1988-03-19 Budget Work Session ~ 84 .~~~ ~:':~~c':-?~:t~ ."..."-~.-"~ ~ .";;' . ,~ .:.: _ "'14~~. -" ~ ,,~ \ .... -'~"'. ...,'" '~.. : e . ~. . ..-~':.~.:::~ -..;'L~ ,....;. MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MARCH 19, 1988 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Budget Work Session on March 19, 1988, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the NCO Club at the Fort Fisher Air Force Base. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman, Nolan O'Neal; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney, Robert W. pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. I Harrell. Chairman Dolan was absent. Vice-Chairman O'Neal called the meeting to order welcoming all present. DISCUSSION OF 1988/89 BUDGET ?ROCESS County Manager Couper expressed appreciation to the commissioners for the opportunity to discuss the 1988/89 budget process. He stated all budget requests have been received from County departments and calculated into the documents presented with the exception of the Sheriff's request for additional positions and the school budget. He stated based on the current tax rate of $0.71 plus anticipated growth and the cost of debt service for the museum bonds, which would require a one cent tax increase, the proposed budget was computed on a $0.72 tax rate. County Manager Cooper requested direction from the Board as to weather to continue processing the budget at the $0.72 tax rate or at the current rate of $0.71. Discussion was held on the Museum bond issue with the Director of Finance presenting and discussing the following estimated revenues and expenditures for the coming year: 1. ESTIMATED NEW REVENUE OVER THE CURRENT YEAR BASED ON $0.72 I $2,657,714 2. MAJOR NEW EXPENDITURES WITH PRIORITIES TO BE ESTABLISHED a. 5% cost-of-living County employees. increase for $ 905,000 b. Termination of SAFE Program which will require funding for seven (7) positions in the Sheriff's Department, plus supplies, and operations of the SAFE unit's vehicle. f. Retirement supplement of 401(k) Plan for employees years or more service. 3% to the with 10 140,226 90,322 85,621 194,997 81,813 I c. Receiving Home for abused, neglected or dependent children. d. Branch Library at Monkey Junction. e. NRCD Repayment of AmHoist Grant. e. Solid Waste Management Plan funding a Recycling Coordinator and Collections Coordinator plus $20,000 in 'equipment. 96,331 Discussion was held on budget priorities, establishing the tax rate for current year, and definition of the "Fund Balance". County Manager Cooper presented a list of major ~ ~ MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MARCH 19, 1988 (CONTINUED) ~85 County Departments with increased budget requests. Commissioner Retchin commented on the budget request submitted by the Department of Social Services stating the Board of Social Services had directed staff to go back through the budget to reduce costs stating funds requested for the Receiving Home had already been reduced from $90,322 to $79,000. I Discussion was held on the Receiving Home for abused and neglected children being placed under the Department of Social Services. 'Commissioner Barfield expressed concern for placing this home under an institutional type of environment stating clients react better under other environmental conditions. Discussion was held on the increasing number of posi tions required by the Department of Social Services. Commissioner Barfield recommended hiring an outside consultant firm to perform a study of positions and overall operations. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request the County Manager to prepare a request for proposals to be issued to qualified firms to conduct a comprehensive study of the operations and personnel of the Department of Social Services. I Discussion was held on the proposed 5% cost-of-living increase. Commissioner Corbett expressed concern for an across-the-board increase stating he felt this method of raising salaries was not equitable. Finance Director Atkinson stressed the importance of keeping the entire pay schedule in line with other schedules outside of county government in order to compete and keep qualified personnel. Commissioner Barfield expressed concern for the gap between lower level employees and supervisors. Personnel Director Mallette stated the Personnel Department has been reviewing, on a rotating basis, the various classifications of positions upgrading the service, technical, and clerical classifications. He also commented on the fact that the County's pay schedule is 10-15% below entry level salaries in other areas. After further discussion, . County Manager Cooper stated he would submit an overall plan that will address lower paid employees and entry level salaries. After discussion of holding the line and maintaining the same tax rate as last year with exception of the one cent increase for the Museum expansion, Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman O'Neal to request the County Manager to prepare a budget based on a tax rate of $0.72 per $100 of property value with the understanding that the additional one cent increase in the tax rate will cover the first payment on the $4.2 million bond issue for expansion of the New Hanover County Museum. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Corbett Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman O'Neal I Absent: Chairman Dolan County Manager Cooper stated he would present a budget based on a tax rate of $0.72 reflecting his priorities with a separate schedule showing other priorities and costs involved. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barfield MOVED, Corbett to adjourn. Upon vote, FOLLOWS: SECONDED by the MOTION Commissioner CARRIED AS Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield ~ 8'6 MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, MARCH 19, 1988 (CONTINUED) Commissioner Corbett Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman O'Neal Absent: Chairman Dolan )0~e?~=ted' ~ F. Harrell Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 21, 1988 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, March 21, 1988, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman, Nolan O'Neal; Chairman, John M. Dolan; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Dolan called the meeting to order. Reverend Shelly Fogleman Commander John Belk lead the Allegiance to the Flag. gave the audience in invocation and the Pledge of NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Dolan asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or an item listed on the Consent Agenda. The following items were discussed. POSTPONEMENT OF ITEM ft: 7 , CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUANCE OF BONDS BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AUTHORITY TO INTERROLL CORPORATION Mr. Wallace Murchison, Attorney representing the New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority, requested postponement of this item until the first meeting in April since final approval has not been received from the North Carolina Department of Commerce. Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman O'Neal to postpone Item #7 until April 4, 1988, as requested by Attorney Murchison. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. William Funderburg, a resident of Castle Hayne, expressed concern for this item being postponed on March 9, 1988, at which time it was advertised as a Public Hearing and listed on tonight's agenda as a regular item. He requested the item be placed on the April 4, 1988, agenda as a Public Hearing due to the fact that the first Public Hearing was flawed and did not give ample notice since offices were closed during the Christmas holidays. Mr. Funderburg stated a telegram dated March 12, 1988, was forwarded to Mr. William Dunn, Deputy Secretary of the N. C. Department of Commerce, requesting a second Public Hearing and as of this date he had not received a reply. The ~ n n o