff. () commissioner Barfield inquired as to why both governing bodies are considering merging of this department or any other department if money is not going to be saved? councilman Youngblood agreed with Commissioner Barfield and stated he would like to see some cost effectiveness in terms of staff, equipment, and maintenance. Mayor Betz emphasized the importance of receiving the report from UNC-W which could reflect a duplication of services as well as reflect how a consolidated department can provide better services in a more cost-effective manner. He also commented on the possibility of utilizing the private sector for operation of some of the facilities. commissioner Retchin emphasized the importance of moving forward with the merger of the both the Planning and Parks & Recreation Departments and stated these mergers will provide better services to our citizens as well as save money for the taxpayers in the future. In summary, it was generally agreed that consolidation of these departments should be pursued. () REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES SUBMITTED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS county Manager O'Neal discussed and presented the following legislative priorities of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners: -Reimbursements for repealed local revenues and state-shared revenues. -Increased county responsibility for safekeeper prisoner upkeep. -A proposed state surcharge on county solid waste facilities. -Recommendations from the N. c. Sentencing commission which would revise the felony and misdemeanant sentencing structure. -Restructuring of the state's system for enforcing child support enforcement so that one agency would oversee this function. commissioner Retchin stated the N. C. Department of Corrections has initiated legislation that would charge counties medical costs for prisoners held by the state retroactive for a period of five years. counties feel the proposed legislation is most unfair and will appreciate any support given in opposition to the proposed legislation. He also encouraged the City to support passage of HB 916, a bill lito provide that distributions and reimbursements to local governments shall be provided by earmarking rather than by appropriation, and to remove the cap on these distributions and reimbursements that was adopted in 1991". The bill was introduced by Representative Ann Barnes of Orange County. () ~ . . . ~ .~.p. it' ~: ' MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, MAY 13, 1992 PAGE 917 REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE GOALS SUBMITTED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES City Manager Farris presented the following goals submitted by the League of Municipalities: -Emphasis on restoring repealed local revenues and state- shared revenues. -Land Use Planning. Efforts are being made to erode local authority over zoning and outdoor advertising. -Support for continuation of the housing Trust Fund. -continuation of Clean Water Loan and Grant Fund. -State assistance with the creation of market for recyclable materials. DISCUSSION OF LOBBYING COMMITTEE Councilman Youngblood recommended establishing a lobbying group composed of County Commissioners and city Councilmen to visit Raleigh on a regular basis when the General Assembly is in session. Emphasis was placed on the lobbying success of the Piedmont and the importance of forming a group to represent our area. DISCUSSION OF CITY APPOINTMENT TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABU~E TASK FORCE Commissioner Barfield inquired as to whether the City has appointed a representative to serve on the New Hanover County Alcohol and Drug Task Force? Mayor Betz stated the City has taken this matter under advisement, but no appointment has been made. DISCUSSION ON MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL YARDS Vice-Chairman Greer stated when considering consolidation of the Parks & Recreation Departments, staff may wish to consider utilizing this group for maintenance of schools grounds. REMARKS FROM SENATOR ELECT LUTHER JORDAN Senator Elect Jordan expressed appreciation for support in the election, and stated he will endeavor to work very closely with local governments while serving in the North Carolina Senate. DISCUSSION ON THE POSSIBLE MERGER OF DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENTS Councilman Hicks requested both governing bodies to consider the possibility of merging the City and County Data Processing Departments, particularly with the similarity of functions and the cost of equipment. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Mathews commented on the success of the meeting and expressed appreciation to the City Council for hosting the Work Session. Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 9:20 A.M. <!es~ ctfully submitted, -~ Y/~ Lu . _F. Harrell Clerk to the Board ~